FOUR THE MICIGIAN DA TTY TIRSDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1940 _...._ THE MICHIGAN DAILY' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all nets dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 1420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO *"BOSTON *"LoS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193940 Editorial Staff for Academic Freedom, which was born during the summer to fight the students' case. Broken down to its composite parts, the Committee con- sisted of representatives from the CIO, the ASU, two Freedom for Negro groups, and other na- tional student organizations. Previous to the meeting this Committee had addressed letters to each individual Regent, asking for a hearing at their regular meeting. Receiving no response, they came to Ann Arbor (most of them resided in Detroit) and made a personal appeal. The Committee never saw the Regents. Dr. Frank Robbins left the meeting to. inform them that the Regents had supported Dr. Ruthven's action, and now considered the issue "a closed matter." Said one University official: "Those demon- strators want merely to force the President into a public debate, and we have no intention of en- gaging in any such fracas." ON THE DAY FOLLOWING the Regents meet- ing Dr. Ruthven said he would prepare a statement, clearly outlining the University's atti- tude. He said this statement would give the exact number of students involved (previously it was said to be 13; this Dr. Ruthven denied) and would close the affair completely as far as the University was concerned. On registration day last week Hugo Reichard attempted to register and was. referred to Pres- ident Ruthven. There he received a flat "no" to his requests for admission and was told that the University had not changed its attitude in regard to his case. Reichard and his "demonstrators" (21 men and women, seven poster-bedecked cars) then drove through the city and left. Following this incident Dr. Ruthven promised once again to deliver his statement during the coming month. He said that "every student in- volved knows exactly why he received our let- ters," and said that Hugo Reichard's expedition to his office had only one purpose-to stage a demonstration.' Dr. Ruthven also said that there were several "borderline cases" still to be considered. He meant that there were some students who had received warnings but who had not been defin- itely banned. THAT BRINGS the case up to date. As yet there has been no charge made by the Uni- versity, nor any defense of its action. Dr. Ruth- 'ven's statement will contain the first official wdrds on the matter. It will be issued in about two weeks. - Paul Chandler Meeting Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn. Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor . EditorialyDirector . City Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . Sports Editor Women's Editor * .Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack .Jane Krause The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer. only. NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN SHAPERO "Expulsion" Cases Reviewed.. .. H UGO REICHARD was walking out of Angell Hall, smarting from his lat- est rebuke in the President's office. Hugo had just led a demonstrating group. of Detroiters in an effort to obtain reinstatement in the Uni- versity. Challenged Hugo to a Daily editor on his way from the building: "Well, are you going to get into the fight, or ar you going the old way of appeasement?" And the Daily editor replied: "Hugo, we want to learn what this business is all about before we say anything." Since that time the Daily staff has been asked to give the student body its opinion on the al- leged "expulsion" of a number of former Mich- igan students. And to all who are curious, we give the same answer which Hugo received, i.e. we still would like to know what are the real facts of the case. It is only fair to-add that these facts may be never known. Already there has been so much hasty covering-up and deception by all the par- ties involved, that it seems reasonable that at no time will we really get the vital issues in- volved. N ALL FAIRNESS, however, The Daily now wants to give its readers a summary of what has happened, so far as we know, since last June in regard to this particular, case. The follow- ing account is our frank, and honest, account of these events. The incident probably began at Commence- ment time when President Ruthven told a grad- uating class that the University of Michigan would not welcome students who are not con- vinced that American democracy is the ideal form of (government. Dr. Ruthven did not elab- orate on this statement. A few days later Hugo Reichard, a graduate student, revealed that he had received a letter, along with an uncertain number of, students, advising him that his presence at the Univer- sity would not be welcomed this year. Hugo said that there were no specificrcharges con- tained in the letter. But after receipt of the document he went to Dr.' Ruthven