THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUES8DAYDECEMBER 17, 1940 _. Letters To The Editor Treat THE REPLY CHURLISH By TOUCHSTONE Education, Opera, Swimming) Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Bubscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO " BOSTON + LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor * . . .Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . , . . Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor . Sports Editor . . . . .Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: A. P. BLAUSTEIN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Anti-Strike Legislation- Is It Fair To Labor? 0 0 * NDICATIONS FROM WASH[NG- TON are that anti-shike laws may be passed in the near future to curb the ac- tivities of labor groups working in national, defense industries. Strikes would be prohibited or severely limited in extent so that defense needs would not be slowed down by lack of workers. Congress is basing its anti-strike laws on the facts already in existence. There have been strikes at several Army and Navy yards and the latest flareup was at the Vultee factory on the west coast. In each case the strike has tied up orders which 'the Army, Navy and Air Corps consider essential for national defense. In considering anti-strike legislation, Congress hopes to keep war industries going at top speed. But so far only one side of the issue has been discussed, labor's end of things. -How about the employers, the manufacturers. What will be done to see that they keep their end of the bar- gain? If labor's right to strike is removed, they must have concrete assurance that capital will not abuse the hold it will inevitably have if labor is prevented from action. In other words, how can labor know that employers will not take unfair advantage of the proposed laws? AND LABOR has good reason to fear the con- sequences of anti-strike legislation. Cer- tainly labor has been greedy to make as much as possible out of the war industries. But the manufacturers' slate is no cleaner. It was the aircraft companies who prevented national de- fense work from an early start by their demand for, exorbitant profit on the vast government orders. It was the aircraft companies who de- mtanded concessions which would throw the national government unnecessarily further into debt. Even after the fact was made clear that new plants would be built at federal expense, and would become the property of the private concerns, the manufacturers still were unwill- ing, in many cases, to take government orders. These are the men in whom labor must put its faith if the anti-strike laws are passed. These are the men who will determine wages and hours, beyond present legislation. These are the men who will control labor's future in the war industries manufacturing. , F there is yet a sense of democracy and equal- ity in this country, Congress will pass paral- lel laws regulating the manufacturers employing these men who cannot strike. Congress must provide for them just as adequately as it pro- vides for the continued speed of the national defense projects. -Eugene Mandeberg Rereading Horace Mann To the Editor: I trust you can find some space on your edi- torial page for the enclosed quotation from Hor- ace Mann. It may do some good to hear again the voice of one who spoke when America was still promises. If a first reading does not bring out its significance and applicability, please give it a second reading. - B. B. "Education is to inspire the love of truth, as the supremest good, and to clarify the vision of the intellect to discern it. We want a gen- eration of men above deciding great and eternal principles, upon narrow and selfish grounds. Our advanced state of civilization has evolved many complicated questions respecting social duties. We want a generation of men capble of taking up these complex questions, and of turning all sides of them towards the sun, and of examining them by the white light of reason, and not under the false colors which sophistry may throw upon them. "We want no men who will change, like the vanes of our steeples, with the course of the popular wind; but we want men who, like moun- tains, 'will change the course of the wind. We want no more of those patriots who exhaust their patriotism, in lauding the past; but we want patriots who will do for the future what the past has done for us. We want men cap- able of deciding, not merely what is right in principle, that is often the smallest part of the case; -but we want men capable' of deciding what is right in means, to accomplish what is right in principle. We want men who will speak to this great people in counsel, and not in flat- tery. "We want godlike men who can tame the mad- ness of the times, and, speaking divine words in a divine spirit, can say to the raging of human passions, 'Peace, be still;' and usher in the calm of enlightened reason and conscience. Look at our community, divided into so many parties and factions, and these again subdivided, on all questions of social, national, and international duty; -while, over all stands, almost unheeded, the sublime form of Truth, eternally