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December 08, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-08

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Cloudy; possibly light snow.

Y i' e

Sit ian
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


To Greaw Britain .. .



Wolverine Cagers
Whip State, 42-14,'

Varsity Pucksters Bow
To Mustang Squad, 5-4

Greeks Capture


In Initia
Sofiak's Nine Points Pace
Varsity; Brogan, Ruehle
Each Account For Eight
Spartans Register
Only Five Baskets


Dean Yoakurm
Gives Views
In Statement'

An efficient, sharp-shooting Wol-
verine basketball team piled up an
overwhelming 24-9 advantage in the
first half of its season opener at the
Yost Field House last night and then
coasted to an impressive 42-14 tri-
umph over its age-old Michigan State
Paced by little Mike Sofiak, who
scored seven points in the first nine
minutes of play; Michigan overcame
a short-lived 3-0 deficit and went
on a scoring spree to ring up 14
consecutive points,while a sadly out-
classed Spartan quintet tried des-
perately but vainly to stem the Maize
and Blue tide.
Sofiak Removed
Sofiak was removed from the game
by Coach Bennie Oosterbaan with
only ten minutes of the half gone af-
ter committing three personal fouls,
but the tiny Michigan forward's spark
had set the Wolverine scoring ma-
chine into action.
With Bob Fitzgerald and rookie Jim
Mandler using their towering six-
foot, four-inch frames to maximum
advantage in retrieving the ball from
the backboards every time State took
a shot, their smaller cohorts took
care of the rest of %he job.
The Varsity took 27 shots in the
first half and made good on ten
while holding the Spartans to three
floor baskets. So close knit was the
Michigan defense that the visitors
had only 17 shots at the hoop, most
of which were of the off-balance va-
Center Max Hindman of State op-
ened the scoring after three minutes
of play had elapsed when he cashed
in on a foul shot. Bob Phillips con-
nected with a set shot from the foul
line, but that was the peak of the
Spartans' superiority for the evening.
Scores On Free Throw
Sofiak took a pass from Fitzgerald
and tossed in a short one-hand shot
and a moment later made good on
a free throw to tie the score. Fitz-
gerald then took a pass from little
Mike to score from under the hoop
and put Michigan out in front, and
Captain Herb Brogan cashed in on a
foul shot to widen the margin to 6-3.
Sofiak grabbed a loose ball to drib-
ble the length of the floor and score
again, but Hindman caged a long
set shot to make the score read 8-5.
Brogan and Hindman then matched
foul before Sofiak once more came
through with a neat one-hand shot.
Joe Gerard then scored from a scram-
ble under the basket to provide Coach
Van Alstyne's forces with their last
tally in a long while.
Blil Herrmann, who replaced Sofiak
at this point, tossed in a foul shot
and George ,Ruehe a one-hand toss
from the foul line. Brogan followed
with two quick baskets and Herrmann
cashed in a pass from Ruehle to bring
the score to 20-8.
State calledl time out for the second
time in the half, but still didn't cool
of f the Varsity. As soon as play was
resumed, Mandler took a pass from
Bill Cartmill to register the first bas-
ket of his Varsity career and then
(Continued on Page 6)
Debaters Set
For Last Tilt
Bowers, Eves Meet OSU
In Union Tomorrow
Edwin Bowers, '41, and George
Eves, '41, will participate in the
fourth and last Western Conference
debate of the season when they meet
an Ohio State University team at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the North
Lounge of the Union.
They will debate on the proposition,
"Resolved: That the powers of the
Federal %Government should be in-


