'PERSPECTIVES Pae ?"hree .,PsERi v P F CT iIV i./a geVTre BIG BUSINESS SITS DOWN .By Martin B. Dworkis 6n September 16. 1940, for the first Also, if at the end of eight years, the time in American history, the youth of company wanted to it could continue its this country were rendered liable to mil- lease and program for another eight itary conscription in peace time. The years. If it did not, the government con- American people showed themselves tracted to buy the plant, in which case willing to make an unprecedented effort the government would be paying for it to gear our defense program ready for twice. Nevertheless, when last heard any exigencies that may arise. Congress, from, the Wright company was a hold- the Adbinistration and the press have out, sitting down for five year amortiza- . been calling our attention to the fact tion. that our national safety is. jeopardized, What do -these incidents illustrate? that sacrifice and struggle are required They show that Big Business is willing for defense. to cooperate only at a price. The terms Yet, since and even prior to the pass- of the monopoly interests as dictated to age of the Conscription Bill,'the defense *'prograzh has lacked any drive whatso- ever. No foreign agents or fifth column- ists can be found in the hay stack of our hampered and strained and sabotaged defense drive. 400,000 young men are to be snatched from jobs, careers, schools and homes for military service at a nom- inal pay of $30.00 a month. But Big Business haggles and bickers over the profits 'that can be made out of the . necessities of the international and na- It is so hard to be nonchalan tional situation. When buildings are falling a It is this "sit down" and the appease- ment policy of the national government It is so hard to look cool and that gives one cause to wonder if the To refrain from doing the provision of the Conscription Act pro- viding for the conscription of reluctant (A Morris Dance or the Hig wealth and industries is not a bit of When the bomber's bomb ha political.hand-out to the American pub- lic to make the snatch of our young men acceptable. In August, the sit down So settle down to a gouty wa of Big Business first came to the at- And polish your monocle as tention of the public. Since then revela- tion has followed revelation in 'the nia- Cherry pie, cherry pie, tidnal government, in the 'press and Even a cherry's afraid t throughout the country. The evidence is piling 'up.. Secretary Stinason in August, before a Senate But their prima-donna hearing in Washington, adniitted that Yet tell me not in mournful of the 4200 planes for which 'fnds had Of club-chairs or after-dinn been appropriated by Congress, 33 had been contracted foir. Before the Senate Oh! I say! That was a close s Affairs Committee, an employee of the Those Nazi airmen have som National Defense Commission testified, that it was the opinion of the Conuns- Come, Thomas old thing, we' sion that until arms production was re- And cable a gram to Lady A leased from restriction on profits there "The British lass is fonder of would be little or no produce forthcom- ing. Further, tax and amortisation laws Than combing ruins in wide would have to meet with the approval And it might well have a gr of the manufacturers. ' Corroboration Than a moonlight raid or a came in the form of a statement by the President of United States Steel, "Irving We'll muddle through, don't S. Olds, to 'the effect that his company The worst of this raid has on would delay the purchasing of needed armor plate machinery 'until "proper" And should you die, the wo legislation of taxation was secured. Sin- The masses shall feel they ha' ilarily from the Newport News Ship- They'll bury you, smelling o bilding. Company, :as. represented by J. B..Woodward, cime the testimony be- And draped in red, in the Ha fore a Congressional Committee that the Yes, yes, I know, God's plagu iornet, newest 'aircraft carrier, would And the heirs of this earth are have, to be launched without necessary A side-belt armor because manufacturers But, it might have been a goo would'not 'make the plate until the gov- If Hitler had turned from ha eminent guaranteed them profits and' paid the expenses of installing new ma- chinery. Take this. quotation from the Wall Street Journal of 'August in reporting on the aviation program. "Although con- tracts for some -4,000 planes have been drawn and are awaiting signature, it is understood that' the industry has de- the American people indicate that there clined 'to accept the business until def- are to be no risks and fat profits. Pierre mite rgeulations are forthcoming on DuPont best summarized the situation amortizing new plants." The story of the way back in 1917 when he said, "We can- 'aviation industry's "wants" indicate a not assent to allowing our patriotism to shacking reversal in pointing up the interfere with our duties as trustees." spearhead of our national defense pro- The price that the government is to gram. T6 illustrate,"the Curtis-Wright pay in order to secure cooperation from company, worth eighteen million dol- Big Business is tremendous. The gov- lars some months back, received a loan ernMent is to loan the money to build from the national government of over the plants and provide for new equip- ninety millions. In addition, the gov- ment, charge off as amortization part mrnmen ptomised to Pay zeniough for the of 'the 'tax 'on profits, pay a price 'that motors produced toenable the company will enable the co mpanies to- completely to repay the Loan in eight years. As a wipe out the debt at the end of five result;'the nrtis'Wright )people, would years, and promise to buy back the " l, eight years A'hew plant,-fully' plants if- the industry can no longer' - itipped;'eompletely'paid-for- and worth' "use" them; at the'ndustry's option; of. 