Weather Fair and Warmer. LY Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication 4:IaiIt Editorial 1t', Tille Tlo Stop witch Hunting VOL. LI. No. 58 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1940 Z-23 PRICE FIVE CENTS Greek s Force Italians From Maj or Bases Galens Crippled Children Drive Begins Today Honor Society Will Sell Tags In Traditional CharityEffort Medical Group Members Will Be At Important City And Campus Points Today, Tomorrow Funds To Support Hospital Workshop A determined drive to raise funds for the crippled children in the Un- iversity hospital will be held today and tomorrow by members of Galens, honorary junior and senior medical society. Continuing a long tradition of the society, members will be stationed in various strategic points on the cam- pus and in the downtown areas with shining pails and will exchange tags for any voluntary contributions. This will be the twelfth annual drive conducted by Galens to secure funds for the workshop which they maibtain on the ninth floor of the Universtiy Hospital. This shop is maintained so that crippled children from the wards may work and amuse themselves during their illnesses. "The shop affords a medium of ex- pression, giving these children, boys an girls, a chance to prove and de . velop their self-confidence," Percy J. Murphy, '41M, president of Galens said. A regular instructor in voca- tional therapy is employed in the shop to help guide the children in their work. The number of children using the workshop has varied each year, ac- cording to the number of children in the hospital. Even children who have to remain in a prone position, Murphy said, have learned to fashion some sort of toy. No definite goal has been set for the drive this year, Murphy stated, but the society collected over $1700 last year in the rain and snow, and we ought to be able to raise that much again. Anthropologist SpeaksToday 'Negro In The New World' Herskovits' Theme Melville J. Herskovits, chairman of the anthropology department of Northwestern University, will give a University lecture on "The Negro in the New World" at 4:15 today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Professor Herskovits went to Lon- don on a Guggenheim Fellowship and wrote a book entitled "The Economic Life of Primitive Peoples." He has made field trips to all the areas he describes in his works. Author of two volumes on the Da- homeans of West Africa, he has made extensive studies of Negroes in the West Indies, Dutch Guiana, West Africa, and the United States to dis- cover all the aspects of their back- ground and introduction into Amer- ica. He studies not only the biological and anthropometrical sides of the Ne- gro problem but the cultural and so- ciological as well. Among his several works are the "The American Negro," primarily a body measurement study, and num- erous articles in the Human Biolo- gist, the American Anthropologist, the American Journal of Physical An- thropology and many others. Deanna Durbin Announces Engagement To Producer HOLLYWOOD, Dec. 5-( P)-Dean- na Durbin's engagement to VaughnI Rigor Mortis gets Bum's Rush 0 ASU Faces Disciplinary Action Today Investigation Of Alleged Violations Announced By Judiciary Council University Officials To Give Decision University officials will take dis- ciplinary action against the campus chapter of the American Student Union sometime today, following an investigation of alleged violation of University rules by that organiza- tion,, it was learned last night from the Men's Judiciary Council. Announcement of the action will be made by the University Disciplinary Committee which met in a four hour session Wednesday to discuss recom- mendations made by the Judiciary Council and to examine evidence presented by ASU officials. ASU Charged. According to an explanation made to The Daily by the Judiciary Coun- cil, charges were brought against the ASU sometime ago by University of- ficials. The Judiciary Council, a student body, studied the charges and recom- mended a policy of action to the Dis- ciplinary Committee, a faculty group which has power to take official ac- tion in such matters. Margaret Campbell, '42, executive secretary of the ASU and Harold Nor- ris, Grad., were questioned personally by the Disciplinary Committee. Questioned last night, Miss Camp- bell explained the interview thus: Committed Infractions "The ASU has committed a few minor infractions of University Rules. Since we expect treatment no dif- ferent from any other organization we will accept discipline commensur- ate to the seriousness of the viola- tions. But since the violations were minor, many of them depending upon interpretation of "what is the right thing to do" the punishment must necessarily be minor. We believe a drastic curtailment of our activities at this time would be another evi- (Continued on Page 2) Washington FDR Approves Seaway.. No Convoys For Britain 0 Rigor Mortis, the renowned ghoul, was bodily ejected from the Union Ballroom last night, where he was attempting to haunt a re- hearsal of the Union Opera, "Take A Number." Miss Helen Ellis of the physical education department, Opera dance director, is telling Mortis to "never darken (or lighten) our doorway again," as strong-- arm men Jack Silcott, Grad., general chairman of the Opera, and James Gormsen, '42, member of the cast, do the tossing. * * * Famed "houl Meets Downfall At Hands Of Union Opera Cast Dec. 5-(P)-President Roosevelt announced today he would seek ear- liest possible Senate approval of a treaty with Canada for completion of the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Sea- way and Power project as a means of speeding up defense production and creating a safe haven for ship con- struction in the event of war. The President's statement, read to the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway Conference here by Assistant Secre- tary of State A. A. Berle, was hailed by the organization's leaders as an indication of victory in the 28-year old battle for a deep outlet from the Great Lakes basin to the sea. John C. Beukema, chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Seaway Council, told the Conference that he felt "the end of the road was near" in the struggle to obtain com- pletion of the seaway. "It ranks first on any long time program of national defense," he as- serted. Officials Reluctant To Act On Convoy Plan Dec. 5.