iYEEk ERi1 940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Trli . _.. ____ __ ..___,,.. __ ..._ _a. _ i t7 lXL AKIXd b !sum -I-- " + ' s .-rn-v.-. ,..ft., t ') . r , - ' z,, k hristmas Gift Finder w ________ f p s ', '>, ' % " 3 < He'll surely appreciate anAro ": Wehv a hir. Chose:romourwidlSc and F ~~~lcction of patterns, colors, andCa e u .Pn in 24t whites. They're priced at . .. $60e50I~cnnn vrou o F.,::..1$2.00 and $2.25 Will Save Time and A Oney LIDNSI lT-PFE'L & CO.- With Christmas just around the corner, gift shopping is becom- Men's Wear of Qualty for 45 Fearsin more a dreadedrelt eachfleigdy Plan your gf e 209 S. Main St. (Downtown) Phone 4914 in"eliy feeigda.gf Sa lections systematically by writing the name of the recipient in Bao the blank which follows the gift he is to receive. ' L PES, a d e ' TEAR. LIST OUT-IT'S FOR YOUR USE. LEATHER, felt, and shearling house ----- ----- --- --- ---------------S aving S slippers in many colors and sizes 1 -the ideal gift for men. Special F WRITE THIEIR NAMES £ make up, shearlings in Maize and Sweter x cive a Yardley's shaving. Blue. I JacketsI set. It is the ideal Christ- }I mas gift for the men on 1.05 o $375 Tes yur list. We have a large $10 o$*7 isIstock to choose from. $1 Custom-Bult Boot &Shioe io. 'Slippers . 121 SOUTH MAIN UnvriyD u Phn 81FREE DELIVERY Shaving Kits 125ot University Phone II.Robes' I SFontain Pens I For lilt p Pipes, etc. A ____________________________________________Radios________.... and Pencils I Raio .r PHO? p WRINKLE-PROOF TIES i urtsGIF sIC' Parker, :.ecrs: FR #Waterman,I Eversharp, OXI*, 1941 Tab and Othersj PersonalI Priced $1 .00 Wallets________________________ MI-ayP Drastic re- I*PesI FrHsC itm - Electric P duton nFountain PensI A FINE LEATHER brke lts JACKET or COAT! ~Wrls brknlt.I Books I( Capehart* IShanhouse jackets and coats, are Automat Repair work I_- __ -- -j America's best We have alarge Wireless,~ a Specialty. A wide variety of stripes, I..- - - - - - - - -- - assortment. Priced- Chairside figures, and pl an colors 7.5 to 1750Radio- P r that he is bound to like.' See them toda- OPE? O 0. DMORRIFLI A WOMEN'S EDITION will follow Friday Rd i AUnt (OpstKeg')ROE Saideauamns R DI 314 S. State St.non "nncfonn n renerD3 R G RStti ia 4 Wee h ood cloh The S/a/iou rand 'TVfcom~AA uj im~W efrm715 Ns TypewriterStrey 1 107 . University WAYL.L ~ive J 1 11Sockcoesrm.71 Slr.Actually THREE 119 SO. MAIN STREET P E 0 M Give himAUEN AS CHIZISTMAS GIFTS a MAN'S gift is n RAVLL'S BOLLRO - BOSTON SYMPHONY .... 2.50 'jN