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December 05, 1940 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-05

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Students From 32 Fore
And 48 States Enrolled

ign Nations


Students residing in the state of
Mich.gan constitute more than 50
percent of the tctal University en-
rollment of 11.973 which represents
32 foreign nations, four dependen-
cies, the 48 states and the District
of Columbia.
According to a report received
yesterday from the Registrar's Of-
fice, 6,797 graduates and undergrad-
uates are from this state while 1,-
341 are from New York, 706 from
Ohio, 575 from Illinois, and 327 from
Other states which have more
than 100 students at the University
are Connecticut with 103, Indiana
with 242, Massachusetts with 158,
New Jersey with 239 and Wisconsin
with 130.
Foreign enrollment figures total
228 with 61 students coming from
China, 52 from Canada, 21 from
Turkey, 12 from Columbia, and 10
from Thailand (formerly known as
Music Stores
Increase Sales
Of Recordings
The fabled and proverbial charms
of music have had added opportunity
to spread throughout the nation since
the sweeping phonograph record price
reductions of Sept. 15, and the pub-
lic has been quick to take advantage
of the opportunity, sales results of
local music stores indicate.
With 50 and 30 per cent cuts low-
ering the prices of Columbia and
Victor recordings, sales have displayed
increases ranging- from 25 to 120
per cent. As one record shop pro-
prietor explained the situation, "many
more people are buying many more
Most outstanding increase in sales
has taken place among the classical
recordings-symphonies, concertos,
sonatas and operatic selections. Many
people, apparently, are finding that
classical records are no longer a
luxury and buying enough records to
start collections. It is in this field
that salesmen report the most new
The old customers are reportedly
buying more records than ever before,
both in classical and popular fields.
Popular dance and vocal recordings
have practically doubled in sales since
September, and the cheaper makes of
records are holding their own in sales
volume despite the fact that their
price has remained at the old level.
Most popular classical composer
with the students, according to sales
results, is Tchaikowski, whose "Ro-
meo and Juliet Overture," Sixth Sym-
phony and Fifth Symphony lead the
sales parade. Beethoven is a close
second to Tchaikowski in popularity
with Ann Arbor music .lovers. Both
these composers have been at the
top of popularity for several years,
sales indicate.

The other foreign nations are rep-
resented by less than 10 students
with four coming from Argentina, two
from Bolivia, six from Brazil, one
from Costa Rica, two from Cuba,
one from England, one from France,
one from Germany, one from Guate-
mala and one from Holland.
In addition there are four students
from Hungary, six from India, five
from Iraq, four from Japan, one from
Java, three from Korea, one from
Mexico, one from Nicaragua, four
from Palestine, one from Peru, one
from Slovakia, seven from South
Africa, one from Spain, one from
Sweden, two from Switzerland, four
from Syria and six from Venezuela.
There are 69 students from Am-
erican dependencies with 32 repre-
senting Hawaii; 19, Puerto Rico; 14,
the Philippine Islands, and four, the
Canal Zone.
Of the 6,797 students from Michi-
gan. 2,066 are from Wayne County,
1,312 from Washtenaw, 460 from

4t Michigan
Oakland, 380 from Kent, 245 from
Genesee, 145 from Kalamazoo, 139
from Jackson, 132 from Calhoun, and
122 from Saginaw.
Additional state enrollment figures
are as follows: Alabama, 20; Ari-
zona, 12; Arkansas, 10: California,
75; Colorado, 36; Delaware, 3; Dis-
trict of Columbia, 38; Florida, 39:
Georgia, 16; Idaho, 18; Iowa, 49;
Kansas, 41; Kentucky, 36; and Louis-
iana, 17.
The list continues with Maine,
18; Maryland, 27; Minnesota, 56;
Mississippi, 13; Missouri, 86; Mon-
tana, 17; Nebraska, 43; Nevada, 3;
New Hampshire, 12; New Mexico, 8;
North Carolina, 19; North Dakota,
17; and Oklahoma, 43.
Oregon, 14; Rhode Island, 6;
South Carolina, 9; South Dakota,
14; Tennessee, 26; Texas, 38; Utah
18; Vermont, 22; Virginia, 45; Wash-
ington, 34; West Virginia, 42 and
Wyoming, 18, complete the total
United States figure of 11,676.

well, '41, president of Congress,
heads the committee for the
Fourth Annual Congressional Fling,
"Coffin Capers", which will be held
Friday evening in the Union.
Rockwell is better known to the
general public as "Rigor Mortis",
ghoul extraordinary.

the Interfraternity Council is planning to hold its annual Christmas
Party for school children at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, in Hill Auditorium.
Tue picture (above) shows Clown Dick Strain, '41, helping amuse the
kids at last year's party.

