THE MICHTE AN D A TV SUNDAY. 1) E EP., R. 1946 a-V as 1 V 1'1 11 L 1"i l l. 1 v' l'at,.' " IIIafy&aya..w yY - - I T T 7 ~ j lA V I (~ T ~ 1 ........iA Vv OIN i -I f-- lA4--A THE M 1ICIGI~AN' DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round DAILYOFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CICAGO * BOSToN . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRAncisco WASHINGTON-An important indication of British plans for the future is to be found in the fact that a certain manufacturer in this country is designing for the British a wholly novel weapon of warfare-an aero-tank. This tank, light enough to be carried by an airplane, would be used only outside of Great Britain, and indicates British expectation of taking the offensive on the Continent next year. The new tank is not to be confused with the medium tanks which the British are buy- ing here to the extent of $200,000,000, as dis- closed exclusively by this column. Weighing only five and a half tons, the aero-tank will be slung under the fuselage of a large plane, which will lift the tank like a hawk carrying a chicken in its claws. A year ago, such a device might have appeared plausible only in fantastic comics, but today it is actually in blueprint form and being stud- ied by the tank manufacturer; the Douglas Aircraft Company, and the British Air Mission in the United States. 80 Miles An Hour THE plane, with the tank in its claws, will have a cruising range of 1,000 miles, which Member, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940-41 Paul M, Chandler. Karl Kessler Zilton Orshefsky oward A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Business Business Manager , Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . City . . Associate . . Associate . . Associate Associate Sports . . .Women's Exchange Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor 'Good Neighbor' Policy Strengthened . . Stafff Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: A. P. BLAUSTEIN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Credits To Great Britain .. . AMERICA is in a dilemma -the di- lemma of compromising the great will of the American people for peace and se- curity, and their strong desire that England shall defeat the forces of fascism whose out- lawry knows no bounds. Today the question of granting credits to Great Britain spotlights this dilemma throughout the land. Can we grant credits without involving this country in active military participation in the war? That's the hitch. We want to help an embattled Britain and, at the same time, retain our own peace and capacity for permanent Security. WE WANT TO AID BRITAIN, first because she represents the fight of democracy versus fascism. True, the major part of the guilt for the rise of fascism lies at the feet of the British government, which is to be distinguished from the English people. For it has been the privi- leged classes of England who have dominated the government headed by Chamberlain, under whose leadership Austria, Spain, and Czecho- slovakia were sacrificed to Hitler, who was him- self subsidized by Great Britain in the hope that he would turn on the constant menace to Eng- lish privilege in the East - the Soviet Union. They let democracy be slaughtered, sabotaged, the League of Nations, and blessed fascism be- cause they have no love for genuine democracy; for the growth of democracy at home and abroad means stripping them of their own vested privi- leges. ('bNLY when Hitler's insatiable conquests, them-' selves, threatened the perpetuation of their privileges and an aroused English people de- manded a stop to appeasement, did the English government declare war. The English people support this war whose germ was laid by their own rulers in Versailles. They fight for their very existence and the only hope of reconstruct- ing Europe on a permanent basis of security and peace. Through their Liberal and Labor leaders they are in the process of reorganizing their own society on a truly democratic basis to make the dynamic war effort that is required, and to lay the foundations of security and peace at home. The privileged classes, too, are united with the people in this struggle, not because they love democracy, but because their privileges would be. lost in a Nazi conquest. It is in this sense of the term that . England - labor and privileged -, fights for democracy. IT IS A FIGHT for democracy that is worthy of the support of the American people. Our own privileged classes support England's war effort for other reasons, namely because thewv now see a Nazi victory would threaten their own privileges, for Hitler subjects industry as well as labor to his end of power. But it must be the American people, not America's vested in- terests, who must decide the extent of aid that the British cause shall receive. Credits to Eng- land must be the loan or gift of the American people, not America's industrial and financial interests. For these interests are not above sac- rificing American blood for