IHE MI AN DIt PAGE SEVEN . _ w _ . V _ _ _.... . __ m m ®ml r m __ I% THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~- _ ..... Putting Their Heads Together Letters To The Editor Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan inder the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the ithiversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the . regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. rROPPMSNTED FOR NATIONAL ADVE.T13tNO . National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. rwcso BOSTON * Los MGES * SAN FoANcisco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staffj Paul M. ChandlerEd .S. Karl Kessler . Milton Orshefsky .. Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott . . . Donald Wirtchafter . . . Esther Osser . . Helen Corman . . Business Staff . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . Sports Editor .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Hyper-Critical Of Bonelli TO THE EDITOR: I was shocked to read in your MUSIC col- umn a hyper-critical account of the Richard Bonelli concert. Not that I am a better judge of music, but I thought your critic violated the standards of taste, good judgment and the Code of Ethics which governs all art criticism. Undoubtedly, Mr. Bonelli failed in some of his difficult notes, and we all noticed the "throatal tones" which irked our sensibilities as do some orators. But shouldn't the critic "K.K.," have tak- en this matter up with the authorities of the Choral Union or have raised his questions in courses in the School of Music? Why drag these things out in Ku Klux fashion before the aver- age student who applauded for three encores, which K.K. proudly says he didn't stay to hear. To complicate matters, an interview was re- ported with Mr. Bonelli on the front page, which indicated that he has subversive ideas, such as government subsidy for young singers. He said that there should be ,x department of Arts and Sciences in Washington. This seems to me to be a radical suggestion which cuts at the very base of lassez faire among ,artists. To give this boost to regimentation front- age publicity is just as bad as the other. Students who make hese errors in judgment ought to be disciplined in some way. There is a place for criticism, brit criticism should always be put in its place. Harmony Chivalry Is Dead To the Editor: We were once told that the age of chivalry was dead, but the fact was never brought h.nme to us more clearly than it was las Snday night . Braving the cold and the snow, we ventured forth to the Union to see the moving pictures of the O. S. U.-Michigan football game. We came there at the appointed time and 10 and behold, there wasn't a seat to be had, not one single seat in the whole, smoke-filled place. There were about three thousand people there (although we wouldn't be willing to swear to it) and out of those three thousand, two thou- sand nine hundred and seventy five of them were men. Now, my dear Editor, do you think that one. only one mind you, of those so-called Michigan gentlemen got up and offered us a seat? No! They just pretended not to see us and we aren't bad looking either if we have to say so ourselves. We can't imagine where the men on this Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Womens Business Manager Womenn's: Advrsrf ofna Man ar Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Janea Krauseo NIKHT EDITOR: ROBERT SPECKHARD e The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. It's Time To Stop Witch Hunting... LAST WEEK'S TELEGRAM from Presiden Roosevelt to Representa- tive Dies was the culmination of two years of criticism of the Dies Committee from many sources. The President was not trying to curb constructive activities of the Committee, but merely requested that the group be careful of interfering with the work of other departments. Thimbrings upt-the question as to how much good the Dies Committee, formed to investigate "subversive activities", has 'done. In the par- ticular instance cited by the President, they negated work done by the FBI in regard to some specific cases. There, at least, their work has been harmful rather than helpful. If the investigation of un-American activities is to serve any end at all, it will have to be through legislation to curb such movements. The members of the Dies Committee have pro- posed no such legislation. They have done nothing constructive; the sole apparent results of two years' work and hundreds of thousands of dollars in appropriations have been headlines labeling various people and groups "Commu- nistic" or "Nazi". W HEN THINKING of reports of the Dies Com- mittee during the last year, all that comes to mind is the accusation that several movie stars were contributing money to the Communist Party-and the subsequent absolution of these stars of un-American tendencies. What possi- ble good can result from such indiscriminate labeling? All that Congress has done in sup- porting the Committee is to permit the most elaborate, most highly-publicized witch hunt of our times. The hearings of the Committee are adding nothing to the efforts of the American people to combat so-called subversive activities, and are merely adding to the hysteria directors of more fruitful investigations, like the FBI, have warned against. CHAIRMAN DIES has announced his intention of asking for another appropriation at the opening session of Congress. Surely the Com- mittee has had enough time to prove conclusively that money spent in support of it is wasted. Congress should make certain that this is the last year of existence for the Dies Committee and its glorified headline chasing. . - Jean Shapero 'War Diplomas' For Present Service .. . IN A FEW SHORT months the school year 1940-41 will be over and thous- sands of college men from all over the country will become eligible for the draft. To most of them the idea of leaving school for a year's ser- vice with the military corps is distasteful because of the loss of a year's education. We believe that FIRE &WFITGR by moscof campus got their manners from but college life hasn't helped them one bit. Some one ought to give