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December 16, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-16

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Varsity Cage

Team To Meet Butler, Notre Dame

This Week


Quintet Starts
Vacation Tour
At South Bend
Pittsburgh And Princeton
To Battle Wolverines
In Columbus, Dec. 28-30
Having placed on exhibition before
home fans what was probably their
best and worst brands of basketball
in their first two starts of the sea-
son, Michigan's undefeated cagers
hit the road this week for a stiff
vacation schedule.
By the time the Wolverines return
here to open their Big Ten slate
against Ohio State, Jan. 6, they will
have been tested by four of the best
teams the East and Mid-West have
to offer.
Notre Dame will be the first stop
on the Varsity's itinerary, Thursday
of this week, followed by a visit to
Indianapolis for an engagement with
Butler University, next Saturday.
Irish Out Far Revenge
The Irish, led by Capt. Eddie Riska
who averaged better than 20 points
per game last year,
will be out to a-
venge the 41-39
, : setback handed to
them by Michigan
in 1939, Notre
'' " Dame has already
'defeated its first
two opponents and
.lost a 44-43 thrill-
' er to Wisconsin.
" "" Butler, Indiana
CAPT. RISKA Conference champs
last year, has nine returning letter-
men and should prove an equally
formidable opponent for the Varsity.
The Bulldogs dropped their opening
game to Indiana, 39-3, but came
back to defeat Ohio State by a 51-49
score, Saturday.T r
Cagers To Return Home
After the Butler game Coach Ben-
nie Oosterbaan plans to let his
charges return home for the Christ-
mas holidays, but they'll be expect-
ed back in Ann Arbr immediately
afterwards for two days of practice
prior to the last half of the eastern
Ohio State's annual four-team in-
vitation tournament at Columbus
will attract the Wolverines for their
last two vacation games, Dec. 28 and
30. Here Pittsburgh and Princeton
will meet the Varsity and Ohio State
on alternate days.
At the same tourney last year,
Michigan defeated the Panthers, 44-'
35, but every regular member of the
Pitt quintet is back this season and
should extend the Varsity to the
Meet Tigers In Finale
The final game on the trip will
find Michigan pitted against Coach
"Cappy" Cappon's Princeton team,
one of the leading contenders for the
Ivy League hoop crown. Cappon,
who coached the Wolverine basket-
ball teams before Ooosterbaan, would
like nothing better than a chance to
haid his former understudy some
good-natured ribbing, and he, too,

Byron Nelson Blasts Way To Miami Open Golf Crown

By Gene Gribbroek
Fletcher Hall and Williams House,
East and West Quadrangle hockey
champions, will meet at 10 p.m. to-
day on the Coliseum ice for the dorm
title in the feature game of the final
week of Residence Hall play. The
playoffs will end tomorrow night,
and the dorm teams will make way
for the fraternity and independent
leagues when play begins again in
Fletcher Hall will represent the
new East Quad loop in the finals,
carrying the league title by virue
of an undefeated season. Williams,
League II champions, earned a shot
at Fletcher last Thursday night
when they downed League I's Ad-
ams House titleholders, 2-1.. Steve
Wygant and Harold Frank netted
the Williams goals, with Doug Hill-
man's third-period score the only
Adams counter.
* * *
Another major event will begin to-
night when a field of close to 70
wrestlers starts eliminations in the
Annual Interfraternity Wrestling
Tourney. The preliminaries will get
underway at 7:30 p.m., with the fin-
alists meeting at the same time Tues-
day night. All matches will take
place on the Field House balcony.
All fraternities are warned that
each entrant must have completed
four workouts to be eligible for the
meet. Weigh-ins will be held from 3
to 5:30 p.m. today at the Sports
Building, the Field House and Wat-
erman Gymnasium. Each competitor
must have filed his health card with
the Department by this afternoon.
Members of the vasity wrest-
ling team will referee the matches.
Titles will be at stake in eight
classes, the 121, 128, 136, 145, 155,
165, 175 pounds and unlimited divi-
sions. The 121-pound title was un-
claimed last fall as there were no
Ray Chambers, student coach of
the Intramural fencing squad, was the
star of the annual State Prep Class
Fencing Tourney held at Salle de
Tuscan in Detroit Friday, Dec. 7. He
won the saber event and took second
place in epee. Other University of
Michigan entries were George Bosch
in foil and epee, Mel Campbell in
foil and saber, and Jim Strawbridge
in foil. Russ Chipman, of Wayne,
won the foil event and Karl Detzer,
Jr., Ann Arbor independent, topped
Chambers in epee.-
will have his cagers gunning for a
triumph over the Varsity.
All of which adds up to a heap of
opposition for the Wolverines and
makes Oosterbaan pray that the
cagers' performance against Michi-
gan Normal, Saturday, was really
"just one of those things."


