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October 03, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-03

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"Expulsion" Gases



Nazis Have Missed)
Time For Invasion,
Defenders Believe

U.S. Support
For England


Exposing C
Aggressor N


Africa May Become War's
Main Theatre; Germans
Strike Twice In Night
Shrapnel Bombs
Used In Southeast
LONDON, Oct. 3. -(Thursday)-(P)
-Despite a series of eight Nazi air
attacks within 24 hours, certain Brit-
ish military circles expressed the be-
lief today that the time for an at-
tempt at invasion had passed for
this year, and that the main theatre
of the Battle for Britain would be
transferred to Africa.
In the early morning hours a hea-
vy and growing anti-aircraft bar-
rage rose over central London, beat-
ing back at the second German air
raid of the night.
The assault ended a period of un-
easy quiet'that had followed an ear-
lier attack-the shortest of the war
-which began around dinner-time
and ended after several bombs had

To Relinquish
Position Soon

Candidate Centers
CampaignIn Ohio
CLEVELAND, Oct. 2.-(A)-Wen-
dell L. Willkie charged tonight that
the political theories and ambitions
of a few men had exposed the Unit-
ed States "to the aggressors" and
urged aid for Britain even at a sacri-
fice of speed in building up Ameri-
ca's airfleet.
Until the people have an adequate
defense system "they don't want any
more international incidents," Will-
kie declared in his first campaign
address in this politically-pivotal
state where he formerly worked as
an Akron attorney.
In arguing that the nation is un-
prepared, Willkie said that in 1936,
"an elect'on year," the ratio of de-
_nse expmnditures to other spending
dropped to its lowest point.
"There were other, more attractive
ways to spend the money" he assert-
d, adding:
"I say that we are now exposed
to the aggressors because of the poli-
tical theories and the political ambi-
tions of a few men."
Declaring "the defense job that
lies ahead of us is appalling in mag-
nitude," Willkie said, "we can not
make ourselves strong by a patch-
work method."
In his foreign policy outlined, Will-
kie asserted:
"I would continue my efforts to
aid the heroic British people. I would
aid the British even if it meant the
sacrifice of some speed in building
up our own air fleet. I would do
so because the longer Britain held
out the more time we have in which
to prepare ourselves."

Pre-State Pep
Rally Friday
To Fete Yost
Sportswriter Mill Marsh,
Signia Delta Chi Guest,
To Give Short Address
'Grand Old Man'
Will Present Talk
The bands will play and the boys
will shout and the Michigan gals
will all turn out to cheer themselves
hoarse at the pre-State game rally at
8 p.m. Friday in Yost Field House and
to blare a thunderous farewell to
Fielding H. Yost, the "Grand Old
Man of Football" who will retire this
One of the features of the evening
will be a short address by Mill
Marsh, sports editor of the Ann Ar-
bor News, who will be a guest of
Sigma Delta Chi, honorary national
journalistic fraternity.
The whole affair will be sponsored
by the University "M" Club.
The pep rally preceding the Mich-
igan-Michigan State game has come
to be an annual affair on campus,
frequently culminating in general
good fellowship riots and unhappy
meetings with professors the morn-
ing after. No riots are guaranteed,
mind you, but one can expect al-
most anything.
Fielding Yost will speak before the
rally, a farewell speech to a campus
with which he has been associated
for nearly forty years. He began
his career on this campus and led
many a Michigan football team to
victory before becoming Athletic Di-
rector of the University.
The University band, under the di-
rection of Prof. William Revelli, will
be on hand to play and to amplify
the noise over the ,public address
A good time and a bare-tooth ea-
gerness to be at State's collective
neck is guaranteed to all.