their own imperiled investment-they did it in the last World War. The American people can be relied upon to make the decision of what they value most. If they grant loans to England through their govern- ment, they can be trusted to decide how they shall protect them. It will be their loss for a IN ITS OWN casual democratic way the United States is gradually launching one of the largest "good neighbor" projects ever conceived in the Western Hemi- sphere or any other hemisphere. Political and economic relations operate smoothly enough between governments of oppo- site ideologies; but close cooperation toward a common ideological goal requires a mutual un- derstanding and appreciation of the cultures of the participating nations. The United States is rightly assuming the initiative in creating such understanding between the American countries. AS CO-ORDINATOR of Commercial and Cul- tural Relations between the American repub- lics, Nelson Rockefeller is organizing a brain- trust of the best experts available to counteract Nazi propaganda with "honest understanding, genuine good intention and truth." Such an or- ganization and purpose, backed by an initial fund of three million dollars is bound to put a crimp in Goebbels' best efforts. Travel has always been an effective method of spreading understanding, and the "good will" experts hope to divert, with the aid of the war, a large amount of travel from Europe to Latin America. Not only would tourists learn about their neighbors, but they would increase the supply of United States dollars in neighboring nations and thereby contribute importantly in solving foreign exchange problems. A DIVISION OF COMMUNICATIONS under James W. Young, director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, will dissemin- ate more individual information among the Americas and will promote the use of radio pro- grams, newsreels and motion pictures. The Cultural Relations division, headed by Robert G. Caldwell, Dean of Humanities at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and aided by Archibald MacLeish, Library of Congress, will translate American and English books into Span- ish and Portuguese to give Latin-Americans a broader understanding of the United States, and Latin-American works will be translated into English. Henry A. Moe of the Guggenheim Foundation will lead the Scholarship division in promoting Inter-American friendship through awarding student scholarships which will allow an ex- change of students between the United States and Latin-American countries. THIS CULTURAL ASPECT of Pan-American fellowship is less material, but is certainly no less- vital in a time of world crisis. More important, however, it will lay foundations for a neighborliness and understanding that will last long after the present conflict in Europe and long after democracy has been guaranteed in this hemisphere. - Emile Gele We can retain our own desire for peace as much as we wish while granting aid, because the pressure for military participation by American industrial and financial interests in behalf of threatened investments in England will be ob- viated. The American people can decide how worthy the cause of England is to them. An American loan or gift through the govern- ment will be a token of solidarity, inspiration and confidence in the cause of democracy the English people are genuinely engaged in. It will be an exchange between two peoples, not the conniving of privileged classes in defense of their own in- terests. It will be an exchange between those whose ultimate interests are those of security and peace, not the opportunity for profit - in behalf of which democracy is stifled and crushed to the extent circumstances permit. AN ENGLISH VICTORY can lay the, founda- tions of a new security throughout Europe if the social revolution that is taking place (too slowly admittedly) today in England will dom- inate the peace and reconstruction that is made. A Nazi victory will crush any hope for social revolution in Europe and make America an armed camp to meet the constant threat of a fascist dominated Europe. Loans and other aid to the English people will be part of our own means that the British will be able to dispatch tanks by air from London to any point in west- ern or central Europe, including France, Ger- many, Italy, and even Greece. When released from the plane, the tank has a cruising range of 700 miles without refueling, will be able to travel faster than the average automobile-80 miles an hour. This is faster than any tank ever built. It will be 14/ feet long, armored with one- inch plate, and will carry one 37-mm. gun, one machine' gun, and two submachine guns. It will be manned by a crew of two. The landing gear of the plane is so construct- ed that the wheels extend down beyond the lowest limits of the tank. The plane lands on its own wheels, comes to a stop, and releases the tank to the ground. Thereafter, the tank operates independently of the plane. After the orders are placed, it will take six