P-ag' Four P'ERS PECTIVES BROTHER TO THE OX ..By David Stevenson HE girl stood on the threshold, drew back her arm and threw her Fifth Grade Reader across the kitchen into the living room. .h: ,smelled the fumes of fermented cshas e that escaped from the kettle oen he stove and made a face. "Sauer- r'it again?" she asked. "Is that Pad- dy going to come here for supper again tonight, ma?" 'he woman adjusted the gas. Then she pointed her cooking fork at the chil and made an affirmative sound whtch was not 'Ja' and not quite 'yeh.' 17 ow do you know? How'd you catch on ,o quick? How you know he's com- finc." she asked: "s smelled it." '\hy'd you make such a face? What's the matter with sauerkraut? You better Juil turning up your nose at things, t' .. all. Besides, Paddy likes sauer- 9 .st "stou never make anything I like any o-e. It's always what Paddy likes. lFvesy hing has got to suit Paddy. And when you marry him it will be worse thane ver."- '?s woman laughed in the way that he neighbors found objectionable, es- p2,i5 ally late at night. "You just too snnrt she told the child, "Who told y ' was going to marry him?" Th child ignored the question. "When g' vou and him getting married?" she w ked 'Wouldn't you like to know." "2ome on, ma. Tell me." °')')uldn't you like to know." \Vthen is it going to be, ma?" the ' repeated, fighting to suppress her 'ryd is he going to pay the rent o, Sunday or Monday?" ".udon't like the way you say that. Katherine Brown. Think I'd marry him jet so to pay the rent on a dirty base- nint 'partment like this? What's the r;ter with you? I got a good notion to . p your face for you." "s1ell, he is going to pay it, isn't he?" r. Brown admitted he was. atherine edged toward the living ro ni door. "Well, I'll bet he don't know t '," she said and ran into the bath- iroe and locked the door before her a riosr could find anything to throw at iser Mrs. Brown rattled the knob and ye'led until she heard Katherine cry- g ; uad then went back to the kitchen. V ss too bad Katherine and Paddy dant get on together. It made it so is harder marrying him. She threw a :ettle lid on the floor to relieve her oss'rs.gs 'he buzzer rang two short rings. She tub, off her apron, pressed in on her v1 ach, patted her cheeks, and shoved th ltton which unlocked the door at Ce ead of the stairs. There was a av id of heels (Cuban heels which made *i4 n inch taller than she) and then t' . harp knocks on the door. "Any- las, to home in there?" " slhat do you think?" She flung open t 4door and waited for him to take as m. clh as he could of her into his .r5 50. ":F'ow are you, honey?" he asked, re- t* a bering the scene in that last show thet had been something like this ex- ct',t the heroine had lived in a pent- te se instead of a basement. He sniffed 4ilyr. She told him it was sauerkraut Ps ' he kissed her, sideways, just like it (d in the movie magazine. When tut was over she put the supper on th table end they began to eat as soon s 'she had promised Katherine she ce 'd come out now without being slped. Katherine refused to speak to I' ohy, so Mrs. Brown set about cheer- ss them up. She had a notion that hos- ".es must be entertaining, must make " e feel happy. To make them laugh you laugh yourself. The more you laugh, the more they laugh, the happier you all are. But it was hard to act happy with Katherine sulking and Paddy just smiling when he knew she was watching him. What was the matter with Paddy? She didn't have a "Mrs." in front of her name for nothing; having had one hus- band, she knew the signs. Paddy had something to tell and he didn't want to tell it. Mabe there was something wrong with the sauerkraut. Maybe he was going to walk out on her. Maybe he wanted to tell her things like the men in the movies told the pretty wo- men, in open cars with the moon shin- ing, in penthouse's with the moon shin- ing, in boats with the moon shining. But even if the ceiling light had been "That's bad. How much was your check?" Never mind. They'll probably take me back when the new model gets going. They don't have many punch press men like me." He said it with pride and a little perplexity. Being laid off like this was inconsistent with his own opin- ion of himself and he was unwilling to change his own opinion of himself and unable to change the fact that he was out of a job. "Are you going to marry me Satur- day, or not?" she asked, giving up being subtle without having tried. Paddy tapped the table with his fork. "Well, this is what I figured out, honey." He explained how much it would cost to drive way down to Indiana just to U S.er SO Where leaves once hung I see the winter sky: The trees have let their thousand colors fall. These days are ruled by bare geometry: Equations sing within the forms of all This passionless revealed anatomy. Now life is ordered and symmetrical: There is no sign of summer's fantasy; The earth is only loveless algebra. Magic has passed; the branches' resignation Silence desire. The wind has lost Its, urging, the flowers that spoke consent Are gone. Within this desolation I walk alone, and know the ultimate cost Of summer: all of beauty has been spent. -Nelson Bentein And he'd do it with Paddy's car for just one hundred bucks of the insurance company's dough. OK? Paddy told him he'd think it over. Of course, he told Maria, there would be some risk. Not that he believed there would be, but it was a good way totest her love-see if she'd cough up enough cash so that he could have her and the car, too. But she said she didn't have any money, not that much, any- way. In spite of what she said, he knew there was alimony or insurance coming in from somewhere, but, at any rate. it was decided that love of her must come before love of car and Paddy left to make arrangements with his friend. He didn't come again until the fried onions were ready to go on the taalf the next night. After he had eaten as much as he could hold, he wiped off his chin and came straight to the point. "We're going to get rid of the car," he said. "I knew you would," said Mrs. Brown, smiling. For her, sitting there ona chair which was not paid for, with her el- bows on a table that was not paid for, looking at the ice box that was not paid for, for her the cup was brimming over. "That's swell, honey," she said, "I knew you'd do it." "We're going to get rid of it tonight." "Tonight? Already? So quick?" "That's right. We're going to kiss the old tub goodbye tonight." 