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December 06, 1940 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-06

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tAWAI, bEcEvtBER o, 1940

TWO fRJ.DAi~, LIECEMBk.R 6, 1940

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Gifts meticulously
selected are found
at the Polhemus
hat shop on the
corner of State'
and William. Everything so
carefully chosen that whatever
you select will be right. Many
handsome bags, unusual cos-
tume jewelry from 1.00, Lark-
wood hosiery from 69c, and
colorful linen hankies from 25c.
Don't forget, too, this is the
place to get a hat to wear home
on the train - one that the
family will greet with approval
as you step from the Stident

0 /

Note to the ed: If you can't find us, just look underneath the stack of
crumpled copy-paper around the typewriter to the right of the woman's
desk. . we started this thing twenty times and couldn't get a decent lead.
Please don't get mad-all we want to say is that we are very happy that
Christmas is practically here and that we wish we could give all you nice
people that we work with on The Daily staff some real
purty presents, but on account of we only have 27 cents
and no rich uncles, we can't.
Anyhoo, just to show you that we're not fooling and
that we really do love you all, here's what we would give
you if we had the money . . .
To ESTHER OSSER whom we love, and who, inci--
dentally, is our boss, we will give a brand new job on
the New York Times . . . and hope that she will do the
same for us some time . . . also a slightly dog-eared
copy of "Little Caesar" and a special pocket-size bathroom scale so that she
can prove to DON WIRTCHAFTER that she does weigh more than 39
pounds. As for "Wirt the Squirt," we'll just give him Margot Thom ... he's
been hinting around long enough.
It's Grape Wine For The Kernel . .
We stayed up until 9:30 last Saturday night to brew a bottle of our best
home-made grape wine for HERVIE HAUFLER. The Kernel's been ruining
his digestion long enough on that Kentucky corn licker . . . and we finally
found a girl for AL SARASOHN-just like the one from Astoria. But, in
case he doesn't like this present so well, we've
asked the postoffice for an extra mail delivery ,_
each day. G
We tried to find a horse for JAN HIATT, but :
the one we had our eye-and a 25 cents down
payment-on was taken to the glue factory last
week, so we'll just have to give her our favorite
dog, "Thag." Put a saddle on her, Jan, and no
one'll know the difference.
On account of we know what it feels like to go
hungry, we're gonna give HOWIE GOLDMAN a.
free meal to make up for the one he didn't digest '
at The Daily banquet . . . also our vote for the
chairmanship of the Hundredth Anniversary one.
DAN HUYETT, who is really a good guy, will get
a phone call Christmas morning from someone
who did get his copy of The Daily . . . We've lined up a round dozen of Best-
Dressed Coeds for JEANNE CRUMP so that she won't have to comb the
campus each week looking for someone that is not wearing a sweater
and skirt.
Oh,*Those Dimp pes . .
Because we've always been fond-in a sisterly sort of a way-of GERRY
BURN'S dimples, we're going to present him with the snazzy new Lincoln
"Continental" features in the new Erector set No. 7. BOB SPECKHARD
always struck us as being an itsy-bitsy speck above us intellectually, but our
spirit of giving allows no class discrimination so we'll just send him a pack-
age of commas to sprinkle through his stories so us with the lower I.Q.'s can
understand them . . .
SHIRLEY WALLACE gets a bid to the Law Formal, and KARL KESSLER,
who wouldn't turn up his nose at pinch-bottle Scotch, is down on our list
for a keg of beer. AL DANN is a nice guy so we've splurged on his gift.
Wanna guess, Al? It's the city of Ann Arbor,
the Sheriff's office and the police station. Aw,
gwan, don't thank us . . . we couldn't use