months to produce the tanks. Clearly, the British are looking ahead and planning not only for the defense of Britain, but for taking the field to undo what Hitler has done in the past two years. Supreme Court Fireworks LATZE homeward bound travelers stared in amazement as they passed the chaste marble home of the United States Supreme Court re- cently and saw great streams of golden fire and brilliant red balls flashing about the portico of that usually dignified establishment. What was happening? Had the Nine Old Men gone mad, did they think this was the Fourth of July, or were some of the recent ap- pointees celebrating the victory of the New Deal? Investigation disclosed a party of grim-faced Supreme Court guards staging a blitzkrieg with Roman candles against irreverent hordes of starlings, which had been using the carved capitals and railings of the building as a roost- ing place, and making a mess of the entrance. These same birds are a source of great sor- row to downtown Washington and Capitol of- ficials, who up to now have lacked the imagin- ation to adopt the fireworks of the Nine Old Men for their dispersement. Hoover Visits Capital ALTHOUGH Herbert Hoover constantly shuttles back and forth about the country, he sedulously avoids Washington. The ex-presi- dent has a phobia against Washington under the New Deal, and has seldom come here dur- ing the eight years since he left the White House. Hoover's last public visit was last winter, when he appeared unannounced before a con- gressional committee in behalf of a loan for the then embattled Finns. Since then he has not been seen in the city where he was a domin- ant cabinet member and White House resident for twelve years-that is, not by the public. Actually, however, he spent the entire day here sub rosa last Sunday. It was all very, very secret. Hoover stayed at the swanky home of William R. Castle, Under Secretary of State in his regime and one of the most active appeasement advocates in the coun- try. Castle had a hand in Colonel Lindbergh's various broadcasts and is a sparkplug of the Save America First organization, propaganda agency of the appeasement movement. Prominent on its board are Castle; Robert E. Wood, head of Sears, Roebuck; Oswald Garri- son Villard; Kathryn Lewis, daughter of the deposed CIO boss; Mrs. Burton K. Wheeler, wife of the isolationist Senator; and Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth. Hoover spent most of his time conferring with Castle and some old newspaper friends about his plan to force the British to open their block- ade so that food can be shipped into Nazi-occu- pied Europe. This campaign is now Hoover's ruling passion. He is constantly driving to build up a nationwide organization and drum up public sentiment, particularly in churches, colleges and charity circles. Of late, however, Hoover has seemed loath to debate the issue. Some of his representatives were scheduled to advocate his plan before a Pittsburgh meeting this week, but when Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen, dean of the Union Theo- logical Seminary, asked to be heard in opposi- tion, strenuous efforts were made to block him. Van Dusen had vigorously assailed Hoover's scheme at a meeting of officers of the Federal Council of Churches, which the ex-president is moving heaven and earth to win over. U.S. Rubber Supplies SHOULD Congress ever decide to investigate the National Defense Commission it would unearth some appalling delays in the securing of the nation's raw materials-particularly rub- ber. It was as early as June that Roosevelt re- quested a study of the synthetic rubber indus- try, in case Japan should invade the Dutch East Indies. And as early as July 13, Edward Stettinius, in charge of raw materials, reported: "It is expected that before this month is over a plan of synthetic rubber production will have been worked out which in the future will elim- inate our dependence upon imports." -r SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 60 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to aUl members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, December 11, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Notice in re University Property Re- moved from the City or off University Property: Any University representa- tive having charge of University pro- perty should give notice in advance to the Inventory Clerk, Business Office, University Hall, when such property is to be taken outside the City of Ann Arbor or off University property for use in any University project, as, for example, the W.P.A. A loss recently occurred on which the University had no insurancebecause of the fact that no notice had been given to the In- ventory Clerk that such property had been taken to the location where it was in use, and the property was therefore not covered by the insurance policy. Shirley W. Smith To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, December 9, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 A.H. AGENDA: Approval of the Minutes. Report of the Counsellor to Foreign Students, J. R. Nelson. Report of the Committee on the Orientation Period, P. E. Bursley. Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees: Program and Policy, Stason. Educational Policies, Rice. Student Relations, Marin. . Public Relations, I. Smith. Plant and Equipment, Hammett. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Choral Union Members: Members of the Choral Union in good stand- ing will please call for their courtesy tickets on the day of the Boston Symphony Orchestra concert, Wed- nesday, December 11, between the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4, at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be giv- en out. ' Public Health Assembly: Dr., W. W. Bauer, Director of the Bureau of Health Education of the' American Medical Association, will"speak on "The Interests and Activities of the AmericandMedical Association in Health Education" on Tuesday, De- cember 10, at 4: 00. p. m. in the Aud- tute of Graduate and Postgraduate Dentistry. All professional students in public health are expected to be present. The lecture is open to the public and all interested are cordial- ly invited to'attend. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occtpational Information has received notice of the following United States Civil Service Examin- ations:, Last date for filing applica- tion is noted in each case: Printer, Slug Machine Operator, salary: $1.26 hr., Dec. 12, 1940. Printer, Monotype Keyboard Op- erator, salary $1.26 hr., Dec. 12, 1940. Printer, Hand Compositor, salary: $1.20 hr., Dec. 12, 1940. Senior Medical Technician, salary: $2,000, Dec. 30, 1940. Medical Technician, salary: $1,- 800, Dec. 30, 1940. Assistant Medical Technician, sal- ary, $1,620, Dec. 30, 1940. Complete information on file at the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Bacteriology Seminar on Monday, December 9, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Sub- ject: "The 'Second Stage' in Anti- gen-Antibody Reactions." All inter- ested are invited. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319, West Medical Building, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10. Subject: "Biological Oxidation-Reduction. Part II. Cyto- chrome and Coenzymes." All inter- ested are invited. Math. 370, Seminar will meet Tuesday at 4:00 p. m., 3001 A. H. Professor Rainich will speak on "Generalizations of Analytic Func- tions to Higher Dimensions." Physics Colloquium: Dr. Joseph R. Downing will speak on "Infra-red Spectroscopy" at 4:15 p. m. on Mon- day, December 9, in Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg. Aeronautical Engineering 6: Grad- ed reports are now available in the office of Professor Thompson. There will be a lecture blue book on Thurs- day, December 12. Graduate Students: Preliminary French and German examinations for the doctorate will be given Fri- day, December 13, at four o'clock in the Raekham second floor Study Hall. In the second semester the ex- aminations will be given only once -on February 28. Doctoral Examination for Alfred Perlmutter, Zoology; Thesis: "Varia- tion of American North Atlantic Ma- rine Fishes Correlated with the En- vironment," Monday, 1:15 p.m., 3089 Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, C. L. Hubbs. By action of the Executive Board, the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Bos- ton Symphony Orchestra, Serge Koussevitsky, Conductor, will give the sixth program in the Sixty-Sec- ond Annual Choral Union Concert Series Wednesday evening, Decem- ber 11, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Audi- torium. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An exhibit of ceramic processes including structure, form, color and glazing is being shown in the first floor hall of the Architecture Building through December 10. Open daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 5. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: The winning drawings for the Magazine Cover Contest spon- sored by DeVoe & Raynolds of Chica- go are being shown in the third floor exhibition room, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun- day, through December 17. The pub- lic is- invited. Events Today Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal to- day at 4:30 sharp. Bring $2.00 for music deposits. Rehearsal for Union Opera will be held at 7:30. A Hillel Musicale will be held at the Foundation tonight at 8:15. The program will include Tschaikowsky's Romeo and Juliet Overture. Bach's G Minor Little Fugue, Prokofieff's Classical Symphony, and Beethoven's Seventh Symphony. The public is cordially invited. The Contract Bridge Tournament, being sponsored by the Hillel Cab- inet, will be held at the Hillel Foun- dation this afternoon. Bethlehem Evangelical-Reformed Student Guild will meet at the Church Parish Hall at 6:00 p. m., today. From there the group will go to the home of Helen Feldkamp at 711 W. Washington St. for a supper and a carol sing. The