SATURDAYIDECEMEtR 7, 194 THE MICHIGAN DATT.Y < i~ e.. ._..._ ...__ _ _ _s aI .a a . v.a + i f 1. - a x O Y il- I 1.i -7lv J ,,tar I r % err tiarm . TEHE MICHIGAN DAILY a'R~s1_ ___1 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIMNG SY National Advertising Service, Lic. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 LETTERS TO T HE EDITOR To the Editor: In reply to "Harmony's Note on K. K.": Harmony, you struck a sour note today. You admit Bonelli was flat, that the throatal sounds were audible, but still you say we should applaud him with flowery phrases. If you had troubled to, you might have noticed that many who heard the encores were seated only because the crowd already leaving prevented their exits. You go on to say that the front page interview of Mr. Bonelli is strictly publicity. Perhaps, but it was given in the afternoon, and was prob- ably printed before the music column had been submitted. That was much too early to tell how Bonelli would sing in the evening. Besides, Mr. Bonelli's opinion is good. What difference if he was in bad voice, why shouldn't it have been printed in the same edition with the criticism? I am not alone in my appreciation of a Music Critic who really is just that. I like your col- umn, K.K. - Discord Too Busy Now The trouble with some people is they haven't any trouble. It took a national crisis apparently to distract the attention of many Londoners away from themselves. With most of the population engaged in either military service or war production, psychiatrists report that mental disorders which were expected to develop under bombing are "strangely missing." --Christian Science Monitor ON The City Editor's Pad THIS OFFICE has been humming with new stories of late. Maybe you noticed. Most of them involve a lot of rumor, a grain of truth. * * Haufler and Sarasohn were disciplined actually for an infringement of a rule that has never been established too clearly up here. It was no matter for public consideration at all. It merely involved our running of our own paper. * * * The penalty was of such a type, and made public in such a way that the whole business was distorted. That's the regrettable thing really. THE MOST PLEASANT ASPECT of the whole works was the way Haufler and Sarasohn told "civil liberty groups" their help was not wanted. The most serious thing, as far as we're con- cerned, is that the sports staff insists that Haufler and Sarasohn are ineligible for our regular inter-building basketball game Saturday. n * * One professor suggests that we run with each letter from now on: "The following does not reflect the views of the editor, the University, the Regents, and perhaps not even the writer himself." Tug o War - P o o Og .00 - Editorial Staff Paul M. Chandler . . Karl Kessler . Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman. Laurence Mascott . . Donald Wirtchafter . . Esther Osser . Helen Corman Business Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager City * . Associate . . Associate Associate * . Associate * . . Sports .Women's Exchange Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Staff Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause THE REPLY TOUCHSTONE NIGHT EDITOR; ROSEBUD SCOTT IcA The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Galens Moves Into Home Stretch .. . GALENS moves into the "home stretch" of its two-day drive today to raise money for the crippled children of the University Hospital, and it needs the support of the en- tire campus. Many contributed yesterday, but there are still a large number who haven't dr9pped a few coins into the shining pail in exchange for a Galens tag. For 11 years the society has managed to raise enough money to cover the budget which it sets for maintaining the workshop in the Hospital. Last year because of a curtailment of funds from the state it was most urgent that the quota be met; and it was met through the generous sup- port of the students and the townspeople. This year the need for money is just as urgent. IF YOU'VE ever been up to the workshop on the floor of the Hospital and seen the happy ex- pressions on the faces of some of the "kiddies" as they sandpaper a door-stop or paint a tie- rack, you'll know your money's going for a good cause. It gives a child, whose leg, in a cast, is suspended in the air and who has to remain on his back for days, a chance to occupy himself and forget his ailments. When this editorial was written, there were no reports on the results of the first day's drive. Whatever they are-ahead of last year's report or behind- give your donation today; so that these children in the Hospital can continue to work and occupy themselves during their illnesses. Make it a merry Christmas for these youngsters, too, for part of that money is used to hold