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December 05, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-05

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The Reply Churlish

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff

Press, 1940-41

Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. ..Women's
. .Exchange


Business Staff
Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

Mr. Haufler and Mr. Sarasohn have been
suspended from the staff for the period from
December 5th to December 11th for violating
standards of taste, good judgment and the
Daily Code of Ethics in publishing a letter
in the November 26th issue of the Daily
impugning the motives of the members of
the Board of Regents in raising University
Board in Control of Student Publications
For Dr. Rutlhven

And The Regents

0 9

WE TOOK OVER management of The
Daily last spring after it had been
in what was charged were radical hands for five
or six years prior. The Daily was in trouble
because it had sung the praises of the Ameri-
can Student Union, had taken sides in strikes,
had defended and, at tines, fostered radical
activities on campus. The Daily, it was said,
had been one of the causes for the belief
throughout much of the state that "Michigan
is a center of subversive thought and a hotbed
of radical activities."
However true these charges may be, last
spring it seemed to us that the greatest service
we could do for The Daily and the University
was to stay clear of radical viewpoints and
overemphasis of the activities of, leftist groups.
We did not want a censored paper, a "safe"
paper. We held no brief against the American
Student Union. We felt that we could publish
a representative Daily without compromising
our principles.
IF WE have done one job, however, we have fall-
en down on another: we have failed to keep as
sharp a vigilance on campus matters as was
needed. We know that you, Dr. Ruthven, have
felt an occasional irritation with The Daily
this fall. All we can say is that even though
this is an ordered apology, we believe that you
have tried to deal honestly and fairly with The
Daily, and ,that, if through some possible errors
on our part we have complicated your task
still more, then we are sincerely sorry.
The ASU's letter, which has caused . the
trouble, made or implied charges against the
Regents which are entirely foreign to the view-
point of The Daily's editors. Since letters in
The Daily are often considered the expression
of the paper's, and sometimes the University's
attitude, this letter should either not have been
run at all, or should have been supplemented by
an explanation that the opinions expressed were
entirely those of the ASU. For our remissness
in this, we offer our apologies-again sincerely
in spite of their being obligatory.
IF THESE PARAGRAPHS above are interpreted
as meaning merely that we are running to
cover, knuckling under, the interpreters are
wrong. We are able, we insist, to say these
things sincerely to Dr. Ruthven and the Regents.
This apology seems to us the most just part of
our penalty. But we do feel that some sort of
disciplinary action could have been taken with-
out subjecting us and The Daily to a lot of un-
helpful publicity, and without making us the un-
willing dupes of the many "civil rights" groups
seeking to find an issue in such cases.
--Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Jesse James Or Jesse Jones?
Memo to the editor of the aviation news sum-
mary issued by the Society of British Aircraft
Constructors, who has confused Jesse James and
Jesse Jones:
See page 883, Volume 12, of the Encyclopedia
Y~ianr n n..aam nf of _T e p .Tam a : r