Says Scholarships Wer
Discontinued Because
Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, dean of
the graduate school and vice-presi-
dent of the University in Charge of
Educational Investigations, today
issued a statement to The Daily, ex-
plaining his position on the recent
discontinuance of scholarships to
two University students.
Dr. Yoakum takes issues with
certain phases of a Daily story pub-
lished Saturday under the headline:
"ASU Notified of Probation by Uni-
versity; American Student Union's1
Activities are Suspended for Inde-
finite Period; Margaret Campbell
Loses Scholarship."
Dr. Yoakum's statement follows:
"The Michigan Daily carried a
story in its columns of Dec. 7, 1940,
which in its form, its juxtaposition
o'f ideas, use of connections, and use
of quotation marks, reaches a con-
clusion which I must emphatically
"That I have continued certain
students on scholarships beyond the
period when they are meeting all
conditions of the scholarship is true.
I am authorized to do this until it
is clear that lack of fulfillment of
the condition in question will pro-
bably remain permanent. Such sit-
uations may be illness, serious
troubles at home, loss of residence,
etc., anyone of which may be re-
moved within a period of less than
an academic year without eligibil-
ity reestablished. Membership in
campus or non-campus organiza-
tions is not one of the conditions
(Continued on Page 2)
IFC's 'Santa'
Will Be Picked
In Campus Poll
Victor In Tuesday Election
Will Play Saint Nick
At Christmas Festivals
Some student - picked by an all-
campus vote - is going to play Santa
Claus to more than 5,000 Ann Arbor
school -children at the annual Inter-
fraternity Council Christmas Party
Friday afternoon in Hill Auditorium.
Seven prospective Saint Nicks were
nominated yesterday by campus
leaders. One of them will be chosen
in balloting Tuesday morning to rep-
resent the patron saint of Christmas
at the Party. IFC staff members
will be stationed on the campus to
conduct the voting.
Jim Gormsen, '42, was named by
Esther Osser, '41, women's editor of
The Daily. "He's just the right size -
besides, he can act," she commented.
Pete Haller, '42, was picked by Stu-
dent Senator Arnold Moore, '42.
Moore said:, "Pete's just the man for
the job -built right, and he's got
a good loud voice."
The perpetually friendly Christmas
spirit of Ward Quaal, '41, president
of the Men's Judiciary Council, won
him the nomination of Jack Grady,
'42, Union staff member.
"Evie is the logical choice -besides,
he's big enough to handle. the kids,"
declared Milo Sukup, '41, football
letterman, in naming Captain Forest
Evashevski, '41.
Women's Judiciary Council Pres-
ident Doris Merker, '41, nominated
Bob Shedd, '42, because "he'd enjoy
the job thoroughly - even though he
would have to be heavily padded."
(Continued on Page 2)

Anyone found scalping Soph I

Last Minute Attack Fails;
Joe King's 'Hat Trick'
Piles UpOntario Lead
Michigan's hockey squad literally
fought its way to within one goal of
a surprisingly strong Western On-
tario team last night, but a desperate
last minute attack fell short and the
Wolverines dropped their second de-
cision of the season, 5-4.
Big gun in a Mustang attack that
had Michigan goalie Hank Loud bat-
ting off pucks like flies for much ofj
the game was center Joe King. King
pulled the hat trick, vll within six
minutes of the fateful second period,
scoring three times, once unassisted,
to give the visitors a lead that stuck.
Charlie Ross, playing with a nose
guard to protect his battered face, cut
up in the London defeat last week,
was the Michigan hero again as he
punched two scores past Don Free-
born in the fading minutes to give
Michigan its fighting chance. This
was the period that had the large
crowd, climbng all ever the building
as the Wclvejire, drew within one
goal of their opponents ani went
three down again as Claude (Bags)
Moore, Mustang defense man, chalked
up two quick ones, and broke their
hearts when Ross' gallant drive wasn't
good enough.
The near-riot started off quietly
enough when Gil Samuelson scored

Senior, Frosh
Dance Heads
To Be Chosen
Twenty-One To Be Elected
In Polling Wednesday
From 10 A.M. To 5 P.M.
Thirteen members of the Senior
Ball.and eight members of the Frosh
Frolic dance committee will be chosen
by senior and freshmen classes on
election day, Wednesday, Doris Merk-
er, '41, and Ward Quaal, '41, presi-
dents of the Women's and Men's Ju-
diciary Councils announced yesterday.
Balloting will take place frpm 10
a.m. to 12 n. and from 2 p.m. to
5 p.m. at poll boxes located through-
out the campus, Robert Samuels, '42,
chairman of- the election committee
advised. Identification cards must by
presented before voters may drop
their ballots in election boxes located
in the lobbies of the Music School,
Room 225 Angell Hall and the first
floor Lobby of the West Engineering
Names of all candidates will be an-
nounced in Tuesday's Daily. The an-
nouncement has been delayed until
this time to avoid the cost of exten-
sive campaigns, thus making the elec-
tion fairer to all candidates involved,
Quaal explained. No electioneering
will be allowed on the same floor as
the ballot boxes on pain of disquali-
fication, Quaal \warned. The time of
balloting has been extended to the
morning in this election to facilitate
voting for a considerable number of
students who have found it inconven-
ient to cast their ballots in the after-
noon, Samuels added.