them back to the Indians, although we doubt very much whether the Indians would take them. If these are Michigan men, you can give us a Yale man any time. -Two Very Disgusted Co-eds 3 Dmvw Pemmo SRobert S.Allei WASHINGTON-There were no fireworks in that closely guarded conference between the President and Representative Martin Dies. The two men talked things over amiably, though neither pulled his punches. Roosevelt criticized Dies' publicity antics, and the Texan complained that the FBI had re- fused to "cooperate." Most of the discussion was on this point. Roosevelt bluntly declared that Dies had hampered the FBI by releasing premature pub- licity on subversive agents whose operations were fully known, but who were being secretly kept under surveillance in order to ascertain their tie-ups and higher-ups. He cited three specific instances given him by the FBI. "I didn't call you here to censure you, Mar- tin," the President said in effect, "but to con- sut with you on how to get better results in what you are doing. You say you want better cooperation between your committee and the FBI. Fine, but you can't get it by sniping at the FBI. That will have to stop-and stop right now." Another point Roosevelt stressed was that Dies' shotgun press methods had unjustly cast suspicion on innocent persons. The President mentioned particularly the case of the League for Peace and Democracy, whose mailing list was published by the Dies last year with a big fanfare of publicity. Dies vigorously defended this and tossed sev- eral "I-told-you-so's" back at Roosevelt. It wasn't our fault if anyone got singed by the publication of those names," Dies argued. "The committee exposed the League as a Com- munist front long before, and those fellows had plenty of time to have their names taken off the rolls. If they didn't it was their fault. "Also I might add that we were chiefly re- sponsible for driving the League to cover. You never hear of it any more, and no one doubts any longer that it was controlled by the Reds. "And, incidentally, we made the same charge against the CIO. I told you in our conference two years ago that John L. Lewis was working with the Communists. Now its an established fact that at least ten CIO unions with whom Lewis has been cheek-by-jowl are Communist- controlled." .II CINEMA Today, the Majestic Theatre begins a week's run of Paramount and Cecil B. DeMille's "North- west Mounted Police", starring Gary Cooper and Madeleine Carroll. And for bigness, for extravaganza on an ex- travagant DeMille scale, the picture is definitely interesting, worth seeing. For DeMille, never one to be satisfied with anything but the biggest -his pictures have the biggest casts, biggest In- dian tribes, and biggest sets-lived up to his reputation by calling for the biggest make-up job in film history for this technicolor epic. Featured in the film are not only Gary Cooper and Madeleine Carroll but also Paulette God- dard in the role of a female half-breed), Pres- ton Foster, Robert Preston, Akim Tamiroff, Lynne Overman, George Bancroft, Lon Chaney, Jr., and Walter Hampden. Based on Canada's historic Riel Rebellion of 1885, which pitted the rebelling Metis, a half- breed people, against the Northwest Mounted Police, the story also finds the leading members of the cast when they are not concerned with romance, trying to save the Mounted from be- ing destroyed 15 years later by the half-breeds, fighting back gallantly against melodramatic odds. Against this setting, DeMille has thrown two love stories: the love of a Mountie, Ronnie Logan, for a wildcat Meti girl, Louvette-and the love which the Ranger, Dusty Rivers, finds and then relinquishes for April Logan, sister of Ronnie and sweetheart of a Mountie, Sergeant Jim Brett. No Time To Lose We do not believe that the American people are in a mood long to tolerate costly strikes in defense industries, such as those now tying up war orders in the Vultee Aircraft plant and the New Kensington aluminum plant. The unions that called the strikes may have just grievances. Or they may merely be trying to exploit the urgency of their country's need. UNAMEW1CAN ACTIVIrT IC 1 OKK;; D 1 . -*4%~~ 'O' 4Kf (A / r/ -C" r r i _____ .. DAILY, OFFICIAL BULLETIN Most newspapers are extremely adverse to "plugging" anything. Not so Fire and Water which believes in aiding anything worth aiding. So we hereby recommend the following varied items as worthy of campus support: 1. Galens drive for funds which will begin to- day. The proceeds are given to the Galens work- shop for crippled children in the University hos- pital. Last year when we were assigned the ad- vance publicity on Galens drive, we visited this workshop on the top floor of the University hos- pital and found the workshop and the whole Galens project extremely worth-whil. 2. This is in a different realm, but we note with pleasure the Art Cinema famous-films-of-the- past series which will begin a week from this Sunday. Included on the slate are such highlights of moviedom as five Keystone comedies starring Charlie Chaplin, Lon Chaney in "The Unholy Three," John Gilbert and other famous stars of another era in "The Big Parade," and Edward G. Robinson in "Little Caesar." 3. Tonight Congress, Independent Men's As- sociation presents its initial dance, entitled "Cof- fin Capers." Advance publicity as well as some- what confidential information indicate that the dance will be something unique, something un- usual and worth attending, especially when view- ed as a departure from the usual dance for- mality and stiffness. 