W eather Continued Cold. Yig iflfr iga 444brp 4:3 attg Editorial One Activity That's Worthwhile Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. L. No. 56 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S Offlicials Are Reported Considering Credit Grants Nine Government Heads Said To Be Discussing War Loans To Britain British Committee May Be Sent Here WASHINGTON, Dec. 3--M)-The whole question of British financial re- sources and ability to buy war ma- terials in this country was reported authoritatively to have been thecause and chief topic of a meeting today of nine of the most important of- ficials in the government. According to this source, it was not a meeting to decide whether the United States should lend money to Britain, but more to take an account- ing of the situation resulting from British contracts, now aggregating more than $2,500,000,000 and expected to rise to $4,000,000,000 next year. Another source, who seemed to have the same idea, said he understood all British purchases, present and prospective, were tabulated and an- alyzed. Lothian's Statement It was, one indicated, the aftermath of the controversy stirred up by the recent statement of Lord Lothian, British ambassador, that Britain was running out of the means of buying American products, and needed fi- nancial as well as material aid. The reported nature of the meet- ing also seemed to fit the news that came out here Saturday that the Brit- ish shortly would send an official mission to this country to survey the financing problem. A possible ex- planation of today's gathering was that the United States was setting up a committee to join this British mis- sion in the study-a study which is expected to develop vital information of the very nature for which a num- ber of Congressmen are demanding investigations. Significance Uncertain The only certain thing about to- day's meeting was the attendance, which alone was significant because nearly every time a similar gather- ing of so many high oficials has oc- curred in recent months, some im- portant, step in the "aid-to-Britain" policy has been announced very soon afterward. Such meetings preceded the trade of navy destroyers for At- lantic bases the announcement that Britain woud be allowed to order 12,000 more warplanes, and the re- lease of four-motored bombers to England. "These people don't get'together to talk about peanuts," is the way one conferee put it, referring to the fol- lowing who were closeted in the Treasury. Clare Boothe's Anti-Nazi Play Begins T onight "Margin for Error," Clare Boothe's anti-Nazi murder mystery play will open at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn, presented by Play Pro- duction and the Department of Speech. The run will continue to- morrow night and through Saturday. The story concerns the murder of a Nazi consul and differs from the us- ual mystery in that the crime is com- mitted before the eyes of the aud- ience. The "margin of error" referred to in the title questions whether the German government allows for such a margin in the activities of its con- suls. This is the third play to be offered by the drama group this semester; those }receding were "Three Men on a Horse", and "The Bat." The first play, as well as "Margin for Error" was directed by Prof. Valentine B. Windt, while Prof. William P. Hal- stead directed "The Bat." Miss Boothe is also the author of "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" and "The Women." Her new book "Europe in the Spring" was published shortly after her return from abroad. "Margin for Error" ran for 100 per- fanm-n n nc at' nf tPr n'n flrax An,,, and State Bankers To Meet Here In Conference First Study Session Opens With Address By Griffin At Union Tomorrow All Banking Phases Will Be Discussed Michigan bankers and trust of- ficials will gather in the Union to- morrow and Friday for the meetings of the Third Annual Bankers Study Conference, held under the joint sponsorship of the University, the State Banking Department and the Michigan Bankers Association. First session of the Conference will open at 9:30 a.m. and will feature a greeting to the delegates by Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School of Business Administration. Next meet- ing, a Conference study session, will open at 10:15 a.m. and feature cn- sideration of "Bank Operating C6n- trols and Audits." Speakers will in- clude Clarence Schafer of Chesaning, J. H. Reinking of St. Joseph and Herberf Strasler of Detroit. Luncheon tomorrow noon will fea- ture an address on "The Develop- ment of an Effective Personality" by Prof. Arthur Secord of the speech department. The second study session will open at 3 p.m. and take up "Pub- lic Relations," "Soliciting of Banking Business" and "What Services a Bank Can Render and Receive Pay For." The annual banquet tomorrow eve- ning will be held in the Union, and the Varsity Glee Club will furnish music for the dinner. Dean E. Blythe Stason of 'the Law School will ad- dress the group at the banquet on "Tax Problems Confronting the Banker." "Bank Operations" and two other topics to be selected after the open- ing meetings will be discussed at the third study meeting, scheduled to open at 9 a.m. Friday. Friday after- noon's business session, final assem- bly of the Conference, will take up "Mortgage Loans," featuring an ad- dress by True D. Morse of St. Louis, Mo. The proceedings of the conference will be prepared and published in bulletin form by the School of Busi- ness Administration. Opera' Sellout Appears Likely Best Seats For Production Going Fast, Silcott Says The first day sale of tickets to the Union Opera's production, "Take A Number", opening Dec. 11 and continuing through the 14th recorded the equivalent of a sellout for a sin- gle performance, Jack Silcott, Grad., general chairman of the production announced yesterday. A word to the wise should be suf- ficient, but it wouldn't be amiss to warn prospective buyers to hurry and buy their ducats if they hope to get choice seats, Silcott added. Tickets may be purchased at this time by sending a check or money order to the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The box of- fice will be open to accommodate direct sales on Monday, Dec. 9. Meanwhile a committee headed by Art Treut, '41A, is visiting fraternity houses as part of the advance ticket sale. Most of the house managers have agreed to put the cost of tickets on house bills, Silcott said. Mexico Considers EnglishFriendship MEXICO CITY, Dec. 4.