Clare E. Griffin (above) of the
School of Business Administration
will give the address of welcome
this morning at the opening of the
Third Annual Bankers Study Con-
ference, officially opening the
meeting for Michigan bankers and
trust officials. The two-day Con-
ference will feature considerations
of timely problems which confront
the operators of banking busi-




Graduate Club

: *


To Hear Talks
Faculty Men Will Discuss
Historians' Education
Five professors will address a meet-
ing of the Graduate History Club, 8
p.m. today in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building on
the subject "Specialization in History
vs. General Education for History In-
The speakers will be Dean C. S.
Yoakum, of the Graduate School,
Prof. A. R. Boak of the history depart-
ment, Prof. Z. C. Dickinson of the
economics department, Prof. A. W.
Bromage of the political science de-
partment and Prof. R. C. Angell of
the sociology department.
Following the professors' remarks a
roundtable discussion will be held on
the value of cognates to history stu-
dents and the value of study in the
allied fields rather than devotion
strictly to historical research. Only
graduate students in history will be
admitted to the meeting.

Americas Hold
Of 'Health Day'!
First annual commemoration of
"Pan-American Health Day" was held
Tuesday by members of the Division
of Hygiene and Public Health, as well
as physicians of the Health Service
Dec. 2 has been the day chosen for
this observation because a number of
scientific and disease prevention dis-
coveries were made on that date. Uni-
versity observance was postponed one
day in order to hold the commemor-
ation in conjunction with a meeting
of the Public Health CluE.
Speaking on public health Condi-
tions in their countries were Dr. Juan
A. Gambus, Dr. Ulpiana 'M. Leon, Dr.
Leon Tirado and Dr. Bruno Diana of
Venezuela, Eurique Herrarte of Gua-
temala and Stanley Villafranca of
Costa Rica.
Chairman of the meeting was Dr.
Buenaventura Jiminez of the Univer-
sity Health Service. Dr. Jiminez, for-
merly of Puerto Rico, discussed public
health conditions in that country.

Architecture Clinic Aids Students
In GainingPractical Experience

of tie
IL _ I
Any unusual sights or sounds em-
anating from the direction of Ob-
servatory hill this week were due to
the excitement of Marion McGrath
and Jean Husted, both '44, of Stock-
well and Jordan who were completely
bowled over by their first look at,
of all things, common ordinary snow!'
Honestly, Floridans are the funniest
Saturday, according to inside in-
formation slipped to us on the Q.T.
by Millie June Janusch, '43, Alum-
nae House entertained Dean Alice
C. Lloyd and five members of their
Board of Governors at a luncheon.
Yesterday, the West Quad residents
heard Ravel's String Quartet in F
Major at the regular nightly record
concert in the Louis Strauss Memorial
series. Beethoven's Fourth Symphony
will be heard tonight. Tomorrow
night Danse Espagne by Chabrier and
Don Juan by Strauss will be heard.
Franck's D Minor Symphony will be
the attraction Saturday, and on Sun-
day Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto
Number 2 will be featured.
And the East Quad heard Beet-
hoven's Moonlight Sonata, the Sonata
in C Sharp Minor on their music
appreciation program last night. Also
on the program were Rubenstein'a.
Ka mnoi-Ostraw and Sibelius' Fin-
Prof. and Mrs. Preston Slosson of
the history department and Prof.
Harlan H. Bloomer of the Depart-
ment of Speech were guests at a fac-
ulty dinner in Cheever House last