4. If you have any destructive impulses as well as the up-to-now inhibited desire to carve your name upon some furniture for the benefit of posterity and if you are a senior, we recom- mend to you the Union's offer of free use of its carving implements to indelibly stamp your nanle on a Union table in the taproom. have to return for only a few months before get- ting their degrees. The advantages of giving credits are quite ob- vious. The college man wants to graduate with the class he started with, he usually does not want to "take an extra year" to graduate and hr. doesn't want to work in the armed forces merely for his room and board and a nominal salary. Of course credits for a complete year cannot be giv- en but a sufficient number may be awarded to keep college a four-year proposition.. CREDIT could well be given for the great num- ber of things which will be taught to the individuals that are drafted. Among them would }%. manraalinr t a m oha ireof rtin ,- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 58 Publication in the Daily O ficlal Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University, Notices Communications to the Regents: Those who wish to present communi- cations for consideration by the Re- gents are requested to present them at least eight days before the next ensuing meeting at the office of Miss Edith J. Smith, Budget Assistant to the President, 1006 Angell Hall. Fif- teen copies of each communication should be prepared and left with Miss Smith. (Please note that one more copy is requested than in previous years). A uniform type of paper is used for communications to the Board of Regents, a supply of which may be procured at the Office of the Vice-President and Secretary. To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, December 9, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 A.H. AGENDA: Approval of the Minutes. Report of the Counsellor to Foreign Students, J. R. Nelson. Report of the Committee on the Orientation Period, P. E. Bursley. Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees: Program and Policy, Stason. Educational Policies, Rice. Student Relations, Marin. Public Relations, I. Smith. Plant and Equipment, Hammett. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary University students who are receiv- ing questionnaires from their local selective service boards are informed that they may consult with Dr. L. A. Hopkins, Chairman of the University Committee on National Defense, on question relating to the current inter- pretation of the selective service act and the classification of college and university students as provided by the act. Soph Prom: Tickets numbered 95, 295, 299 and 300 will not be honored at the Soph Prom on December 13. Holders of these tickets are requested to communicate at once with the Prom Chairman, Bernard H-endel, 2006 Washtenaw, telephone 2-4409. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Detroit Civil Service Examination. The date of the examination is De- cember 23, 1940. Application must 1564 East Medical Building. ject: "The 'Second Stage' in gen-Antibody Reactions." All ested are invited. Sub- Anti- inter- Pre-Medical Students: The third group of aptitude tests for members of the Pre-Medical Society will be given Saturday, Dec. 7, at 1:30 p.m. in room 300 of the West Medical Building. Those students who missed last Saturday's tests should phone the Psychological Clinic to arrange' for a make-up, rather than drop out of the group. Ch.E. 29 Students: The salt run schedule will be posted with Miss McKim, Room 2028 E. Eng. Bldg. at 9:15 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7. All men must sign before noon or be assigned to the remaining vacancies. E. S. Pettyjhn. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An exhibit of ceramic processes including structure, form, color and glazing is being shown in the first floor hall of the Architecture Building through December 10. Open daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 5. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: The winning drawings for the Magazine Cover Contest spon- sored by DeVoe & Raynolds of Chica- go are being shown in the third floor exhibition room, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sun- day, through December 17. The pub- lic is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Melville J. Her- skovits, Professor of Anthropology and Chairman of the Department at Northwestern University, will lecture on the subject, "The Negro in the New 9-i World," under the auspices of the De- partment of Anthropology, at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. The public is cordially in- vited. Lecture: Kirby Page will speak on "Personal Religion and World Pro- blems" on Saturday at Lane Hall. He will give two lectures, at 4:00 and at 7:30 p.m. Events Today Phi Delta Kappa Business Meeting at 7:00 p.m. tonight in East Council Room, Rackham Building. Coffee Hour will be held Hall today, 4:00-5:30 p.m. dents are welcome. at Lane All stu- Theatre Arts Committee: Compul- sory meeting of all chairmen and assistants at 4:00 p.m. today in the Michigan League. J.G.P. Eligibility cards will be signed today, 3:00-5:00 p.m., in the Undergraduate office of the Women's League. Today is the deadline for them and all cards must be signed. J.G.P. Dance Committee will re- hearse today, 4:00-5:00 p.m., in the Game Room of the Women's League. Tryouts for Ballet Group, for Chil- dren's Theatre Production of Hansel and Gretel, will be held today at 4:15 p.m., Dance Studio in Barbour Gym- nasium. Any eligible student with ballet training is inivited. American Committee to save Re- fugees will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in room 318-20, Michigan Union. "Margin for Error," the satirical anti-Nazi melodrama by Clare Boothe will be presented by Play Production (Continued on Page 5) RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WxYz 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual .140 KC-NBC BMOg Friday Evening .6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Rollin' Home Bud Shaver 6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music The Factfinder 6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " Musical 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare-News Joief Marais 7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Red Grange t 7:30 Al Pearce Heritage of Freedom Carson Robison Lone Ranger 7:45 Al Pearce " Doc Sunshine 8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Hour Lew Loyal Singing & Swinging 8:15 Kate Smith 0t 8:30 Kate Smith Information, Please Laugh 'n Swing Death Valley Days 8:45 K. Smith; News o 9:00 Johnny Presents Waltz Time Sen. LudingtGn Gang Thatn... I