'We?' Who do you mean by 'we?'" she asked, that old expression of mis- trust returning to her face. "Not going to do it yourself, are you, Paddy?" "Well, no, not me exactly." " 'Exactly,' what do you mean by 'ex- actly?'" "You and me-and Katherine-" he glared at Katherine. "You and me and Katherine are going to the show." He explained how they were going to be stars. While the handsome guy with the pretty name was chasing the pretty dame on the movie film, they were go- ing to be acting, too. He and his pal had figured it out that way. Paddy would park his car as close to the Dynamic as he could. Then his pal would get in and stick Paddy's spare key in the ig- nition and-just like that- it would be all done. Maria was vastly flattered. She gig- gled and wanted to know where he got that stuff about being an actor. He told her it was this way: They would walk out there just as if they didn't know what had happened. They would go down to where they had left the car. But, what do you know, it would be gone. Simple, wasn't it? She admit- ted it was, but Katherine wanted to know just what she would have to say and that took some figuring. This is what Paddy worked out for them to say: Paddy-(loud enough for bystanders to hear)-Oh my God, Maria, where is my car gone to? Maria-It isn't here, is it? Oh dear, are you sure you left it here, dear? Are you positive? Katherine-Mr. Paddington, are you certain you left your car here? Paddy-(angrily) Yes, of course I am. But now it has disappeared. Maria-It's gone!, It's gone! Katharine-It's gone! It's gone! Paddy-I must find a policeman. My car has been stole. That satisfied Katharine, who now emerged from her sulk and took on all the signs of suppressed excitement, dancing around the house and rehears- ing her lines as if they had been a Christmas verse for school. She per- suaded her mother to leave the dishes and hurried them out to the car. Paddy caressed the knob on the steering wheel, wiped some dust off the dashboard, (Continued on Page Ten the moon, what could he tell her with Katherine sitting there? "Say, Maria, I'd like to have a lit- tle talk with you," Paddy said when he couldn't hold any more food. "O.K." A pause, reasonably awkward. Paddy glanced at Katherine. He knew that she hated him and he thought she was the only reason why Maria had been so slow in saying Yes. And every time he looked at her he caught her staring at him, looking as if she had just been kicked in the face. It made him uneasy. He didn't want her around at his private conversations. "I want to see you alone," he told Mrs. Brown. Maria looked at Katherine to tell her to leave and it struck her how sad the girl looked, as if she was trying not to cry. If she sent Katherine away it was the same as saying she loved Paddy more than her. Katherine would take it that way. She had been living alone with Katherine since the older sister had married; she had only known Pad- dy three months. "She ain't going to leave," she told Paddy. "Katherine, you stay here. You don't have to leave." The child tried to smile and wiped her eyes on her'-wrist. Paddy took the last piece of pie and retired into himself. Mrs. Brown watched him closely. She knew the signs and one of them was that when a man keeps still you have the best of him. "What I wanted to say," he told her while he on the last mouthful, "is that I been laid-off." "Laid-off!" "They put a letter in my pay en- velope." get married. He had almost got her to the point of admitting that marriage was only a lot of words spoken by a man with his collar on backwards, when she caught on and said No. "Uh-uh," she said. "No." "But I'll be hired back in a month. They got to have good men like me for the new model." But she still refused. He told her that she could still call herself Mrs. Paddington, but it was no go. (Paddington was his American name after his favorite movie detective.) "I ain't going to do that," she re- peated. "It might give Katherine wrong ideas. You can just forget about it." "Well, if that's the way you feel about it-" He waited and hoped for-a denial, but not even the look on her face changed. "You ought to have some faith in me, honey," he said and acknow- ledged his first defeat from her who would soon be his wife. Then he ex- plained his second plan. The man next to him at work was really a smart guy. This guy had a little business propo- sition he would like to make to Paddy, because Paddy was a friend of his, see. Well, it was this way: Padd had insur- ance on his car, didn't he? And did he know what happened if your car got stole and they never found it? Well, the insurance company makes you sign some papers and then you get a nice big check. All you are out is your car and Paddy could get a new one when the new model came out. So this guy 'had let Paddy in on something really big. This guy had lost his car. Did Paddy know how? Well, he just drove it into that old stone quarry that was full of water he had told Paddy about.