IHIE FRirA. , tlEt 34i ;lf (r, i!) iii 'THE MICHIGA NIiA ILY FRIflAY, DECEMREU 6, 1910 t Prop Man's Worries Include Racing Forms, Bust Of Hitler "Finding racing forms in this state described the trouble he had in find- was bad enough, but when it came ing racing forms, since their sale is to digging up a bust of Hitler, I was illegal in Michigan. "For pictures really' stuck," complained William of horses, we were forced to cut illus- Kinzer, prop man for Play Produc- trations out of magazines," he added. tion's presentation of Clare Boothe's Except for these add props, Kinzer "Margin for Error", which will con- says the greatest difficulty in his job tinue its run at 8:30 tonight in the comes from finding period furniture Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. for some of the plays. The group's The mystery play concerns the production of "The Bat", second on murder of a German consul. Kinzer its bill, required special manufacture explained, and for decoration of his of a rubber telephone, because one office a bust pf Der Fuehrer was of the characters had to be hit on needed. Finally the group commis- the head with the instrument in each sioned Janet Roenhild, '40, to make performance. William Mills, '41, was the bust out of plaster. prop man. Another difficult prop to locate was a knife with- a cork handle, bearing the words "Blut Und Ehre", Hillel To Hold Fall Dance and marked with a swastika. The necessary swastika flag was made es- Hillel's annual Fall dance will be pecially for the production. held from 9 p.m. to midnight to- Kinzer was also prop man for morrow at the Foundation, Laura "Three Men on a Horse", the drama Katzenel, '41, social chairman, an- group's first offering of the year. He nounced. . . ...... . .......... ....... State Campers To Meet Here Association Will Discuss Problems At League Campers will gather in the League Center Plains Wide Choice Of Activities Recreation night, dinners, round- 79 Contemporary Paintings Will Be Shown O- nnL.Stlndninl 1 f? Jif S oJ('itt~fi- "orary art from 79 nations will be displayed in the gallery of the Rack- ham Building from 1:30 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. daily from Sunday to Fri- day, December 15 to 20, inclusive. The collection of 79 paintings was shown at San Francisco's Golden Gate Exposition under the auspices ci i business m iiniema nu actur ing company which sponsored a sim- ilar display as a part of the New York World's Fair. One canvas from each of the nations was chosen for the San Francisco collection, design- ed to represent the best work of that nation. Feature of the showing will be the nine prize-wining painting-, ea-ed by the first prize winner, "View of Lisbon", by Carlos Botelho, a Por- tuguese artist. Besides Robert Phil- ipp's American representative. "Cen- tral Park". paintings representing several nations no longer in active existence will be shown, including Poland, Belgium, Czechoslovakia tcmorrow for the all-day meeting of tables, and movies are included in the the Michigan Camping Association, weekend program of the International state branch of American Camping Center, Prof. Raleigh Nelson, director Association, featuring discussion ses- of the Center announced. sions on problems common to camps. Tonight from 8 to 12 p.m. recrea- The meeting, open to the public, tion night will be held in the Center's will begin at 9:30 a.m. Topics to be quarters for foreign students. Bridge, considered at the morning and after- chess and ping pong plus group games noon sessions include "Counselor- will take place. Moving pictures tak- Director Relations," Methods of Camp Government," "Parent Reac- tion of Camper Achievement Rec- ords," and "Camp Libraries and Story Telling." Prof. J. Raleigh Schorling of the University High School will be the feature speaker at the meeting din- ner. He will lead the group in con- sideration of the question "What Are Practical Issues of Camping in 1940?" ASC To Hear Gustafson Prof. Felix Gustafson of the botany department will address