His Hit Started Rally



Derringer Is Routed By Five-Run Attack
In Big Bengal Second Inning; Greenberg
Starts Winning Rally With Hard Single
CROSLEY FIELD, CINCINNATI, Oct. 2-( )-The powerhouse of the
Detroit Tigers switched on a shocking five-run rally against Paul Derringer
today and crushed the Cincinnati Reds, 7 to 2, in the first game of the 1940
World Series as a crowd of 31,793 stricken Rhineland fans looked on aghast.
The ease with which the Tiger sluggers swept over the heroic National
League righthander with five bunched singles in the second inning took all
the sparkle out of the remainder of the game and the crowd was hardly
awed by the triple and home run that Rudy York and Bruce Campbell hit
in succession in the fifth inning.
Buck Newsom, the giant, glowering righthander who set the pace for
the Tigers in their prowl to the American League championship, backed up
the hitting of his teammates with an eight-hit pitching job that kept the
feeble Reds shutout except in the fourth and eighth stanzas.
It was as uneven a struggle as any test between two champions could be.
In the big second inning ten Tigers went to bat as Derringer desperately

ewsom Hurls Tigers
Do Victory Over Reds,
CampbellIBlasts Homer

German Bombs Loosed
With nearly all the rest of coastal
England under intermittent bom-
bardment from the air during the
daylight hours, German shrapnel
bombs were reported loosed for the
first time-on a southeast town..
There were several casualties.
German artillery shelled 'the Do-
ver coast from across the English
Channel tonight, supporting with a
heavy bombardment the almost
ceaseless attacks of the Nazi air force
upon all England.
Six times up to nightfall great
squadrons of bombers and fighters
had swept in toward London; six
times, said the Air Ministry, they
had been beaten back-" . . . inter-+
cepted and broken up by our fight-
Then, early tonight, they came
again, one group flying in over the
northwestern suburbs to loose upon
the city the 26th consecutive nightly
assault, while another sought to
break through heavy gunfire from
the southeast.
Batteries In Full Voice
London's inner defenses, the anti-
aircraft batteries, opened up in full
voice to keep the attack away from
the center of the city. Several bombs
fell and then suddenly the raid was,
ended-the shortest early night raid
since the beginning weeks ago of
major- aerial warfare on the city.
An unnatural quiet fell, but the,
people were not convinced that it
would last. They stayed on in the
air raid shelters.
All along the coastal areas-south-,
east and southwest and over Wales
as well-the day had been noisy with
a series of sharp, desperate engage-
ments in the clouds.
By early evening, it was officially
announced, at least ten German
raiders had gone down to destruc-
tion, against one British plane ac-
knowledged lost.-
But despite all this, despite the
magnitude and angry persistence of
the assault, certain British military
circles said it appeared certain now
that the time for an attempt at in-
vasion had passed for this year, and
that the main theatre of the battle
for Britain would be transferred soon
to Africa.
Germans Report
Raids By British
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 2.-The German
command, disclosing that fighter
planes are now taking over many of
the jobs normallyassigned to bomber
craft, sent heavy squadrons across
the Channel today in continuous as-
saults from Britain.
DNB, the official German news
agency, reported tonight that Lon-
don was under almost ceaseless bom-
bardment, and that targets along the
Thames River, in eastern and south-
eastern areas and across the country
to the Irish Sea, were attacked heav-
Great fire damage wrought by Bri-
tish attacks in western German cities
was acknowledged, but it was said
to have been confined to "numerous
apartment houses."
Anti-aircraft fire was declared to
have forced abandonment of the Bri-
tish night assault upon Berlin, al-