1 BOUGHT my new hat the day before Thanks-
giving vacation. Hats never look good to me,
nor on me. I have nothing in common with a hat,
as any of my friends will tell you. I wear a hat
for three or four years, and by that time I am
used to it, but do not kid ourselves, I still don't
like it.
I went to a prominent store in Detroit, and
begged my pardon past the hordes of indignant
lady shoppers who were thrusting their elbows
into my face, until after a thrilling ride on the
escalator I reached the hat department. Nothing
could be more discouraging. Thousands of hats,
all of them just about the same color, none of
them dented, all of them just sugar loaf shaped,
like something to be worn by Pinnochio (lit-
erary allusion, in re well known work of imagi-
nation by Collodi.) I said to the man "I-uh,
ha ha, I'd uh like a new hat-(long silence while
I look to see if he knows)-new hat." He said
"Yes," I replied. We came to an understanding.
"Brown maybe," I told him, more at ease now,
"Brown, or gray maybe, maybe green. Here,"
and I took off that good old hat of which it was
said by everybody why don't you get rid of
that thing, "I wear a size-" He held the hat
gingerly in his fingertips and wrinkled his nose
as he peeked inside it. I regretted the stains,
sweat of my brow though they might be. "Seven
and a half," he grunted and looked at me sharp-
ly, "Hmm." I apologized about my big head and
some about not liking to get my hair cut but I
always do before I buy a hat, and he kept on
looking at the hats all in rows, with his back to
me. "Here," he said, "try this one on." "I'll take
it," I said. He smiled triumphantly.
And ever since then I have taken it. The hat
is large, very high in the crown, very brown and
fuzzy, and has a very wide brim, all of which
combine to make me look like the owner of a
gasoline station at his first rodeo. But the nice
thing about the whole business is the way miy
friends, acquaintances, and even total strangers
react. The old hat evidently was sort of non-
committal in a broken way, and of course I did
not wear that constant blush of good health and
maidenly virtue while engaged in wearing it, but
the new lid is not like that at all, oh no. "Where,"
says a little old lady I pass on the street, turning
to stare at me through her lorgnette, "did you
get that hat, young man?" "Indeed it is, madam,"
I agree, and with a sad nod turn and wend my
weary way through the gales of laughter. 30 for
*' * * *
JT IS TOO COLD. That is practically all there
is to say about the weather except what follows.
It is so cold that Tuesday night I woke out of
a sound sleep at three a.m., closed the window,
opened the feeble hot air draft, and slept the
rest of the night with my bathrobe on. Even then,
because the bathrobe is not that long, my feet
were cold. There is only this advantage, that it
is too cold to wander around at night any more,
so I am getting a lot of work done. If only the
thermometer will hold down where it is for
another week and a half, I'll be entirely caught
up in all my studies and be reading popular
-novels. My appetite is good too. But the weather
is too cold. People feel pretty miserable in weather
like this.
am delighted to have received two fan letters
in response to my plea in the last column.
Both of the people like me, although the one who
wrote the poem only rates me an 'A' in entertain-
nent, and 'A-plus' in ego. It is nice to be liked,
even if it is only by two people. I'm always sure
about my mother, just as Mascott is, but until
now I've never known for sure that two others
were fond of me. Thank you both, and I hope, oh
baby how I hope, I'll continue to please you.
What? Didn't you know I had a mother? A lot
of us have. But let's not get sentimental.
A harmless column withal. Thoughts of a dry
brain in a dry season. So long until soon if I
have to print the stuff myself.
Labor Problem Is Tough

The question of labor disputes in defense in-
dustries, spotlighted recently by the Vultee strike,
admittedly is a hard nut to crack. It is highly
desirable for these industries to work uninter-
ruptedly; it is also highly desirable for both in-
dustry and labor to have as much freedom as
possible from Government coercion.
Some members of Congress are in favor of
putting on the screws. Witness, among other
proposals, a bill introduced by Representative
Smith of Virginia, cracking down on employers
and employes. Smith's bill would make it un-
lawful for employes to strike without 30 days'
notice and would forbid employers to conduct a
lockout. It has other strong provisions.
Smith's measure sounds like a bill that might
be offered in wartime under pressure of high-
est emergency. Once we are at war, of course,
national self-preservation requires many things
we would not tolerate in peacetime. We are
not at war. Britain is at war, but has not yet
seen fit to outlaw strikes.
Only the other day, an Associated Press dis-
patch from London said that workers at the
Short Bros. seaplane factory at Rochester struck
for two and a half hours on a complaint thiat
new working conditions had been posted before
their unions agreed to them. When the notices
were taken down, work was resumed and the
mangnement nnferred with the union.

