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December 11, 1940 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-11

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Engine School
Will Add Four
New Courses
Crawford Says Additions
Will Prepare Students
For Essential War Work
(Continued from Page 1)
tion courses will be given by the
mechanical engineering department,
the "refresher" in materials by the
mechanical and chemical engineer-
ing departments together and the
tool engineering course by the metal
processing department. Other Uni
versity technical staffs will be called
in to aid in instruction at a later date.
Although many of the ,individuals
completing this training will receive
positions in war industries, neither
the Education Office nor the Uni-
versity will guarantee the finding of
them. "Both gr6ups, ho'wever," Dean
Crawford said, "will make every en-
deavor to find satisfactory places."
While the opening date for the
starting of these courses has not been
definitely set, it is believed that they
will be underway about the middle of
January. Persons interested should
write as soon as possible to the
Dean's Office at the College of En-
Good fellows
To Aid Needy
In Ann Arbor
(Continued from Page 1)
books so that she can finish high
school while still living securely with
her own family.
For six ,years Mr. R has had a
steady job, laboring in a factory on
a schedule that takes all his meager
reserve of strength. It is rather dis-
-couraging, therefore, when his wages
barely stretch to take care of his
large family of seven growing child-
ren. When unexpected illness and ex-
pense upsets just can't be handled,
the Bureau has had to stand ready
to help materially with clothing, fuel,
and milk for the children, who are
John, the oldest boy, now 14, has
been neglected by his worried father;
in fact, Mr. R sometimes resents
John's dependence on him as one
more burden which he feels inad-
equate to carry. John for a time be-
gan to steal the sweets and toys
which his father had refused to buy
him, and the Bureau has tried to
help the boy secure his privileges
by work of his own.
Relief in this family has had a
two-fold purpose: first, to supply
the needs which Mr. R's wages can-
not always meet, thereby preventing
him from getting too discouraged
and giving up entirely, as he has
often wanted to do; and second, to
substitute constructive places for the
tendencies already shown by John.

Joan Peebles
To Be Soloist'
In Messiah'

University's Financial Report
Reveals Decrease In State Aid

Joan Peebles, New York contralto,/
will be brought to Ann Arbor for the
University Musical Society's presen-
tation of Handel's "Messiah," Charles
A. Sink, president, announced yes-
Miss Peebles will sing with the
Thoral Union of 300 voices and with
he University Symphony Orchestra
of 80 players under the baton of Thor
Johnson, 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec.
18 in Hill Auidtorium. Other soloists
will be Thelma von-Eisenhauer, De-
troit soprano, William Hain, tenor,
and Richard Hale, baritone, who has
been heard in the past on May Fes-
tival programs.
The organ portion of the program
will be played by Palmer Christian,
University organist.
The "Messiah" performance, ac-
cording to Dr. Sink, constitutes the
Society's Christmas contribution to
music lovers of Ann Arbor and its
environs. No admission charge will
be made, but to avoid undue conges-
tion and confusion, admission will b£
by tickets procured in advance at
the offices of the society in Burton
Tower. Requests, accompanied by
self-addressed, stamped envelopes
will be filled by mail. Tickets will
be honored up to 7:50 p.m. the eve-
ning of the rectal, after which time
admittance will not be guaranteed.
Goodfellows - Monday
Christmas Flowers
Exhibit Being Held
An exhibition of Christmas flowers
is being shown this week and next at
the Nielsen Greenhouse on Maiden
Lane to give students, members of
the faculty and townspeople an op-
portunity to see many of the blooms
not grown regularly during the win-
ter months.
The largest single exhibit housed
under the 100,000 square feet of glass
at the greenhouse consists of more
than 10,000 poinsettia blooms. Other
flowers included in the showing are
gardenias, carnations, violets and
roses. Altogether more than 40,000
plants are being shown.
Students who wish to see the dis-
play are urged to do so as soon as
possible because shipment of plants
to all parts of the country is ex-
pected to begin about Dec. 15.

