THE MTCTITEAN fIAiTTY PAt' E. ' a as a. tr.a y V as a V 1-i t 1 L Pl 1 L 1 .. _. . _ _ ,...._ .. - t Pa aE .. r E.( T I MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control ofi Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTS3ING BS' National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pablisbers Representative 420 MAorcON AVE. New YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * 0"8StO . LOSANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO, &lember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Hauuler. . Alvin Sarasohn. . Paul M. Chandler . Karl Kessler . . Milton Orshetsky . Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtechafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . Busin Business Manager Assistant Business Manag Women's Business Manag Women's Advertising Man . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . .I . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor sports Editor . . . .Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor mess Staff ger er Hager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: EMILE GEll The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staffand represent the views of the writers only. his school, liberal thinkers of the time. Of its 300 professors, 170 were sent to concentration camps, where many of them died. The Univer- sity of Warsaw has been ransacked, and its equipment sent to Berlin. The University of Prague has been shut down. Poles and Czechs, conquered races, are to be denied freedom of education, and be made serfs to the master race. ALL OF THESE REPORTS show only more vividly the extent to which freedom and culture has died out in Europe. Democracy is gone, and with it liberal thought, progress, and the liberty that Americans covet so. All the more vividly, too, the reports show our respon- sibility in keeping freedom of thought and de- mocracy alive in the western world., Europe-all of the Old Countries-has lost de- mocracy and freedom of thought and education. The two go hand in hand, without one the other cannot exist. When free thought is denied, the first step in losing democracy has been taken. And when education is regimented to suit the ideas and desires of a few, then democracy is on its way out. WEcannot let that happen here. It can hap- pen here, and at times in the past it has. But now the suppression of free thinking, of ' liberal education would be fatal. Ours is the duty to protect democracy for the rest of the world, to keep burning the lights of liberal cul-' ture and progressive civ4i ation. We are the one remaining lighthouse oa: a world flounder- ing in a sea of regimentain and denial of lib- erty. And the light of freedom and democracy on these shores, which recently flickered all too often, must never go out. William Baker MUSIC By DAVID LACHENBRUCH THOSE WHO ARGUE that Barbirolli as a conductor does not bring out all the poten- tialities of the New York Philharmonic-Sym- phony will have a chance to hear the Phil- harmonic under another conductor for the next four weeks. After today's concert under Barbirolli (WJR- 3 p.nm.) the permanent conductor will leave for a mid-season vacation. During the four weeks that follow, Dimitri Mitropoulus, youthful con- ductor of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, will preside as guest conductor. Joseph Schuster, brilliant young cellist of the Philharmonic will appear as soloist today. And the program: Overture to "Oberon".......... Weber Concerto in D Major for Cello and Orches- " tra .....................Mozart-Cassado Symphony No. 2, in D Major, Op. 73 ... ....- .-............... ... ... B rah m s J) ONNIZETTI'S "Don Pasquale," revived af- ter an absence of five years from the Metro- politan Opera repertory, will be heard Sat- urday afternoon as the third in this season's opera matinees to be broadcast from the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House over NBC on WXYZ. At 9:35 p.m. the same day, Arturo Toscanini will lead the NBC Symphony Orchestra in another of its regular Saturday evening broad- cast concerts, heard over WXYZ. It will include: Symphony No. 2, in C Major ... Schumann Symphonic Poem, "From the Cradle to the Grave" .......................... Liszt "Serenade" and "In the Garden" from "Rustic Wedding" Symphony, Goldmark "Through the' Fields and Woods," and "Carnival of Piemonte," from "Piemonte" Suite . ...................Sinigaglia Jane Froman, the singing star, will interpret three Gershwin songs today over WJR from 5 to 5:30 p.m. over the "Design For Happiness" program, which features the Chicago Women's Symphony under the direction of Izler Solo- mon. The third movement of Tschaikowsky's Symphony Pathetique is the symphonic selec- tion on the program, VER CKLW on Thursday nights, you can hear the finest of the Canadian Symphony orchestras. Beginning at 9 p.m., the Toronto and Montreal Symphony