and talked to him. Later it was learned that a group of students had received similar letters. Some of them were told in plain English not to return and others were told they could return only after an au- dience with the President. Immediately Hugo Reichard and some of the others protested through the public press, through "civil rights organization," and else- where. They said they had been made the object of unfair persecution on the basis of participa- tion in American Student Union activities on the campus; and more particularly because of al- leged connection with the formation of a CIO union among non-professional University em- ployes in various campus buildings. THEY CHARGED that the right of "academic freedom" was involved, and said the Univer- sity had demonstrated its unwillingness to bar- gain collectively with a lawfully formed Union. It is a fact that some of the students who had been served the notices were fine scholars, oth- ers had been on the campus for several years, there was a Howood winner in the grou. and The Challenge 0 0 . T N HIS ADDRESS to the ninth an- nual Spring Parley in 1939 Pres- ident Alexander G. Ruthven said, "At Oxford, the Union, a student-faculty forum, has pre- pared hundreds for public life in the British Empire. The Spring Parley during the past nine years has introduced the Oxford idea at the University of Michigan. The Parley affords students of high academic rank, faculty mem- bers and administrative officers of student se- lection, and the inquisitive student who wishes to get a view of fields beyond his own area of concentration, as well as eager campus leaders who have social vision or religious zeal, a splen- did opportunity to discuss issues of the day. It is gratifying to us, as educators, to know that intellectual pursuits do not end with research and lectures by mature scholars, but continue, year after year, to attract students in increasing numbers . .. The title" of that parley was "The Student Looks At The 40's." Today we are in the 40's; in them up to our necks, for they have hit us with a ferocity that not one of us imagined in those days. A philosophy of force has struck the world-Spartans of the 20th century who threaten to blackout the last remnants of free thought that remain. It is a challenge to all of us, especially to we students who are the chosen citizens of Athens today, to revitalize the demo- cratic ideals that are our heritage. ATHENS FELL. We must not and we shall not if the spirit and conviction that' yesterday saw the formation of the Michigan Forum shall soon animate the stagnating life of this country. Sponsored by the Senate in conjunction with the Union, League and Daily, the Forum is the real- ization of many who have hoped to see free pub- lic discussion become as an important an insti- tution at Michigan as is the Union at Oxford. This is not to say that the Parleys have failed. Rather the Michigan Forum is the logical prod- uct of Parley discussions, a recognition that the days demand that the Parley become a frequent and regular part of the intellectual life of the University. It is in the spirit that the Parleys embody that one criticizes the Parleys for under- emphasis on student participation, for allowing the discussions to become too general and vague when conciseness and clarity are needed most. PLANS' for thg Forum were drawn up with these very weaknesses uppermost in mind. Each meeting will center about a specific ques- tion on current economic, political or social ques- tions formulated by the sponsoring committee. Several debaters, representing various campus opinions. will give "pro" and "con" arguments on the question followed by general remarks from members of the audience. All debates will be for decision, which will be determined by having the affirmative minded members of the audience file out on the right side of the exit while those favoring the negative will leave on the left side of the exit post. THE FIRST MEETING of the Forum is at 7:45 on October 12 at the Union when two Young Republicans will debate two campus "liberals" on the question, "Resolved, That the President of the United States Be a Practical Business- 96 3 Drew Pedno Robert S.Alle WASHINGTON-One reason President Roose- velt and his naval advisers are not greatly perturbed about Japan's signing a formal alli- ance with Hitler and Mussolini is a confidential survey U.S. naval experts have made of the Japanese navy. This reveals that Japanese warships only have on hand enough oil for about two and one-half months of warfare. Japan gets its oil chiefly from California and the Dutch East Indies, having almost no supplies of its own. That, of course, is one reason she covets the Dutch East Indies. However, naval surveys also show that the capture of these is- lands will not be as easy as might be expected. For the Dutch islands of Java and Sumatra have been preparing for the threat of Japanese invasion for two years. About twenty Dutch sub- marines are stationed in these waters, plus about 300 bombing planes, many of