1 9 Editorial Greetings To '44 Y [ E a ir-.1111J Iaiti Weather Occasional Light Rain VOL. Ll. No. 1 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1940 PRICE FIVE CENTS 2500To Participate In Orientation Week British Ships Shell West African Port In Seizure Attempt Troops Led By de Gaulle On Dakar, French Post, Are Reported Repulsed Indo-China Force Resists Japanese (By The Associated Press) British naval guns last night shelled the port of Dakar, French West Africa, inflicting untold casual- ties after that Vichy-ruled port re- fused to surrender upon demand of Gen. Charles de Gau'lle, leader of the Frenchmen still fighting Ger- many. French Government advices said General de Gaulle, who is under a death sentence by the Vichy govern- ment, was aboard a British warship off Dakar, along with four troop ships packed with soldiers ready to land and take over. At 6 p.m. yesterday it was indi- cated at Vichhy that British war- ships had been unable to land any of their expeditionary force of British and Free French troops at Dakar and the battle still was raging. Japs Continue Invasion Japanese troops. fought their way into French Indo-China in the Far East. Bent upon outflanking Chinese re- sistance through French Indo-China, they already had obtained "limited" French agreement to the' dispatch of troops, but French Foreign Legion- naires and native troops either had not received word of the agreement or chose to resist. Japan's use of French Indo-China as another means of encircling China aroused speculation in Tokyo as to the reaction of third powers, espe- cially the United States. Foreign of- fice spokesmen emphasized Japan had no "territorial design" on Indo- China, and the Japanese army and navy was represented as ready to counter any "uncalled for interven- tion" by third powers. Return Promise British bombers attacked Berlin early today in the longest sustained raid yet on the Nazi capital, carry- ing out Prime Minister Winston Churchill's recent promise "don't worry-they'll get it back." Bombs fell in Central Berlin, as British planes flew over the city for more than three hours. There were no immediate reports of bomb dam- age, however, and no fires were visi- ble from the roof of the Associated Press office. London underwent its seventeenth successive night of German air siege following a radio message of encour- agement from King George VI. King Is Bitter The King was particularly bitter about the torpedoing of a Canada- bound refugee ship in which 293 persons, including 83 evacuated chil- dren, lost their lives. He called it a "foul deed." News of the sinking, attributed to Germany, caused much public clamor for retaliatory raids on German cities. Friers Returns From A 6,000 MileJunket NEW YORK, Sept. 23.-(IP)-Rob- ert Friers, University of Michigan graduate, who arrived here today on the liner Santa Elena, claims the title of the world's champion hitch- hiker, with a total of 114,000 miles traveled by thumb in 12 years. "That doesn't include water trav- el," said Friers. "Traveling by boat isn't hitch-hiking." Friers, returning from a 6,000-mile junket through Mexico, Central America and Colombia, is enroute to his home in Sagniaw, Mich. He plans 35 Gridders To Make Trip To California I Action Seen Near On New ArmoryHere Regents To Submit Plans To War Department For ROTCBuilding Present Facilities Termed Inadequate Application for a new military and naval ROTC armory is expected to be filed with the War Department by the University Board of Regents this week, President Ruthven an- nounced at a press conference Satur- day. Old plans for an ROTC armory are avail'.e for fr vrrk by the Advisory Committee on Military Af- fairs, the resident professors of mili- tary and na-Nrl science and tactics and their a.. =stants. The combined grc ups met yesterday for considera- tion of the plans and found them inadequate in size and type of facili- ties offered. Inspect State Plant Advisory Committee Chairman L. M. Gram, professor of civil engineer- ing; Col. F. M. Brennan, acting pro- fessor of military science and tac- tics, and Capt. L. A. Davidson, pro- fessor of ntval science and tactics, went to East Lansing after yester- day's meeting to inspect the ROTC armory of Michigan State College. They were to return last night and were expected to have a report ready tomorrow. Facilities to be included in the armory are offices, class rooms and drill floors, offering complete hous- ing for all military and naval train- ing activities at the University. Cites Inadequacies "Present facilities for ROTC work have long been admittedly inade- quate even for a much smaller unit