"AU Title

Sub-Par Score
Beats Heafuer
By One Stroke
Winner Shoots 271 Total
To Cop $2,500 Prize;;
Ben Hogan bI Third
MIAMI Fla., Dec. 15--/P4 Lord
Byron Nelson, conceded by most ofj
his fellow professionals to be the
world's greatest golfer, won the $10,-
000 Miami Open today with a 271,
nine strokes under par for the 72-
hole distance.
Nelson, affectionately dubbed
"Lord Byron" because of his rhyth-'
mic style, closed with a par 70 to
squeeze under the wire with a single
shot to spare over Clayton Heafner,
the big blonde belter from Linville,
Heafner Applauds Win
Heafner had finished his roundI
with a final 68 and stood in the Gal-
lery applauding with the other spec-
tators when Nelson made his payoff
Under terrific pressure and in
trouble when his drive hit a trap
on. the final hole, Nelson barely got
out of the sand to the top of a hil-
lock with his second shot. With thou-
sands pressing closer for a good look,
he calmly whipped the ball 75 yards
to the green, then putted up for a'
sure fire victory and the $2,500 top
Hogan Takes Third
Ben Hogan of White Plains, N.Y.,
the year's money-winning champion,
finished with a 69 for 275 and third
place. Sam Snead of Hot Springs,
Va., slipped to a 71 today for 277 and
a fourth place tie with Willie Gog-
gin of Miami, who had a final 68.
"A fellow can't feel tough finish-
ing second to a golfer like that," com-
mented Heafner. "He is the best in

Wins Two Events

Combs Wins Mid-Western Title;
Hockey Team Tied,1-1, Saturday

The five-man Wolverine wrestling
squad returned to Ann Arbor yester-
day with one title from the Mid-
Western AAU tournament which was
held in Chicago'sMcKinley Park
last Friday and Saturday.
It was Captain Bill Combs who
brought back one of the prized gold
watches concurrent with victory in
the annual meet. Bill's matches were
clearly some of the best of the tourn-
ey. He experienced little trouble as
he outclassed every opponent right
through the final clash."
In winning the 155-pound title
Friday night, Combs tossed Latt So-
snowski who represented the Dun-
can YMCA of Chicago.
Art Paddy and Jim Galles also
won Friday's matches to reach the
semi-finals on Saturday, but they
didn't fare as well as Comnbs..Paddy
was defeated in the 165-pound class
by Lazzara of Indiana, and Galles
was dropped in the 175-pound class
by Traster, also of Indiana.
The other Michigan entries, Tom
Weidig and Emil Lockwood, did not
succeed in getting past Friday's pre-
Purdue broke all precedents by
winning the team honors by captur-
ing three of the seven matches. In-
diana had won both of the previous
In addition to several YMCA
teams, eight Big Ten teams entered,
making a total of 84 entrants..

Tigers-with a 1-1 tie gained last
night in a defensive battle that went
three regular periods and one over-
time playoff.
The Tigers defeated Michigan 7-3
Friday .night and took two games
from the Wolverines a year ago.
Louis, Mcoy
Fight Tonight

Bill Combs, Wolverine wrestling
captain, won the 155-pound title at
the Midwest AAU tourney in Chi-
Chicago last weekend. The Okla-
homa star defeated Latt Sosnow-
ski of Chicago's Duncan YMCA in
the finals.
Red Wings Lose
To Montreal, 2-l
DETROIT, Dec. 15.-(/P)-The De-
troit Red Wings lost a 2 to 1 overt
time decision to the Montreal Cana-
diens here today in the local club's
first afternoon contest in history.
Tony Demers, rookie Canadien
wingman who has already established
himself as possessor of one of the
hardest shots in hockey, delivered
the game winning goal with only
one minute and 19 seconds of extra
period play left. It came on a
screaming shot from 35 feet out that
whizzed between goalie Johnny Mow-
ers' pads.

