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December 06, 1940 - Image 24

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-06

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VR-IDAir, ii.i k[yir [i , i '_ I.6

What To Buy
Problem Solved
Question Of Practicability
Held Primary To Any
Consideration Of Gift
What are you going to buy your
best girl for Christmas? What is
she going to buy for you?
Chances are that both of you are
stumped and will spend many seri-
ous hours from now until Dec. 25
pondering over these questions. Some-
how or other a decision will be
reached and a gift will be given but
the odds are that will take a long
Is this too 'personal? It is too
cheap. Will he (or she) like it?
These and hundreds of other similar
questions will be running through
your mind before a gift is selected.
You can however solve your entire
difficulty by answering only one
problem-is the gift practical?
A present is always appreciated
greatly if it comes from a close
friend whether or not it is of any
use but that shiould certainly not
deter you from being on the "busi-
ness-like" side. '
Wearing apparel is usually not
recommended too highly because of
the various factors such as size, color
and the like which are not known
by the donor of the gift. However,
when these things are known cloth-
ing also becomes a desirable present.
Best of all, however, are such
things as pipes, books and records
for men, and perfume, jewelry, books
and records for women. These are
things which will always be used
and which will be lasting.
To a very close friend and to rela-
tives one may give tobacco, cigarettes,
cosmetics and other articles which
are consumed uickly but to the girl
or boy friend the gift should be more
or less of the lasting type.
t ""i "y"r, Ma+:, gii "

Formal Wear
Shows Trend
To Com fort
(Continued from Page 3)
made some covered with a different
type of material than the lapels
which they should match.
Double-breasted tuxedos are much
preferred over the single-breasted
type and for that reason vests are
being worn much less. With the old
single models the vest was neces-
For tails the double-breasted white
vest is more or less out in favor of
the single-breasted models. Those1
have rounded vest ends with the
lapels made accordingly rather than
the traditional "V" shape. .
Pointed type ties are becoming 1
more and more popular, gradually
taking the place of the bat-wing tie
both in black and white. The socks
are supposed to be ultra-conserva-
tive, lacking even the ostentation of
a clock.
Most popular of all the top coats for
evening wear are the single-breast-
ed, fly-front, midnight blue Chester-
fields although all Chesterfields are
very acceptable for formals. In this_
one respect Ann Arbor is probably
most lenient and other types of coats
can be worn in good taste.
For a long time a controversy has
raged among the style minded con-
cerning the use of both the flower
and handkerchief. As far as the
authorities are concerned both are
correct, used either singly or together,I
but this must be added-a whiter
handkerchief or a flower must be
worn. A costume looks drab withoutr
one of them.
Of course the top hat is still the
right thing in the way of headgearf
with the flexible opera chapeau be-i
ing the most popular. The mid-l
night blue and black homburgs aret
very fashionable as is the black Lord'sE
hat but derbys have become part of
the outmoded list.f
As for accessories, the gold and.
pearl studs are most fashionable,t
getting the call before the silver andt
pear or plain pearl types. Mono-c
grammed links are also enjoying the
greatest popularity.
Toilet Sets Make r
Acceptable Present
In the past it has been the habite
to pick up toilet articles at random
and with no particular design. The
trend among smart men today is toI
purchase these necessities in matchedt
sets. This simplifies the shopping
problem and makes for uniformity.
A third advantage is the fact that
sets of this sort make most accepta-
ble presents. An ideal gift is a
matched set, handsomely boxed with
a background of the New York sky-
line. It consists of a bottle of eau
de cologne, after-shaving talc, shav-I
ing lotion and a tube of shaving soap.