than we have this year at the Uni- versity," President Ruthven con- tinued. "With the advent of naval training and an expected increase 4n army ROTC enrollment, new class- roms, drill floors and offices are im- perative." Although no more meetings of the advisory board and the army and navy officers have yet been set, it is expected that work on location of the building, its size and plans and esti- mates on its cost will be completed quickly. II I President Greets Freshmen I I Ruthven Stresses Duties OfLiberty Freshmien, Transfers Kept Busy By Introduction To Campus An audience exceeding 2500, including approximately 1700 members of the class of 1944 and more than 800 transfer students, heard President Alexander Grant Ruthven, in a speech last night in Hill Auditorium, warn students against taking the privileges of democracy for granted. Meeting for .the first time as a class, freshman men and women ap- plauded President Ruthven when he stressed in a short speech the obliga- tions of citizenship, and voiced the hope that the University will turn out not only scholars and practitioners, but worthy citizens as well. Pointing out that freedom of speech and action still exist in this country, and in this University, the President said, "at the same time, we trust you will not interpret the freucom that you find here as license to -repay the hospitality of the state TO THE CLASS OF 1944: The privilege of entering the University of Michigan should be more precious and full of meaning to you of the class of 1944 than to any of your predecessors. An institution for unre- stricted learning, maintained by a free state, in a free country, is, unfor- tunately, a much rarer thing in this world today than even a few short months ago.. I is for you, who are newcomers, and for us, who greet you and wish you good fortune, to value what we find here, to make the most of it, and to strive, day in and day out, for the preservation of those treasured traditions of American democracy of which the very existence of this University is a symbol. --ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN. TOM HARMON By HAL WILSON After a fortnight of grueling, wear- ing, tearing pre-season practice, 35 rugged Wolverines will enplane from Detroit at 1:05 p.m. tomorrow on the first leg of their 2,500 mile air jaunt to Berkeley, Cal., where they will open Michigan's grid season against California's Golden Bears Sat- urday. The potentialities of this Wolverine squad are virtually unlimited. But potentialities do not pay off on the playing field-not unless they ex- plode into dynamic gridiron reality. Definitely an "if" team, this eleven could develop into one of the greatest ever to perform for Michigan, as it has pledged itself to do for Fielding H. Yost who retires this year from his Athletic Director's post, or mere- ly into another college football team. Seniors Predominate Upon several factors depends the Wolverines' 1940 success. It will be a senior team that steps into the Bears' Memorial Stadium Saturday, for seven of the probable starting combination will be opening their last campaign for Michigan. Senior teams are notoriously lacking in the drive and determination from which championship outfits are molded. Another more tangible considera- tion is the reserve problem. Michi- gan's first string will be admittedly good, perhaps great; but modern foot- ball juggernauts are built on the basis of "three deep at every posi- tion." The Wolverines' reserve strength is yet untested. Numerous promising sophomores as Well a some reserves of 1939 are on hand. Chief sore spots on the team will be the center and tackle berths which were stripped of regulars by gradu- ation. Bob Ingalls has. thus far handled the pivot position, vacated by last year's Capt. Archie Kbdros, in convincing manner, but behind him stand only Ted Kennedy, a tough but inexperienced junior and sophomore Clarence Hall, recently shifted from end to center. Has Four Tackles Crisler has four husky tackles in the thick of the fight to fill the gap- ing holes left by the graduation of Joe Savilla and Bill Smith. Veteran Ruben Kelto and Al Wistert, sopho- (Continued on Page 6) I New Officers Elected By Sigma Delta Chi I! I I I Milton Orshefsky, '41, and Wil- liam H. Newton, '42, were elected treasurer and secretary, respectively, of the Michigan chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional jour- nalism fraternity, at a special meet- ing held yesterday afternoon. Members gave a vote of thanks to Harry M. Kelsey, former secre- tary-treasurer, who has left the Uni- versity to enroll in a naval reserve training course. Plans to