a gala party for them in which they have plenty of good things to eat and lots of fun. - Bernard Dober. Should America Feed Euroye?,. . AUTHENTIC REPORTS indicate that widespread starvation is practically a certainty in Europe this winter. Thirty-seven million persons are threatened by a s rious lack of food in the coming months, according to the estimates of food experts. What can we in Amer- ica do to relieve this critical problem of food shortage across the Atlantic? Thus far only one constructive plan is receiv- ing national attention. That is the solution sug- gested by former President Herbert Hoover. It is important that the merits of his plan be ex- amined for their own intrinsic worth. Contro- versial considerations of Mr. Hoover's personality and his political beliefs are patently irrelevant. Mr. Hoover. suggests the formation of a neu- tral non-governmental organization here in the United States to take charge of food shipments to Norway, Holland, Belgium, Finland, Central Po- land, and possibly Denmark, all countries which have been unable to secure food through the British blockade. Sometimes food has not been permitted through areas controlled by the Ger- man army. THE SUCCESS of the Hoover Plan is obviously contingent upon its approval by the British and German governments. Great Britain must agree to allow the food shipments of the neu- tral non-governmental organization to pass through the blockade. Germany must agree not to seize the food sent to the countries which fall within the sphere of Nazi influence. Critics of the Hoover Plan assert that Great MARK TWAIN once wrote a very bad story called something like An Ac- count of the Celebrated Crime Wave at Hartford, in which he told how he got rid of his conscience. I wish I could get rid of mine. Though Mark was not so good on the narrative end of the yarn, he told some mighty truths about what a con- science would look like if a conscience looked like anything. It would be seven feet tall and in the full bloom of health when a young boy smoked his first cigar. It would be dwarfed and stunted by the time the young boy was a few years older. It would be green and'decrepit by the time the boy was a young man, and from there on, unless the young man reformed, the poor conscience would get sadder and sadder and gro uglier and uglier. My conscience is at about stage two now. I no longer have that acute sense of sin which was the torment but the redemption of my younger days. I am not very old, but I am at the stage where, half-realizing what the world is, though not yet realizing thank Heaven what I myself am, my conscience is at least stunted. Neverthe- less I have my uncomfortable moments, when like Pascal's belt, I feel iron spikes driving into my side telling me I have become too worldly. At such times I am no longer gripped with fear and self-hate, for I find it necessary to live in the world, and therefore cannot reproach my- self for more than tendencies which make me less of a man than I would like to be. WHICH is a long way of getting around to say- ing simply that I am sorry, to both the sus- pended editors of The Daily and to the Board in Control. Perhaps I am attachiing too much im- portance to the effect of certain of my columns, but I want all those who have borne the brunt of this disturbance, on either side of the fence, to know that for whatever contribution to the general feeling of distrust and recrimination I have made in my column, I am truly sorry. I have suffered nothing at all from any of you, and I appreciate the fact that you all have probably taken the drubbing and the undesirable publicity that in part I deserve. I wish that quietly, with- out any stir, I might have taken my share of this, but you are my bosses, and I suppose that is one of the drawbacks of being a boss. I cannot say that I appreciate the ASU leaflets which seized on this issue to start a membership drive. Though in the past I have agreed with certain of the ideals of that group, I believe that in this case by. making a more serious issue of the business than any of the actual participants intended or understood it to be the Student Union has perhaps oer-dramatized itself, and caused in a well-intentioned way, considerably more upset than there could have been. Rather weakly in conclusion all I can do is assure all of you that the whole thing will be forgottten. forgiven and understood by all actually involved before long, and as to the outside world, now so agape at the frightful doings here on the campus, it will take only another Mama Dionne, or Hank Greenberg ticularly eager to antagonize unduly the United States at this particular time. So if the American people are sufficiently determined to help in the feeding of Europe, it is reasonably certain that they