Why, What, low To Select A Book
For Christmas Discussed By Writer



By ROBERT SPEK I LAKIARI) pair of socks, why not take a couple
We're not supposed to write edi- of hours off after that two o'clock
rials in this fashion supplement class and walk over to State Street
i what to get your friends for and browse around the book stores,
hristmas. but personally I don't everyone will welcome you.
ink there is anything more appro- Don't hurry and never try to or-
iate for a gift than a book. Not ganize your browsing; browsing is to
at ties and socks and shirts aren't be appreciated like a good meal-take
ce, but books mean so much more. your time and relax. First look
Selecting a book to give a friend in- through the old dusty files and stacks
lIves your evaluation of your friend, of books at the rear of the store;
s tastes, his hopes, his desires and that's where the old books are usual-
terests. his virtues and idiosyncra- ly kept unless there's a sale on. Iook
es, and those intimate little bits at them first, you ma find something
understanding that you treasure that's just the right thing, and be-
tween yourselves and jealously sdes it will be. cheaper. New books are
ard that you may relive them over always adverstised amply so you won't
id over again. When you send your miss them anyway.
end a book you send all these too; You'll be surprised at how interest-
e message of the book comes from ed and engrossed you'll become as you
u and it's part of you. There, wander through the stacks of books.
acked away on your friend's book- Books that you read in grammar and
se, you are at your friend's finger- high school, books that you were
ps to be constantly appreciated. going to read and never read-you'll
Not so with ties or shirts; they soon recognize them as you wipe the dust
ear out and besides one hardly re- off the rust colored covers and strain
embers the donor when one selects your eyes to read the titles. You'll re-
tie, unless it is so loud that one live old experiences and thrill again
on't wear it. There's where you may find just
Now I'm not going to tell you what the book to give your friend, back
ook to get your friend for a gift. to the tales of Dumas and Verne.
ve said as much before; friendship among those old books. Some . book
an intimate and exclusive thing that warms you inside and brings a
etween people; one can't prescribe smile to your face and you know will
niversals for such a relationship. do the same for your friend. Don't
's up to each of you to do your own dust it off and don't erase the price'
lecting. mark that has seen a progressive
So if I've convinced you that you mark down as the years have gone by.
ight to buy your friend a book this Just send it as it is, your friend will
hristmas instead of the usual two understand.

Now, I don't want to rush you,
understand, but about this time you'll
have left the rear of the store and
have wandered up front among the
newer editions. Here's where you'll
find the best sellers and the books
whose covers are covered with eulo-
gisms from book critics of every high-
sounding newspaper name in the
country. Disregard them; those peo-
ple get paid for that and moreover
their remarks wouldn't be there if
they weren't laudatory.
Just browse about; some suggestive
title or author will strike you. Pick
up the Saturday Review and browse
through it or a copy of the Times
Book Review Section, but be careful,
you do the picking. Of course if you've
got time to read the books all the bet-
ter. And why not read the book be-
fore you send it to your friend; it's
cheaper that. way.
Annotate the book too, as you read
it. The book may say just what you
would say, but help the author out,
for after all he didn't know your
friend. Put your thoughts and reac-
tions in the marlins as you go along.
They'll add infinitely to your friend's
appreciation of the book and stimu-
late him to disagreement. That's what
makes friendship so rich-that con-
vivial disagreement, and books are a
great part of that friendship; they
can stimulate it and expand it by
probing every little nook and cranny
of it; they'll cement it with the ever-
lasting genius of the world's great-
est minds and aspirations.

