THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA( _________________________________________________________ U a I THE MICIIIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all newA dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTi.SING E. National Advertising Service, Iac. College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * Los ANGELES +SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . Managing Editor * . . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor . .. . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . , . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . . Sports Editor * . . . .Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR. JEAN SHAPERO The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Jurisdictional Strikes Condemned .. . W HEN WILL ORGANIZED LABOR REALIZE that a period of national military emergency is not the proper time for renewed militance and jurisdictional strikes? War-time has always meant open season on trade unions, and Washington does not lack men who are awaiting their first chance to shout "sabotage" and "inner dissension". The unions are an integral part of our defense program, but they must subordinate the petty internal politics that have irked so many Congressmen within the past month.' This week, for example, the United Brother- hood of Carpenters and Joiners called a strike because the International Union of Wood, Wire, and Lathe Workers has been installing metal base backings in the new War Department Building. Both unions belong to the A.F. of L. which makes the position of' organized labor in this matter doubly ridiculous. A certain congressman could not resist this opportunity to dig at the union. Mr. Sumners of Texas declared that "this nation does not want to repeat the mistakes of Fragce where manufacturers are concerned for a profit and the operatives were concerned for what they called social gains". Michigan's Representative Hoffman went a step further when he said, "Let the people of Washington thank God that these carpenters did not decide that this new War De- partment building should be erected in the central part of Michigan, where men stand ready to work for half or less than the sum de- manded by these men." THESE STATEMENTS are not highly personal outbursts. They represent a sentiment which would make labor's position highly pre- carious during wartime. Our government may have been slow in starting its emergency pro- gram, but fast moving defense preparations will not permit petty strikes to block their path. In the past, the unions have always amused the nation with their family antics. They took the New York World's Fair for a ride that hasn't ended yet. America laughed at the spec- tacle of only a union electrician being allowed' to install light bulbs, but war has no room for a sense of humor. If the labor unions do not shelve this myopic policy, they will soon dis- cover that their traditional gains will have given way to the biggest company union ever set up. - Dan Behrman Racketeering In AFL St. Louis got acquainted with George E. Browne, international president of the Stage Hands and Movie Operators' Union, at the time of the protracted scandals and brawling over the actions of his intimate friend and co-worker, John Nick, former head of the local union. Browne was recently re-elected to the executive council of the AFL as twelfth vice-president. At the same time, the convention adopted an eloquent but ineffectual resolution condemning labor racketeers. This makes a "fascinating picture", in the eyes of Edwin A. Lahey, veteran labor reporter of the Chicago Daily News. Browne, he writes, has "surrounded himself with some of the finest gorillas who ever dodged a day's work in Chi- nn ^ 1Aon ilfo f an a _ n _ r ,n - ~ I 60 War Credit Barriers WASHINGTON - Few questions of foreign policy have aroused more intensity of feeling among members of the Roosevelt Cabinet than the proposed credit (some Cabinet member call it "gift") of $100,000,000 to the Franco government in Spain. Those who champion it the most ardently are U.S. Ambassador Weddell in Spain and Assistant Secretary of State Breckenridge Long, both of whom, incidentally, married wealthy St. Louis wives, and both of whom now seem to have sold their Spanish "gift" idea to Cordell Hull. Those who most ardently oppose the hundred millions to Franco are Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau and Secretary of the Interior Ickes. Morgenthau, as a director of the Export-Import Bank, is in a strategic position to block the "gift" and may do so. His fear is that any large loan to Franco would rouse American public opinion against the more worthwhile credits which are now in process of negotiation - $160,000.000 to China and $100,- 000,000 to Argentincel The Argentine credit is considered vital to the Good Neighbor policy, while the