THE MICHIGAN D A TT.V RATrunAV- nV4PV.MUV*. I taAa TH M CH IN i. A LI1V] W3. i'M X s'l~A pxJ ,,urivlnrtG 7, iu4U 9 *w ,r lNewman Club Will Welcome Msgr. Babcock St. Mary's Student Parish Will Sponsor Breakfast; Many Alumni To Attend Monseignor Allan Babcock of St. Mary's Student Parish will bp honored by the Newman Club at a special Communion Breakfast at 11:15 a.m. Sunday in the Union. Father Babcock was formerly the pastor of the Chapel before accepting the post of vicar at the American Col- lege in Rome until June. Among the special guests at the banquet will include President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dr. and Mrs. Shirley Smith, Dean Joseph Bur- sley, Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. Walter Rea, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Morgan, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Blakeman and Prof. Carl Brandt. Speakers on the program will be President Ruthven who will extend the greeting of the University, and Burns Huttlinger, '41, president of the Newman Club. Frank Devine, '14L, will speak for the Gabrial Richard Foundation and George Burkke of Ann Arbor will talk on behalf of the 200 alumni and townspeople return- ing for the welcome. Rev. Clair Berry will give a brief talk. Other speakers who will be in- troduced by the toastmaster, Michael Gorman, editor of the Flint Journal, will be Tom Harmon, '41, and Her- bert Brogan, '41. Tickets for the breakfast may be obtained from members of the New- man Club at St. Mary's Student Cha- pel, Huttlinger announced. All mem- bers of the parish are "e urged to par- ticipate in the welcome celebration. DRAFTEES TO SECURE TRAVEL PERMISSION I All draft registrants going home for the Christmas vacation via Canada must first secure per- mission from their home draft board, according to Harold Golds, secretary of the Ann Arbor draft board. MAJESTIC Now0-- Professional Actor Appears In Play Cast Play Production's third offering of the season, "Margin For Error" will play its closing performance at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Prof. Valentine D. Windt, director; of the show, did not reveal until yes- terday, however, that one of the members of the cast is not only a stu- dent at the University, but also a! professional actor with seven yearsj stage experience behind him. Hugh Z. Norton, Grad., who plays the role of the baron in "Margin For Error," revealed in an interview be- fore curtain time last night that he came to Michigan on the advice of other actors to broaden his dramatic background by concentrating on the history of drama and relavent litera- ture. Starting in a stock company in Alanby, Norton seven years ago pro- gressed to Broadway by acting parts from Shakespeare's Hamlet to comedy roles. One of his most interesting experiences was his connection with Leslie Howard's "Hamlet" in New York. During the play's run he played an aggregate of seven roles. Howard, he recalls, was particularly fascinat- ing to watch in action, since the famous stage and screen star, as es- tablished as he was in the realm of drama, was unsure of himself and his capacities while on the stage. Dur- ing a great emotional scene in the play Howard fainted 'dead away,' Norton revealed, and the curtain had to be held 'half an hour until the great actor recovered. Norton has also been associated with Fred Stone and other well known personalities, and has acted as dram- atic director of station WQXR in New York. He will return to the legi- timate' theatre after finishing his courses here. This Is The Curious Work of A Bomb ASU Notified Of Probation news of the dorms B1' GLORIA NIsHON and DAVE LACHENBRUCH By University (Continued from Page 1) called meeting of the ASU following the publication in Detroit papers of the expected disciplinary action and the announcement that Miss Camp- bell's scholarship would not be re- newed, she and Norris reviewed the investigation of the ASU leading to the Committee's action. Miss Campbell linked the dismissal cases last spring with the probation of the ASU as being "all part of an attempt to stifle any voice which is expressive and speaks for peace." During the discussion following the meeting Mr. Harvey Poulson, region- al executive secretary of the ASU in- dicated his belief that ASU members were "in a large part to blame in that many of our members have been in- capable of working with others who did not entirely agree with the ASU program." In the future, he added. the ASU must be ready to submerge its iden- tity as an organization if necessary to work towards the ends of its plat- form. Hillel Dramatists To Appear At Flint Flint is the next stop for the barn- storming Hillel Players who will ap- pear before an anticipated audienceI of 800 people under the auspices of the local B'nai B'rith lodge at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow. Anita Newblatt, '41, president of the HillelPlayers; Jerome W. Meck- lenburger, '41E, president of the Hil- lel Council; and Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of the Foundation, are scheduled to speak at the meeting. I liii - - --i l Betsy Birbour's biggest social event of the year will take place at four o'clock tomorrow in the form of an Informal Musicale and tea. Members of the faculty and friends of residents of the dormitory will be received by hostesses including House Director Mrs. C. Stanley Mitchell, house president Gertrude Frey, '41, and the Board of Patronesses: Mrs. '-dward Adams, Mrs. John Worley, Mrs. Charles Vibbert and Mrs. John Bryant of Detroit . . . Betty Brough- am, '42, Social Chairman of the stu- dent house organization, will take charge of the proceedings . . . Mrs. Karl Litzenburg and Mrs. John Bry- ant will pour at the tea to be given a ter the musical program in which nine residents of Barbour will par- ticipate .. . You fellows lucky enough to be going to Jordan's informal "Pay- Off" dance tonight should take ad- vantage of it while you can, for Icap year is practically over and who can say when such an oppor- tunity will present itself again? The Board of Patronesses and their husbands and .a few special guests will be present at a Christmas party to be given at Adelia Cheever to- morrow . . . Violet Oulbegian, '43, will lead the girls in singing Christ- mas carols and Doris Ball, '42SM, will accompany most of the singing with her cello. Christine Chambers, '42A, social