StTh IDAY,.flECEM BER 1_5,_ 19 40. _ ,, _ ,. .....a :a:u 'TH Ea U sC .vtA 1 e ; am.cTT...;V _. _ ... .... Natators Completely Outclass Pennsylvania, 41-23 I Sophs Capture Interclass Tilt From Seniors McCarthy Tops Individual Scoring With 15 Points In Indoor Track Meet- By HAL WILSON A cheeky crew of sophomore track- men thoroughly convinced the sen- iors and juniors that their arrogant boast of class supremacy was no idle threat as they piled up 43 im- pressive points to capture the inter- class indoor cinder crown at the Field House yesterday. The seniors chalked up 38 points for the runnerup berth and the jun- iors trailed with 29. - Holding a 20-13 lead after Friday's field events, Coach Ken Dbherty's second-year trackmen, spearhead- ed iy Frank McCarthy, Neil Mac- Intyre and Herb Leake, withstood the seniors' last desperate bid for the lead and in the final two events pulled away from a 34-34 deadlock to win. Ufer Out With Injury Furthermore the entire feat was carried through by the confident sophomore outfit without the serv- ices of its brilliant dashman, Blaz- ing Bob Ufer, who was urging on his mates From the sidelines" with a slight ankle injury. But balancing the scales on this count, tle seniors claimed, was the absence of Big Ten quarter mile champion Warren Breidenbach, who also did not com- pete. It was lanky McCarthy, making his fine versatility pay dividends, who contributed 15 points to the soph cause and walked off with meet scoring honors. Having tallied-. eight Friday on his first in the broad jump and second to Capt. Don Can- ham in the high jump, the promis- ng second-year man added another first place in the 65-yard low hurdles and a third in the highs. A pair of seniors, Jack Leutritz and Bob Barnard, turned in scintillating early-season performances in the 440-yard dash, finishing in a dead- heat in 50.5. Barnard came up fast after the last turn and with a final lunge snapped the tape simultaneous- ly with Leutritz. Juniors Al Thom- as and Bill Dobson finished second and third respectively. Ackerman Wins Mile In the mile run Long-striding Bill Ackermnen clipped a tenth of a sec- ond off his last week's mark to win in the very creditable time of 4:19.9. Senior Karl Wisner was runnerup with 4:22.9, while soph Dave Mat- thews beat out junior John McKean for third. With a driving finish Leake bare- y nosed out junior Johnny Kautz by two-tenths of a second in 2:00.4. Stars In Vietory Mermen Lead IIn Every Race For Easy Win Barker And Patten Pace Record Breaking, Both Winning Two Events {Continued from Page 1) mer National Collegiate 50 yard champ and present Big Ten title- holder won his favorite race in 24:2 followed by teammate Bruce Allen and Ed' Reuber of Penn. Charley ,loafed through the 100 yard free style event in 55.2. Hueber was sec- ond and Bob West, Wolverine soph- rnore, third. In the 200 yard breast stroke, Jim Skinner butterflied ahead of Bob Wissocker and J. S. McGovern in 2:33.5. This also was the first col- legiate meet for the young Michigan star who already holds the National AAU outdoor title. Ted Horlenko Wins 150 Another sophomore got in on the spoils as Ted Horlenko backstroked his way to victory over the 150 yard route ahead of Penn's captain, Joe Tyson, and Allan Baker. ' Francis Heydt, oJhn Sharemet and Will Garvey propelled the Wolver- ines to the front in the 300 yard medley race in 3:05.2 while an all- sophomore aggregation of Allen, Gar- vey, West and Skinner outfought the Pennsylvanians in the 400 yard event. Strother T-Bone Martin contrib- uted is bit to the cause as he added to the Wolverine total with a first place in the fancy diving. He amass- ed 135.63 points to the 102.76 given Penn's Charles Reed. SUMMARIES 300-yard medley: Won by Michi- gan (Heydt, J. Sharemet, Garvey). Time 3:05.2. 220-yard free style: Won by Pat- ten (Michigan). Time 2:19.9. 50-yard free style: Won by Bar- ker (Michigan). Time 4:22. Fancy dive won by Martin, Mich- igan, 135.63 points. 100-yard freestyle: Won by Bark- er (Michigan). Time 55.2. 150 yard back stroke: Won by Hor- lenko (Michigan). Time, 1:44.1. 200 yard breast stroke: Won by Skinner (Michigan); time 2:33.5. 440 yard free style: W 14 .by Pat- ten (Michigan) ; time 5 :14.5. 