* * *1
LONDON, Oct. 2.-G)-Old and1
ailing former Prime Minister Cham-
berlain, the man who made the ill-1
fated Munich agreement of Septem-
ber, 1938, will resign shortly as Lord2
President of Council in what may
become a sweeping readjustment of
the Churchill cabinet, political circles1
reported tonight.
Lord Halifax, holdover Foreignf
Secretary of the Chamberlain gov-
ernment, also may go, London circles
said, with Anthony Eden mentionedi
as his successor.
The same reports said Labor Min-<
ister Ernest Bevin probably would be-t
come a member of the war cabinet
-giving it a strong socialistic tinge.
Bevin is one of the nation's leading
The reshuffle may als involve Lord
Beaverbrook, Alfred Duff-Cooper,
Herbert Morrison and Arthur Green-
wood, all members of the present
cabinet, who may simply swap jobs,
the reports said.
Chamberlain, who stepped down
as Prime Minister last spring after
the failure of the campaign in Nor-
way, has been recovering from a re-
cent operation.
Approaching 72 years of age, he is
still very weak and in need of rest,k
friends said, and has been unable to
relax in constantly-bombed London.-
Lord Halifax, tall, gaunt Foreign1
Secretary, succeeded to that position
when Eden split with Chamberlainc
over the pre-war appeasement policy.t
Eden now is Secretary of State fort
Of the others mentioned in thet
discussion of revision, Beaverbrook
now is Minister for Aircraft Produc-
tion, Morrison is Minister of Supply,
Duff Cooper is Minister of Informa-
tion, and Greenwood is a Minister
Without Portfolio.
U.S. Branded
As 'Ignorant)
Italian Paper Designates
Nation Spain's Enemy
ROME, Oct. 2.-(P)-Premier Mus-
solini's own newspaper criticized the
people of the United States today as1
"the most ignorant of the white race"
and hinted strongly that Germany'
and Italy are counting on Spain to
offset American and British influ-
ence in Latin America.
Just how Spain would play her
part and the precise role she would
have in the new Rome-Berlin-Tokyo
axis remained unanswered, however,
as Spanish Minister of Government
Ramon Serrano Suner wound up a
series of Rome-Berlin conferences.
Commentator Mario Appelius,
writing in Il Duce's "Il Popolo di
Roma," bitterly attacked the United
States, England and France as great
enemies of Spain and its history.
"The people of the world have two
wishes," he said. "First, to free them-
selves from English domination; and,
second, to free themselves from the
plutocratic tyranny represented by
the United States.
° lT.a nn nr m. o~rPf f -m n nri c

Spain Will Remain At Peace
Pending Collapse Of England

Franco Fears British Blo
Starvation-Incited Dis
The Battle of Britain roars on
amid an exchange of lethal and 'ver-
bal bomb blasts by the belligerents;
but Spain has voted to stay out. She
is not convinced that her Nazi-
Fascist friends have yet licked John1
Bull and his navy.
That is the crux of the war news
on the political front. It has mili-
tary potentialities far deeper than
the mere matter of Spain's future
role in the struggle. It could go far
toward reshaping the course of the
war either in thetWest, or in the
Mediterranean theatre.
France Afraid Of Position
London, Berlin, Rome and Madrid
are agreed in saying that Spain is
to keep out, even if they do not agree-
as to the reason for her continued
non-belligerency. The most obvious
ex planation is General Franco's ap-
prehension that an air-tight British
blockade of Spain would invite star-
vation-bred disorders that that could
unseat him as military dictator. He
has no intention of stepping in to
grasp at the Axis-proffered Gibral-
tar prize until it is far more certain
that Britain has been beaten.
As the nation in Europe occupying
the best ringside seat to observe the
Battle of Britain, Spain's indicated
decision to stay out of it is an im-
portant development. It means Brit-
ain faces only a two-front, not a


Will Mean Serious
Of Revolution

three-front attack this winter.
There is not going to be a siege of
her Gibraltar sentry-boxat the west-
ern outlet of the Mediterranean. It
could be attacked by land only from
Spain. That, added to rising doubts
that Hitler will dare to invade Eng-
land in the near future, is as cheer-
ing for Britons as a draft of their
famous brown October ale.
Yet they cannot dismiss the inva-
sion danger entirely. If Hitler loses
confidence that Italy, with what
additional help he can supply, can
crack Britain's hold on the eastern
gateway to the Mediterranean, the
Suez Canal, he may be forced to risk
invasion despite ever-mounting odds
against success.
Italian Drive Stopped
Autumn and winter are the sea-
sons of military hibernation in all
schools of strategy. To military
minds, an Indian summer attempt
on England would be an evidence of
German desperation, not strength.
A few days' repeat-performance of
summer weather in mid-October
would hardly suffice for as big a
job as invading Britannia, who still
rules the English air in daylight, in
addition to holding sway on the
Yet Spain's non-involvement also
must be reflected in changed factors
on the other possible winter front,
the Eastern Mediterranean. The
Italian advance in Egypt seems al-
ready desert-stranded, far from its
goal at the Suez Canal. With the
Straits of Gibraltar open and inva-
sion of England definitely off, Brit-
ain could easily reinforce her sea
and air power in that sector, even
ship additional troops to Egypt.
Gargoyle Contest
To Close Friday
Three awards of one dollar each
will be the prizes in the Varsity Vi-
gnette contest now being conducted
by Gargoyle, campus humor maga-
zine, for its initial issue of Oct. 15,
Dave Donaldson, '41, Editor in Chief
of the nuhlication, announced yes-