credit to China is to help continue resistance against Japan. Purpose of the Spanish credit, according to the State Department career boys, is to keep Franco out of the war. It has leaked out, how- ever, that in his talks with Ambassador Wed- dell, Franco has refused to give a definite pledge to stay out of the war, and will only no so fa as to say that he "does not foresee war." Real fact is that Franco will have to go into war on the side of Germany whenever Hitler wants him to, and no advance pledge of any kind would be worth the paper it is written on. Hitler already has about 20,003 troops stationed in Spain, and one reason he has them there is not only to keep an eye on Franco, but because there is so much political unrest in Spain that Franco faces revolution. Spanish jails are crowded with political pris- oners; Republican sentiment is stronger than ever. Meanwhile food is more scarce even than during the long 'Spanish civil war, one reason being the fact that Franco has had to send large shipments of grain to Germany to pay for the arms sold him by Hitler during the civil war. So now the State Department wants the U.S' Treasury to compensate Franco for the food payments he has had to send to Hitler. The Social Whirl AFTER A BAD BEGINNING, Washington's social season is swinging into the old gla- mour tempo. During the autumn, that unique group of women who make a profession of running the big social functions of the town, was deeply impressed. They feared that the war would send this year's business into the cellar. One debutante, Miss Louisa Clement, gave the $1500 which her grandmother had allotted for the coming-out party to British aid. This was fine 'for Britain, but bad news for the social business. Then the tide began to turn. A fortnight after the election, the wealthy Mrs. William Laird Dunlop staged the Black and White Ball. That broke the ice. War-born nervousness began to disappear. Wavering mamas decided to go through with daughters' parties after all. And now restraints seem definitely lifted and the parties are getting really lavish. Champagne is being uncorked with gay abandon, and pro- fessional social secretaries are happily amazed: "It's going to be the gayest season in years," they say, "gayer than anything since the de- pression." MERE REPEAL of the Johnson Act won't clear the way for financial aid to Britain. There is another hurdle that seems to have been gen- erally forgotten - Section 7 of the revised Neu- trality Act passed by Congress just a year ago. This clause extends the credit ban to all coun- tries, regardless of whether they are in default or not, which have been officially declared to be at war. By its language the section makes it unlawful for any "person" in the United States to "purchase, sell, or exchange bonds, securi- ties, or other obligations" of a belligerent. However, legal experts are in doubt whether these prohibitions apply to the Government. Neither law specifically says so. Their only express ban is against private citizens engaged in foreign financing., The Johnson Act, for example, explicitly de- fines "person" to mean an "individual, partner- ship, corporation, or association other than a public corporation . . . created by Congress, or a. corporation in which the Government has a controlling interest."' Some legal authorities interpret this as clear proof that Congress had no intention of including the government in the ban. Italian Fleet THE ITALIANS' CONFIDENTIAL EXPLANA- TION for the poor showing of their navy compared with the British is interesting. They point out that their navy was built with the idea that it would oppose the French, never the British. Therefore most of the guns were concentrated in the forward part of their battle- ships and cruisers, on the assumption that the speedier Italian vessels would take the offensive _se a vimof - h ln a vl .va 'Pim-ph l . WE HOPE Evashevski's conscience hurts him today as he plays Santa Claus. We'll swear to a last breath that the election was fixed. * * * Somebody is trying to circulate petitions on the campus, urging University officials to find scholarship money for Margaret Campbell. , * SOMETHING QUEER'S AFOOT. Dean Yoakum has already privately promised Miss Camp- bell to seek funds for her education. * * * If she gets the scholarship, the petition- circulators receive credit. .If she doesn't, the University is "cracking down". * ~* * Furthermore, who's behind the petition? That's something even the circulators don't seem to understand. The blanks have been out for a couple of days; meanwhile they're trying to form an organization to support the cause. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Another ASU Letter ro the Editor: .a turday last The Daily quoted me as saying _t ,nAmerican Student Union meeting that "in future the ASU must be ready to submerge its id ntity as an organization if necessary to work towards the end of its platform." Isolated from context, this might mean that the ASU was preparing to disband as an organ- ization, and send its members into other organ- izations to work for an ASU type of program. The ASU is not disbanamg in Ann Arbor, and will continue a full -organizational life, even though denied use of University premises for meetings. Membership has increased in the last few days, and will doubtless continue to do so. I repeat that we are interested above all in our program for peace, education, jobs, equal rights - and not in mere organization. Stu- dents work for these things on many campuses where there is no ASU, and would here even if there were no ASU. Finally, while we will more than ever seek the cooperation of other organizations, we cer- tainly expect the members of those groups to de- cide for themselves whether they want such cooperation. There will be no Trojan horsing around. I'd be grateful if you could publish these re- marks as an explanation of a quote which might otherwise give an unfortunate impression of the ASU's intention. Yours truly, - Harper W. Poulson, Michigan Field Representative, American Student Union. Disgusted Coeds Answered To the Editor: We read the letter sent to you by "Two Dis- gusted Coeds". It should have been signed "Two Disgusting Coeds." It's high time that the so-called sophisticated females step down from their egotistical high horse. Many centuries ago the man received a majority of rights and privileges and to make up for this deficiency the female was treated with courtesy and kindness not associated with a man to man relationships. Today the situation is changed, for the female has achieved a recog- nition of equal rights, but she still wants to re- tain her cloak of pretended weakness so that she may have the advantage in all conflicts between herself and the male. The women should make up their mind what they want, equal rights or chivalry. "You can't have your cake and eat it too." If any person regardless of sex expects to get a free seat at a popular public function, he should get there well before starting time. Also we should like to mention, with the ratio of men to women at 5 to 2 at Michigan (these "dis- gusted" coeds are so beautiful) why don't they have a date. It sounds like sour grapes to us. Chivalrously yours, -Tom and Ray, Two Disgusted Engineers, Happy Birthday! EXACTLY EIGHT YEARS AGO, on Decem- ber 12, 1932, the first issue of The Washing- ton Merry-Go-Round column made its appear- ance in just six newspapers. This week, December 12, 1940, Drew Pearson and Robert S. Allen published their 2,923rd Washington Merry-Go-Round column in just 613 newspapers, scattered from coast to coast and with a circulation of 15,000,000. When they started, Pearson and Allen were unknown outside of the select circle which recog- nized the anonymous authors of the best-selling "Washington Merry-Go-Round", hit book of 1931-32, and of "More Merry-Go-Round." Moreover, they were broke. Their candor in telling tales about political bigwigs in their books hur rp,,tp i th n. s. of r n bs nDew, i CC 1 , t The City Editor's 4!0c~aftch foal FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 64 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to al members of the University. Notices Freshmen and Sophomores, Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Elections for the second sem- ester are now being approved by the Academic Counselors, You will be notified by postcard to see your Coun- selor and it will be to your decided advantage to reply to this summons promptly. By so doing, you will be able to discuss your program care- fully with your Counselor and avoid the rush and confusion at the end of the semester. Remember that there will be no opportunity for you to see your Counselor during the fin- al examination period. Arthur Van Duren Chairman, Academic Counselors To Students having Library Books: 1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the University Library are notified that books are due Monday, December 16, before the impending Christmas vacation, in pursuance of the University regula- tion: "Students who leave Ann Arbor for more than a week must first return all borrowed books." Books needed between December 16 and the beginning of vacation may be retained upon application at the charging desk. 2. Failure to return books before the ,vacation will render the student liable to an extra fine. 3. Students remaining may charge and renew books for seven- day periods beginning December 16. 