Handmade Gifts
Have Welcome

A host of gift ideas
is found at the Col-
lins shop. For moth-
er there are beauti-
ful Eisenberg clips
from 6.50, smoky baroque pearls
or a jet and pearl necklace.-
Scented quilted satin lingerie
cases and scads of gadget pins
in amusing or floral designs
are other feminine ideas begin-
ning at 1.00. A Zodiac pin, or
a pair of fur mittens in white,
red, black, or brown would cer-
tainly delight your roommate.
Come in for imgre ideas.
For males at s
Yuletide, Calkins
-Fletfher come.
forward with practical gift sets
by Lentheric, Yardley, Seaorth
and Early American. They in-
clude after-shaving lotion and
powder, cologne, shaving cream,
or soap. The rugged, earthen-
ware containers and ph Scotch
heather fragrance of5 the Sea-
forth line are masculine enough
to meet any man's approval. If
you want to splurge a bit, there
is a Lentheric leather kit com-
plete with all fittings at 7.50.
Tree-trimmers from
the Dillon shop in-
elude bags, gloves,
hosiery,, and costume jewelry.
Many very attractive ideas for
around 1.00 for lean Christmas
budgets are included. Featured
in the costume jewelry selection
are wooden and pastel beads,
perfect gifts for sweater-wear-,
ing coeds. Skirts, blouses, and
sweaters are more substantial
suggestions. Gift wrapping is a
thoughtful service.
Hand - conscious
gifts are suggest-I
ed by the Vogue
beauty shop with
Revlon kits. The''W
smart knapsack with gay print
exterior and polish and polish
remover inside isa charming
1.00 gift. Another idea is a kit
containing a cheek stick (rouge
in lipstick form) and tissues to
blend it with. In shades to
match Revlon lipsticks. Other
hand thoughts are nail cream
and pearl hand cream - al-
ways appreciated but seldom
thought of.
Inimitable ideas
for feminine gifts
parade in pro-
fusion at Jacob-
son's, where a
s4kgift wrapping
service makes shopping pleas-