CAA Requires
Future Service
In U. S. Army
Course Of Pilot Training
Pledges Seventy Students
To MilitaryTraining
Seventy University of Michigan
college students will begin a program;
of civilian pilot training here this
week with a promise that they will
enter military service when they
have completed their college studies.
The program is the 1940-41 ver-
sion of flight training provided by
the Civil Aeronadtics Authority. Ci-
vilian flight training was given at
the University last year, but this is
the first time that the enrollees have
been required toi pledge themselves
to enter military flying at the end
of the CAA training.
Two courses will be offered, a pri-
mary one for beginners and an ad-
vanced course for those who com-
pleted the primary training in 1939-
40. Primary training involves four
hours ground work and four hours
flying instruction each week. In-
struction will be given at the Ann
Arbor airport under the direction of
nine aviators.
Prof. E. W. Conlon of the Univer-
sity aeronautical engineering depart-
ment said today that the pledge to
enter military service is merely a
promise to join some branch of the
U.S. Air Corps at a date to be self-
determined by the student. He called
it a "gentlemen's agreement," which
the University or government would
be unable to enforce if necessary.
Professor Conlon pointed out, how-
ever, that students within the con-
scription age limits, 21-35, would be
immediately eligible for flight train-
ing if drafted.
Union. Offers
Ticket Resale
Service Will Be Repeated
For All Home Games
If you're in the market for foot-
ball tickets to the State game this
Saturday come visit the Michigan
Union's Football Resale from 9:30
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the
travel desk in the Union Lobby.
Headed by Robert Sibley, '42E, of
the Union staff, the resale will buy
and sell all ducats other than stu-
dent, faculty or "M" club stamped
tickets. Tickets will be sold at full
price only and the brokerage service
of the Union is complimentary.
Persons wishing to sell tickets must
bring them to the travel desk where
they will receive a receipt for the
pasteboards. This receipt must be
shown at the travel desk 3-5 p.m.
Monday through Friday next week
to receive cash payment or tickets if
This is the fourth year of opera-
tion for the resale whose service
will be repeated for all of the re-
maining home games with Illinois,
Pennsylvania and Northwestern.

Extra Funds
Now Available
For Awards
Scholarship funds amounting to
an additional 1,030 dollars over last
year have been made available this
semester through combined efforts
of Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne, Prof.
Arthur Van Duren, Prof. Arthur
Smithies and the Student Senate,
it was announced yesterday by Rob-
ert Reed, '42, president of the Sen-
This sum has been distributed to
seven students in varying amounts
on the basis of need and scholarship
At the latter part of last semester
the Senate began, making plans to
interest alumni groups throughout
the country and service clubs in the
state in the idea of providing money
for scholarships. These plans were
undertaken at the suggestion of Prof.
Smithies, honorary Senator, Who
recognized the need for more scholar-
This drive among the alumni and
service groups was described by Reed
as the Senate's biggest project this
year. "We have set a quota of at
least 1,000 dollars for the year," he
Plans are being prepared by Uni-
versity officials for recognizing the
system of granting scholarships. The
Senate is also taking an active part
in this reorganization.
In addition to this activity the
Senate will sponsor in conjunction
with the League, Union and Michi-
gan Daily, the Michigan Forum
which is the name of a series of pub-
lic debates that will feature student
leaders disputing the political, eco-
nomic and social issues of the day.
The Senate will present as usual
this year, four parleys during the fall,
winter, spring and summer.