Galens Campaign Nets $1,830,
B reaing All Previous Marks

After Roosevelt Pledges
U. S. Material Assistance

CHARLIE ROSS ... Wolverine Star
Michigan's second goal on a beautiful
play that saw Paul Goldsmith and
Burt Stodden getting credit for assists.
The Wolverines' hopes fell again less
than a minute later, however, as
Moore took a pass from Jerry Bauer-
and made it 4-2 for Western Ontario.
This set off the first explosion, for
seconds later Stodden went down in
a tangle near the Michigan nets, and
Wolverine Johnny Gillis and Mustang
Max Kaminsky were sent to the pen-
alty box to restore peace. Bauer
followed them immediately as a re-
sult of an argument with Samuelson.
Then, with the ice practically emp-
ty, Moore took the puck in front of
his own goal and skated, entirely un-
escorted, all the way to the Michigan
nets and fired one past Loud to put
(Continu a on Page 6)
Few Choice Seats
Remain For Opera,
T reut 4Announces
With approximatelyi75 per cent of
all tickets to the five performan-
ces of the 1941 Union Opera produc-
tion, "Take A Number," already sold,
general ticket chairman Art Treut,
'41A, was adamant in his warning
that prospective buyers must hurry
if they hope to purchase any of the
few choice seats left.
Direct ticket sales will begin at
the ticket office of the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre in the League to ac-
commodate those who have not yet
acquired their ducats for the Opera,
which opens Wednesday evening and
continues through Saturday with a
matinee scheduled for Saturday af-
ternoon. Those who have mailed their
orders without return postage may al-
so claim their tickets at the box of-
Contrary to popular impression, the
opening performance Wednesday will
not be exclusively formal, Treut said,
although many houses are planning
to attend in formal wear.

With $1830 taken in at the end of
their two-day drive, Galens, junior
and senior honorary medical society,
closed their most successful collec-
tion in the twelve years that the
drive has been in existence.
Each year approximately $1600 has
been donated to the society by stu-
dents and townspeople to help main-
tain the Galens workshop for crippled
children on the ninth floor of the
University Hospital. This amount us-
ually covers the expenses of the shop
for one year.
Last year, when the appropriation
from the State had been curtailed
seriously, the public contributed gen-
erously: more than $1700 was taken
Prof . Steere,
Noted Scientist,
Famed Naturalist Founded
University's Collections
Of Museum Specimens
Prof.-Emeritus Joseph Beal Steere,
the University's first world collector
of botanical, zoological, and anthro-
pological specimens and the first cur-
ator of the University Museum died
at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital yester-
day afternoon.
The 98-year-old internationally-
known naturalist began his career
with a five-year trip around the world
after his graduation here in 1870 with
a Bachelor of Laws degree. He re-
turned with more than 60,000 speci-
mens which laid the foundation for
the development of the University
Museum into one 'of the few univer-
sity museums having world-wide col-
The modest, unassuming scientist
was one of the famous explorers in
South America and the Far East.
Braving yellow fever and dingers of
the Amazon jungles, he made several
trips into Brazil. Professor Steere
was known as the first white man to
penetrate Formosa and one of the
early American visitors to the Philip-
pine Islands.
Under the direction of Professor
Steere the present Romance Lan-
guages Building was built as the first
state university museum in the coun-
try. He retired as professor of zoolo-
gy and paleontology in 1890 after a
distinguished career as educator.
Surviving him among his family are
his sister, Elizabeth B. Steere, assist-
ant director of the William Clements
Library, and his grandson, Prof. Wil-
liam Steere of the botany department.
Funeral arrangements have not been

in. This year, however, with the first
day's donations about $300 less than
the amount taken in last year, the
response on the last day established
a new high in Galens history.
"We are deeply grateful for the
kindness of the response," Percy Mur-
phy,: '41M, chairman of the drive.
stated. "and we're happy to know that
we have been so successful. This will
enable us to do more than ever for
the crippled children who use the
"All the money that is taken in
is used for the crippled kids and
the workshop," Murphy said, "and
none of it is ever diverted to other
purposes. In a case such as this,
when we are over the estimated bud-
get for the year, the money that is
left over is placed in a fund as a
reserve when the drive is not as suc-
With the money a regular instruc-
tor in vocational therapy is main-
tained who helps the children se-
lect patterns and helps them cut out
their figures. At his disposal are reg-
ular electric machines and other tools
which comprise a full-sized shop.
Some of the students have learned to
master the operations ofthe sawdand
other machines, and can now do a
good deal of the work themselves. *
Workingin the shop this way, Mur-
phy pointed out, not only helps the
children forget their ailments, it helps
them develop their self-confidence for
the days when they no longer must
remain in the hospital.
Discusses Plan
For British Aid
Proposal Would Guarantee
England Future Loans
For Military Purchases
two-point plan for financial aid to
Great Britain is being discussed, it
was learned today, by highly placed
administration aides, some of whom
predicted it would be adopted.
The plan:
1. The British would use their own
investments in this country to buy
war supplies, as long as the invest-
ments asted.
2. The United States would make a
flat promise to grant loans when
those British resources were ex-
hausted. (Some officials suggested
such loans might perhaps be backed
by certain British collateral.)
As seen by persons in influential
positions, the situation is that the
British have enough money to pay
for their multi-billion dollar war pur-
chases here for a year or more, but
want to know where the money is
going to come from after that. The
British were said 'to have raised the
question of immediate loans in order
to pin down future commitments.
An indication of the American view
that the British ought to spend their
own money before getting loans was
seen in conversations between Treas-
ury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr.,
and Sir Frederick Phillips, Under-
secretary of the British Treasury.
They started their talks Friday and
will meet again Monday.
Both told reporters that they were
not talking of loans "at this time"
but were discussing the "facts" of
British resources and purchases.