Orchestras are broadcast each on alternate weeks. This Thursday it will be the Toronto playing Cesar P'ranck's D Major Symphony.' Bidu Sayao, soprano soloist, will appear on to- night's Sunday Evening Hour (WJR--9 to 10 p.m.). Donizetti, Beethoven, Haydn and Wag- ner's works will be represented on the program. If you want to hear broadcasts of recorded music by the world's greatest artists, no doubt you'll be interested in the prog/ams sponsored by two of the phonograph record manufacturers. The "Music You Want" program is broadcast every evening except Saturday, from 11 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. over WXYZ. "Music Masterworks,"' a similar program is on the air on WJR at 11:15 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.' !, Robe t S.Allei WASHINGTON - Wendell Willkie's under- cover tribulations with Republican politicos dur- ing the campaign continue to dog him. Latest development is a sputtering of ire among National Committeemen when they heard that Willkie considers it his right to name the successor to National Chairman Joe Martin, who wants to quit in order to give all his time to bssing the House Republicans. It is a long tradition in both parties that the presidential nominee may name the National Chairman, who in practice is his campaign manager. Willkie picked Martin, and now takes the position that he also is entitled to select Martin's successor. But to the hard-headed, political professionals, a candidate running for office and a defeated candidate are horses of entirely different colors. The first is a potential incumbent who may have patronage and favors to dispense, and therefore commands the right to call the tune. But a de- feated standard-bearer is a has-been, and the boys are not interested in faded hopes. SO WILLKIE'S CLAIM to continued party leadership is meeting with very glacial re- sponse. When he told some of the National Com- mitteemen that they should name the man he wants, the boys tactfully, but pointedly, replied that the National Committee is an elected body and alone has the power to fill a chairmanship vacancy. Willkie's views, as well as those of other p arty chiefs, would be considered but the time was past when he was giving orders. The politicos resent what they consider the 'larn inference in Willkie's attitude that he in- tends to assert control over the party machinery. If that is his thought, he apparently is headed for trouble. The regulars, the hopefuls with their eyes on 1944, and the congressional leaders have plans of their own. SECRETARY OF COMMERCE Jesse Jones wasn't exaggerating when he predicted that this would be the most prosperous Christmas in history. Economists of the' Federal Reserve Board, Commerce and Labor Departments estimate a Yuletide business season surpassing even the peak in 1929. According to their private figures, dollar sales will about equal 1929, but business volume will be considerably heavier (1940 price levels are nearly 20 per cent lower). That is, each dollar spent will buy about one-fifth more than it did in the last of the boom years. THIS IS the way the experts forecast the Christmas season: Employment--Because of the vast defense program, employment will be greater this month than at any time since 1929, with more than 37,000,000 (excluding temporary Christmas em-' ployees) on private payrolls-an increase of 1,400,000 over December, 1939. Payrolls-Manufacturing payrolls will be 12 per cent greater than last December. That means $25,000,000 more a week will be paid in wages to industrial workers, and much of this money will flow into the Christmas trade. Retail Trade-Sales generally will be from 8 to 10 per cent greater than 1939. Department store sales will be 5 per cent more than last Christmas, but still under record-breaking 1929. Onthe other hand, mail order and variety store sales will be the highest in history. 'I The Plans Looked Fine On Paper? I -u' .I ., I .wI ____ ____. 1 " ""h, 1'U I I I I I I I I ,r yy }'" d: _ : " . e IIf F'I1i' iii9 I I f 1 - Is .. I _______________________ I - I Freedom Of Thought And The United States DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN . . T HE UNIVERSITY has given more, than lip service to the ideal of better cultural bonds with Latin American nations when it established the exchange fellowship agreement with the Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos of Rio de Janeiro. Added to other scholarships awarded for foreign students, especially from the Near East and the Orient, the agreement was the first" of its kind provided for students coming from nations in the Western Hemisphere. By the agreement reached with the leading university of Brazil, three students, a research agent of the ministry of education, a staff mem- ber of the National Library, and a teacher of administrative law, came to the University to continue their studies in the Graduate