tried to stem the tide and finally had
to give way to Whitey Moore after
all the runs were in and only one out.
Hank Greenberg, who was hand-
cuffed all the rest of the afternoon,
led off the bombardment by smack-
ing the first pitch into the left field
coiner for what would ordinarily
have been a double, although Jim
Ripple sent him scurrying back to
first with a tremendous throw.
Goodman Hits Double
In the fourth inning, when Cin-
cinnati chalked up its first run, Ival
Goodman slammed the first pitch
into center field for a two-bagger
and scored two plays later on a sin-
gle to right by Jim Ripple. In be-
tween Buck McCormick popped up
and afterward 40-year-old Jim Wil-
son, the Reds' starting catcher,
grounded into a double play.
The Redlegs' parting gesture in
the eighth started when Werber dou-
bled between McCosky and Camp-
bell, advanced on Mike McCormick's
grounder and tallied easily on Good-
man's line single to center.
Cincinnati managed to get run-
ners on base in all but two of the
other frames, but were held helpless
as Newsom snuffed out little rays
of hope one by one.
Mike McCormick doubled in the
first but never got of f the bag. Eddie
Joost, the slim little second baseman,
who was subbing for the injured
Lonnie Frey but was not expected
to make his bat heard, singled with
two out in the second and again to
lead off the fifth when he got as far
as second by Bartell's dropping
catcher Sullivan's throw.
Baker Removed
In the ninth Baker, who had taken
over the catching duties after Wil-
son was removed for a pinch batter
in the sixth, singled with one out
but was forced at second on the next
Newsom, besides keeping his hits
spaced, gave up only one base on
balls, thisgoing to Buck McCormick
with two out in the sixth.
The Reds made fine fielding plays
occasionally and most of their hits
were clean and sharp. But there was
not the slightest continuity in their
(Continued on Page 3)

Poll On Conscription
Will Bie Taken Soon
What the campus thinks of mili-
tary conscription will be the first
inquiry of the Bureau of Student
Opinion this fall when it' resumes
active operation this week under the
new tutelage of Frank Bender, '43.
Bender succeeds James Vicary, '40,
who was instrumental in organizing
and disciplining the past work of
the Bureau. Vicary has left school
to accept a position of similar char-
acter in private industry.
Following the poll on conscription
it is intended to conduct short range
nanl ann cntsinno f current na-

U*S. Experts
View Nassau
Defense Sites
NASSAU, Bahamas, Oct. 2.-()-
Military experts from the United
States, looking for sites to aid in
hemisphere defense, made a 500-
mile survey flight today along the
string of rugged islands and intricate
waterways that form this British
Five of the 11 Army and Navy
officers inthe party-headed by
Rear Admiral John W. Greenslade
and Brig.-Gen. Jacob L. Devers-
flew direct from Miami to Nassau.
They received the good wishes of
the Duke of Windsor in a 15-minute
conference at Government House,
then, accompanied by Colonial Sec-
retary W. L. Heape, sped to Eleu-
thera Island less than 100 miles
away to join the other members of
the commission.
Today's survey flight of expora-
tion was designed to carry the offi-

Accident Fatal
To Striedieck
Young Son Of Professor
Killed By Cave-In
Five-year-old Daniel Striedieck,
son of Dr. and Mrs. Werner Strie-
dieck, of the German department,
was killed Tuesday when a sand cave
in which he was playing collapsed
and 'suffocated him.
Information which led to the dis-
covery of the boy came fron two
friends with whom he had been play-
ing who were questioned by Dr. and
Mrs. Striedieck when the boy failed
to return in time for dinner. He was
found under about two feet of sand.
Oxygen treatments at the University
Hospital proved unsuccessful.
Daniel proved nimself a hero last
June when he rescued his younger
brother from drowning at Lake Mor-
Surviving are the parents; two

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