P Weather Light. snow- somiewhat colder. 2 Lift :43aiti Editorial :rlti-strike LeislatiĀ«o- Is it fair To ILabor'. 1 Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1940 Z-323 'PRICE FIVE CENTS FDIR Returns From Cruise To Speed Up Rearmament~ Knudsen May Be Named Defense Commission's Chairman; Emergency Termed Terribly Urgent Tool Makers Urged To Increase Output WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. -()- President Roosevelt returned from a Caribbean cruise today to tackle the problem of speeding up rearmament in a situation described by William S. Knudsen as one of "terrible urg- ency." The Chief Executive came home to find the Capital absorbed -in specu- lation as to whether he might give the chairmanship of the befense Commission, and with it substantial powers over industry, to Knudsen. Many persons close to the defense program advocated such a step; oth- er high officials were as firmly op- posed to any fundamental change in the setup of the Commission, which now has no chairmanl. To many analysts, some major Presidential move seemed fore- shadowed by Mr. Roosevelt's state- ment yesterday that he hoped to visit Warm Springs, Ga., again next spring "if the world survives. 'If World Survives' Knudsen, former president of Gen- eral Motors Corporation and now production' chief for the Defense Commission, spoke grimly in letters made public today to machine tool manufacturers and their employes. Declaring nothing was more vital to the country's welfare just now than to hasten the production of machine tools "desperately needed" to make airplanes, torpedo boat de- stroyers and other weapons, Knud- sen wrote the manufacturers: "'m not telling you how to do your job. But if you could see as I do, from the inside, the terrible urg- ency of the situation, you would agree with me that I am not asking too much in requesting that you use every conceivable effort to speed up delivery and increase the production of machine tools during 1941. Let's forget everything except the welfare of our country. Industry Lauded "The industry as a whole has done practically the impossible in trebling the rate of output in the last two years. I am appealing to you to do the impossible again." In other letters addressed to ma- chine tool workers, and designed for posting on bulletin boards in their plants, Knudsen said they were even more important than soldiers and sailors today because the latter were helpless without munitions. Densmore Team Debates Alpha Nu TodayIn Union Alpha Nu, honorary speech fra- ternity, will debate three-man team representing the Densmore Speakers Club of Detroit, forensic group of business men organized by Prof. G. E. Densmore of the speech department at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. The lawyers and industrialists who have been enrolled in the University Extension speech course will meet the student group on the question: "Resolved: That a Decrease in Fed- eral Power is Advisable." Merle Webb, '41, Don Smith, and Dick Steudal, '42, will make up the Smith, Bernard McKay, and James Gillon will oppose them in the non- decision debate. The public is invited to attend the debate, which is based on a phase of the current Western Conference and national high school debating pro- position. Prof. Hoover Gives Talk Before Economics Club Prof. Edgar M. Hoover, Jr., of the economics department speaking be- fore the Economics Club in Rackham Amphitheatre last night, expressed the belief that' decentralization of defenswa deirahl only from the. Discussion Of Draft Will Open Senate Winter Parley Jan. 10 Contralto Soloist War, And Will Student Activities, Academic Freedom, Be Other Topics The complete agenda for the Stu- dent Senate's annual winter par- ley to be held from Jan. 10 to 12, the first weekend after Christmas vaca- tion, was disclosed yesterday by Rob- ert Warner, '43, chairman of the parley committee. At this date the speakers have not been definitely chosen. The opening session on Friday af- ternoon will be devoted toa discus- sion of the draft. Some prominent state draft official is expected *o discuss the subject in a general way. Then a local draft officer is expected to speak on how the draft affects the university students. Parley lead-. ers also plan to get a professional army man to talk on army life. A nav- al expert and an authority on the aeronautical field will also be present at this forum. Spectators will be 50 University Health Groups To' Meet Here Michigan Doctors To Talk At Twenty-First Annual Conference Dec. 27-28 More than 50 health service organ- ization from university campuses all over the United States will be rep- resented at the twenty-first anni- versary meeting of the American Student Health Association to be held in Ann Arbor on Dec. 27 and 28. This is the first time in the history of the organization that it has held its annual meeting in Ann Arbor. During the two-day sessions in Ann Arbor papers will be read by various members of the Association, among them Dr. John Sundwall, Dr. L. H. Newburgh, Dr. Phillip Jay, Dr. L. Himler and Dr. T. Raphael, all of the University. As a part of the meeting members of the Association will participate in the dedication of the new Health Service Building. The Association was formed on March 4, 1920, when Dr. Sundwall, then director of the University of Minnesota Health Service, urged a meeting of health oficials in Chi- cago to consider health service needs for the nation. Dana To Lead Session At Forestry Convention Dean Samuel T. Dana of the School of Forestry and Conservation will preside over one session of the