School. In exchange, a teaching fellow in geography, a graduate student in Latin American history and a teacher engaged in educational research were sent to Brazil by the University.. Additional impetus was given to the project, when two fellowships were provided this year with added stipend. In response to the request from the American Institute of International Education, the Graduate School also awarded two tuition scholarships on the basis of com- petitive examination. Brazilian students in law, medicine, educa- tion, and library science have come here to gain more professional knowledge, while graduate students of the University in social and scien- tific fields or research are given the opportun- ity to study problems from primary sources. More than professional training will be gain- ed as these students and the University as a whole comprehend the need for cosmopolitan knowledge and international - understanding. With the inauguration of tbaese fellowships, the University has expanded its international in- terest to our neighbors to the South and taken its share in the effort to build up the intang- ible Western Hemisphere defense of goodwill and cooperation.--Rosebud Scott Fellowships And Latin Anmerica . o RTICLES in the recent "exiled writ- ers" issue of the Saturday Review of Literature naturally stress the freedom authors have found in America. They give a fresh im- pression of what freedom means, and of the real worth of institutions that Americans too long have taken for granted. Heinz Pol, exiled German liberal now in the United States, writes of the "contrast between the free culture of America and the hell from which we have escaped." More than ever before he noticed this contrast when he first visited the New York Public Library. He. had known that New York had a library, of course. But, he writes, when he first entered the place he felt strange and at once at home. "There was some- hing universal about it-something European as well as American-but where in Europe are such institutions left?" H ERE IN AMERICA we accept free public li- braries as a matter of course . We assume - Dominic Says FHE YEAR 1940 has witnessed your acts and mine. Soon the annual page can be turned, How any act takes place and what its ingred- ients are is one of the major inquiries in ethics and religion as in sociology or psychology. A basic fact which seems to be conceded by all of the contenders is that (1) what we are learning, that is, an idea, a theory, some event which has our interest, figures in the making of that act, and (2) the drives or instincts figure in the making of the act. An environmental element floats about within my personality, as it were, until some one drive envelopes it and energizes it. Then the act on my part takes place. IN RELIGION and ethics this is significant be- cause religion deals with the ideal rather than the idea; with the meaning made very inti- mately personal; 'with speculation about the imponderables taken hold of by faith with at- titudes of head and heart. A youth in his development is somewhat like a string being pushed from behind by all the vast driving energies of the race, the culture patterns of behavior, and the native life it- self. In this native state the youth, as a string, must curl up, become confused, turn upon him- self in destructive behavior within, and perhaps upon society in delinquent behavior without. But if we can provide that youth with an ideal, a religious grasp or purpose, a belief in the good- ness of the Universe itself and the availability of God-the interested Infinite-we will have set a pull ahead of him which can save him. Religion, in so far as it provides an ideal which gets a youth's affection, is the growth prin- ciple luring youth into high purpose, noble ad- venture, lofty thoughts, and creative activity. (Continued from Page 6) Mendelssohn on Monday, December' 16, at 8:15 p.m. Also Senorita Car- men Barrenas will interpret Spanish folk dances, accompanied by Mr. Jos- eph Kentz. Small charge. Everyone, invited. Congress: The Rooming House Council will hold its meeting for three zones on Monday at 4:30 p.m. in 306 Michigan Union. All con- tacted representatives are urged to attend. The Karl Marx Society presents Joseph' Clark, prominent Marxist' writer and editor of the "Youth Re- view" who will speak on "Trends in the Socialist Movement" on Mon-' day, December 16, at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Everyone in- terested is invited. Faculty Women's Club: The Play- reading Section will meet on Tues- day afternoon, December 17, at 2:15; in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the Michigan League. Hobby Lobby: No new work will be; started until after vacation. Stu- dents may finish their work before vacation on the regular days. Fol- lowing vacation, the group will start on leather work. Outdoor Sports: There will be no skating or skiing this weekend. Chturechs Disciples Guild (Christian Church) 10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, H. L., Pickerill, leader. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. Disciple students and their friends are invited to a Christmas Tea at the Guild House, this afternoon, 5 :30-7:00. The Guild will attend the Christmas program, "A Christmas Legend," at the church at 7:30 p.m. First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "God, The Preserver Of Man." Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Ann Arbor Society of Friends (Quakers) meets at Lane Hall on Sunday. At 3:30 there will be a group studying the Quaker meeting. At 5:00 there will be the meeting for worship, followed at 6:00 by carol singing, At 6:15 Lewis Hoskins will show some moving pictures of the Friends' Work Camps. Anyone interested in the Work Camps is especially invited to sn t-hac + ninr,,c Tnw illm he fnl- 5:30 p.m. A Pageant given by the Church School: "What Child Is This?" Everyone invited.l 6:00 p.m. Westminster Student Guild-supper and Christmas meet- ing, Carol singing. Christmas stor-. ies by Dr. Lemon. Last get-to-geth.a er before vacation. All students in-: vited. Student Evangelical Chapel: Rev. L. Verduin of the Christian Reformed Church at Corsica, South Dakota, is1 the pastor for this month. His topic for the 10:30 a.m. wor-1 ship service on Sunday will be "Isai- ah's Vision in the Potter's House." The 7:30 p.m. devotional period will have as its theme: "Ye are the salt of the earth." Everyone is welcome to attend these services which are conducted in the Michigan League Chapel. First Methodist Church: Morning Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Home Sweet Home." Student Class at 9:30 a.m. in the Assembly Room. Prof. George Carrothers will lead the group in a Christmas service of car-a ols and story. Wesleyan Guild will meet at 6:15 p.m. in the Assembly Room for fellowship and supper. This will be followed by the meeting at 8 o'clock. Kappa Phi will present the program of "Living Madonnas" at this time. Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. Christmas Sermon for Students, "4 B.C., 1940, and 2400 MayBe." Read- ing of Christmas Poem by Elizabeth Kelly Wyatt. 7:30 p.m. Musical Program-Spe- cial Selection of Records, with anno- tations. Refreshments. Reform Services will be held at the Hillel Foundation at 11:30 a.m.' A debate between teams of the Michi- gan Hillel and Michigan Normal Hil- lel, of Ypsilanti, on the topic, "Re- solved: that those who advocate racial or religious intolerance in the United States should be denied the privilege of free speech" will replace a sermon. The public is invited. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday at 8:00 a.m. Holy Commun- ion; 9:30 a.m. High School Class, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Right Reverend Herman Page, D.D.; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kin- dergarten. Harris Hall; 5:00 p.m. Choral Evensong. Music by Mr. Fax- on and members of the Schola Can- torum; 7:30 p.m. Episcopal Student Guild in Harris Hall. "The Christ- mas Service." First Baptist Church: 10:30 a.m. Sermon, "Characteristic Christian Living," by Rev. C. H. Loucks. 11:30 a.m. Prof. Vaterman's Grad- uate Class and Mr. Loucks' Roger Williams Class will meet in the Guild House. 6:30 p.m. Roger Williams Guild meets at the Guild House for music and fellowship and then joins the Wesley Guild at the Methodist Church to view "Living Reproduc- tions of Famous Madonnas." 9:00 p.m. Carol Sing at Lane Hall under the sponsorship of the Student Religious Association. Bring a wash- able toy for the Toy Loan Library. Grace Bible Fellowship (Unde- nominational): Rev. Harold De Vries, Pastor. Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Morning Service at 11:00 a.m. "His Right to Rule." Evening Service at 7:30 p.m. "The Doom of Religion." All Services held at the Masonic Temple. CC >l /1 'i. The City Editor's ib WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Sunday Evening 6:00 Silver Theatre Catholic Hour Double or Nothing Across Footlights 6:15 Silver Theatre 6:30 Gene Autry News Show of the Week _News Ace 6:45 Gene Autry Heap 'o Livin' "Detroit Cons'vatory 7:00 G. Smith Jack Benny Dr. DeHaan Pearson & Allen 7:15 G. Smith " European News 7:30 Screen Guild Fitch Bandwagon Better Speech 7:45 Screen Guild Week-End Review 8:00 Helen Hayes Charlie McCarthy CKLW, Concert Message of Israel 8:15 Helen Hayes "" 8:30 Crime Doctor One Man's Family Face the Facts Sherlock Holmes 8:45 Crime; News Evening Serenade 9:00 Ford Hour Merry-Go-Round Revival Walter Winchell IN CASE the sports page misses it (and they have in the past) Tom Harmon, the lad who is back in school now, was selected last night as the most valuable player in the Big Ten. (cour- tesy to Chicago). That's logical enough; last wmp h -am wa :P ctPtth ptin te a tin