them purchased in the United States. Finally, the islands are well fortified with carefully concealed big guns. Result is that military experts believe the Dutch' could hold out against Japanese naval invaders for about four months. And during this time, Japan's oil supply, if embargoed by the United States, might become exhausted. This may be one reason why the Japanese have made haste slowly in their contemplated plans for invasion of the Dutch East Indies. They did not want to move until they were sure first that Britain was in a desperate position in its fight with Hitler; and second, that the United States was worried about Europe and did not want to get its fleet pre-occupied in the Pacific. Perkins Spanking SECRETARY FRANCES PERKINS, long under fire in inner Administrative quarters, will be the target of some hot blasts by Wendell Willkie in his Pittsburgh speech tonight. This will be the GOP nominee's major labor address, and it will be aimed chiefly at organized workers in the big industrial centers, with whom admittedly he is weak. Willkie considers, the talk so important that he took more time and care preparing it than his acceptance speech. Willkie strongly resents the recent attacks on his labor record as head of Commonwealth and Southern, particularly the scathing article in the "New Republic." His first impulse was to roll up his sleeves and deliver a slashing answer. But campaign advisers warned against it, urging that the best defense was a sizzling attack on the Adminitration. Willkie accepted their judgment and will de- vote only a small part of his speech to his own labor record. Its main burden will be a caustic grilling of the New Deal's administration of its own labor laws. He will charge that labor hasn't been given an adequate voice in agencies in which it is vitally interested. That is where Miss Perkins comes ii. She may not be mentioned by name, for fear of offending the women's vote, but Willkie will leave no doubt whom he means. He will assert that her Labor Department is manned by "mis- fits" and others unacceptable to either the AFL or CIO. Also, unless the text of the speech is changed, Willkie will promise that if elected he will ap- point someone from the "ranks of labor" as Secretary of Labor, and give labor greater rep- resentation in other branches -of the Govern- ment, such as the Social Security Board, Wage- Hour Division, etc. , He will charge that these agencies are being run by college professors and theorists who don't understand labor's problems. Note-One of the main collaborators on Will- kie's speech was Lewis G. Hines, AFL Labor Commissioner of Pennsylvania and one of the campaign managers of Governor Arthur James. Hines' appointment. as assistant to AFL carpen- ter boss "Big Bill" Hutcheson, chairman of the GOP labor campaign committee, soon will be announced. The City Editor s SCRATCH PAD WE SEE where another course in marriage re- lations will be offered Michigan seniors this year.The whole student body applauds such an intelligent and practical move. * * * Those persons managing the course move with fear in their hearts. Seems like it is easy to pro- mote misunderstanding if the publicity isn't handled tactfully. * * * Which reminds us of a headline which our own Michigan Daily ran on a similar story last year. Wrote the erudite reporter: "1,000 Begin Marriage Relations" Or something like that. University of Illinois officials report that 85 percent of their 1940 graduates are now em- ployed in the work of their choice. It is just as well to feel proud of this now. Next June 85 to 90 percent will probably be employed in a pro- fession not of their choice-the military pro- I [r 6 m ~., r . '1 '. ,.- >: or _,. .. ,. _ __ e.,..,,,.,_., These- Foolish Things.. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I What Was That Again? (Continued from Page 2) 4:00 ium 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. at Hill Auditor- box office; new men on Friday to 5:00 p.m. By THE MAD HATTER OUR HISTORY PROFESSOR does not know this yet, but he is play- ing with dynamite. In fact, much more of what he has been doing, and our boy Sam threatens reprisals. Physical reprisals. It all started last Monday when he joked lightly about our birthplace and America's Athens-Boston, Mass. Now, there is nothing that Sam and I like better than a joke, especially if it is by Bob Benchley or about Detroit's 'chances in the Series. But there are some things, we feel, that are better left unmentioned. It happened again today, often. Mid-way in the lecture there was electricity in the air. Sam was draw- ing infernal machines on his paper all the while whistling through his teeth, an ominous sign to those who know Sam. Many of the women in class were egging their consorts on and the two rather beefy young men behind us were muttering unprint- able, fiery mutterings. Luckily, good sense and our in- stincts of fair play prevailed. Herr Professor left the room unscathed, saved by the bell and his own good fortune. What will happen Friday, only the Ofacles can