an- nual convention of the Society of American Foresters, which starts to- day and will convene until Saturday at Washington, D. C. Other faculty men of the forestry school who are attending are Prof. L. J. Young, Prof. W. S. Bromley, Prof. L. S. Ramsdell and Prof. Robert Craig. Prof. S. W. Allen, a member of the governing council of the So- ciety, will be unable to attend. given an opportunity to ask ques- tions on the subject. The discussions on Friday will be concerned with the war. Three sep- arate panels are planned. One will be taken up with such problems of mobilization as the positions of labor and' industry, taxes, profits and re- lated topics, The second panel will deal with American foreign policy. Four different speakers will advo- cate American intervention, all aid short of war, isolation and finally complete pacifism. What the United States should do to insure future peace if Great Bri- tan wins will be thessubject ofthe third panel. Proposals for a new League of Nations, a federation of Europe and the breaking up of the German nation will be examined. Student activities will be discussed at the Saturday afternoon session. Four panels will weigh the place of extra curricular activities in col- lege life, fraternities and sororities, the extent of student government, and the proper function of student cooperatives. The Saturday evening session will furnish talks and arguments on the general subj-et of higher education at three forums. One will take up the principle of academic freedom, an- other broad cultural education versus practical training and -a third will try to evaluate the honors program. Sunday will be the final day of the parley. At that time the subject mat- ter of the entire parley will be sum- marized. The significant question of how may a student plan for his fu- ture in the light of present conditions will be considered. University Men To Seek Posts In City Election Council Presidency Sough: By Alt; Young To Run For Mayor In Spring Two University men announced their candidacies yesterday for the offices of mayor and council presi- dent in the comingspring election. Prof. Leigh J. Young of the fores- try school, theeincumbent council president, will seek the post of may- or, while Prof. Glenn L. Alt of the En- gineering College will run to succeed Young. Alt at the present time is serving on the council as alderman of the seventh ward. Both men are Republicans. Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the En- gineering College, the incumbent mayor, has not disclosed whether he will seek re-election. Two other city officials have de- clared their intentions to run for re- election. They are City Clerk Fred C. Perry and City Assessor Herbert W. Crippen. Both Young and Alt are exper- ienced in city government. President Young has been on the council for ten years. During the last four he has held the post of president of that body. He has been affiliated with the University since 1911. Alt was chosen alderman in 1935, and during the last four years has served as chairman of the budget committee. Important Gains In 1Libya Claimed By Biritish Army;O Nazi Official Visits Vichy Joan Peebles To Be Soloist For "Messiah' [ain,Von Eisenhauer, Hale. Will Sing Other Roles In Christmas Recital The annual Yuletide offering of Handel's "Messiah" will be presented at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-1 ium by the Choral Union chorus of 120 voices, the University Symphony soloists, including Joan Peebles, New York contralto. Sponsored by the University Mus- ical Society, the recital is free to all music lovers by admission tick- ets which were obtainable in advance. According to Dr. Charles A. Sink, however, no more tickets are avail- able at the present time since the capacity of Hill Auditorium has al- ready been exhausted. These ad- mission slips will be honored up until1 7:50 p.m. tomorrow, after which time a seat will not be guaranteed. Thor Johnson will conduct the symphony orchestra of 80 players and the Choral Uni . group which has been rehearsing for the religious clas- sic the entire semester. Palmer Christian, University organist, will play the organ portion of the pro- gram. The four professional soloists who have been contracted to sing in the "Messiah" are Thelma von-Eisen- hauer, operatic soprano who made her debut with the Chicago company; Miss Peebles, contralto, who also sang here last year; William Hain, tenor; and Richard Hale, who will sing the baritone role. Research lub Will Announce Russel Award The University's Henry Russel lec- turer for 1941 will be announced at a meeting of the Faculty Men's Re- search Club at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre, Prof. Frank- lin A. Shull, president of the zoolog- ical department announced yester- day. Although the official announce- ment will not be released to the cam- pus until Thursday, members of the faculty who attend the club meeting will be given the opportunity to know in advance. The Russel lec- ture is given annually in April by the selected professor on research work he has done during the past year. The appointment carries a sti- pend of $250. Last year's award went to Dr. Frank N. Wilson of the Med- ical School. Papers will be read at this meet- ing by Prof. Felix G. Gustafson, of the botany department on "Plant Hormones," and by Prof. Arthur L. Dunham of the history department on "The Origins of A National Net- work of Railroads in France from 1833 to 1852." SANTA IS ON HIS WAY- Abetz's Talks With Petain May Foreshadow Total Occupation Of France Berlin Surprised At Laval Removal VICHY, France, Dec. 