-(IP)-Officials appeared to be giving little consideration to the idea of convoying - British Merchant ships across the Atlantic or allowing American vessels to take supplies to Great Britain. Despite concern over recent British shipping losses and a desire to ex- tend further measures of assistance, it was indicated that the administra- tion was reluctant at this time to take such steps as these. American ships are now barred from entering the war zone by the Neutrality Act, which was designed to avoid a situation such as that which played an important part in Ameri- can entry into the World War. Early in 1917, Germany lauched its unrestricted submarine campaign which led to repeated diplomatic pro- tests from the United States and fin- ally led to the. severence of diplomat- ic relations. President Wilson, in ask- ing for a declaration of war, gave the submarine campaign as the pri- mary reason. "D .R ZZ TIRANA e0 Bl ELBASANI ,,, " QCHRIDA MUMU LI SHTA - POGRADETZ NAL BANIA2 MOSKOPOLIS A L ON AKOR IT ZA VALONA PREMET -" ARGIROCASTRO PORTO'EDDA* LIBO HOVO t ". . :COROU D . %" M ILIES Greek Troops pushing steadily deeper into Albania through icy mountains and snow covered valleys were 'reported by a Yugoslav source to have dtriven the Italians from the strategic coastal town of Porto Eddas (1) and were about to enter Argirocastro, also (1). The fate of these towns is closely related to that of Premet (2) where the British Royal Air. Force was taking a strong haned in the Greek offensive. An, Italian attempt to drive east onto Phiorina, Greece was squelched by Greek assaults which brought capture of the Italians' bases of Koritza and Podgradetz (3). At the northern end of the mountain-broken battlefront Greek troops were said to be forcing a continual Italian with- drawal toward Elbasani (4), on the road, to Tirana (4), Albania's capital. Alb anians Desert;. British Deny Peace By DAVE LACHENBRUCH Rigor Mortis "set in" ,at the Union Opera rehearsal last night-and was promptly ejected. The famous ghoul, here for Con- gress' Coffin Capers to be held to- night, slipped into the Union Ball-- room one day in advance to haunt the cast and get the lowdown on "this opera stuff." Mortis remained in the rear of the ballroom until the rehearsal was well under way, when he began issuing a series of oaths which annoyed the cast of the production. But it was only when he began making threats upon the lives of the various indi- viduals connected with the opera that he got the bum's rush. He kept shouting "Wait until the International Brotherhood of Ghosts, Spooks and Banshees holds its con- vention here tomorrow night. They'll get you, you (here six words cen- sored)!" The ghouls's dislike for the opera cast could not be attributed to eny- thing except the fact that Rigor Mor- tis is personally prejudiced against all forms of pleasure and amusement. Someone shouted, "Go get him," and there were cries of "throw him out!" Mortis flew to the ceiling and hung from a chandelier. His toe, however, caught in, an electric light socket and he fell to the floor howl- ing with pain. There he was grabbed by a fren- zied mob of opera stars, and, at the instruction of Miss Helen Ellis, of the physical education department, the Opera's diminutive dance director, he. was heaved bodily from the ballroom. The last words of the ghoul, as he scrambled down the stairs were "I'll get even, if it takes all my death!" Mortis may have a chance, too, because at the informal Coffin tap- ers dance tonight, he will come in open contact with Chandler Pinney, '41, star of the Opera, who will sing the songs from "Take A Number," ac- panied by Sawyer's Orchestra. t Scoff At Good Risk' Senators WASHINGTON, Dec. 5-(iP)-High official pronouncements that Eng- land is a "good risk" for loans were directly and hotly , disputed in the Senate today by Senator Taft (R- Ohio), who called such statements "nonsense" and by Senator Clark (D-Mo.), who said he was."very much startled." Meanwhile, Sir Frederick Phillips, undersecretary of the British Treas- Ferenczi Says U.S. Must Utilize Population For Military Activity By EMILE GELE Eugenic, psychological and social aspects of population are becoming increasingly vital to military activity, Dr. Imre Frerenczi, noted migration and population specialist of Geneva, Switzerland, declared in a University lecture yesterday. "America must be awakened to the technique of utilizing population for military and industrial action," Pr. Ferenczi stated. "The European de- mocracies neglected keeping pace with Germany and now face annihi- lation." Enumerating the mistakes of the democracies, he observed that France had to take the defensive against Germany for lack of men and equip- ment. As an example he pointed out scribing how undisciplined French refugees jammed the roads so that the army was unable to make a stra- tegic retreat. "France