British Auxiliary Cruiser
Is Attacked By Raider;
Puts In At Montevideo
Italy Takes Steps
To Improve Army
(By The Associated Press)
The Greek high command early to-
day (Sun.) announced the capture
by Greek troops of Delvino, about 10
miles northeast of the newly-acquired
southern Albanian sea base of Porto
Edda and on the route of the Greek
march on Argirocastro.
This further Greek victory claim
in the drive north after the retreat-
ing Italians came after official word
from Washington that the United
States would give material aid to lit-
tle Greece.
The British auxiliary cruiser Car-
narvon Castle, hit by a dozen shells
from a German sea raider, put into
Montevidpo, Uruguayan harbor, late
'Badly Damaged'
Her captain, H. M. H. Hardy said
his German opponent "ran away so
badly damaged that she will undoubt-
edly will be caught and destroyed.
He declined to disclose how many
of his sailors had been killed in the
battle, but informed sources said
there were about a dozen wounded
and some dead.
Italy dropped another of her high-
ranking generals amid other steps
designed to improve her war machine
dented by the Greeks.
Brigadier General Cesare Maria De
Vechi Count Di Val Cismon, com-
mander of the Aegean forces and gov-
ernor of the Dodecanese Islands, was.
replaced by General Ettore Bastico,
commander of the Army of the Po,
trained in blitzkrieg warfare.
Heavy Penaltiesa,
At home the Pascist regime or-
dered heavy penalties for Italian
farmers who withhold production
from compulsory storage and for
mine owners who fail to speed up op-
The resignation of De Vecchi came
a day after Marshal Pietro Badoglio
resigned as chief of staff in favor
of General Ugo Cavellero.
What led to these sudden changes
was not said in Rome, but in the
United States a week ago a Depart-
ment of Agriculture study noted a
growing food shortage in Italy for
one thing, and observers here had
remarked that Britain's position in
the Mediterranean had been consid-
erably strengthened within the last
five weeks by the Greeks.
Restlessness In Dodecanese
The Dodecanese Islands lie between
Crete, now held by the British, and
the Turkish coast and there have
been reports occasionally from the
islands that restlessness prevails.
The promise of help for Greece was
contained in a* ressage which Presi-
dent Roosevelt sent King George II of
Greece, reminding him that "it is
the settled policy of the United States
Government to extend aid to those
governments and peoples who defend
themselves against aggression" and
assuring him that "steps are being
taken to extend such aid to Greece."
The assistance is expected to be in
the form of planes and other mili-
tary supplies.
Eight Will Give
Contest To Be Concluded
At Meet Tomorrow
Eight representatives of the sec-

tions of Speech 32 will participate in
semester final speech contest at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in Natural Science Audi-
Dean Burdick, '42, Hartley Gold-
stein, '41, Charles Leavey, '41, Ed-
ward McLogan, '42, Jack Mitchell,
'42, Richard Strain, '42, Jack Cohen,
'42, and Robert Twitmire, '43, will
compete in the forensic meet.
Prnfes,%r rlah'~r n nome~r. Fredrlic

Prof. Sadler To Be 'Roastmaster'
Of Spoofuncup Banquet Tuesday

Most unpopular member of the En- n
gineering College faculty next week
will be Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the
transportation department who has
been chosen to serve as "roastmaster" .
of the annual mechanical engineer-
ing banquet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in z
the League.
It will be Professor Sadler who will
force seven of his colleagues to "run '
the gauntlet" of questions which will
be asked and who will present the
fanned Spoofuncup to the "Man Who
Can Take It."
The selection of "roastmaster" for,
the ASME feast is steeped in deep
,tradition and, as might be expected,
every faculty member who can steers
away from this questionable honor.
Professor Sadler, however, could
not refuse his invitation to serve be-
cause his was the unlucky 13th. Had f
he failed to accept, the "curse of the

versity of Illinois and at the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology and
his LLB at Michigan. In addition he,
is a member of Tau Beta Pi, honorary
scholastic society, and an honorary
member of Vulcans, Triangles and
Scabbard and Blade.
The Spoofuncup which will be
awarded is a trophy composed of a tin
cup, a tin funnel- and two tin spoons
welded into a single unit. The facul-:
ty member who receives it will have
his name inscribed on its base and will
retain it for one year.
Those who have been chosen to
compete for the award are Prof. John
A. Van den Broek of the engineering
mechanics department, Prof. A. H.
White of the chemical engineering
department, Prof. Ben Dushnik of the
mathematics department, Prof. John
W. Nickelsen of the mechanical en-

Ede T


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