While University enrollment was
increasing by approximately one-
third during the decade beginning
with the school year 1929-30, State
contributions to the University for
operating expenses dropped nearly
six percent. the newly issued Finan-
cial Report for 1939-40 indicates.
Enrollments of students in courses
for credit, including extension work,
jumped approximately from 15,000
to 20,000 during the ten-year period,
and State appropriations were de-
creased by more than $251,000.
At the same time, State contribu-
ions remained substantially the same
percent of the total spent by the
University on operating expenses.
This indicates that last year's op-
erating expenditure per student, pro-
vided by the state, was well below
the 1929-30 figure.
Although the total operations bud-
get of the University was more than
$7,926,000 (exclusive of approximate-
ly $2,000,000 in hospital receipts), it
2annot be compared accurately with
,he 1929-30 budget of approximately
$6,500,000. The 1929-30 figure omit-
ted income from various trust funds
and endowments which would have
brought it to a level practically the
same as last year's.
The Report further indicates that
during the year 1939-40 the total
assets of the University increased by
nearly $3,000,000, net. A large part
Phi Kappa Phi
To Hold Dinner
Titiev Will Give Address
At Society's Initiation
Phi Kappa Phi, senior scholastic
honorary society. will hold its semi-
innual initiation banquet at 6:15
p.m. tomorrow in the League.
The main address of the evening
will be given by Prof. Mischa Titiev
of the anthropology department on
'The Peaceful People," the Hopi
Indian tribes. The talk is expected
to consider the various aspects of
their culture and to show how their
society has managed to settle their
disputes without war.
Professor Titiev, who has been at
the University since 1935, is a well
known authority on the Hopi In-
dians, having written articles on such
diverse parts of their culture as their
racing customs, method of baking
sweet corn, cross-cousin marriage
problems and their use of kinship
terms in their ritual.
A graduate of Harvard University.
Professor Titiev has been active in
University Museums work and is a
member of the American Anthropol-
ogy Association, the American Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of Sci-
ence, the American Oriental Society
and the Michigan Academy.
Goodellows - Monday
Arthur Kollin Elected
Head Of House Council
Arthur Kollin, '42, was elected
president; John Middleton, '43, exec-
utive secretary, and Ralph Hansen,
Jr., '42, was chosen as corresponding
secretary of the Rooming House
Council of Congress, Independent
Men's Association, it was announced
Kollin appointed a temporary or-
ganization committee which will con-
tact the president of each house re-
garding their houses' activities on
Congress' projects.

of this gain was realized in additions
to the educational plant, for which
the total gain was approximately
Against this increase, which in-
cludes the value of the new Health
Service, residence halls, the new
Dental Building addition and build-
ings of the McMath-Hulbert Observa-
tory at Lake Angelus, there is an
offset of nearly $2,500,000 in cash
included in the 1938-39 assets, ex-
pended for new buildings.
Of the University's assets, build-
ings and equipment accounted for
the large concentrations of value.
more than $35,000,000 and $13,000,-
000 respectively. Another large item
in the asset side of the Report's bal-
ance sheet is the fund invested in
endowments, more than $15,600,000.
Lands owned by the University come
to more -than $6,400,000 in value,
according to the Report.
Goodfellows - Mondayj
arg hill Tell
Break Dates
How to get a date with that inter-
esting senior who sits across the
room-and how to break the date
will be described in the December
issue of Gargoyle, which goes on
sale tomorrow.
The adviser will again be that ex-
pert on matters pertaining to ro-
mance. Stardust, who contributed
last month's treatise on osculation.
That article, by the way, is being
reprinted in The Pitt Panther, Pitts-
burgh's humor magazine.
Featured in the eight-page photo-
graph section will be picture spreads
of Soph Cabaret and "Take A Num-
ber," Union Opera which opens to-
night. Prof. Percival Price, carillon-
eur, wil be the subject for this edi-
tion of "These Are the People."
"For Tomorrow We Die," a discus-
sicn of the rountine of the new Health
Service, will be included in the maga-
zine, and also highlighted will be
short articles by Jay McCormick,
'42, Gerald Burns, '42, and Shirley
The inside story of Virginia Lee
Hardy, president of the League. '41,
will be told in Preposterous Persons.
Jokes, cartoons, and the regular feat-
ures on records, sports and music
will also be included.
Copies can be obtained from cam-
pus salesmen and on the newsstands
for 15 cents. Students are urged to
buy their copies early, since in the
past campus demand has exceeded
the supply.
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Noted Films


Ticket Sales
To Continue
The ticket sale for the new Art
Cinema League series of famous films
of the past will be held only today
and tomorrow if the present sale rate
continues, Albert Stutz, Grad., an-
nounced yesterday.
Tickets for the four films may be
obtained for $1 at the League, Union
and Ulrich's and Wahr's Bookstores.
No single admissions to individual
performances will be sold. Thus far,
Stutz revealed, almost half of the
ticket supply has been sold.
The series will start 8:15 p.m.
Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre with five Keystone comedies
s arring Charlie Chaplin; the second
Will be "The Unholy Three" with Lon
Chaney on Jan4 19; the third is to
be "The Big Parade" with John Gil-
bert and an all-star cast of old
timers on Feb. 2; and the last will
be "Little Caesar", a gangster picture
starring Edward G. Robinson on
March 2.
The two silent films will be ac-
companied by musical arrangements
and all the pictures will be supple-
mented by selected short subjects.
Sunday's films will be remembered
as the first of the famous "slap-
stick" series that started a new cycle
in Hollywood comedies.

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