400 yard free style relay: Won by Michigan (Allen, Garvey, West, Skinner). Timne, 3:52.4. S Harmon Given Most Valuable P"layer Awar d CHICAGO, Dec. 14-/P-To the surprise of no one, Tommy Harmon, Michigan triple threat halfback, was named today as the "most valuable" player to his team in the Western Fraternity Grapplers Compet ForChampionshipsThis W The brawny musclemen of the fra- '40 meet, will be back tod ternities will be given a chance to title. The Phi Delts amassed match their strength and skill at the last year to Psi Upsilon's n: annual Interfraternity Wrestling runner-up spot. Among t Meet which will be held at 7:30 p.m. captured crowns last year Monday and Tuesday at the Field will be on hand for the m House. Wistert, unlimited champ ~eek defend its 33 points ine in the hose who and who eet are Al aion, Don Conference. Preliminaries will take place Mon- Harmon was selected in the annual day night, with the finalists meet- ing Tuesday. Contestants must weigh poll conducted by the Chicago Tri- in between 3:00 and 5:30 p.m. at the bune. A group of coaches and of- Sports Building or Waterman Gym- ficials made the choice after the nasium. players of each football squad had Practice for the meet has been held selected their "most valuable" men. during the past week, with Port Rob- sTedMitheira"msta uhoae"lmen.ertson, assistant wrestling coach, Amer caMnichigan star,aigh twasAll- supervising the workouts. About 56 Amercantwo ear strigh, wa anentries have been received so far. almost unanimous selection, finish- Pieae ee n er ofa'9- ing far ahead of P'aul iemenz, Phi Delta Theta, winner of the '39- H i m n , _ __ _ _ -_ ____ __- _ _ __ _ _. _ _ __ Northwestern center, who ran second in the poll. ^ George Paskvan, Wisconsin full- IT'S NOT T back, was third, followed closely by George Paffrath, Minnesota quarter- back; Mike Enich, Iowa tackle; Dave Rankin, Purdue end; Dwight Gahm, 50 with " our Indiana center; Claude White, Ohio J Name for State center, and George Bernhardt, Others 25 for 8 Illinois fullback. . . Largest stock The recognition carries with it a silver trophy shaped like a football, actual playing size. It will be pre- U i h EABT UNIV sented at a time suitable to Harmon 549 EAST UNIV and Michigan officials. Young, runner-up in the 175 pound class, and John Stewart, winner in the 123 pound class, all of the Phi Delt squad. With these three exper- ienced wrestlers augmenting their crew, the Phi Delts should present a real threat to the other groups in defense of their crown. In order to qualify for the entrance points each team must enter at least two men in the meet. _._ . Forward Bob Fitzgerald's fine play sparked his teammates to vic- tory last night, in the 36-16 drub- bing the Wolverines handed the Ypsi quintet. The lanky junior tallied eleven points to tie with' guard Mike Sofiak for high-scor- ing honors of the evening. Picking up third place points for the sophomore cause, Buck Dawson beat out senior Jack Dobson. In a blanket finish senior letter- man Jeff Hall edged MacIntyre and McCarty by scant inches to take. the high hurdle event in 8.5. Another soph, Bud Byerly, finished fourth. Trailing McCarthy in the low bar- rier event was Hall, and again it was a matter of mere fractions of inches separating the two. Speedster Bud Piel added five jun- ior points with a 6.5 seconds effort in the 60-yard dash, narrowly beat- ing out senior Bill Harnist and soph- omore Chuck Donahey, second and third in that order. Jack Keller, junior dashman, was a couple steps behind for fourth. Goodfellows - lfonaay Butler Defeats Buckeyes COLUMBUS, O., Dec. 14-(/P)-A fast-stepping Butler University bas- ketball team capitalized on a pair of wild passes by hard-pressed Ohio State players in the closing minutes of their game here tonight to nose out the Buckeyes, 51 to 49. , BALL & TH RFASHER NEW LOCATION - 205 South Fourth Street i _ . _ -_.. _ . y _ . Holiday Special! i GIVE HER IN 'C -I N Ii" A J ; z Q ( m ' ' w a.. a ,.. t qv t i (for December only) any Microcleaned and Re-blocked .... iG ,ii ,I'I ' 4 ' it aC 'hi (I -J G1 0. II I , ;, ,: 0w z JC d U, I,. !L c for on ly c v a EVERY WOMAN LOVES STERLING So here is your answer to "what would she like best of alL?" GivE HER useful salad forks, a keen-edged carving set, or iced teaspoons to match her pattern. Or start a new set for her. ... A salad fork or iced teaspoon costs about $3, a 24-piece set about $67. Let us tell you about othcr ideas we have for Christmas gifts. Free Delivery S GREENE ii II I I I I s i 1111 ""'