enter co-sponsorship of football rallies in cooperation with the Union and the Undergraduate "M" Club were discussed at the meet- ing, The chapter plans to provide a speaker for each rally, picking alumni members who are prominent sports writers for wire services or metropolitan newspapers. Willkie Plans Campaign Talk In Ann Arbor GOP Nominee Will Speak Monday At The Request Of Backers In City Wendell L. Willkie, former utili- ties magnate and 1940 GOP presiden- tial nominee, will roll into Ann Arbor at 2 p.m. Monday during his tour of the state to present one in a series of "train platform" talks. Because Washtenaw County has always been a Republican strong- hold it was believed by many that Mr. Willkie would not make an ap- pearance here. However, a message requesting his presence was written by Reardon Peirsol of the Independ- ent Men for Willkie Club recently, and the candidate decided that he would give a short talk here en route to Detroit. Mr. Peirsol's Willkie Club, located on North Washington St., is at pres- ent only one of the candidate's or- ganizations in town as a group of University students have also formed a Willkie-for-President Club on North University. Campus Vote For President To Be Polled Congress To Hold Straw Vote Registration Week; Blaustein Is Chairman Congress will launch its fourth year of service to independent men on campus when it conducts its All- Campus Presidential Straw Poll dur- ing registration week. The Poll will be conducted from 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the entrance to Waterman Gymnasium. Every stu- dent on c ampus will have the oppor- tunity at that time to cast his ballot for candidates on either the Demo- cratic, Republican, Socialist Prohi- bition or Communist tickets. Chairman of the Straw Vote com- mittee is Albert P. Blaustein, '42, Gordon Andrew, '42, will take charge of counting the votes. But this vote is by no means the most important activity sponsored by Congress. It is but one unit of a highly integrated program for the coming school terms outlined by Pres- ident William H. Rockwell, 41, and Secretary - Treasurer David Panar, '42E. But before the first ballot is cast, Congress has already swung into ac- tion, for intensive Orientation Week plans have been formulated. Con- gress will maintain an information desk on the main floor of the Union. The organization will sponsor a mix- er for new men students Friday even- ing in the Union. Motion pictures will be shown and Rockwell will ex- plain Congress' activities in a short talk. As the year progresses, Congress will inaugurate a Discount Card pro- gram. These cards will entitle stu- dents to discount on laundry, dry cleaning and shoe repairing. The Organization Committee, un- der the chairmanship of Richard F ro sh Tell Of First Day ImpressionsF By CHESTER BRADLEY Approaching bevies of chattering slightly self-conscious girls and groups of half-swaggering, half- abashed fellows, the Inquiring Re-t porter collected the reactions and im- pressions of various members of thel Class of '44, as they convened for their first formal convocation lastP night on the steps of Hill Auditorium. Betty McKenzie: "Frankly I'm not1 enthusiastic about Freshman Week -too much walking. I'm a little frightened of the size of the place, but I'm meeting a lot of nice people. I think Michigan men are wonder- ful. They can certainly hand out a very good line." Byron Avgerinos: "Everything's1 swell. Accommodations in the dorm are better than I expected. This "four-out-of-five" theory seems tof make sense-so far. But I've seen only a few coeds up to date." Betty Dunn: "The first time I saw the campus I cried. I can keep hap- py as long as there's a crowd of people. I'm worried. I haven't found a room yet." Meredith Parfet: "Oh, it's very ex-1 citing-so many interesting things all1 planned for us, so many new people1 to meet. I haven't had much oppor- tunity to meet Michigan men. That'st why I'm looking forward to the mixers later in the week." Russ Downey: "It's wonderful here. I'm finding the orientation programt very helpful. I think this is one of1 the best college campuses in the Mid-1 west from the standpoint of beauty. I like the dorm, and I'm looking for- ward to the "get-acquainted" pro-j gram tomorrow night." At the same time the Inquiring Reporter interviewed two advisers for their opinions of the new crop of freshmen. Jane Willett, '42: "Remarkably as- tute lot this year. They don't stand around and gape at the campus lum- inaries at the Parrot. They use their maps instead of asking a lot of unnecessary questions. They don't even complain about filling out