and indis- solubly ONE! Nay, further, those who do not agree in thought who agree in words. Their unanimity is a delusion. It arises from the im- perfection of language. Could men, who sub- scribe to the same forms of words, but look into each other's minds, and see, there, what fea- tures their own idolized doctrines wear, friends would often start back from the friends they have loved, with as much abhorrence as from the enemies they have persecuted. "Now, what can save us from endless con- tention, but the love of truth? What can save us and our children after us, from eternal, im- pecable, universal war, but the greatest of all human powers, -the power of impartial thought? Many, -may I not say most, -of those great questions, which make the present age boil and seethe, like a caldron, will never be set- tled, until we havesa generation of men who were educated, from childhood, to seek for truth and to revere justice . . . Teach children, if you will, to beware of the bite of a mad dog; but teach them still more faithfully, that no horror of water is so fatal as a horror of truth, because it does not come from our leader or our party." - Horace Mann (1838) Ohioan On Swimming Schedules To the Editor: The Daily Double has for some time been bemoaning ithe fact that the rest of the Con- ference is dodging the scheduling of Michigan's National Collegiate Swimming Champs. Such practices if allowed to continue, writes Mr. Wirt- chafter, will set a precedent allowing the weaker members of the Big Ten to avoid meeting the stronger members of the Conference. As to precedent setting, it would seem that Michigan is the guilty party. In 1939 after his team had won both the Big Ten and the National Collegiate crowns for the umpteenth time, Matt Mann decided not to enter a team in the National AAU meet. "My boys have had enough swimming for oe year," said Matt, "it's time they settled down to a little studying." Immediately the Ohio State paper began howling about Mann's being afraid to enter a team because he knew that in the AAU meet Michigan would take a licking since Al Patnik and Earl Clark would pile up an impreg- nable lead in the two diving events. Of course, the Sports Staff poo-poohed the idea that Ohio State would have beaten the Wolverines if they had deigned to enter the meet. In fact, Sports Editor Mel Fineberg went so far as to figure out on paper exactly how the meet would have gone if Michigan had entered. His calculations had the Wolves in first place by several points. A year later, after his "greatest team I've ever coached" had won the Big Ten and Na- tional titles again, Matt Mann took his victor- ious team to New York where they stayed for ONE WEEK practicing for the AAU meet which they eventually won. When the Wolverines entered the meet, Sports Editor Fineberg wrote in his column that he was expecting more trou- ble from the Ohio State paper. To my know- ledge, no comment was forthcoming in the Buckeye journal. Well, the point is, that in '39, when there was a reasonable doubt about Michigan's ability to win the AAU meet, Matt Mann did not enter a team with the explanation that he didn't want his boys to miss too much school work.. In '40, To The Daily, Thanks To the Editor: I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly thank you for the Daily's cooperation in putting over this year's Union Opera. We appreciate the space you allotted to our venture, and the fair review that followed our opening night. The Mimes production committee would also like to thank all non-members who offered their services off and on the stage. Acknow- ledgment is also due to the Varsity Men's Glee Club, which gave up a good deal of its rehearsal time to practice as a unit for the "Take A Num- ber" scenes. And finally, a last and most important vote of thanks goes to the Michigan campus which supported the opera to the extent of a sell-out for all five performances, and which has insured our continuing the opera tradition next year. We of Mimes feel that the opera is not ex- clusively our dramatic society's or the Union's show, but is primarily Michigan's varsity show, and it is with this in mind that we are starting next year's plans. We hope in 1942 to give the opera national importance. - Jack Silcott, '40, chairman English 31 Protests To the Editor: We, the members of English 31, acting upon the suggestion offered by the Committee of History 41, have also formed an independent committee motivated by the same reason - to safeguard the civil liberties of the students on this campus. As the Committee of History 41, we are will- ing to realize that there may be adequate rea- sons for the action taken against the two senior editors of The Daily, the ASU and Margaret Campbell. We cannot help but feel, however, that a certain amount of discrimination has en- tered into these actions. And this discrimina- tion is what we stand against. We should be very much interested in hearing similar expression from other class committees and look forward in the near future to the pos- sible integration of several class committees into an organiz(gl student group for the pro- tection of civil liberties