Charley Barker, lanky sprinter on
Matt Mann's great swimming team
and present Big Ten 50-yard
champ helped defeat Penn Satur-
day night, 51-23, with victories in
both the 50 and 100 yard events.
His times were 24.2 and 55.2.

the world, hits the ball so straight
that he seldom is in trouble."
The leading scorers with money
Byron Nelson, Toledo, Ohio,.201-
70-271, $2,500.
Clayton Heafner, Linville, N.C.,
204-68-272, $1,250.
Ben Hogan, White Plains, N.Y.,
206-69-275, $1,000.
Sam Snead, Hot Springs, Va., 206-
71-277, $650.
Willie Goggin, Miami, Fla., 209-
68--277, $650.
Mike Turnesa, Fairview, N.Y., 207-
71-278, $500.


121 pounds-Frederiks, Purdue,
won on points from McDonald, Pur-
due (8-4).
128 pounds-Kachiroubas, Dun-
can YMCA, defeated Sparks, Indiana,
136 pound2-Foster, Purdue, de-
feated Wilson, Indiana.
145 pounds-Montanaro, ,Ohio
State, defeated }Gregory, Purdue.
155 pounds-Bill Combs, Michigan,
defeated Sosnowski, Purdue.
165 pounds-Hlinka, Purdue, de-
feated Lazzara, Indiana. .
175 pounds-Iniman, unattached,
defeated Trorley, Indiana.
Puckmen Gain Tie
I Def ensiveCarne
15-(/P)-The University of Michi-
gan's hockey team has finally broken
the domination of Colorado College's

BOSTON, Dec. 15-(A)-Cham-
pion Joe Louis will be engaging in
Shis 13th heavyweight title bout when
he faces Al McCoy in their 15-round
match at Boston Garden tomorrow
night, but the jinx number is bother-
ing him no more than the Maine-
born challenger.,
Joe never does much worrying
about his battles and this case is
no exception, despite McCoy's re-
peated assertions that he "may have
a surprise" for the champion, and
the observations of fistic students
that Al is the type of fighter who
can confuse Louis.
The great majority of fans, who
are expected to pack the garden for
the first heavyweight championship
fight in Boston history-and in New
England, too, for that matter-are
stringing along with Joe and plan-
ning to be on hand early, lest they
miss the whole show.
Both fighters loafed today after
winding up their serious preparations
yesterday, Louis with a boxing drill
and McCoy with some roadwork and
a session in the gym. They meet to-
morrow for the first time at weigh-
ing-in ceremonies.
Louis, as usual, is making no pre-
dictions about the outcome, but it's
easy to see that the Brown Bomber
and his entourage figure on wasting
no time.
"I'm ready," Louis said. "Any man
I get in the ring with can be danger-
ous, so I get ready for all of them."
McCoy, who seems to be in the
best physical shape of his career,
is somewhat vexed at the prevailing
opinion that he will be a quick vic-
tim of the champion.



Head Football Coach Fritz Crisler

Has Position Among Nation



Unemployed Clark Shaughnessy
Returns To Life On West Coast

('rhis is the first in a series of bio-
graphical sketches of Michigan coaches
-the men who mold the Wolverine
" athletic teams.)
Untiringly striving to maintain the
famed Maize and Blue spirit and
sportsmanship which has been built
up through the long and glorious
years of Wolverine athletic history,
Michigan's coaching staff includes a
number of the nation's foremost
Carrying along in Fielding H. Yost's
finest tradition, Assistant Athletic
Director and Head Football Coach
Herbert Orrin Crisder is slated to fill
the "Grand Old Man's" roomy shoes
when he retires from his post of.
Athletic Directorrnext spring.
When Crisder first arrived upon the
Michigan sports scene back in 1938,
he was faced with a rather dismal
set-up. For four years the Maize
and Blue football colors had been
dragged in the black mud of defeat.
A kind of sombre pessimism and de-
featist attitude steadily grew in in-
Then out of the East came Fritz
Crisler to assume control of the grid-
iron reins. And with him came the
football renaissance-a new era for
Wolverine fortunes. Since then,
Fritz's teams have indeed compiled

an impressive record; 19 triumphs,
one tie and but four losses.
Ironically enough, it is Fritz's old

