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October 02, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-02

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Washington Merry-Go-Round

Long Winter Ahead


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Colegtatc Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn,
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman

- -- sor

. . . Managing Editor
* , Editorial' Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
* . Associate Editor
S . . . Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager . . .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The Third Voter
Who Does Not Vote ..:.
MOST EVERYONE knows that you
can't operate a six-cylinder car on
four cylinders for long, but they expect that
democracy will go right on percolating on the
same basis.
Even the presidential candidates aren't in-
terested in the problem. For while FDR and
WW go busily about digging up hoary traditions
to base their campaigns on, they entirely forget
the reliable tradition of voting. The third term
receives more attention than the third voter--
the one out of every three Americans who failed
to vote for a candidate for Presdent in 1936.
And although there is much more patriotic
flag waving in 1940 we don't expect the above
figure to change appreciably-that is, not unless
we see a great many more projects similar to
the Union drive to have all absentee voters of
the University exercise their electoral privileges.
The Union is providing every possible service
to enable absentee voters to cast their ballot
accurately-including the services of a notary-
complimentary to those who will but use them
any afternoon from 3-5 in the Union lobby.
Many states require that ballots be requested
30 days in advance. So let's hurry up and make
certain that that which we are 'all steamed up
about defending is still functioning when all
the defending is over.
- Robert Speckhard
A Study
In Orientation .. .
OY But most new students have not
yet oriented themselves. Many of these will not
yet be oriented when summer calls them from
their studies next June. These are the students
who will transfer to other colleges, "drop out"
of school or return bearing the prospect of eight
more aimless months of imprisonment within
the academic walls of Ann Arbor.
These are the students who have not "found
themselves." They have no strong interests.
There is no true reason for ,"going on." They
are tremendously disappointed with their first
year at college.
It is exceedingly difficult for students to or-
ieAt themselves at a large college. The most
important requisite, the priceless ingredient for
self-orientation, is something material-some-
thing to cling to-an object about which the
student may encircle his college life.
The cooperative movement at Michigan pro-
vides many students with that needed direction
of activity; it helps orientation. In any of the
12 cooperative living house on campus, the stu-
dent experiences a stimulating sensation of in-
dependence mingled with interdependence.
His interdependence with each other house
member lies in the principle that every man has
a specific task to perform in a highly integrated
work schedule.
He is independent in that he has no boss. He
has as much voice in the operation of the house
as anyone else. He is exhilarated that he has no
one working under him, nor is he working under
anyone. He has not "bought his way" into the
house; therefore the house owes him nothing.
Rather he feels that he owes the house muci.
He feels it his duty to repay the work put into

TASHINGTON-The new iron and steel scrap
embargo finally shut off one of Japan's key
mnilitary supplies. But few know that the door
still is wide open for another equally vital war
material which is supposed to be under a drastic
On July 26 the President set up a licensing
system on exports of high-test aviation gasoline.
Aimed chiefly at Japan, this move has been ef-
fective-as far as it goes. It has stopped the
flow of top U.S. aviation fuel to Nipponese war
But through a loophole as big as a barn door,
Japan has been able, despite this supposedly
stringent embargo, to obtain all the U.S. gas
it needs for the bombers that are raining death
and destruction on helpless Chinese cities and
villages. This loophole is the little-noticed pro-
vision that limits the embargo only to a certain
super-grade of gas-87 octane and over.
This type of fuel is essential for modern aerial
warfare. Without it planes are not able to at-
tain the great speeds necessary in dog fights
and raids such as take place night and day over
But Japan is not up against that kind of bat-
tling. Its bombers and fighter planes face no
aerial opposition. They have the skies to them-
selves. They don't need super-gas. They can do
just as well on lower octane fuel. Their job is
no different than an ordinary transport plane's.
They haul out a load of bombs, dump it and
fly back.
And so, with high octane gas barred, the Japs
ha~ve been using what they could get-and have
continued their ruthless bombing without inter-
Thestory is told in the following unpublished
government figures. In the month after the
imposition of the so-called embargo, Japan im-
ported from the United States 187,026 barrels of
lower grade gasoline, or more than 20 per cent
of all such exports during that period.
Military experts say that Japanese planes, if
necessary, can use ordinary motor fuels as long
as they are not required to operate at very high
REAL INSTIGATOR of the airtight scrap em-
bargo was not the War, Navy or State De-
partment. It was a civilian-Defense Commis-
sioner Leon Henderson.
Also, although the embargo coincided with
European and Far Eastern developments, its
original motivation was not diplomatic but eco-
On August 30, Henderson sent the President
a memorandum strongly urging acomplete em-
bargo on exports of all grades of iron and steel
scrap." He advised this on two grounds: (1) to
meet the rapidly mounting demands of the de-
fense program; (2) to combat a sky-rocketing
of prices.
Roosevelt agreed with Henderson on his argu-
ments, but held up action in order not to offend
Aware that the Axis was secretly pressuring
Tokyo to enter an alliance, the President pur-
posely allowed Japan to obtain several hundred
tons of scrap in the hope of warding off a Nazi-
Jap tie-up. Not until it became clear that this
appeasement policy was futile, did he turn to
Henderson's proposal and crack down on scrap
iron shipments.
s* * s
For 21 years Justice Felix Frankfurter and
his wife, the former Marion Denman, have led
a very happy but childless married life.'
Now, however, they are taking three refugee
The City Editor's
Wendell Willkie? The GOP challenger's ap-
pearance here might have been something from
a stage play. "Of Thee I Sing" couldn't have
produced a better train than W. W.'s as it rolled
up to the station full of reporters, mimeograph
mnachines, and beer bottles.
, * ,
W. W. seems to be completely wrapped up in
this campaign. Any man as fatigued as he was
should go to bed and forget it.
Ann Arbor hasn't heard a dryer tonsil in a