on the campus. - The Committee of English 31 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' To the Editor: Re: Jay McCormick's review of "For Whom the Bell Tolls." You will no doubt receive many letters criti- cizing your review of Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Some of them will no doubt be more authoritative than mine. But at least I have read the book. I think I read it carefully. First I must take issue with your interpreta- tion of the basic idea. You write of the heroic subjugation of self for the ideal. It seems to me that even in the end any subjugation was grudging. Certainly it was up to the last few hours. Notice that in the whole work there is no political discussion - even in the Hotel Gay- lord where the Russians were established. Oc- casionally there was vague reference to "the Republic" or "the movement", nothing more. Certainly there could be no real loyalty or de- votion to a cause without at least a rudimentary understanding. If there were a lack of under- standing then the work would ring true. My contention is that the Spanish masses - es- pecially those engaged in guerrilla combat - did have a beautiful and profound conception of the struggle. Granted ignorance they would have behaved as Hemingway portrays them. Btt they were anything but ignorant. Why this praise of Maria, the "heroine?" She seemed to be about as capable of thought as Dorothy Lamour is of acting. Hemingway seems to have her in the book only for super sexy passion. One critic pointed this out as the sure road to Hollywood. I very much agree with him. But what of the truly vicious political side of the book? Can any critic who has any knowledge of the war let certain of the nastiest lies pass unno- ticed? Whatofathe slander againstmPasionaria? Hemingway says she had a son of military age in the Soviet Union. True, she did, but when the war broke out that son returned to fight. How many times does the second half of the story have to be told to stop the story? Perhaps those pages on Andre Marty are even worse - worse because they are prolonged and make more of an impression. Marty, according to Hemingway, makes a hobby of throwing guefV rilla couriers in jail and subsequently shooting them. And just because he wants to know what all the dispatches are about! Hemingway does not mention the fact that it was Marty who was the greatest friend the guerrillas had. It was he who got their supplies across the lines. I suggest, Jay, that you talk to the last remain- ing member of the Abe Lincoln Battalion on this campus. He can tell you a few things about Andre Marty! Since Hemingway is gunning for Hollywood I think he might well go there. He won't have to worry about vulgar politics or even truth there. For you, Jay, I suggest Andre Malraux's "Man's Hope." With literary crankiness, - Roger Lawn Tribute To Lord Lothian Great Britain has lost an extremely able pub- lic servant in the death of Lord Lothian, Am- bassador to the United States, who was pecul- iarly fitted by experience and temperament for the post he had held since shortly before the I hope my readers will betas happy as I am that STARDUST takes over today's column. Besides giving me an extra hour of twilight sleep, her, or his, contribution gives me the pros- pect of a free meal. - Touchstone Dear Mr. Touchstone: One of my infrequent dates who happens to be "in the know" pointed out to me one of your columns of last week in which you asked, among other things, that the mystery per- sonality of Gargoyle take over your Daily space for some future issue. Well, brother scribe, this is it. While refusing to reveal the iden- tity of STARDUST, I nevertheless do intend /to elaborate on some of the contentions which you seem so wraught over. First of all, for a literary personage of your own ob- vious merit - why is it so impossi- ble for you to tell whether my sex is male or female? Surely a writer who knows all the foibles and idio- syncracies of writers should be able to tell whether my feeble efforts bear the rugged characteristics of a burly, chin-whiskered realist, or the gay fantastic imprint of the typically flighty feminine mind. Es- pecially this should be evident to you, whose columns are definitely a prod- uct of a precocious male-child's fer- tile ennui! Yes, sorry, Touchstone, you old baggy-trousered Man, I know you. But enough of the free publicity for both of our little reckoned-with personalities. I imagine that your original invitation to me was mere- ly a solicitation for another Garg- type manuscript on the boy-girl re- lationships in the great American date, What goes on, and who done it. Alright -here's my opportunity to reveal in all due modesty where I garnered the material which al- lows me to set myself up as an au- thority on osculation, the art of dating-and to preview next month's Garg offering-the Way Of A Maid That Fences. (Fencing is always an athletic sport, but not always car- ried on under the supervision of the WAB, you know.) I must admit, at the danger of much protest from Gargoyle's editor Donaldson, who thinks he has an authority in me, that a minimum of my exposition springs from actual