the local chapter of the American Chemical Society, Dec. 11. en of the International Thanksgiv- ing dinner Nov. 23 will be shown by Charles Oachs, at 8 p.m. The fifth in the series of round- tables will be continued from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow at the Center. Foreign student representatives of every na- tion will attempt to define principles for which young people should stand apart from their nationality. All foreign women and wives of foreign students will gather for their annual potluck supper at 5:30 pm. Saturday at the Center. At 9 p.m. Saturday all foreign stu- dents who have made reservations will participate in a sleigh ride or a hay- ride according to the weather. Development Of Song Heritage Here Has Been Slow Process uitts of traditional quality, smart aesign and fine workmanship. Jewelers and Silversmiths 208 S. Main Little do Saturday's football fans realize as they sing lustily or other- wise the strains of "The Yellow and Blue" or the stirring phrases of the "Victors", that these songs were not always a part of the Michigan heri- tage. The development of the song and singing spirit at Michigan has been a slow process. At the very time that the Tappan or "Singing Oak" was christened in 1858-21 years after the University was founded-there had not been written a single typical University f Michigan song, writes Franklin Wagner, '99 '01, '04L, in the preface of "The Michigan University Song Book" he edited and published in 1904. German Inspiration Strange to say, writes Wagner, the singing spirit at Michigan had a for- eign source. About 1850 "Lauriger Horatius," "Gaudemus" and "Integer Vitae" were introduced from the Ger- nan universities. Between that time znd 1860 the seed thus sown began o bear fruit by the adaptation of a Few of the more popular songs of the Eastern universities. The next step in the development vas the appearance of the "Song of the Sixty-Threes". In the winter of '64-'65, the "Palladium" board, an- swering a popular request for a typi- cal Michigan song, offered a prize of ten dollars for the best original song. President Haven, and Profs. :'rienze and Evans passed upon the rroductions offered; they selected two of equal merit, recounts Wagner; >ne, by Arthur H. Snow, '65, entitled "Michigan University Song", and the other by James K. Blish, '66, en- 'itled, "Our College Home". "Yellow And Blue" Written These songs, together with one by ~ichard S. Dewey, '69, entitled "Let Every Student Fill His Bowl", con- tinued for 20 years to be favorites at he University, but it was not until .889 that a really pretentious collec- 'ion of University songs appeared. In that year, Charles Mills -Gayley, '78, and Fred Newton Scott, '84, with the assistance of Prof. Albert A. Stanley, brought out "The Yellow And Blue". The collection in which it appeared met with immediate success. Mr. Wagner's work, itself, was a compilation of the best Michigan songs written up to the year 1904.j It clasified the songs under three' groups: "Michigan Songs of Loyalty ind Sentiment", "Michigan Comicj Songs", and "Michigan Rooting Songsj and Yells". Outstanding among the first group was the contribution, named the "Victors", of one Louis Elbel, '00. Anyone who has attended a Mich- igan Homecoming Game has seenI Mr. Elbel, for he has seen, and direct- ed the band in playing his composi- tion, at nearly every Homecoming game since '04. Comic Songs ' Among the comic songs in the col- lection is one named, "The Co-ed That Vanquishes Me", written by Prof. Albert Stanley who, along with Fred Newton Scott, was one of the most prolific writers of Michigan musical classics. The legend that Michigan women are more intellec- tual than beautiful must have al- ready been fairly current then, for it is to the women with "a brain full 'f books" that the author refers as ianqiiching him. Music For Union Opera Michigan song writing has not: stopped with the days of Stanley and Newton, however. The advent of the Union Operas has left a great heri- tage of