reg- istration material. So, brain trusts and beauties-they look pretty prom- ising around here." Prof. Emswiler Suffers Stroke Prof. John Edward Emswiler, chairman of the mechanical engin- eering department, was reported critically ill last night after a severe stroke. Professor Emswiler has been on leave of absence for the past year because of ill health. Born Feb. 13, 1880, in Lebanon, Ill., Professor Emswiler graduated from Martinsburg, Ohio High School and received a B.Sc. degree from Ohio State University. He joined the teaching staff of the University in September, 1906, and was made Chairman of the Department of Me- chanical Engineering when Ander- son was appointed dean. with ingratitude." Cites Social Obligations "We would like you to remember that enrollment in the University does not relieve you of the social ob- ligations which are imposed upon very person under our form of gov- ernment, and self-discipline no less than freedom is an essential of the democratic process," the President added. A similar note was struck in speeches by Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Philip E. Bursley, Director of Orientation Period who acted as chairman, and Kenneth W. Morgan, Director of the, Student Re- ligious Association, who opened the program with a talk on the religious needs of students, and the meaning f real education. Good Fortunes Stressed Speakers were unanimous in re- minding the new students that they were very fortunate in times such as these to be attending a University instead of fighting a war as their contemporaries in Europe and Asia were. The need for a well rounded education, including academic, so- cial and cultural factors, was also stressed in the speeches. Freshmen came to the assembly after a day of Orientation activities which began at 12:30 p.m. yesterday when men and women met their student advisors in the Union and League ballrooms respectively. Fol- lowing distribution of necessary printed material, groups began a series of trips to points of interest on and about the campus. Each group of both men and, wo- men has its individual schedule for trips through the University Library, the Health Service Plant, audiometer tests and consultation with the fac- ulty academic counselors. These ac- tivities will extend through Friday of this week. Registration and classi- fication will also be handled by in- dividual groups. Engineers Differ There are 52 groups of freshman men, including 20 groups4 of fresh- man engineers, two groups of fledg- ling architects, and one group each of freshman pharmacists, physical education majors and musicians. The program for freshman engineers dif- fers slightly from that for the mem- bers of other colleges. An assembly for the class of '44E will be held to- morrow afternoon in Room 348 West Engine Building, and a special mixer for engineers will be held Thursday night in the main dining room of the Union. Freshman women will go through the same program as the men as far as trips about the campus, health examinations and registration and classification are concerned. Gen- eral activities include a style show and talks by Jane Grove, '41, WAA president,tand Dr. Margaret Bell, of the Health Service, which will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow at Palmer Field. Plan Parcel Party An assembly at which the League Council will be introduced and activi- ties discussed will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow, in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Thursday and Fri- day at 8 p.m. receptions will be held in the League ballroom at which freshman girls may meet Dean Alice Lloyd and take part in dancing and a parcel party designed to facilitate acquaintance-making. Half of the Freshman Interest Is Centered On Question Of Coeds' Beauty By A. P. BLAUSTEIN Jack Brennan's ghost hovered about Hill Auditorium last night while more than 2,500 freshmen and upperclassmen discussed heatedly the validity of the phrase he made famous: "Four out of five women are beautiful and the fifth one comes to Michigan." Opinions, as was to be expected, differed widely on the question but it was only the sophomores in the ing and the opposite view seemed to be held by those less attractive. It. was quite apparent moreover to the casual observer that the girls dif- fered on every item save one-they all like saddle shoes. Except for the few residents of Stockwell Hall who were met by the rumor that silk stockings and high- heeled shoes would be necessary for the occasion practically every coed was bedecked in the traditional col- lege garb of skirt, sweater, anklets Walk 20 Miles With 50 I