long time. The scribes should wet their whis-
tles a little less, maybe, and Willkie a little more.
Ann Arbor's police "counted" the crowd, ar-
riving at the "estimate" of 20,000. Actually
5,000 was closer.

children into their home. They are the grand-
Frankfurter taught at the Harvard Law School
his home was the meeting place of students. And
as a Supreme Court Justice in Washington,
young people still come to his home. But the
Frankfurters have no children of their own.
children of Gilbert Murray, famous English
writer and scholar.
The children are aged 3, 11 and 12-consider-
ably younger than the young government at-
torneys whom the Frankfurters are accustomed
to entertaining.
THE NEW STRATEGY of the Axis powers is
to concentrate against British forces in the
Mediterranean during the winter months when
gales lash the shores of the United Kingdom.
Mediterranean moves probably will take the
following lines:
1. Hitler will occupy the rest of France,
which will give him important French ports
on the Mediterranean, such as Toulon and
2. Acting in cooperation with Spain, Hit-
ler and Mussolini will launch a drive against
Gibraltar and probably will be able to take
3. Italian forces will bomb the Suez Canal
from the air in an attempt to damage it
sufficiently so that British ships cannot pass
through. This would bottle up the British
fleet in the Mediterranean.
4. Italian and Nazi forces will attempt a
drive through the Near East, cutting off
British oil supplies in Mosul and Iraq.
While U.S. observers abroad have pretty good
information that this is the Axis program, the
question of whether it will succeed is another
matter. The proposed operations in France,
Spain and Gibraltar probably will be successful,
but the drive on Egypt and the Near East is not
so simple.
So far the Italians have not shown the ability
to do it alone, and if they are to succeed they
will need major support from Hitler.
SAM RAYBURN is a bachelor, but he owes it
to a woman that he wasn't late for his
swearing-in as Speaker of the House.
The morning of the ceremony the courtly.
Texan arrived at his office arrayed in a cutaway
and striped trousers. Everything about him
seemed in sartorial order until his secretary,
Miss Alla Clary, noticed a smudge on his collar,
the result of a shaving mishap.
The discovery greatly perturbed the meticulous
Rayburn. "What am I going to do?" he fretted.
"I can't wear this collar and it will take a half
hour to get to my apartment for another. And
I'm due to be sworn in in ten minutes. What a
mess !"
It looked as if Rayburn was going to have to
wear the collar regardless of the smudge when
Mr.s G. A. Appell, a relative, took charge of the
situation. "What size do ypu wear, Sam?" she
demanded, and by the time he answered' "15%"
shie was half-way out of the door. Seven minutes
later, with a collar purchased at a nearby store,
she dashed up to the House entrance of the
The husky form of a policeman barred the
way, demanding her pass. "Got to have a pass
to get in today," he said.
"This is my pass," shot back Mrs. Appell
breathlessly, waving the collar. "If Sam Ray-
burn doesn't get it right away there won't be
any ceremony."
Grasping the situation, the cop seized her by
the arm and ran interference through the crowd,
rushing Mrs. Appell to Rayburn's office. 'He
donned the collar and arrived for the swearing-
in on the dot.