experience. I am not a kissless stu- dent - but neither am I a well- kissed specimen. I have done my bit of dating - but I have never missed a bluebook because of a rip-roaring night before. I have even on one or two occasions had to discourage the attentions of an ardent companion - but I can't say I'm overstrained from fencing. As a matter of fact, believe me Touchstone, I have dipped deep into the well of life only through the related experiences of others, or, since I guess I'm not too gullible, through the imagined experiences related by others. Mix this vicarious education with a peculiarly receptive character. and you have STARDUST . . . an average Michiganite with fairly large ears, facile typing fin- gers and nothing to lose whenbher, or his, identity is revealed but a reputation. What amuses me particularly about my job, however, is the ex- cuse it provides me for starting to prove my own articles. It's one thing to dish out the stuff for my monthW- stipend from Donaldson, and it's another to have to practice what I preach. Or have my readers been having the same difficulty? I doubt that they have, for although in my own case I burst out laughing at the crucial moments, remember- ing my own warnings on the par- ticular intimate moment, I DO know that the critical observations I've made and the pointed advice I've given hit home in their given situa- tions. And you can take a world- weary observer's word for it that the biological reaction called 'romance' is just about the same on every cam- pus, in every arboretum. Well, old man Touchstone, that is about all that my copyright con- tracts will allow me to expand upon . . . although you and I have one point to settle. Some day in the near future when the Gargoyle is in desperate straits again and needs boost its circulation, it is going to build up a promotion scheme with mfy identity revealed at the tail end of it. Then you'll know. And at that time, I am going to take you to the Union for dinner of a Sunday eve, and also invite any of the cam- pus intellectuals who can pay their own way. There we will hold court, also holding forth on that most tempting of subjects upon which I have capitalized, Man-Woman stuff. But whether you have to pull out my chair before I sit down to dine, or whether I lend you my pipe to- bacco after yon meal, I cannot say . . . And as someone once declared to the tune of classic verse ... "Only the event shall teach us in its hour." -Stardust TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1940 t VOL. L. No. 67E Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds tof loan on modern, well-located, Ann Arbor residential property. Inter- est at current rates. F.H.A. terms1 available. .Apply Investment Office,1 Room 100, South Wing, UniversityI Hall. Public Health Assembly: Dr. Lon W. Morrey, Supervisor of the Bureau; of Public Relations of the American Dental Association, will be the guest1 speaker at the Public Health Assem- bly today at 4:00 p.m. in the Audi- torium of the W. K. Kellogg InstituteI of Graduate and Postgraduate Den- tistry. The subject of Dr. Morrey's address will be "The Interests and1 Activities of the American Dental As-I sociation in Health Education." All professional students in public healthf are expected to attend. An invitation is extended to all others interested. The Automobile Regulation will bet lifted for the Christmas vacation_ period beginning at 12 noon on Fri- day, Dec. 20, 1940, and will be re-t sumed Monday, Jan. 6, 1941, at 8:00 a.m. Office of The Dean of Students Househeads, Dormitories, Sorori- ties and League Houses: Any student desiring to remain over night Friday, December 20, can be accommodated in the houses but the closing hour willr be 8:00 p.m. Closing hour Thursday will be 10:30 p.m. as usual. Seniors: College of L.S. and A., School of Education, and the Schoolt of Music: Tentative lists of seniors have been posted in Room 4, Uni- versity Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, it is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. To Students of Engineering and ¢hose enrolled in the course of Lec- tures on Naval Subjects. Lieutenant Commander S. N. Pyne, U.S.N. of the Navy Department, wil be in Room 326 West Eng. after 10:00 a.m. on Thurs- day, December 19, for the purpose of meeting students of Naval Architec- ture and Marine Engineering who expect to graduate in February, 1941; and who may be interested in making application for a commission in the Construction Corps of the Naval Re- serve. At 4:00 p.m. he will address those enrolled in the Lecture Course on Naval Subjects, and students of all Engineering branches expecting to graduate in 1941 who may be inter- ested, in Room 348 West. Eng., on the subject of the opportunities off- ered through a commission in the Naval Reserve. Prospective Applicants for the Combined Curricula: Students wish- ing to apply for admission to one of the combined curricula for Septem- ber 1941 should fill out applications for such admission as soon as possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall. The final date for applications is April 20, 1941, but early application is advisable. Pre-medical