tamed have been at the hands of the
powerful Gophers.
Fritz got his athletic start at the
University of Chicago, from which
he graduated in 1922 as a three-sports
star. An All-Western and All-Amer-
ica football end under Alonzo Stagg,
Crisler remained at Chicago as an
assistant coach, later head baseball
coach and assistant athletic direc-
tor until 1930, when he went to the
northlands of Minnesota as football
coach and director of athletics. He re-
mained at Minnesota for two years
before going to Princeton in 1932
as football coach, the position9he
held when called to Michigan in 1938.
An honor student as an undergrad-
uate and a keen psychologist as a
pilot, Fritz proved himself at all
times an inspiring leader and ad-
mirable administrator, one of the
most popular men in intercollegiate

(v, - _________

From rags to riches in only a year!
That's the phenomenal record of
Clark Shaughnessy, master mind be-
hind the sensational Stanford In-
It was a very short year ago that
this same member of the Shaugh-
nessy tribe held the position of head
football coach at the University of
Chicago. As most of you remember,
Chicago went the way of all simon-
pure schools who try to support a
football team.
Conditions Atrocious
Conditions became so bad, scores
were so large (Michigan 85, Chicago
0), players so scarce and academic
requirements so high that the Ma-
roons abandoned football-big league
That action put courageous Clark
on the lists of the unemployed so
far as coaching went. He was offered
a life-time job as Professor of Phys-
ical Education, but coaching was
what he loved and coaching was
what he wanted to do.
Now out on the Pacific Coast once-
mighty Stanford was also deep in
the throes of a poor season. They
managed to win one game in the
1939 season-losing seven and tying
Shaughnessy Climbs
So Stanford and Clark Shaugh-
nessy got together, signed contracts
and in the space of one football sea-
son, nine games to be exact-Stan-
ford and Shauwhnessv climbed from

ant for both Stanford and Shaugh-
nessy. On January 1, 11941, the In-
dians meet Nebraska in the most
coveted post-season game played-
the Rose 'Bowl.
That will climax the meteoric rise
of Chicago's former coach. He trans-
ferred to a school that gave him tal-
ent, time and no tampering-and the
rest is history. His coaching genius
asserted itself with one of the few
major unbeaten untied teams in the
That's going from rags to riches
in record time!"
Hogan Becomes Year's
Big Money Winner
MIAMI, Fla., IDec. i5-(J)-Ben
Hogan, the long-hitting little Texan
now playing out of White Plains,
N.Y., clinched both the Vardon tro-
phy and the year's money-earning
title today when he finished third
in the Miami Open.
Hogan's $1,000 check here ran his
1940 total to $10,655.
Byron Nelson of Toledo, O., winner
of the $2,500 top money here, fin-
ished second with a $9,653 total. Sam
Snead of Hot Springs, Va., was third
with $9,206, and Jimmy Demaret of
Houston, Tex.; fourth with $8,652.

"I get it...First,
some fun with this
miniature hat. Then
' ..:. x cask the certic rate
" .. " ::::for a real Dobbs .
Come in soon for gift certificates . . . Save this adver-
tisement and let recipient check the hat he wants ..
^.P .fx



coaching habitat, Minnesota, which
rises up regularly once a year and
slaps him down. Three of the four
losses his Wolverine teams have sus-


:.: _

Three Reso lution s
for New Year's Eve!
1. Be moderate.
2. If you wear tuxedo, wear
its handsomest mate: Arrow
SHOREHAM Shirt, with col-
tar attached. $3.
3. If you wear tails, wear
the best-looking shirt for the
occasion-Arrow KIRK. $3.
Stop in and get them today!

FOR 4K/R57EN I'l/ !"
A lot of men are hinting-and hoping
-for a genuine KIRSTEN Pipe this
Christmas! It's a lordly gift-THE
perfect smoke-a tribute to your good
judgmeint in giving.
Every luxurious puff of smoke is pre=
cooled in the big KIRSTEN "radiator"
... bitter oils and tars are condensed
and trapped,... his favorite mixture
tastes even better in a KIRSTEN.
And-at the new low prices-no need
to give anything less than a genuine
-KIRSTEN-$5 to $10

$5 . $750 . $10

$1Q50 - $15

$750 . x10

(Felted Edge)
$10 $150 . $20

$750 .$1O .$1250

$5 - 550 - $75"

IT > E





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