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A nd-Points






A straight line from Dakar to Natal might not
only be the shortest distance between those two
points but between Berlin and all Latin Amer-
ica. Doubtless that is why Washington has per-
mitted the feeling to spread that the United
States understands and rather sympathizes with
the action of the British and Free Frenchmen
under General de Gaulle at Dakar. The British
explain their part in the incident in French West
Africa by alluding to reports that the Third
Reich has been trying to get control of Dakar.
With the Battle of Britain sliding into the
debit column for Germany, and with plans for
a wider war under discussion in Rome and Ber-
lin, such reports do not seem far fetched.
One other reason why German interest in
West African bases might at any moment take
the form of action: the United States, in leasing
bases in British possessions in the New World,
has prepared to increase its influence greatly in
South America. A Great Power's political and
commercial influence in any region is affected
by the proximity of its naval bases to that re-
gion. If German influence in the Western Hemi-
sphere is not to decline abruptly in the near fu-
ture, the Third Reich needs such a base as Dakar
would provide.
Dakar is only a little more than 1,600 miles
from the South American coast. The question
of its control is no academic one for Americans.
The incident involving French authorities and
the fighters for a Free France, backed by British
naval units, at Dakar, is one more sharp lesson in
a broad problem of national defense which too
few Americans have adequately understood.
-- Christian Science Monitor
Blissful Ignorance
Charles Kettering, inventor, has his own ver-
sion of the old saying about blissful ignorance.
In an interview in Boys' Life he says he has seen
young men in the General Motors laboratories
handicapped because they had read somewhere

War News
More Hopeful
To Britain?
London's announcement that Ger-
man U-boats took their heaviest toll
of British shipping in the week ended1
Sept. 23 has both hopeful and om-
inous significance for bomb-battered
It indicates anew that Hitler may
lave reluctantly abandoned untilj
next year the hope of successful in-
vasion. It also implies that at
stepped-up Nazi campaign to starve
England will supplement a winter of
direct bombardment from the air.-
The Admiralty admitted losses of
substantially 160,000 tons of British
and British-used merchant tonnage
in the week. This is roughly three1
times the previous weekly average inr
this war. It is perilously near thef
peak attained by Germany in thet
World War, when Britain was faced
with possible starvation.
Chance alone cannot account for
so sudden and steep a rise. An in-
crease in the U-boat force assigned
to harry Britain's convoys and sea1
lanes seems a more logical explana-
tion. If this is so, German undersea
craft previously assigned to guard
the flanks of a Nazi invasion have
been put on the offensive.
The mighty British home fleet
with its huge battleships has been
held in leash for months by the in-
vasion peril. German U-boats and
submarine mine layers offered it a
more deadly damage than Nazi air
power if and when the invasiorr test
The British naval command could;
not have doubted that a close-drawn
screen of U-boats would have lined
both sides of the invading ships car-
rying legions of German troops to
England. The heaviest British naval
losses of the war almost certainly
would have resulted, whatever the
outcome of the invasion attempt.
The only capital ship losses ad-
mitted by London in thirteen months
of war were due to submarines, not
aircraft. It follows that submarines
and their special preparations to
screen an invasion were as vital to
the Nazi scheme, perhaps more vital,
than aircraft. If they have been re-
leased for other duty it is convincing
evidence the invasion idea has been
shelved in Berlin.
If the British Admiralty became,
convinced this was the case, prompt
concentration of counter-bombing
attacks on targets in Germany no
doubt would follow. Bombardment
of the so-called "invasion ports"
across the Channel is an element of
England's defense against invasion.
The bombing of Germany proper
takes on an offensive nature.