16. -(-)_- Rigidly-disciplined Nazi troops, click- ing heels and with repeating rifles at the ready, swept into this little provisional capital tonight to guard Ambassador Otto Abetz on a visit that may set France on a new course dictated by the Axis. If Abetz's report to the Nazi Fueh- rer should be unsatisfactory, diplo- mats in Bern believed that Germany, to keep France in line, might threat- en: 1. Complete occupation of France; 2. Harsher peace terms than the relatively moderate settlement re- ported offered Laval in return for French "collaboration" with the Axis. Petain's Future What the future holds for the old Marshal's regime, these observers said, hinges on what explanation he gives Abetz, sometimes called the "unofficial King of Frapce," regard- ing the sudden dismissal of Pierre Laval as Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister. It was the first time since France capitulated last June that such an official German party of military' bearing had arrived from across the demarcation line in unoccupied France, although German officers have been seen about Vichy in the past. As Adolf Hitler's personal agent in Paris, Abetz was expected shortly to see French Chief of State Marshal Philippe Petain. It was believed Pe- tain would learn from him the Ger- man attitude toward the French cab- inet shakeup that ousted Pierre La- val as Vice-Premier and successor- designate to Petain. Germans Silent The French Government main- tained official silence on Abetz's visit, and officials said there probably would be no communique tonight. Meanwhile, authorized German spokesmen at Berlin were silent to- night on the mission in Vichy of Am- bassador Otto Abetz and declined to indicate whether his purpose was to obtain information on the political developments in the French capital or to present some German view- point. His presence in Vichy was not offi- cially disclosed in Berlin. It ap- peared, however, that many there were surprised at the sudden French cabinet shakeup. Refugee Relief Meeting All student solicitors and particu- larly divisional heads for the Refugee Relief Campaign are requested to attend a meeting at,7:30 p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation, Martin Dworkis, Grad., chairman of the stu- dent branch of the drive, announced. Schmidt 'Quits' Coaching Post At Ohio State COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 16-(o)- Francis A. Schmidt, the tall, greying Texan who made football a spec- tacle with his wide-open "razzle-daz- zle" style of play, stepped outtonight as head coach at Ohio State Uni- versity. The board of Athletic Control an- nounced it had accepted the resig- nation of Schmidt and five other members of the coaching staff. Schmidt submitted his resignation earlier today because, he commented dryly, 'The board is dissatisfied." He did not amplify, but an examination of the "football situation" at Ohio State was launched by the Athletic Board aweek ago tonight following a four-won, four-lost season-the worst for the Bucks in 10 years. The assistant coaches who also resignedswereErnie Godfrey, line coach; Sid Gilman, end coach; Ed Blickle, backfield coach, and Gomer Jones, a scout and assistant line coach. Fritz Mackey resigned as coach df the freshman squad, but will remain as baseball coach. The board said Blickle also would remain as assist- ant basketball coach. The resignations are effective next June 30, when the coaching contracts expire. Ohio State employs its ath- letic staff on a year-to-year basis. Goodfellows Collect $726 For Charities Faculty Men And Students Cooperate In Campaign To Assist Local Needy As a result of the all-day sale of special Goodfellow Dailies by over 300 faculty and students, the Good- fellow fund will be able to contribute $726.22 to local charity agencies, Laurence Mascott, '41, committee chairman, announced yesterday. The proceeds of the Goodfellow drive is annually distributed among the Family Welfare Bureau, the Deans' Discretionary Fund, and pos- sibly other charities. Goodfellow salesmen who ranged the campus yesterday were such prominent members of the faculty as President Ruthven, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean Ivan C. Crawford, Dean Jeanette,Perry, Dean Walter B. Rea, and many others. The drive was originally conceived six years ago at a meeting between a group of undergraduate leaders and Mrs. Gordon W. Brevoort of the Family Welfare Bureau when they decided an annual concerted drive was needed for local charity. English Report Last Fascist Threat Within Egypt Was Crushed Yesterday Vanguard Forces Advance On Bardia CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 16-(P)-Bri- tain's Army of the Nile claimed its first big victory on Italian soil today and simultaneously crushed the last important Fascist threat inside Egypt's borders by capturing Fort Capuzzo, just within Libya, and ov- erwhelming the bitterly-fighting Italian garrison at Salum, five miles from the Libyan border. Thus with one stroke reported in a bare announcement at British head- quarters troops of General Sir Arch- ibald P. Wavell, Middle East Com- mander, seized two points of a tri- angle of Fascist resistance in the western desert and on the Libyan frontier. Vanguard Advances British advance guards were re- ported sweeping into Libya and the next possible objective of the advanc- ing British apparently was Bardia, Libyan port and Key Fascist base. The British spearheads of motor- ized desert troops were reported to have set the Italians back at some points to where they started from more than three months ago. Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, Italian commander in Libya, had been re- ported strongly entrenched in Salum and his men put up what the British said was a terrific battle. While fighting was going on around Salum and Fort Capuzzo, British units were reported to have; swept around them into Libya. At the same time, the Royal Air Force was reported hammering Ital- ian bases without let-up. RAF bomb- ers delivered a smashing attack up- on Bardia and their planes were said to be penetrating farther into the Italian colony. When the British began their sur- prise offensive across the Western desert a week ago the Italians were authoritatively reported to have 250,000 men, all told, in the Libyan Army. Fewer Than 100,000 Of these, the British believe fewer than 100,000 were involved in the present fighting, with the ,remainder scattered along the length and breadth of the vast Libyan desert. Upward of 30,000 must be deduct- ed as prisoners in the week's fight- ing (not including any prisoners captured at Salum and Fort Caruz- zo) and a large number of casualities. Both Britain's air and land com- mands in the Middle East reported sharp blows against Italy, at home as well as in her African empire over- seas. Students Warned City's Social Service Program Unmtegrated, Survey Charges Extended Federal River Control Upheld In Supreme Court Case (Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of articles based on a survey of Ann Arbor's social service and leisure time agencies, conducted here by a group of experts under the auspices of the Community Fund.) By ROSEBUD SCOTT Although the 'location of the Uni- versity and University Hospital in Ann Arbor has given the city an un- usual number of state public services, all the available advantages have not been realized in the local social ser- vice program, it has been charged by the recent survey of Ann Arbor's pri- vate and public service and leisure time agencies. As a result, the survey points out, there is in Ann Arbor a lack of com- munity planning which would inte- grate and thus better present the services offered by the 39 different organizations of the city which were studied by members of the survey. A clustering of state public ser- vices in a city the size of Ann Arbor n n . m. a AA CA ,'acpfIImtny f'D problems. Others, however, have been antagonistic to it, the survey claims, holding that this is particularly true of public agencies controlled by the township and the county, tradition- ally seekers of independence from the University. Part of this antagonism, it is said, is caused by the fear that the ,tax rate would be increased if "Univer- sity theories" controlled public soc- ial services. This division of interest between the University and the township is related not only to specific services but to the more general problem of securing unified backing and lead- ership for a well-integrated, well- planned community program, the survey tells us. It points out that Ann Arbor has reflected the academic method in approaching its social problems, thus bringing about un- usually full provisions for diagnosis of personal and behavior problems. But there ha heen a noticeahlel et- By WILLIAM R. SPEAR WASHINGTON, Dec. 16-(M)-Anz historic Supreme Court decision to- day sanctioned far-reaching exten- sion of federal control over the na- tion's waterways, despite the objec- tions of 41 states which considered their sovereignty invaded.t The 6-2 decision, by Justice Reed,1 made two major points:t 1. The Federal Government's au-j thority over streams and rivers under, the Interstate Commerce clause of the Constitution is not limited mere-{ ly to considerations of navigation. "Flood protection, watershed devel- opment, recovery of the cost of im- provements through utilization of power are likewise parts of commerce control." "The Federal Government has do- minion over the water power inher- made so by "reasonable improve- ments." "To appraise the evidence of navigability on the natural condi- tion only of the waterway is erron- eous," the court said. "It's avail- ability for navigation must also be considered." Justice Roberts, in a dissenting opinion with Justice McReynolds, termed these points "two novel doc- trines," and said that " if anything has been settled by our (previous) decisions it is that, in order for a water to be found navigable, navi- gability in fact must exist under "na- tural and ordinary conditions."' In another important case, which found the justices divided 5 to 4, the Court upheld a Wisconsin tax on the dividends of out-of-state cor- porations doing business there. The tax is assessed against that nortion Against Trichina Infection In Pork Following the discovery late last week by Ann Arbor health officials of trichina infested meat, Dr. War- ren D. Forsythe, director of Univer- sity Health Service, yesterday issued a warning to students against the use of any pork product not thoroughly cooked. His warning was a reiteration of one given last week by Dr. John A. Wessinger, Ann Arbor city health of- ficer. Although no cases of students sus- pected of trichinosis have as yet been admitted to the Health Service, Dr. Forsythe said, tests conducted by Health Service officials indicate that there has been within recent weeks an increase in the percentage of in- fected pork discovered. Dr. Forsythe suggested that the in- crease of trichina is a result of the increasing use of local pork. Michigan Party To Draft Permanent Constitution To read and discuss the first draft of its permanent constitution, the Michigan Party will hold a meeting