say (Ed. note- a Daily committee has not yet made contact with these people because of atmospheric conditions). By this time' tomorrow, the good doctor will undoubtedly have receiv- ed his Last Warning. Fingermen in Toledo and Detroit have been con- tacted and his movements are being observed. Let us hope, sir, that your tact will prevent the occurrenceof an Unfortunate Accident. N LINE with our policy of "Leave 'em Laughin'," we should like to include this witty story, which was told us by a certain headwaiter at a certainbState Street soda parlor (it is not the policy of this column to include unpaid advertisements). To begin, then: It seems that men of five different nationalities set about to write about the elephant. The Englishman went off to India, organized a hunt, and came out with a pulp-paper, profuse- ly illustrated travelogue entitled. "How I Shot My First Elephant." The Frenchman strolled through the zoo for ten or twenty minutes and came out with a yellow-back called, "Les Amours De L'Elefant." The German spent ten years in the library, and produced a five vol- ume set, "An Introduction to the Monograph on the Study of the Elephant." The Russian got drunk on vodka, retired to his garret and produced Lecture Course Tickets: Now on sale, Hill Auditorium Box Office. Eight lectures-prices $3.50, $3.00, $2.75. Special Student Rate $2.00 (reserved seats, second balcony) Box office hours 10 to 1, 2-4. The Stalker Cooperative House for boys has two vacancies. Anyone in- terested phone 7902, or call at 333 East Ann St. Tennis Tournaments: Entry lists for women's singles and mixed doubles are posted in the Women's Athletic Building. Everyone on cam- pus is welcome and those wishing to enter are asked to sign up now. Tour- naments start next week. academic Notices German 151: All applicants for German 151 (Teacher's Course) will please communicate with me today at 9-10 or 11-12 in 303 SW (Tel 689) to arrange schedule of hours. Norman L. Willey German 253. Historical German Grammar: All applicants for Ger- man 253 will please communicate with me today at 9-10 or 11-12 in 303 SW (Tel 689) to arrange sched- ule of hours. Norman L. Willey German 253, Historical German Grammar meets Monday from 7-9 in 303 Library. Norman L. Willey All graduate students who expect to enter the Hopwood contests this year must enroll in a course in com- position this semester. R. W. Cowden C 121: Intermediate and Ad- vanced Orchestra Materials. Class will report today instead of Friday at Lane Hall, 2 p.m. David Mattern B 107: Elementary Conducting. Class will report today instead of Fri- day at Lane Hall, 2:00 p.m. David Mattern Sociology 51: Section 5 will meet in Roorm 18 Angell Hall instead of Room E Haven Hall. Section 10 will meet in Room 216 Haven Hall in- stead of Room E Haven Hall. Graduate Record Examination: All students registering in the Graduate School for the first time this fall, must present themselves at the Rack- failing to take this examination. Seat- ing arrangements for the various sessions will be posted in the en- trance hall of the Rackham Build- ing on the days of the examination. The following room assignments have been mad in history courses: History 11, sec. 9, MF at 10, from Room E, Haven to 1020 A.H. History 11, sec- 14, TuTh at 11, from Room E, Haven to 225 A.H. History 49, sec. 2, W, 11, from Room E, Haven, to 225 A.H. Hisory 49, sec. 4A, Th, 2, 1018 A.H. History 49, see. 6, Tu, 2, E Haven. History 105, MWF, 11, from 231 A. H. to Room D, Haven Hall. History 149, British Empire, TuTh at 9, sec. 1, Tu at 2; sec. 2, Th at 1, Room B, Haven. History 161, MWF, 9, from Rodm E to 315 Haven. Concerts. Choral Union Concerts: The Uni- versity Musical Society announces the following attractions for the Sixty-Second Choral Union Concert Series : Marian Anderson, Contralto, Octo- ber 23. Rudolf Serkin, pianist, November 7 Don Cossack Chorus, Serge Jaroff, conductor, November 18. New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra, John Barbirolli, conduc- tor, November 24. Richard Bonelli, baritone, Decem- ber 3. Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge, Koussevitzky, conductor, December 11. Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, Janu- ary 15.L Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos, conductor, Jan- uary 8. Budapest String Quartet, Febru- ary 20. Georges Enesco, violinist, March 4. Season tickets: $12.00, $10.00, $8.00, $6.00. Tickets for individual con- certs: $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00. Tickets may be ordered by mail up to Friday noon, October 4 (orders may also be left in person) at the offices of the University Musical Society, Charles A. Sink, President, Burton Memorial Tower. Beginning Monday morning, Octo- ber 7, at 8:30 o'clock, all unsold tickets, both for the season and for individual concerts, will be placed on public sale at the same office, and will continue on sale so long as the supply lasts. Charles A. Sink, President, University Musical Society Events Today Zoology Club will meet in the Am-