TUJESDAY, SEPTEMBER~ 24, 199:0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P'ACEE T'"EE-SEcTION ONE -- --------- -------------- -- - - - ------- - ---- Early in One of th be released fo Press is "Th ties," by Calv the zoologyx Using mate ly from the1 lections, Mr. a book that i symposium o Have yc MEASUR As easily pound pa ure it exa This seri trait Edlisi charge. Ph son office. Michigan Life Revealed Yearbook To Sel Week's Events I UniversityZoologist's Book At Reduced Price Marked By For Limited Time ' e latest publications to than it is a history. History, how- Local merchants last week declared r sale by the University ever, is not ,neglected, and through Early purchasers of the Michigan- their intention to hold "open house" e First Michigan Fron- the volume runs -a connecting thread ensian, official University year book, on Wednesday, Oct. 2 as part of the in Goodrich, curator in of fact. can save as much as $1.50 and buy program for the observance of Na- museum. One of the features of "The First tional Retail Demonstration week trial gathered principal- Michigan Frontier" is its abundance their copies of the book on a de- from Sept. 30 to Oct. 5. Clements Library's col- of accurate descriptions of the topog- ferred payment plan, Business Man- Included in the six-day program Goodrich has composed raphy, the actual appearance of the ager John Corey, '41, announced yes- is a window shopping contest to be is more a synthesis and land, of early Michigan. Life and terday. held from 7 p.m. Tuesday to mid- )f early Michigan life customs of the Indian residents of night Thursday. Winners will be the state are described by the author, Price of the book has been set at awarded cash prizes amounting to and one chapter is devoted entirely $3.50 until October 12, when a $4 $75. to Chief Pontiac, whom Mr. Good- price ""l1 go into effect until Jan. 11. * * * rich terms "a lesser Caesar." The p e has been set at $4.50 for Members of the local chapter of - -- the period from Jan. 11 to April 28. the British War Relief Society re- Read The Daily Classifieds!t The full price, $5, will be charged newed their drive last Saturday to after April 28. collect clothing and funds to relieve suffering in stricken English zones. - - Mrs. Herber Harley, president of the Society, announced that enoughI r~ funds have already been raised to to purchase two hospital beds and mis- cellaneous accessories for patients. Du ever She asked that all prospective con- ZED YOUR LIGHT? is now located at 218 North State Street jJ tributors communicate with her. as if light were sold in next to Goldman Cleaners. All kinds of ckages, you can meas- yarn for sweaters, sock5, nutlens ice is available to De. 0 needle point, afghans, and rugs. A 2 S. State St. hone your Detroit Edi- FREE INSTRUCTIONS RID ER'S --< <>< <>- In Ann Arbor Sheriff's Death Washtenaw County has temporar- ily been deprived of its chief peace officer by the sudden d6eath of Sher- iff Jacob B. Andres last week. Sheriff Andres was soon to begin his fifth term, having been unop- posed for reelection. This situation created a precedem in county his- tory. The Republican Committee of the county will have to appoint a new candidate before the election date. Installation of 700 new seats was announced by the Whitney Theatre as part of the preparation for its new policy of full time operation in- stead of only on weekends as for- merly. Citizenship day will be held in Washtenaw County with the theme "For Better Americans in a Greater America." The celebration will be dramatized by a pageant-parade. Historical milestones in American progress will be depicted by floats and pageantry. Local bands and a narratory description and interpret- ation of the various floats will aug- ment the program at Yost Field House on Sept, 17. Be Satisfied With A MICIGAN DAILY Classified GREETINGS, CLASS OF 1944 . ..AND OLD TIMERS! i On ,The £tudent 4brut art' MARS HALL Phone 5933 or 9242 E WE DELIVER CUT- ATE RUG 231 South State Street at the head of Liberty Street I'S TOBACCOS DEPENDABLE ALARM CLOCKS Rock-Bottom Price 73c Men's and Wonen's Shoe Trees Adjustable-Fits Any Shoes Extra Heavy Plated 19c American Made GRASS -FABRIC Slispopers Cork Inner Soles Terry Cloth Lining 29c 500 FEATHERSOFT Cleansing Tissues Extra Soft 19c I Dental Needs 50c Butlers Tooth Brush 29c 50c Dr. Lyons Powder 24c 25c SquibbsTooth Paste for 34c .2ic SALE Colates Tooth Powder 40c-20c Sizes - Both for 41c CIGARETTES Shaving ees 35c Prep Shave Cream lic m I I 2 for 25c 0 Carton plus tax 50 PAD MATCHES 5c Prices at Marshall's" I a I 50c Barbasol Cream 23c 20 Schick Inj'ct'r Blades 69c Biggest Value in Town! U of M Sta tionery 75 Sheets 50 Envelopes 39c MAGNIFYING Excellent for Shaving and Make Up! a 2c "Actually the Lowest Possible Tobacco r 50c PROPHYLACTIC HAIR U19c Ir Soap- 4 Bars WOODBURY 40c Value 19c 3 Bars Cashmere Boquet and a Bottle Lotion FREE 22c Sale! 4 Bars SWEETHEART Lowest Price in Town 16c Your Choice LUX - CAMAY Palmolive - Lifebuoy 4 for191 3-Way STUDENT LAMP You Can Have 30-70 or 100 Watt by a twist of the knob! While They Last U of M Swagger Bags Holds Shower Caps, Clogs, etc. $1.25 Value 59c lc GLASS ASH~f TAYS bf 2c 50c Lilac Vegetal SHAVING LOTION 19c f~iS ecials? Pint of MINERAL OIL Sc Pint of Rubbing Alcohol 8c 200 Genuine 5-GRAIN ASPIRINS Pint of WITCH HAZEL 13c TAKEMINE STYLE! Tooth Brushes for 4J3c "Made in U.S.A." :Traveler's Folding Electric ron s ko Drin k n I- . 2c sWhdL They Lat p -- - I YES! We do Deliver! SMK MASTER Jr. 25c Automatic Drop i Phone 5933 Shop by Phone Our Shopping Service by telephone saves you many steps and precious minutes. Phone 5933 Now and "SAVE AT MARSHALL'S" FR EE to U. of M. Students Yours for the asking a Celluloid Case -- leather edged for carrying your official University identification card. Step into MARSHALL'S Today! Electrical Ap Gances Toasters... Hot Plates... Flat Iron . *Hair Dryers ... Coffee Percola tors .. . Bathroom Scales . .. Des Lamps ... Mazda Light Bulbs . . Plugs ... Fuses ... Extension Cord; We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities POSTAGE STAMPS MARHSHALL CUT-R TE DRUG We Will1 Cask YourI