waited too late to aug- ment industry, to bring in laborers from her colonies, and to utilize Pol- ish and Spanish refugees for indus- try," he said. Explaining the Nazi method of re- inforcing the military with strong ci- vilian support, he told of Germany's declassing independent artisans to laborers, recalling Germans from for- eign lands and taking Jews from con- centration camps to work in factories. One of the greatest factors of Ger- many's success is her program of birth increase," he said. "In 1932 the ury, was in Washington to detail his government's financial position to au- thorities here. He is scheduled to confer with Secretary Morgenthau to- morrow. Morgenthau today repeated the "good risk" statement, made originally by SecretaryJones, the Federal Loan Administrator, yester- day. Taft not only objected, but bitterly criticized the Treasury head's lend- ing policy, asserting he had "lost all sense of reason in performance of his duty." If a pending loan from the Treasury's stabilization fund to the Chinese Government is carried through, he said, Morgenthau will be guilty of "usurpation of authority and breach of trust." Taft declared that he personally favored a loan to China but such a transaction requires Congressional endorsement of the Senate and House banking committees. He contended this was insufficient to legalize the loan. He quoted Morgenthau as hav- SANTA IS ON HIS WAY- ing promised some time ago not to use the stabilization fund for loans to foreign governments without first seeking Congressional guidance. Clark, commenting on the ques- tion of loans to England, said tiat country had received very large loans from the United States during the World War, had not kept up its pay- ments, and had, called the lender, "Uncle Shylock." Informed that Morgenthau as well as Jones had called England a "good risk," he said "nobody cares what Morgenthau thinks is a good loan- he's never had a business transac- tion in his life-but Jesse Jones is a different proposition." He said he was "very much startled" by Jones' remark.# (By The Associated Press) OCHRIDA, Yugoslavia, Dec. 5.- Greek forces, said to be gaining even more momentum in their counter-in- vasion of Italian-held Albania, were reported by Greek sources tonight to have entered Porto Edda and expect- ed to occupy Argirocastro tomorrow. (Confirmation, is lacking from any other quarter. Neither the Greek high command and Athens sources nor Rome dispatches have reported Greek entrance into Porto Edda. Advices on the Greek side merely have pictured impending occupation of the two towns.) At the opposite end of the moun- tain-broken battlefront, near Yugo- slav border, Greek troops, fighting in snow and fog, were said to have cleared their foe from the last posi- tions on Kamia and Mokra moun- tains, forcing a continued Italian withdrawal toward Elbasani, on the road to Tirana, Albania's capital. Meanwhile, Albanian refugees ar- riving in Yugoslavia declared that Italy faced a general uprising in her Albanian protectorate unless she could deliver food and supplies. They asserted that hundreds of Albanian deserters from the Italian army were hiding out in mountains and forests. The reported new successes in the astonishing Greek campaign would mean virtual collapse of the Italians' southern operations. Thirty-nine days ago when this Balkan war started Italian forces of invasion in the southern sector were aimed at capture of Ioannina, in Northern Greece, and eventually Ath- ans, the Greek capital, itself. At the other end of the Albanian front other Fascist columns attempt- ed to drive east onto Phlorina, Greece, 3nroute to Salonika. This northern rive was squelched by Greek assaults which brought capture of the Itali- -n's base, Koritza, and later Pogra- detz. Now, if the reports on Porto Edda and Argirocastro are to be credited, Italy has lost the principal sea gate- Ivay into southern Albania and stands ,o lose her lAst remaining base in the 'rontier region for conquest of Greece. Heavy fighting was reported in 3outher and central sectors of the Albanian front with Italian aviation attempting to stem the Greek ad- vances. Commons Votes Down Peace Proposal 341 To 4 (By The Associated Press) Britain's House of Commons voted down yesterday by 341 to 4 a sugges- tion from a minute leftist minority hat she seek peace with the Ger- mnans, and the public debate that saw the proposal thus crushed was termed 'y a government spokesman "a sign of our strength." Three members of the Independ- ent Labor Party submitted the mo- tion, saying that since "there is no certainty of a great military victory" it would be well to seek an end to the struggle "if necessary in 4 spirit of compromise." "The alternative," said the Deputy Government Leader Clement Attlee for the immense majority, "is not war and peace . . . it is war and what kind of peace?" Tax Law Change Would Cause Economic' Shift, Stason Says A change in the tax exemption I features of the present income tax, laws would cause a "wrench" in the present economic structure, Dean E.. Blythe Stason, of the Law School told members of the third annual Bankers Study Conference at the banquet last night in the Union. j Such a "wrench" would be taken care of by an adjustment in the econ- omic system, he continued, and ev- iness;" Eugene Lewis, of Detroit, on "The Banks and the People;" and Henry G. Weaver of Detroit. Prof. Arthur Secord, of the speech depart- ment, spoke at the luncheon yester- day on "The Development of an Ef- fective Personaility." The conference will continue today with the third business session at 9 a.m. in the Union. This session will