can make their determination pre. vail. BUT THIS public opinion in favor of feeding Europe must not resolve itself into senti- mentalized, emotionaloutbursts of humanitar- ian feeling. It must be channelized into regular organizational formis, if it is to become immed- iately effective. Such groups as The Commission for Relief in Belgium and The Norwegian Re- lief Fund operating in New York City are per- forming a necessary function. But an extension of their activity throughout the country is re- quired. For example, students on university cam- puses should have some means of contributing being drafted to red herring the great American public off on another track and give us time to consider and make amends. CONSCIENCE a little easier, and the above in all sincerity, I'll shift my approach to the lighter side now, and in view of a preview of the new super-Gargoyle, I ask: WHO IS STARDUST? Last month 'was bad enough. Good enough to be bad enough, I mean, but now with an article on the great American date scheduled to appear here come next week, I have decided that something must be done about this person. I hereby launch an editorial campaign of one to suppress Stardust, lest by his or her (my spies tell me it is a him, but I am inclined to believe it to be a her) doings the social life of genus collegianus be torn asunder and driven by the four winds. Stardust, come out from under that cowardly veil of anonymity and reveal yourself in all your ungracious misanthropy. I have known both girls and boys quite capable of writ- ing such stuff from personal experience, but usually they were far too busy carrying on to sit down and take their pens in hand. What are you, Stardust, blend of prom-trotter, lounge- lizard, escapist, liver in the imagination, ascetic, semi-celibate, misogynist or man-hater (I don't want to look the opposite up in the dictionary) as the case may be? From whence come you, and whither art thou headed? What are you do- ing tonight? How would you like to write a guest column? What do you want for Christmas? Are you fine or superfine? In short, my dear, I love you. But duty first. I shall begin forthwith a series designed to counteract with my rapier wit your broadsword attacks on the male animal. .* * * RUNNING NOTES, because I haven't much more room. Spy Bill Newton reports the first sign of spring, a bit of green grass, seven by thirteen and a half inches square, seen at 1:15 p.m. yesterday on Baldwin Avenue .. . To Glow-worm, many thanks but you have the ad- vantage over me in knowing the man behind the pseudonym . . . to the guys who are writing the Cinema column for these pages, I want one of those passes you are getting for being so nice to magnificent, colossal, stupendous productions before you have seen them . . . A friend of mine drinks beer in the Union steam room. There should be an explosion or a house rule . . . I have to shave, therefore, so long until soon. - - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN _ - - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 19405 VOL. LI. No. 59 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructivesnotice to all members of the University. Notices To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, December 9, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 A.H. AGENDA: Approval of the Minutes. Report of the Counsellor to Foreign Students, J. R. Nelson. Report of the Committee on the Orientation Period, P. E. Bursley. Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees: Program and Policy, Stason. Educational Policies, Rice. Student Relations, Marin. Public Relations, I. Smith. Plant and Equipment, Hammett. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Soph Prom: Tickets numbered 95. 295, 299 and 300 will not be honored at the Soph Prom on December 13.1 Holders of these tickets are requested to communicate at once with the Prom Chairman, Bernard Hendel, 2006 Washtenaw, telephone 2-4409. At a meeting of the Subcommittee on Discipline, held on December 4, 1940, the American Student Union, a recognized student organization, was charged with the violation of University regulations. The presi- dent and the secretary of the Ameri- can Student Union appeared in its be- half. After hearing their statements and other evidence the Committee was satisfied that the organization was guilty as charged. In accord- ance with the recommendation of the Men's Judiciary Council of the University of Michigan it was ordered that the said organization be placed on probation for an indefinite period, with the understanding that after the close of the current academic year it may petition to be removed from probation. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Detroit Civil Service Examination. The date of the examination is De- cember 23, 1940. Application must be filed by December 16, 1940. Junior Technical Clerk, salary $1,560. Complete information and applica- tion blanks on file at the University Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-3. Academnic X ices of the Pre-Medical Society will be given today at 1:30 p.m. in room 3001 of the West Medical Building. Thosec students who missed last Saturday'st tests should phone the Psychological] Clinic to arrange for a make-up,t rather than drop out of the group, Doctoral Examination for Alfred Perlmutter, Zoology; Thesis: "Varia- tion of American North Atlantic Ma- rine Fishes Correlated with the En-i vironment," Monday, 1:15 p.m., 3089i Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, C. L. Hubbs. By action of the Executive Board, the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An exhibit of ceramic processes including structure, form, color and glazing is being shown in the first floor hall of the Architecture Building through December 10. Open daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 5. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: The winning drawings for the Magazine Cover Contest spon- sored by DeVoe & Raynolds of Chica- go are being shown in the third floor exhibition room, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun- day, through December 17. The pub- lic is invited. Events Today The Angell Hall Observatory twill be open to the public from 8:30 to 10:00 this evening, December 7. The moon and the planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will be shown through the telescopes. Children must be accom- panied by adults. Opera Broadcast: Radio broadcast by the Metropolitan Opera Company of "Marriage of Pigaro" by Mozart in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 1:55 p.m. today. All in- terested are welcome. Saturday Luncheon Group meets at Lane Hall today at 12:15 p.m. The Armenian Students Association is giving a radio dance at the Union in room 316 at 9:00 tonight. International Center: Saturday Af- ternoon Round Table. The subject for discussion is "The principles for which all conscientious youth should stand in the present world conflict irrespec- tive of nationality or creed," today, 3:00-5:00 p.m. "Pot-Luck Supper" for Foreign Wo- men today at 5:30 p.m. This is for all tforeign women in the University and for wives of foreign students. Call 4121, Extension 2131 for reservations. Women's Rifle CClub: All members who will have completed two hours of instruction by the end of this week are urged to attend a meeting in the main lounge of the Women's Athletic Building today at-1:30 p.m. Only those present at this meeting will be eligible for firing. Please bring dues. Outdoor Sports: Any women inter- ested in skiing and tobogganing with the outdoor sports group is invited to meet at the Women's Athletic Build- ing at 2:00 p.m. today. If the snow has melted, come prepared to skate. "Margin for Error," the satirical anti-Nazi melodrama by Clare Boothe will be presented by Play Production of the Department of Speech tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Call 6300 for reservations. Newman Club members who have tickets yet for the Communion Break- (Continued on Page 6) rhe Drew Pecno RADIOSPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ I CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Saturday Evening ° ' Behind that closely guarded secrecy about President Roosevelt's Caribbean cruise itinerary is a seriously considered plan to visit the famous French island of Martinique. When the President embarked on the U.S.S. Tuscaloosa at Miami, no decision had been made regarding this. But it was one of the things he discussed in his two-hour conference with Admiral Leahy, new Ambassador to France. Whether Roosevelt will debark if he goes to Martinique, or merely receive the French Gover- nor aboard the Tuscaloosa, also is undecided. Like the plan of the trip itself, it depends on developments. As the tumult and the shouting over Willkie 6:00 Stevenson News 6:15 Musical 6:30 Inside of Sports 6:45 World Today 7:00 People's Platf'rm 7:15 People's Platf'rm 7:30 News To Life 7:45 News to Life 8:00 Marriage Club 8:15 Marriage Club 8:30 'W. King Orch. 8:45 King Orch; News 9:00 Your Hit Parade :15 Your it Parad Sport Review Revue; News Sports Parade S. L. A. Marshall Pastor's Study Passing Parade Yvette, Songs Studio Feature Knickerbocker Play Truth, C'nsequence Nat'l Barn Dance Questions Of Hour NHL Hockey Players Jim Parsons Red Grange News-Val Clare The Charioteers Sons of the Saddle News Ace Football Roundup NHL Hockey Game Day In Review Sandlotters Record Review Town Talk Organ Favorites Jimmy Dorsey Orch Jenkins' Orch. Mlan & the World Little 01' Hollywood Gabriel Heatter National Defense ,