Freneh Fashion Board Reveals

Style Will Give Way To ComfortI


(Special To The Daily) j eight words were censored) must be
PARIS, Dec. 5-According to a proper.
communique-released by the French (Here 14 paragraphs were cen-M
communque rease sored)
Fashion Board here late last night, Inore Y
In New York early this morning,!
men's clothes during the coming year the editors of "Fashions for the Amer-
will deemphasize style and will stress ican Male During 1941" asserted in
comfort for the individual. an interview that "we will watch with
have to con- interest the results of 'foreign in-
Men will no longer haetocn tervention in this field."
form to strict rules concerning what
is and what is not proper, the re-
port states, from now on they will GiveHin A Bow Tie;
be entitled to exercise their inalien- T e 'B
able right to dress in the manner
which best suits their own tastes and
feeling of comfort. If you want to give him something
A special message was attached to that practically CAN'T be bought--
the communique by the chairman of try bow ties.
the Board declaring that "the above
decision will not apply to formal wear But first try to buy them. As you
or military uniforms." Sports wear, walk into a snappy haberdashery,
ordinary business clothes and school simply say, "I'd like to see some
costumes will fall into the general bow ties." The clerk's face will turn
classification, it was learned from a seven shades of purple as he man-
reliable authority. ages to stutter out, "ready-tied or
The communique was passed by the to tie, sir?"
Nazi censors at 11 p.m. today and Then when you say, "show me
its provisions are expected to go into both types," he will smile faintly and
effect immediately. run to the back of the store, reach
The report read: down into an obscure and dusty
,,"Whereas we; the members of the drawer and produce an old cob-
French Fashion Board, feel ourselves webbed box. He will motion for you
the leading authorities on the sub- to come behind the counter. "I
ject of men's dress (here the words wouldn't want any of (he other cus-
"next to the Berlin Bureau" were tomers to see these," he will ex-
added), we have taken it upon our- plain.
selves to present this commentary up- There will be three or four dingy
on masculine wear for the comingI old ties in the box. They are bound
year. to be blue and white polka dots.
"Clothes will stress comfort and Most of them will be the buldging
will not conform to rigid rules set round semi-batwing variety, al-
up by any separate group (here six though some of the stores have the
words were censored) but will (here I neater-looking straight type.


Fine quality rayon robes
with rayon lining. Colors:
Maroon or blue. Dad would
like this one especially.


You can be proud of giving him any c
Come in and see our end-on-end broad
fully cut for a perfect fit. In the Oxf(
yarn and the weave has exceptionally h
puts the stamp of approval on
/r h rd~

,\\. . \ 7


Booas are Ideal Gifts and Always Welcome
j A few Best Sellers are listed belo
HEMINGWAY: For Who?) the Bell Tolls $2.75
STRUTHER: Mrs. Miniver2..$2.00
WARREN: Foundation Stone
FEDOROVA: The Family Ki.$2.50
KEYES: Fielding's Folly..............2.50
WOLFE : You Can't Go Home Again :.$3.00
MORGAN: The Voyage .$2.50
DOUGLAS: Invitation to Live $2.50
RINEHART: The Great Mistahe $2:00
KREY: On the Long Tide $2.75
ADAMIC: From Man), Lands '$3.5 r
LINDBERGH: The Wave of the Future ...........'$1.00
SCHUSTER: A Treasury of the World's Great Letters $3.75
BOOTHE: Europe in the Spring $2.50
JOHNSON: I Married Adventure $3.50
ZINSSER: As I Reme'mber Him .$2.75
BUCHAN: Pilgrim's Way ....$3.00
YUTANG: With Love and Irony.... $3.00
ROBERTS: Oliver Wiswell $3.00
MASEFIELD: The Country Scene, illustrated $5.00
CUSHING: Life of Osler, one volume ed. $5.00
VAN WYCK BROOKS: New England, Indian Summer . $3.75
Michigan Song Book Leather Billfolds, Wallets,
BookEndsand zipper Cases
Stationery by Crane, Montag,
Musical Powder BoxesanEao
and Eaton
Musical Cigarette Cases
Michigan Jewelry and many dthers
The Michigan Calendar 1941-75c


JACKETS .. . "The Path-
finder," a grand outdoor
jacket of gabardine- fully
lined with leather. An ideal

;; 7



RES . .. Fine quality

one of our large variety of shirts.
dcloth and Oxford shirts, all care-
ford shirts the color is dyed in the
high lustre. Contemporary styling
our hew iridescent weave
loth shirt


, a,

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