ew Pedrso
Rcbert S. Ae
WASHINGTON-The future of the Wilkie
Clubs will be decided at a pow-wow of state lead-
ers which generalissimo Oren Root called for
the middle of this month.
Only Club chiefs, such as Russell Davenport
and a few other Willkie intimates, will partici-
pate in the meeting. No Republican Party leaders
are being invited, and even Willkie himself does
not expect to be present, although he may change
his mind.
Young Root's private plan is to form the clubs
into a nation-wide organization around Willkie,
absolutely independent of the Republican Party.
Root has never been on good terms with GOP
leaders, many of whom consider him a meddling
amateur with secret designs on the party organ-
During the campaign, Willkie was bombarded
with irate GOP complaints against Root. At one
time he found it necessary to circulate among
all National Committeemen a letter from Root
disavowing any intention to distribute patronage
or intrude in party affairs.
While Willkie received thousands of letters
acclaiming his post-election "loyal opposition"
broadcast, and while many Willkie Club en-
thusiasts desire to continue the organization,
privately Root and Davenport are uncertain
about the prospects. Some local Clubmen have ex-
pressed doubts over the possibility of keeping
their groups together in the face of Republican
Party hostility and without a "crusade" atmos-
Meanwhile, Willkie has had a few brushes
with Republican National Committeemen, who
resented "orders" from him. There has been no
real row, but the politicos let him know that they
do not consider him the party's boss.
British Invasion
The British are coming to Washington at a
rate that almost amounts to a second invasion.
Even in 1814, when the Redcoats burned the
Capitol, their force was scarcely more impressive.
Actually there are 430 representatives of the
British Government in Washington today-130
members of the Embassy staff, 300 members of
the British Purchasing Commission and British
Air Commission, and chaufeurs.
The British Embassy and Chancery now is the
largest diplomatic establishment in Washington,
but it is not large enough. An annex has been
added to care for an overflow of coding clerks
and officials of the office of economic warfare.
Meanwhile the two British commissions occupy
space in four other buildings. They started out in
modest quarters in the Hibbs Building, expand-
ed to the entire top floor of the Willard Hotel,
added further space in the Adams Building, and
most recently have taken over Andrew Mellon's
old apartment building at 1785 Massachusetts
Avenue to accommodate the Air Commission.
These are the British in Washington alone.
In addition, the New York office of the Purchas-
ing Commission numbers 1,000 persons, plus
500 inspectors who travel about the country test-
ing the wide assortment of articles, from ships
to airplanes, which are being purchased in the
United States.
Three-Pen Signature
The Ramspeck Civil Service Act has a dual
distinction. In addition to extending civil service
rating to more unclassified government em-
ployees than any similar law in history (about
150,000) it also required longer to sign.
The long-drawn out signature was because
the President had promised a pen used in the
signing ceremony to each of three people: Rep-
resentative Bob Ramspeck of Georgia and Sen-
attor Jim Mead of New York, co-sponsors of the
bill; and Representative Jennings Randolph of

West Virginia, ranking member of the Civil Ser-
vice Committee.
This meant splitting his signature into three
parts and using a different pen for each. The
three pens were placed on his desk when he was
ready to sign, but when he looked for the ink-
well, it had mysteriously disappeared. After sev-
eral minutes, White House Clerk Rudolph For-
ster finally produced the ink.
Then as the President was halfway through his
signature, the second pen splattered a large blob
of ink on the law. This required another pause,
while the President painstakingly mopped up the
smear with the corner of a blotter. Finally the
signing was completed, having consumed ten full
'I'll bet," grinned Roosevelt, "that's the long-
est time any President ever took to sign his
Reform Via Army
The Army's greatly expanded food require-
ments may become the means of forcing long-
sought labor reforms in the canning industry,
which is noted for its low labor standards, par-
ticularly among small plants.
In the past, the Army bought canned goods
chiefly through local jobbers and wholesalers.
But with consumption increased hundred-fold,
the Army plans to sidetrack the jobbers and go
direct to the canners.
This opens the way for requiring the canners
to comply with the Wage-Hour and Walsh-Heal-
ey Acts, both of which have been a bitter bone or
contention within the canning industry.
Army purchasing chiefs also are working on a
Dlan for centralized buying of enormous quan-



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It would seem, after last night's
opening of Clare Booth's "Margin For
Error," that Play Production's well-
being is merely a matter of evolution:
give Mr. Windt and his charges time
and a sympathetic patience and they'
can turn out a satisfactory, well-sus-
tained production.
For their third offering of the cur-
rent season is easily their most skill-
ful. Perhaps the success is due, in
part, to the agreableness, for all con-
cerned, of the subject: "Margin For
Error" is "a satirical anti-Nazi melo-
drama, an unrestrained co'ndemna-
tion of all the stereotyped aspects of
the Nazi regime, which the players de-
liver in high god-humour and which
the audience seems quite willing to ac-f
cept on the same terms. Briefly, Clare
Boothe and Play Production are tell-
ing the story of a German consul in
the United States, whose death it
falls to a non-Aryan "flat-foot" to
solve. Within that framework Miss
Boothe has written a tight little play
which flirts dangerously with satire
and melodrama, but retains its bal-
ance because it never gives its heart
completely to one or the other. If the
first act moves a bit slowly because
an intermittent barrage of wise-
cracks tends to losen the tensity of
the melodrama, the second act re-
deems it by fitting the satire more
securely into the tricky excitement
of the denouement.
Full praise for an enjoyable pro-
duction must go to Director Windt
and the nine players. In the order
of their appearance: William Kinz-
er literally bent over backwards in a
demagogic portrayal of the local
Fuehrer; there could be no doubt that
Hugh Norton was a German educat-
ed at Oxford; Norm Oxhandler drew
a deserved majority of the laughs for
the professionally adequate stint as a
Jewish policeman; Esther Counts
handled hereall-German dialogue
skillfully, and executed a neat waltz-
step in her momentary biological
"Anschluss" with the policeman; as
one of the suspects, Jack Mitchell
stumbles somewhat but never falls;
Ada MacFarland, the consul's wife
and hence suspect, does a fine job as
the female point in the eternal tri-
angle; Arthur Klein, as the consul,
remains alive on the stage only for
one act, but during that time, by
means of a skillful accent, a ram-rod
Teutonic bearing, and a sure grasp
of the character, manages to get him-
self sufficiently hatd so that nobody
misses him; as the newspaperman-
lover of the consul's wife, Thomas S.
Denny suppresses an early over-ex-
uberance to secure himself a share of
the honors; and Captain Mulrooney
delivers his one line-but the curtain
line!-with commendable gusto.
In short, Play Production has a
hit. The satire may occasionally be
;entimentally stereotyped. You may
-quirm at the too easy attempts at