4. Students leaving town who have urgent need for books during the vacation period will be given permis- FIRE &WRTCR by mascott (Editor's Note: We are postponing our discussion of the youth problem until a later issue as there are a few observ- ations we'd like to make today.) FIRST ITEM on the agenda is a letter we received from "One of Your Readers" in Stockwell Hall. Since she did not sign her name, the letter could not be printed in our regular letter column, but it can be printed in Fire and Water. (Daily rule re letters to the editor: all let- ters must be signed although writer can stipulate that his name be omit- ted or changed in the printed letter.) We quote: "Now is the time for me to say "Thank You" to The Daily. Be- cause with me, The Daily is tops. Thank you f or- a. "The editorials. I don't agree with a lot of them, but at least they're well-written and ° thoughtful and stimulating. I think you've shown a remarkable ability to skate wisely on thin ice, and you've treated touchy topics (and heaven knows there've been enough of 'em) with fairness and tact and good sense. b. "The sports page. Although a mere coed and pretty dumb about athletics, I wouldn't miss the Daily Double nor the sports write-ups for anything, not even Harmon's auto- graph. And some of Hal Wilson's articles-e.g. the one written after the Minnesota game-are simply swell. c. The columns. I've saved so many of those things by Mascott and Touchstone that I'll be starting a scrapbook soon. Even Lothario is amusing simetimes and the Scratch- pad is too, the D.D. notwithstanding." The very intelligent coed from Stockwell Hall has a few more en- joyable comments, but point c. we be- lieve was her best, WANTED: a responsible, generous dog-lover who will take into his heart and home one "Typo," 18 square inches of puppydom of not only in- discriminate but questionable an- cestrage. The dog,. embellished with a big blue ribbon and a note asking that someone take care of her, and left at The Daily last Monday has been well-supported by the Daily staff for the past few days. But, in answei to one N.A. who asks: "What wil] become of Typo when he leaves stark reality in the middle aisle?" we re- ply that we are now giving the dog away to anyone who wants it. And incidentally, N.A., its not a he, it's a she. Anyway, Typo is definitely not leading a normal dog's life arounc The Daily. There are too many peo- ple petting her, and typewriters, telephones, AP machines, linotype sion to take such books with them, provided they are not in general' de- mand, on application at the office of the Superintendent of Circulation. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian Senior and Graduate Students in Aeronautical Engineering: Aeronau- tical Engineering students who expect to graduate in 1941 may be interest- ed in opportunities for employment with the Federal Government, which require a Civil Service rating. At- tention is called to a letter on the De- partment Bulletin Board, describing openings which may be available at the Naval Aircraft Factory in Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania. Students who intend to apply for a Civil Service rating in order to be eligible for this and other similar government work, should leave their names in the De- partment Office. Attention is also called to a letter posted on the Bulletin Board, con- cerning opportunities for aeronautical engineers with The Murray Corpora- tion of Detroit. Those interested should leave their names in the De- partment Office. Senior and Graduate Students in Aeronautical Engineering who ex- pect to receive their degrees in June or August, 1941, should fill out their personnel record cards at the earliest possible date. These cards may be obtained in Room B-47 East Engin- eering Building, and a sample show- ing the type of information desired will be found on the Department Bulletin Board. The Dictaphone Station will re- main open during the University Christmas Vacation. It will be ap- preciated if those desiring work to be completed during the first week of the new year will leave their copy with instructions before December 21. Your co-operation in this matter last year was of much help. Residents of Providence, Rh6de Is- land: Information regarding training for teaching in that city has been re- ceived in the School of Education office, indicating 'that applications for such training are due by Jan. 1, 1941. Camp Positions: The New York State Employment Service announces openings for summer camps through- out New England and Middle Atlan- tic States next summer. Faculty members, graduate stu- dents, and under-graduate students (over 18 years) who have had ex- perience as camp directors, depart- ment heads or as counselors, and who are going to or passing through New York City during the Christmas Holidays, may register. There \are also openings for camp doctors, nurses, and dietitians. Application forms available in this office. Our office hours are Mon.