'much more 't2n what they'have now, course. i Profits rule. The American people are faced with a situation where their na- tional security and freedom are chal- lenged from within by a strike of our huge national monopolies and indus- tries. The Aluminum Company of Amer- ica, with an all-powerful grip on alum- inum and other metals vital for air- craft, has created a bottleneck in alum- inum production. Interesting, too, is the fact that the company in cooperation with a German firm has a patent used by the Nazis for the production of an alloy. The control of power and raw o1 in M/ia ,air t 11 around you, collected, unexpected ghland Fling) as almost found you; et, old thing, ilk you talk: o die... gave this rendition, was hors de condition) numbers; er slumbers; queak! ne cheek! '1 travel faster .stor: f tweeds ow's weeds"- eater effect hit direct; be downhearted, y started! rld shall know it, ve lost a poet; f spikenard arvard yard; led us with thugs e "jitterbugs," d deal worse ate to verse! -Lawrence P. Spingarn machinery and plants should be com- pensated for and allowances made where such plants will not be profitable after the emergency is over. But this does not mean that they should be permitted unlimited profits or escape from their fair share of taxation. In producing for national defense, manufacturers should be willing to assume reasonable risks and be content with reasonable profits. Most of America's business enterprises have been content to do this. Defense in- dustries are on the increase, undoubted- ly, and almost all are working for rea- sonable returns. The problem is are we to allow some few key industries con- trolled by monopolies or cliques of bus- iness men to undermine the defense drive? The slogan of "patriotism before prof- its" must be nation-wide. Drastic. mea- sures are needed in drastic times and the Conscription Act empowers the gov- ernmnent to employ powerful weapons. Emergency calls for action. As Bruce Bliven stated, "The enemy against whom we are preparing doesn't have to worry about 'business as usual.' In his country, anybody who tried to obstruct the national defense program for the sake of profits or for any other reason would be taken out and shot." National defense does not call for shooting anybody in this country, of course. But then, if we can agree tha , the times call for action, that our de- fenses must be built up, what then? Some say let us give monopoly its head, everything wanted, and then after the emergency has passed, we can tax away their huge profits. But experience shows that such would not be the case. Rather we would be increasing an already too- powerful control over our economic sys- tem, the political consequences of which might well prove disastrous. Even if we gave them a blank check the likeli- hood of their coming up to defense re- quirements is slim. In order to appease monopolies th American public would have to accept greater decrease-in its standard of liv- ing. For instance, the Michigan Depart- ment of Labor and Industries reported that living costs in industrial cities were over 2 per cent higher in September, 1940, than in September, 1939. At the same time, the Bethlehem Steel Cor- poration announced a triple increase over last year's dividends, profits for the January to September, 1940 period being $34,160,749 as compared to $11,- 609,456 in the same period last year.- That part of the consumer's dollar that reaches the farmer has dropped from 41 cents to 39 cents as shown by a report of the Department of Agricul- ture, comparing 1939 and 1940 figures. At the-same time, there has been a gen- eral rise in farm prices all along, the line. It would seem that the nationagovern- ment would be anxious to avert a con- tinuing disproportion between wages and prices but such apparently is not the case. In two major instances at least, the government has backtracked to mono- poly interests. In the first case, the American Petroleum -Institute, consist- ing of twenty-odd companies and sub- sidiaries, control the production, Olistri- bution and marketing of oil and petro- leum. Through various juggling me- thods, .the companies are able to "pro- duce" losses on the marketing end, re- couping on the high profits from dis- tribution and production. Consequently, they have been able to drive- out inde- pendent and cooperative retailers and marketers. As a result of thesepratioes, the AntiTrust Division of the Depart- ment of Justice brought suits against the companies. When# the' suits were filed, huwevcr, the complaints were mild and the irm (Contined o n'ge Eight) materials exercised by the monopoly is no small reason why Stettinius, of the National Defense Commission, advo- cates a decided increase in aluminum, production by the Tennessee Valley Au- . thority to break the monopoly bottle- neck. Monopolistic controls lead us into other fields. Bausch and Lomb, produc- ing more than half the optical instru- ments used for military purposes, threatened to stop bomb sight produc- tion unless a conbairacy suit against. them was called off. Thegovernment.re- fused to stand for that 'and the com-- pan 'was convicted and penalized.: A fair profit should be assured to busnestes that cooperate fully ;in the defense progra= , The burden of new