Architecture at the University of;
Michigan School of Architecture hasI
become more than an academic study
with the introduction into the cur-
riculum last spring of a students'
Architectural Design and Building'
The Clinic, which is under the
guiding of Prof. George B. Brigham,
was sponsored on an experimental
basis by the School to help bridge the
present gap between college and the
practice of architecture, as opportun-
ities for apprenticeship have become
increasingly more difficult to obtain.
Realistic Problems
Throughout the undergraduate
years the ability to handle actual
problems like those faced in the Clin-
ic in a realistic and satisfactory man-
ner is acquired by a simultaneous
study of architectural organization
for use and the elements of inclos-
ure, supplemented by the study of ab-
stract design to arouse the imagina-
and Mrs. Burton Thuna, Dr. Aubrey
Hawkins and Dr. and Mrs. Malcome
The newly organized Painting and
Sketching Club of the West Quad-
rangle will meet Saturday at 1 p.m.
in Room 11, Winchell House, for its
first oficial session. The group, under
the advisorship of Prof. Jean Paul
Siusser of the art school, plans to
do work in water colors, figure
sketching, oils and modeling. Its pur-
pose is to "draw for the fun of it, to
get instruction and to possibly take
part in a group project.
This year's program will feature
speakers on the various phases of
commercial art, charcoals, pastels
and sculpturing. It sure sounds
swell-good luck!'
Ruth Reinhardt, '42, chairman, in-
formed us yesterday that Martha
Cock is holding its formal dance of
the year from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m
Friday. Earl Stevens wil supply the
melodies and the decoration scheme
will be blue and silver.
Last Saturday we were guests at
the French table at the West Quad,
under the able direction of Bert
Smith, a grad of the University of
Louvain, in Belgium. We couldn't
parley-voo so well, but it sure is a
swell idea. If we ever get caught up
on our Shakespeare assignments,
we intend to write a feature on the
French table.
The French table, incidentally,
, cC rl n n Pv onr0a tinnAr , nih A n

tion as well as the intellect. The
Clinic is thus the logical culmination
of the present College curriculum.
To facilitate the student in becom-
ing familiar with actual materials
with which he must deal, wood-
framed models are built at one-quar,
ter full size, concrete and mortar are
mixed by hand to get the feel of it,
and bricks and concrete blocks are
laid. To help the study of organiz-
ing space, scale models take prece-
dence over the graphic means, mak-
ing internal relations appear much
more vividly to the student.
In the Clinic the student architect
meets the client under the supervision
of registered architects (either mem-
bers of the faculty or architects in
local practice) and under conditions
similar to those used for the student
cf medicine or dentistry. He discuss-
s with the client the problem in-
voved, inspects the site, analyzes the
)roblem, holds frequent conferences
vith the client, makes preliminary
;yetches, and finally working draw-
ings and specifiactibns.
Stays In Background
The supervisor stays in the back-
,round as much as possible, thus
hrowing onto the student all the re-
sponsibility of which he is capable.
in order to advance him more rap-
idly toward an independent profes-
sional practice. At present the stu-
dent does not assume the resp~nsibil-
ity of dealing with the contractor.
While acting in an advisory capacity,I
however, he makes frequent inspec-
tions during construction, reporting
to the owner any improper methods
or deviations from plans, but he does
act have authority to deal directly
with the contractor.
The Clinic has been received en-
;husiastically by the local architects,
?rof. Brigham said. "With an agree-
ment that commissions will be limited
to buildings not exceeding $6,000 in
,ost, the architects agree that the
,linic will not compete with their
business, but will help them by in-
reasing appreciation of the services
of the architect," Prof. Brigham
pointed out.
Prof. Schneidewiud
Will Speak Today
Discussing th manufacture and
testing of gray and malleable iron
castings, Prof. Richard Schneidewind
of the chemical engineering depart-

GETTING READY -FOR WHAT? -Natives in Hongkong, Brit-
ish crown colony, near Canton, China, are busy these days fil%:ng sand-
bags to protect buildings and citizens against danger from possible air
raids. Residents of the city have heard rumors of impending invasion.

NO PLACE FOR A GUN-SHY GOB-- Any British sailor who's gun
shy would have a hard time of it aboard any one of Britain's battleships
whose sides bristle with guns like these. Heavy cannon and anti-aircraft
guns are shown in this photo, taken during fleet action "somewhere at

PRESIDENT LEAVES ON MYSTERY-SHROUDED CRUISE -In a jovial moots, rresmein t tousevelt
waved to Miami crowds as he started on a Caribbean cruise aboard the U.S.S. Tuscaloosa. The President was
accompanied only by a few members of his staff and c ertain secret service operatives. At a press conference
aboard the train to Miami, he indicated that the voyag e has a serious purpose and is not a vacation, but he
declined to give any comment as to where he might go.

Bernard D. N. Grebanier (above),
an assistant professor at Brooklyn
College, testified before a legisla-
tive commitee in New York that he
and four other faculty members
had joined the Communist Party in
1935 under assumed names.

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