ardigan Favor
n Heavy WoolA


Personal Touch Campus girls pefer cardigans andb
that's all there is to it. Fashion styl- h
By BETTY ALLEN ists have long ago given up any atten-
When the first days of December tions or hopes of concerting the in-t
Whe th fist aysh t~ech sdependent lassies from the comfor- s
arrive, college girls catch the Christ- dpnetasisfo thcmor
mas spirit and write long, generous table sloppiness of classic cardigans
gift lists. All too soon they face a to the more sophisticated silhouettes
problem in economics. It is then and weaves.
they try making gifts and find it an But, refusing to be outdone, fashion
interesting and challenging pursuit. experts have added another curve tov
For lassies in such a frame of mind, the sweater cycle by digging out odds
the following suggestions have been and ends fron grandmother's cedart
tracked down and here presented. chest and presenting something ultra
For the girls you know: Try mak- K new for public approval.
inga st f pioiimtrvelngkits Knitters Try Variations
ing a set of pliofimn traveling kt As for handknit sweaters, persist-
bound with bias binding. Best sizes ent knitters have managed to twist
are the four that begin with hand-
kerchief size and work up to a folder
suitable for holding several pairs off
pajamas. This handy gift is indis-
pensable in travelling to and fromc
college. Pliofilm shoulder capes forX
make-up hours also make welcome1
Kits containing all the necessary :,..
materials and directions for making
downy angora pins can be obtained
at a very low price and made intos
charming accessories. Felt is a smart.
and versatile material. With it, you -
can turn out felt cigarette casesr
bound with yarn and decorated with
vari-colored bits of felt.
College girls have turned out truly.
professional felt belts and felt eve-
ning mittens that can be duplicated°
by the ambitious with a little care
and ingenuity. Close-fitting peasant
caps are taking the place of babush-
kas now that winter is here. Vel- their needles into a complicated
veteen and corduroy can be shaped maze of stitches emerging with beau-
into clever caps, with embroidery tiful creations done in cable stitch
making a pretty accent for the vel- and bulky rib. Such sweaters come in
veteen. long and short sleeves, torso and
Gay printed silk makes handsome snappy waist lengths. Two particu-
scarves. The edges can be fringed on larly fetching sweaters suitable for
a regular triangular-style scarf. more dressy occasions are the ones
White silk scarves for evening wear with French angora sleeves andbind-
can be made by sewing together two ing in combination with a cable
long strips of white silk, reversing stitched wool and those torso-length
the finished piece, and fringing the chenilles with zipper front, knitted
open ends. Clever lapel gadgets need waistband and adorned with multi-
only your imagination and any ma- color sequins and gold braid.
terial at hand from nuts to hair- A most startling fact unearthed by'
pins. Velvet evening bags are love- practical Christmas buyers is that
ly and come easily within the range girls are actually wearing these
of hand-fashioned gifts.
For Men: This is hard, and a bit "skins" and clever faces. Red cotton
dangerous, too. The only gifts here stockings tipped with jingle: bells can
suggested are ones that college girls be made quickly on a sewing machine.
have already successfully completed Filled with homemade candy and
this season. One girl has made a cookies, they are guaranteed.to please
beautiful pair of shetland wool socks, any small relative or friend.
knit in a diamond pattern with three While candy and cookies are under
different colors of diamonds. The discussion, there isn't amuch nicer
finishing touch is a single green way to remember neighbors and
thread running through the center of elderly friends in town than with a
each diamond. An expert knitter fa- box of candy and cookies made from
shioned a maroon sweater that de- your favorite recipes and wrapped in
serves high praise. Another knitter cellophane and gay ribbons.
made a matching scarf and mittens- Gifts that you make have a more
oretty and not too difficult, personal and friendly touch than
For Children: Gifts small children articles picked up at random in a
welcome the most are soft yarn ani- store. Why not try yourhand at it
mals or stuffed ones with colorful this Christmas?
cares . . . We're gonna give CHESTER BRADLEY a bea, and we've got
Valentine Windt all lined up for JEAN SHAPERO.
We have a spare coupon lying around the house that we're going to hand
over to A.P. BLAUSTEIN to send in to Charles Atlas . . . you'll get a free
pamphlet on how to become a muscleman in three weeks, Al. IRV GUTTMAN
is on our list for 30 League points for the beautiful job he did in getting those
three new beer contracts . . . GRACE MILLER gets an autographed picture
of Dorothy Thompson. (You can have one of us, if you'd prefer, Grace, old
thing . . . we've got a few spare senior pictures cluttering up the desk that
we wouldn't mind geting rid of).
LENNIE SCHLEIDER will get a magnifying glass so that he can get a
better "Man's Eye View" ...or would you rather have some field glasses,
Lothario? HELEN CORMAN will get an official statement saying exactly
what the duties of the Exchange Editor are ...

ites Appear
\nd Handknits'
weaters for warmth. Bulky wools in
bulky knits are rapidly becoming fav-
orites especially because they can be
had in any shape, size and style to fit
he whims of the most frivolous per-
son. Cardigans along with becoming
heavier are also becoming longerand
some have sprouted two hip pockets
and a knitted, fitted waistline. Other
cardigans appear in a cross-bar effect
with multi-colored embroidery, with
ribbed yoke neckline and grosgrain
Turtle Necks Return
Authoritative sources insist thatI
turtle neck sweaters are coming back
but campus girls are extremely dubi-
ous on the subject. Twin sweater sets
with the square-neck pullover and
matching cardigan are more success-
ful in their campaign for a comeback.
For sports wear the gals put their
official O.K on the boyish sleeveless
pullovers and seem to echo with ap-
proval the star-buttoned sweater of
natural heather wool with contrast-
ing suede front for classroom wear.
Colored Suede Jerkins Appear
Jerkins are still maintaining the
pace set earlier in the school year and
plain, stylish suede jerkins are now
manufactured in all the basic colors.
Modifications of the simple suede jer-
kin are those with a suede front and
ribbed knit back plus personal mono-
gram at the throat.
So just remember as you ponder
over gaily colored counters and over-
stuffed showcases, your best girl
friend,syour other girl friends and
your sister can't have too many
Black Shoelaces Are Out
According to a communique re-
ceiVed late last night from Belvidere
Zcylowskiovitzh, Daily Paris fashion
editor, 'black shoelaces will not be
worn with saddle shoes during the
coming year. "It is quite possible that
brown shoelaces may be worn," the
communique read, "although confi-
dential reports from a reliable au-
thority contend that white will be
the favorite. We will watch with in-
teres the saddle shoes of next year."