chairman, says the spirit- ual side of Christmas will be empha- I ANOESTI 1 NoeI sized both in the singing and in the readings. Miss Esther Colton of Jordan, Mrs. Martha L. Ray of Stockwell and Mrs. Frederick C. Klein of Mosher poured at a tea given Thursday in Mosher's radio room. Jane Pfeiffer, '41, was chairman of the event. From the West Quad Spectator: "An informal athletic club has been organized in Chicago House. Mem- bers have invented several ingenious methods of physical culture. The devices run from doorknobs to desks. Their motto is: "We breed a rare brand of brute." Stairways and rail- ings play an important part in the development of dexterity and strength." How much does it cost to join, boys? On Thursday night the Rod and Gun Club saw some movies on Yel- lowstone National Tark in the Al- len-Rumsey recreation room. The West Quad's Camera Club is meeting at 7:30 p.m. each Thursday in the Wenley House recreation room. They are making plans to take por- traits of students, using the lighting facilities provided by Mr. Litzenberg. 00 INN of RETURN C (OFFEE tY, Y SHOP G}Weinvite you to our antique shop to select your Christmas gifts from rare individual jewel- ries, Chinese Ivories, French losand watches, bronze and porcelain figures, individual old vases, painting, miniatures, and oriental rugs. Also you can enjoy our deli- cious luncheons with Turkish coffee and Turkish pastries. 3060 WASHTENAW a Just West of the Superior Dairy Phone 25-7701 ORIENTAL ti4RRGS& r ' >I A bomb did this job on a London home, leaving part of the top floor as a "bridge." The caption said the family which lived here had gone out for an evening visit the first time this autumn, and returned i to find this. Boogie Woogie Steal From Africa, Herskovits Cites Center To Hold Roundtable, Dinner, Sleighrid e Foreign students representing every nationality will participate in the fifth of a series of roundtables from 3 to 5 p.m. today at the International Center, Prof. Raleigh Nelson an- nounced. The topic of discussion will be uni- versal principles for which youth of the world may stand despite their nationalities. All foreign students are urged to participate and express the viewpoints of their countries, Pro- fessor Nelson said. All foreign women and wives of for- eign students will gather for their annual potluck supper at 5:30 p.m. at the Center. TONIGHT "MARGIN FOR ERROR" 75c, 50c, 35c Satirical anti-Nazi Melodra uta by Clare ("The Women") Boothe PLAY PRODUCTION of the Speech Department Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Call 6300 for reservations "Boogie Woogie is a direct steal from West Africa," Prof. Melville Herskovits, chairman of the North- western anthropology department declared in an interview on the or- igins of modern swing music. "Of course the jungle 'cats' have no pianos," he added, "but the use of melodic instruments such as the piano and bull fiddle as percussion is a direct imitation of African style." Professor Herskovits explained that rhythm, the principal contribution of Africa to swing, is not the only aspect of popular music that can be traced to the Congo. Modern rug- cutters derive most of their steps from dusky jittrebugs who kicked up dust in their relatives' funeral processions, he said. The use of a band background for a Wving trumpet of tenor sax grew fromethe African chorus which sang a melody while a soloist swung out on complicated improvisions. "The classic example of African style is displayed in "The Big Noise from Winnetka," he asserted, "which is played by a Negro from New Or- leans where jazz originated and where the most direct descendants of Af- ricans are found." Observing that swing-men of the Cab Calloway school are closest to the basic type, Professor Herskovits cited the Shouting Baptists of Trini- dad as giving best example of vocal improvision and rhythm. "Spirituals as sung by Marian An- derson retain little of the original swing," he stated, "but those in Southern Negro churches are faster, jazzier and the true foundation of modern swing music." He noted that details in style dif- fer from tribe to tribe just as they do among the swing bands. "One can speak of African music only gener- ally," he said, "because of the ex- treme diversification. The Library of Congress is going to make permanent recordings of his collection of music from Africa, South America and the West Indies, he said. 'Youth In The News' To Present Reporter Orin W. Kaye, Jr., son of the Michigan State NYA supervisor, will appear on the weekly NYA radio program, "Youth In The News" which will be heard at 9 a.m. today over station WJR. He will be interviewed and will tell of his experiences in Europe. He went to Europe 'in 1939 and spent 19 months there visiting the important capitals of England and the continent. Kaye was employed by the Associated Press in its Paris Bureau, and while in Paris, he saw the first German troops enter the city. In addition to his work with the Associated Press, Kaye was a member of the Anglo-American Press Asso- ciation and the new American Press Association of Paris. While in the Balkans, he visited military fortifica- tions and defenses of the King Carol line and attended the Balkan con- ference in Belgrade. Obseirvatory To Be Open The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. today, weather permitting. - - - - S A ) ' ', I~ II AND PARKING TROUBLE BY RIDING ON AN ANN ARBOR ...CITY BUS. . .just one of the 10 great stars in Cecil B. DeMiIe's "NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE" A Paramount Picture #n Technicoo a J ,,\ , 1802 MAGIC SIW(/193 S EF GAS RANGES A RICHliE fR Yes Sir. The pleasure de- rived from a good meal is just one of those things that make a man health- ier, happier, - cheerier. It really makes life worth living. * AN OPPORT UNITY to give a useful gif t-one that goes on giving for years and years. Expressing the thought- ful consideration of thegiver by replacing the shabby, obsolete stove with the most beautiful and modern of all cooking appliances. On our floors now is a special Christmas display of MAGIC CHEFS in many sizes. Improved Aluminum Head. Burners that light automatically. Automatic oven heat control and fully insulated oven. 1 Two large storage drawers. Pull-out type broiler. New, flush-to-wall design. MAGIC CHEF MODELS Priced from $7600 up WROMM . :: s. .: s II T TTT. ',TC ATi" t< lT C / TT !^ '1 !t1. I TT