students should please note that application for admission to the Medical School is not appli- cation for admission to the Combin- ed Curriculum. A separate application should be made out for the consid- eration of the Committee on Com- bined Curricula. Freshmen and Sophomores, Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Elections for the second sem- ester are now being approved by the Academic Counselors. You will be notified by postcard to see your Coun- selor and it will be to your decided advantage to reply to this summons promptly. By so doing, you will be able to discuss your program care- fully with your Counselor and avoid the rush and confusion at the end of the semester. Remember that there-will be no opportunity for you to see your Counselor during the fin- al examination period. Arthur Van Duren Chairman, Academic Counselors Applications in support of research projects: To give the Research Com- mittees and the Executive Board ade- quate time for study of all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support dur- ing 1941-1942 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, January 10, 1941. Later re- quests will, of course, be considered toward the close of the second semes- ter. Those wishing to renew' previous requests whether receiving support or not should so indicate. Applica- tion forms will be mailed or can be obtained at Secretary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham Building, Telephone 331. The Dictaphone Station will re- main open during the University Christmas Vacation. It will be ap- preciated if those desiring work to be completed during the first week of the new year will leave their copy with instructions before December 21. Your co-operation in this matter last year was of much help. International Center: Foreign Stu- dents' Attenion: All foreign students holding student's visas who plan to enter or to pass through Canada dur- ing the Christmas Vacation should see the Counsellor to Foreign Stu- dents at once. Because of the war, special arrangements are necessary. (Continued on Pagd 6) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ART By JOHN MAXON The. second Ann Arbor Art Association's show of the season is a dis- play of abstract photographs lent by New York's Museum of Modern Art, and a collection of drawings by American artists. The show lasts through December twenty-third. That this exhibit cannot be con- ,idered so stimulating as the Asso- ,iation's first show of the season may be laid to one's interest in holiday ictivities at this time, which would swamp any interest in any but the greatest art. More than that, though, ,his exhibition simply does not con- .ain the stuff of excitement. The se- lection of photographs has the air of being thrice familiar, due, no doubt, to the increasing appearance of work of this sort in popular per- iodicals. The drawings seem largely to be a collection of great names, nothing more. In the photgraphic material upon display perhaps the most provoca- tive is the Rayograph, of 1922 by the now almost legendary Man Ray. It is truly abstract in character, its reference to the appearances of the commonplace being well-nigh nil. Edward Weston shows quite straight- forward work in Rock Erosion, Dunes, and Pelican Feathers. This is ab- straction out of completely natural appearances, without any darkroom tricks. The same artist's Shell strong- ly recalls some of the most admired canvases of Georgia O'Keeffe. Ansel Adams shows two photographs of marvelous textural interest, Boat Hulls, and Boards and Thistles. Per- haps the most astonishing of the pho- tographs is the cleverly devised view of Exchange Place, by an anonymous amateur. It seems far more genuine than the much more pretentious work of Moholy-Nagy, also on dis- play. The drawings seem scarcely worthy of comment. They are of sight value. Mahonri Young shows an appealing silver-point, In -Navajo Land, and E. A. Abbey's At the Window is not witjhnilt a certa~in sntime~ntal charm. i 1 F G J 5 x , L RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KH - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 SC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Shui Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver 6:15 Musical Newscast " Evening Serenade 6:30 Inside of Sports Rhumba Orchestra Conga Time Day In Review 6:45 The World Today Lowell Thomas " Texas Rangers 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring val Clare Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Dinner Music Here's Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Holmes Vignettes of Melody Ned Jordan 7:45 Haenschen Orch. " Doc Sunshine 8:00 Missing Heirs Johnny Presents Forty Plus Club Ben Bernie 8:15 Missing Heirs Sentimental C'ncert 8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest FHA Speakers Question Bee 8:45 First Nighter t Interlude; News t 9:00 We, the People Battle of the Sexes Montreal Sy'ph'n3 Grand Central Sta. 9:15 We, the People " oo 9:30 Professor Quiz Fibber McGee to"The Messiah" 9:45 Professor Quiz to 10:00lf Glenn TMfiller BobHohTne NatiJonal Ne?.1tws CC 1 , The City Editor's £iChftc h ll 11