(Continued from Page 2)
which applications may be filed
until June, 1941. Complete an-
nouncement on file at the University
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Textbook Lending Library, .1223
Angell Hall, will receive applications
for textbooks and issue textbooks
already applied for on Wednesday,
October 2, from 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock
and from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
See page 16 of the "Announcement
of the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts' for further details.
Freshman Glee Club: All freshmen
men and first-year ,transfer students
are eligible for membership. It meets
every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.in the Glee
Club room, 3rd. floor of the Union
The first meeting and try-outs will
be herd today.
The Stalker Cooperative House for
boys has two vacancies. Anyone in-
terested phone 7902, or call at 333
East Ann St.
Applications for the Hillel Hostess
Scholarship may be obtained at the
Hillel Foundation any day until Sat-
uxday, Oct. 5. Announcement of the
interviews will be made next week.
Academic Notices
German 151: All applicants for
German 151 (Teacher's Course) will
please communicate with me today
at 9-10 or 11-12 in 303 SW (Tel 689)
to arrange schedule of hours.
Norman L. Willey
German 253. Historical German
Grammar: All applicants for Ger-
man 253 will please communicate
with me today at 9-10 or 11-12 in
303 SW (Tel 689) to arrange sched-
ule of hours.
Norman L. Willey
German 253, Historical German
Grammar meets Monday from 7-9
in 303 Library.
Norman L. Willey
History 105: Today at 11:00 a.m.
Come to 231 Angell Hall.
P. A. Throop
Math. 120, Life Insurance Account-
ing,, will meet Wednesday evenings
from 7:30 to 9:30, first meeting Wed-
nesday, October 2, in 3201 A.H. Mr.
Raymond F. Reitter, consulting actu-
ary and accountant in Detroit, will.
be the instructor for this course.
Math. 327, Seminar in Statistics.
Preliminary meeting to arrange hours

Philosophy 130 will meet in 205
W. Frankena ;
All graduate students who expect
to enter the Hopwood contests this
year must enroll in a course in com-
position this semester.
R. W. Cowden
English 300A will meet today, 4-6
p.m., 2208 A.H.
C. C. Fries
English 197 (English Honors):
Members of this class will meet for
organization on Thursday, Oct. 3,
at 4 p.m. in 2235 A.H.
W. G. Rice
English 211b. This class meets
with English 267 on MWF at 9 in
2219 A.H.
W. G. Rice
English 211g will mdet on Thurs-
day, 2-4 p.m., 3217 A.H.
J. L. Davis
English 293 (Bibliography). The
first meeting of this clast will be
held today at 4 p.m. in 2235 A.H.
W. G. Rice
English 230, Studies ,in Spenser:
There will be a meeting on Thurs-
day, Oct. 3, at 4 p.m. in 2211 A.H.
to arrange class hours for the sem-
M. P. Tilley
English 297: There will be a short
meeting of the students in my sec-
tion of English 297 at 4:00 p.m. in
room 3216 Angell Hall.
E. A. Walter
English 31, Sec. 2 (MWF 9) will
meet in 3231 A.H.
John Weimer
M.E. 33 and M.E. 38 will meet to-
day at 4:00 p.m. in Room 209 En-
gineering Annex. Semester arrange-
ments will be made at this time.
W. E. Lay
C.P.T: Students: The first meet-
ing of the Primary Ground School
will be held tonight at 7:30, in Room
1042 East Engineering Building.
Aero. Eng. 14: Students who have
elected this course, for research in
aerodynamics, with Professor Stalk-
er or Professor Thompson, will meet
to arrange hours, in Room B-47,
East Engineering Building, at 4:15
Today's Events
Michigan Sailing Club meeting on


Prof. James Pollock was going the
the political train, keeping his hand
Of course he's "Jim" to those boys.
, * * -

rounds of

It was "Jim" who passed the word around
that Sen. Lodge was aboard the special. But
the crowd was more interested in spry Gov.
may do the minimum amount of work or he
may exert extra effort purely for the satisfac-
tion he derives from it. He is responsible only
to University regulations and himself.
In short, the cooperative is a reflection of the
student himself. When he does some work for
the co-op, he is enriching himself as mirrored
by the house. The satisfaction he derives work-
ing for the cooperative quite naturally inflates
his ego. And yet he is being altruistic. He is
-ot working selfishly.
And so when the house is clean and shiny
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