Michigan Christian Fellow- ship will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in the Fireplace Room of Lane Hall. Rev. Sudgen of Jackson will deliver the third in a series of four talks. All students interested are invited. The Lutheran Student Association will meet this evening in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30. Sup- per will be served, and afterward the panel discussion of the National Ashram theme will be concluded. All are invited. Coming Events Botanical Journal Club will meet on Tuesday, December 10, at 7:30 p. m. in Room N. S. 1139. Reports by: Florine Briscoe, "Contributions to the life history of a systematic fungous parasite, Cryptomycina Pteridis." John R. Hardison, "Physiologic specialization of wheat mildew in Germany." The inheritance of re- sistance to mildew. Diurnal cycle of certain powdery mildews. S. Wildman, "Review-Some prop- erties of plant viruses." Mathematics Club will meet Tues- day evening at 8 o'clock in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. W. D. Duthie will speak on "Segments in Ordered Sets." A. I. Ch. E.-A. I. M. E. Joint Ban- quet Meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 6:15 p. m., Michigan Union. Dr. Joseph D. Ryan, Assistant Director of R esearch of Libby-Owens-Ford, will speak on "Automotive Safety Glass." Tickets can be secured from officers of either organization. Senior Mechanicals: Mr. Sullivan, a representative of the Detroit Edi- son Company, Detroit, Michigan, will interview senior mechanicals Tues- day, December 17. Call at Room 221, West Engineering Bldg., for interview schedule. The Public Health Club Coopera- tive Study Group, will meet Monday, December 9, 7:30 p.m. in the Rack- ham Building. A Panel discussion of "Interelationship of Personnel in County Health Units" will be present- ed. Public Health Students are expect- ed to attend, and medical, dental, education and other students are cordially invited. The Student Branch of the ASME will hold its Annual Roast on Tues- day evening, December 10, at 6:30, in the Michigan League. Professor Walter Sadler will be the "Roast- master". Following the dinner six Engineering Faculty members will (Continued on Page 8) 1 kI FI itorium of the W. K. Kellogg Insti- Dontnie Says THE CHRISTIAN "Advent" is here. In every country where our re- ligion has been adopted by thousands the theme of the ancient Jew, that the golden age is ahead not behind us, will set forth in prophetic quo- tation, song of joy, and the finest idealism of poets and sages. It is the period where home and fireside get their chance, for the Church has wonderfully served our culture by giving motherhood and the child centrality. Old men will join small children, learned men will yield to the folklore of Christmas, men of prestige will stand beside forgotten men atcelebrations of the Christ Child, and pagans with Christians will enjoy the spirit of Christmas. Jesus is a real blessing. But we Americans, slaves to profit, aretrippd hourly by the art of sales- manship, haunted by a scandalous use of superlatives, and pestered in every mail with advertising which bulks like the national debt. We are pulled here to meetings, pushed there for charity, levied on by friends and preyed on by public enemies, until our more sensitive souls will wish for a reserved seat in Mars, not America, before "Advent" is ten days on its course. Our "free enterprise" has ruined Christmas. In this minor dem- onstration at every door we have the world's ugly woes in embryo, whose causes show up as rooted in man's struggle for gain at the expense of persons and the loftier graces. Our greatest spiritual blessing, our finest period of the year has become an occasion for staging our worst curse. This contradiction in our mor- al life must be overcome. It is be- cause of the urgency of this task, the necessity to correct this conflict be- tween profit as a motive and all other motives that many Christians listen gladly to any New Deal regulator or progressive government plan of control or socialistic thesis providing the theory being announced can even hint at a way to reduce the profit 41 , ;1 RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 BC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 XC - Mutual 1240 SC- NBC Blue Sunday Evening 6:00 Silver Theatre Catholic Hour Double or Nothing Across Footlights 6:15 Silver Theatre 6:30 Gene Autry News Show of the Week . News Ace 6:45 Gene Autry Heap 'o Livin' " Detroit Cons'vatory 7:00 G. Smith Jack Benny Dr. DeHaan Pearson & Allen 7:15 G. Smith " "1European News 7:30 Screen Guild Fitch Bandwagon Better Speech 7:45 Screen Guild " Week-End. Review t 8:00 Helen Hayes Charlie McCarthy National Prayer Message of Israel 8:15 Helen Hayes " And Prophecy 8:30 Crime Doctor One Man's, Family Face the Facts Sherlock Holmes 8:45 Crime; News 11 , 9:00 Ford Hour Merry-Go-Round Revival Walter Winchel 9:15 Ford Hour " " Parker Family 9:30 Ford Hour Familiar Music " Irene Rich LIA\ - The City Editor's £clodtch VW J 11 11