Smart Colors, Right
Size Are Essentials
For Stocking Gifts
Silk stockings are a Christmas
gift that girls welcome eagerly, es-
pecially if the giver makes a smart
color selection, takes care to get the
right size, and wraps the package
At some stocking counters. charts
are available. to show the stocking
shades best suited to certain dress
colors. Ingenuity and a bit of subtle
inquiry will wrest her stocking size
from an unsuspecting friend.
Since this is a patriotic year. ribbon
tricks with r.ed and blue ribbon
against white paper make smart and
colorful wrapping. Tiny bells, little
Santa Claus heads, gold angels, make
charming additions.
Also a word to the budgeters-
money can be saved by buying sev-
eral pairs of silk stockings at once
and giving them as separate gifts.

AND E FA OU S to rv;'
108 E. Washington Ph. 2-2685


them anyway.

We know BILL NEWTON would prefer a
blonde, but our non-existent budget is limited,
l so it's a forty-course Chinese dinner with chop-
sticks for him. We're gonna give EMILE
JGELE an A Shakespeare paper wrapped up with
Prof. Price and a sprig of holly . . . also a
Southern belle to understand that south-of-the-
Delta talk of his. And speaking of foreign languages, we've got an interview
all lined up for RHODA LESHINE-and the subject speaks English. We
shall also give her a signed affidavit to hand to Prof. Haines stating that
her name is not Stockwell Hall, as he has assumed.
A Kiss For Gress Who. . . "
JIM COLLINS gets a kiss for the days when he gives us a good page, and
a nasty look for the other 300 days . . . ROSEBUD SCOTT will receive a
glider, especially equipped with a typewriter so that she can write her stories
in the air . . . DOLLY HAAS may have that special children's edition of
Shakespeare that we've been using all year, and
BUD DOBER will find a leather-bound edition
of "How to Write Doggerel to the Woman You
Love" under his Christmas tree .
We're going to equip J - M- 's
"Touchstone" with an automatic coffee spout so
that he won't have to leave his typewriter every
ten minutes to go out and refuel . . . we'll also
give him "Fire and Water" MASCOTT to see
that the coffee is always hot and fresh
We've painted a sign for FRANNIE AARON-
SON to put on her back saying "I am not
FRANNIE MENDELSON, and vice versa .
We'll give MICKEY ORSHEFSKY a new set of Victor and Columbia records
each day, and a pass for Minsky's during vacation . . . DORIS CUTHBERT
gets a skooter equipped with skis so that she can slide into campus each
Tie-Jerker For The City Ed... .
In our spare minutes, we rigged up a special device for PAUL CHANDLER
-it's a tie-jerking gadget so that he will be able to use both hands to run
through his hair . . . we also collected a list of 100 smart cracks for use
in his assignment sheets.
And to fill that coffin that DAVE LACHENBRUCH has been worrying
about, we've found the perfect corpse . . . it's a white elephant, but who

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As for 'us, well, gee kids, you really
just make him five feet, eleven and a
of 8,362 . . . Merry Christmas to youa

shouldn't . . . but if you insist . . .
half, blond hair and a draft number
all . . . Frances Mendelson

In our new location at 305 South State, you4

holiday fun!
. suggests
Silver' Fox Coat . . . $275
Tipped Skunk Coat . $219
Dyed Blue Fox Coat .. $159
Cross Fox Jacket . . . $85
Red Fox Jacket . . . $69 )
White BunnvJacket. . . $18

, ^ - ^
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Give Her on Christmas
What Every Woman Wants!

Feminine loveliness

rare scents . , . sweet frag-

rance. . . startling colors. . . soft shades.. . Lucien
Lelong . . . Revlon . . . Wrisley's (Hobnail) .,.
Lentheric . . . Corday . .. Yardley.

TTlIll4 v6A!




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