VOL. LI. No. 57 -
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
The Michigan Hospital Service has
given notice of a revision and liber-
alization of its contracts as follows,
which will shortly be embodied in
a rider that will be sent to each con-
tract holder for attaching to his con-
"The revised certificate provides
coverage for every type of case ad-
missible to a hospital. This includes
hospitalization not only for those
cases ordinarily cared for in general
hospitals, but also .for hospital care
of contagious diseases, pulmonary
tuberculosis, and nervous and mental
diseases. This means that every type
of case admitted to a hospital, with
the exception of maternity care,
which is available after the sub-
scriber has been enrolled for twelve
consecutive months, will be covered
"The new certificate will not only
provide this full coverage for a period
of twenty-one days as heretofore but
additional protection will be provided
for a period of ninety days at a dis-
count of 50 per cent from the regu-
lar hospital charges. The extension
in days applies to every enrolled sub-
scriber, making it possible for each
member of the family included in the
subscribers' contract to be hospital-
ized for as long as 111 days each
Shirley W. Smith
Instructions for Reporting Accidents:.
(1) Report All Accidents occurring
in line of duty involving any person
on the University payroll in what-
ever capacity, whether medical care
is required or not. Accidents should
be reported in writing or by telephone
to the Business Office of the Univer-

sity Hospital (Hospital extension
307). A supply of University of Mich-
igan accident report forms (No.
3011) .will be furnished on request
by the Hospital Business Office.
(2) Medical Care. Injuries requir-
ing medical care will be treated only
at the University Hospital. Employ-
ees receiving care elsewhere will be
responsible for the expense of such
treatment. Whenever possible a writ-
ten report of any accident should
accompany the employee to the In-
formation Desk on the Main Floor
of the University Hospital. This re-
port will be authority for the Hospit-
al to render necessary medical care.
(3) Emergency Cases. Emergency
medical care will be given at the Hos-
pital without a written accident re-
port. Ambulance cases should be tak-
en directly to the Ambulance En-
trance, at the rear of the Main Build-
ing of the University Hospital. In all
such cases the written accident re-
port should be forwarded as prompt-
ly as possible to the Business Office
of the Hospital.
The so-called Workmen's Compen-
sation law is for the mutual pro-
tection of employer and employee. In
order to enjoy the privileges provid-
ed by the law all industrial accidents
must be reported promptly to the
correct authorities. These reports en-
title each employee to compensa-
tion for loss of time and free medi-
cal care as outlined in the law.
The Compensation Law covers any
industrial accident occuri lg while
an employee is engaged in the activ-
ities of his employment which re-
sults in either a permanent or tem-
porary disability, or which might con-
ceivably develop into a permanent
or temporary disability.
Further Information. If at any
time an employee wishes further in-
formation regarding any compensa-
tion case, he is urged to consult
either the Business Office or the Of-
fice of the Chief Resident Physician
(Continued on Page 6)

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Still On Strike

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue
Thursday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Musical Newscast Evening Serenade
6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day in Review
6:45 The World Today Lowell Thomas toTexas Rangers
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Salon Strings Here's Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Vox Pop Caravan Shall Not Pass Escorts & Betty
7:45 Vox Pop "'Originalities
8:00 Ask-it Basket Good News vignettes of Melody Pot of Gold
8:15 Ask-it Basket " Football Forecast "
8:30 Strange as Seems Aldrich Family Child Welfare Tom Dorsey Orch.
8:45 Strange as Seems toChicago Tonight
9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hall Baptist Hour Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Major Bowes " " Jas. Bourbonnaise
9:30 Major Bowes News Ace News
9:45 Major Bowes " Good Neighbors Let's Dance

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