songs down through the years, the contributions of such famous Op- era productions as "Michigenda", "Awakened Rameses", "Koanzaland", and "Contrarie Mary". The shoes of Stanley and "Newton have been ably Filled by Elbel and Fred Lawton, '11, whose "Varsity" still lives on as virily as when it was published in 1911. They're big shoes to fill, but the history of Michigan singing spirit promises that its slowly growing heri- tage of songs will not suffer decline in the future. C-71 Year 'J eii /or Chri 0j~ aa for H ER Cosmetics and Toiletries for the SMOKER For Every.. -' Member of the Family e- m PEN and PENCIL SETS /=and Colognes SCANDY Gift Sets and OPERA GLASSES Travel Sets CIGARS COSMETIC BAGS NAIL SETS Dorothy Gray, Lentheric, Tussy, MEN'S LENTHERIC Harriet Hubbard, Ayers, Chanel, A Sasieni, Dunhill, G. B. D., and YARDLEY Schiaparelli, Guerlain, Corday, Kirsten, or Ben Wade pipe. Also TOILET SETS Yardley, Peggy Sage, Hudat, a fine selection of HUMIDORS PHOTO FOLDERS Mary Dunhill, Bourjois, Barbara and PIPE RACKS. BILL FOLDS Gouid, Vigny Worth, Caron .Lucien Lelong, D'Orsay, Ciro. At The Cosmetic M EN'S Counters TRAVELING KITS A >vast selection of fine leather fitted cases featur- ing the new Seaforth line. KODAKS ~ ^Eastman's complete line from the $1.00 BROWNIE to the $200 ELECTRIC EYE camera. Complete Stocks - Intelligent and Interested Service DRUG STORES 324 South State 88 SouthState .t . . i a IL The BOOKROOM 438 SOUTH STATE STREET PIONE 5930 1 II BOOK S Page Will Speak At Lane Hall PHONOGRAPH RECORDS PRINTS Rev. Kirby Page will speak on visited most foreign countries. "Personal Religion and World Prob- During 1938 he was special D ems" under the auspices of the Stu- School lecturer at Yale Univ During the past decade he h lent Religious Association at 4 p.m. peared as a college and uni and 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at Lane Hall. lecturer on more than 300 cam Known widely as an independent Ordained a minister of the Di author, lecturer and preacher he has of Christ or the Christian C written more than 40 publications Last summer he was given th which have been translated into al- orary degree of doctor of d host every written and spoken lan- from Drake University, his alm guage. In his travels abroad he has ter. divinity versity. as ap- iversity mpuses. isciples hurch. e hon- divinity na ma- HEMINGWAY: For Whom the Bell Tolls. MANN: The Beloved Returns WOLFE: You Can't Go Home Again. MCCULLERS: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter WRIGHT: Native Son STORM: CoHnt Ten THE PAINTINGS OF MICHELANGELO THE SCULPTURES OF MICHELANGELO. UNDERSTANDING PICASSO AUDUBON'S AMERICA. .. THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES FEUERMANN PLAYING ERNEST BLOCH'S "Schelomo" ON VICTOR RECORDS. STRAVINSKI CONDUCTING HIS OWN "The Spring" ON COLUMBIA RECORDS .JOHN GIELGUD READING "The Voice of rnta',- -1X7 f-M I I X-RA RPT7 -,m-RmIC $2.75 $2.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.00 $2.00 $6.,00 $2.50 $3.00 Rites of $4.50 X #oo GIFTS Christinas presents that last for years - Personal Camera-Size Radio . $20.00 Electric Phonographs . . . . . . . . 19.95 Record Playing Attachments. . . . . 4.95 Radio - Phonographs . . . . . . . 29.95 Console Radio - Phonographs 12" Speaker - Automatic Changer . 79.95 Table Model Radios . . . . . . . 12.95 Automatic Changer Attachment . . . . 29.95 Wireless Player Attachment . . . . . . 19.95 Wireless, Automatic Changer . . . . . 44.95 Radio-Phono-Home Recorder . . . 69.95 i 'It's Thi's Way--" A As much as we're against the idea, Christmas Vacation will kbegin a week late this year. It won't be until the 21st of December that we all make that merry trek homeward to spend the holiday season with our families and friends. So, you'll want to do your Christmas shopping here in Ann Arbor, where you'll have plenty of opportunity to choose from a multitude of attractive gifts which your merchants offer. Shop early here in Ann Arbor and avoid that last-minute rush you always find at home. The i