- Fri. 9-12 and 2-4, Saturday, 9-12. Academic Notices English 149 and 85 (Playwriting): The classes will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 8:00 p.m. in 4300 Angell Hall for a laboratory producition. They will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 7, at 7:30 p.m. in 3212 A.H. for dis- cussion of the play. Pre-Medical Students: The final set of tests in the series of aptitude tests for members of the Pre-Medi- cal Society will be given Saturday, December 14, at 1:30 p.m. in room 300, West Medical Building. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: The winning drawings for the Magazine Cover Contest spon- sored by DeVoe & Raynolds of Chica- go are being shown in the third floor exhibition room, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun- day, through December 17. The pub- lic is invited. An exhibition of Abstract Photog- raphy and a Survey of Drawings by DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Coffee Hour will be held at Lane Hall today, 4:00-5:30. All students are welcome. Graduate Christmas Dance will be held tonight from 9-1 in the Assem- bly Hall of the Rackham Building. Carol sing. Refreshments and bridge. Small admission plus some staple item of food for Christmas distribu- tion. All graduate students, students in professional schools, and faculty invited. Harris Hall Students: Tea will be served this afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30. All Episcopal students and their friends are invited. Student Evangelical Chapel mem- bers and friends are reminded of the Get-Acquainted Party to be held to- night at 8:00 in the Fireside Room at Lane Hall. Westminster Guild: "'The Oldest Life of Jesus as Reflected in the Let- ters of Paul" will be the subject of Dr Lemon's Bible Class toniaht 7:*31)-' J.G.P. Costume Committee meet today at 4:30 p.m. American Artists is open afternoons, 2:00-5:00, in Alumni Memorial Hall, through Dec. 20. An Exhibit of contemporary paint- ings from 79 countries, formerly at the San Francisco World's Fair, will be shown at the Galleries in the Rackham Building until Saturday, December 21. The Galleries are open from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Lectures Actuarial Lecture: Mr. A. A. Speers, Actuary for the Michigan Life In- surance Company, will speak on "Re- serves" at 8:00 p.m., Monday, Decem- ber 16, in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Events Today J.G.P. eligibility cards will be signed 4:00-5:30 p.m. today in the under- graduate office of the League. will 1 CC i G ti X T 1 Y A t 3 r 7 J L .t. giltSl 4a.D I A 4 V'J.AA *U 1, * U. 3:30. The class is open to all. 'Ice Skating at Coliseum tonight at B:45-10:00. Open House: Westminster Guild at the church tonight, 10:30-12:00. Entertainment and refreshments. All students are cordially invited. Wesley Foundation: Second An- aual Christmas Dinner and program in the Russian Tea Room of the League tonight at 6:15. Meet in the main lobby. At 9 o'clock there will be a play in the Social Hall of the church given by the Foundation Drama Club as part of the program. Hillel Institute 'of Jewish Studies: The class entitled, "The Jew in the M'odern Scene," will meet at the Hil- lel Foundation this afternoon at 4:15. Conservative Services will be held at the Hillel Foundation tonight at 7:30. Another in -the series of Fireside Discussions on the topic, "This Changing World-Techniques for Living," will be held at the Hillel Foundation tonight at 8:15. Dr. Ed- ward Blakeman will lead the dis- cussion. The public is invited. Coming Events Economics Club will meet on Mon- day, Dec. 16, at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheatre. Professor Edgar M. Hoover, Jr., will speak on "Central- ization and Defense." Graduate stu- dents and staff members in Econom- ics and Business Administration are cordially invited. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday, Dec. 16, at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. Faculty members interested in German conversation are cordially invited. There will be a (Continued on Page 8) 1OTLIGHT CKLW WXYZ a 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Evening Rollin' Home Bud Shaver The Factfinder Conga Time Day In Review "f Musical val Clare-News Josef Marais Red Grange n Carson Robison Lone Ranger Doc Sunshine r Lew Loyal Singing & Swinging "ft e Laugh 'n Swing Death Valley Days Sen. Ludington Gang Busters Interlude; News r T Want A Dnivorc e Tohn Rrnnedv 3 r a 2 r r 1 s i ;, D RADIO SP WJR WWJ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Re Friday E .6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review 6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music 6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring 7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade 7:30 Al Pearce Heritage of Freedom 7:45 Al Pearce " 8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Hou 8:15 Kate Smitht 8:30 Kate Smith Information, Pleas 8:45 K. Smith; News t 9:00 Johnny Presents Waltz Time 9:15 Johnny Presents r "o 9:0 C' l hmnhall Plavhse vrvman' 'r h*'t