-(1P)-Pres- ident Camacho's new foreign minis- ter, Ezequiel Padilla, said tonight Mexico is "considering with great interest the possibility of renewing interrupted (diplomatc) relations with Great Britain." Mexico broke relations with Lon- don when Great Britain sternly ob- jected to expropriating of British- owned oil-properties in 1938. Asked about the possibility of recognizing Generalissimo Franco's Spanish government, Padilla said, "We are going to study the situa- tion." Medical Society Plans Tag Dayr STo Benefit Crippled Children Greeks Reported Nearby Vi'tal Albanian Sea Base; Galens 12th Drive Seeks To Bring Joy, Happiness To Handicapped Kiddies When you see a man on the cam- pus Friday or Saturday with a shin- ing, galvanized pail, he will be a member of Galens, honorary junior and senior medical society, partici- pating in the annual Galens Tag Day Drive. For twelve years members of this society have sold tags and used the proceeds for the benefit of the crip- pled children in the University Hos- pital. Each year at Christmas time with the money they raise, Galens brings happiness and good cheer to these children who have no other way to amuse themselves except by work- ing in the Galens shop. The main purpose of the Christ- mas party is. to see that everyone of these "kiddies" has plenty to eat, plenty of fun and lots of toys. The ninth floor of the University Hospit- al at the time of the party is the happiest place in the building, re- sounding with the gleeful shouts of happy children.I It is with the furgds raised during, the drive that the Galens workshop continues to exist and it is in this Gerhart Seger Will Discuss Fifth Column Ex-Member Of Reichstag To Describe Subversive Elements In America "The German Fifth Column," a description and warning of subversive elements in this country, will be the topic of an address by Hon. Gerhart W..Seger, former member of the Ger- man Reichstag, to be given at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham building. Sponsored by the Ann Arbor branch of William Allen White's Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Al- lies, Mr. Seger will be giving his third University lecture this year. A former member of the Committee of Foreign Relations of the Reich- stag and a prominent editor in Ber- lin, Mr. Seger was one of the first to be confined to a concentration camp in 1933. His experiences of in- ternment inspired his book, "Orian- enburg," which sold 224,000 copies, and was translated into English, en- titled "A Nation Terrorized." At the time of his arrest, Mr. Se- ger's wife and child were interned in a concentration camp for men until action on the part of women in Brit- ish Parliament brought about their release. Mr. Seger escaped from Or- anienburg into Switzerland. He is now editor of the German weekly "Neue Volkzeitung," which has a national circulation. While waiting for citizenship papers, Mr. Seger has delivered nearly 800 lec- tures in 42 states of this country. Roosevelt Sails ABOARD USS MAYRANT, Dec. 3 -V!P)-President Roosevelt shoved off from Miami aboard the cruiser Tus- caloosa today and headed for the Caribbean Sea, indicating he had only a general idea of where he would go. He parried questions about whether he would inspect air and naval sites acquired from England. workshop that these crippled children forget their beds and their illnesses through the joy of making toys. For those who aren't fortunate enough to get permision to work in the shop, the others supply the toys. With the help of an experienced in- structor, they are taught to draw patterns, paint various designs and, in some cases to operate the machines. Out of their beds, working with their hands, they forget their illnesses and build up their self-confidence. In response to the need for a candy and cigarette stand Galens estab- lished a Newsstand in the lobby of the Hospital, the proceeds of which are used to help maintain the work- shop and for a visual education pro- gram for the medical school. No goal has been set for this year, but the society will try to top the $1,700 figure taken in last year. Imre Ferenczi To Speak Here On Population Swiss Expert Will Discuss Effect Of Present War On Nations' Man Power Dr. Imre Ferenczi, noted Swiss population and migration expert, will deliver a University lecture on "War and Man Power" at 4:15 p.m. to- morrow in Rackham Lecture Hall under the auspices of the economics department. Formerly lecturer on social policy at the University of Budapest and for many years technical advisor to the municipality of Budapest, Dr. Ferenczi has lectured at the Grad- uate Institute of International Stud- ies and at numerous other European institutions. He has been carrying on his study of migration and population problems at the International Labor Office for the past 20 , years and distin- guished for the international view- point of his work. Author of a work on the Synthet- ic Optimum of Population, Dr. Feren- czi has collaborated with the National Bureau of Economics Research and is a contributor to Encyclopedia Brit- tanica and the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. U.S. Shipyards Get Orders From English (By The Associated. Press) LONDON, Dec. 3-The British dis- closed today they have turned to United States shipyards with an order for 60 new freighters to meet their most immediate menace-Nazi raids from on, above and below the sur- face of the sea. In addition, Ronald H. Cross, the youthful minister of shipping, told the House of Commons: "Old but serviceable United States vessels, in- cluding vessels belonging to the mari- time commission, have been and will continue to be purchased for the British flag as opportunity offers." Britain's own figures and acknow- ledgements, entirely aside from those broadcast by the Germans, made it a black Tuesday for Britain at sea. Another cabinet member, food min- ister Lord Woolton, declared in a speech: "We must have speed! speed! speed! . . . and ships! ships! ships!" 17 British Merchantmen Sunk By German Subs Yesterday, Nazis State 15 In Single Convoy Go Down In Battle (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, Dec. 3-German subma- rines swooping against British ship- ping yesterday sank 17 merchantmen -15 of them in a single convoy- totaling more than 131,000 tons and a 17,000-ton auxiliary cruiser which went down with her guns spouting, the Nazi High Command announced today. Besides these which it declared sunk for sure, two others aggregating 16,000 tons probably were sent to the bottom, today's communique said, adding: "Thus on Dec. 2 submarines alone sank British shipping totaling over 160,000 tons." In the attack on the convoy the U-Boats were reported to have dodged shell fire from a strong cruis- er and destroyer protecting force to destroy 110,000 tons of ships. The other two possible victims were in this conyo i. Despite "energetic fire" from the sunken cruiser and the other ships shepherding the convoy, the com- munique said the submarines got the range and rammed home their tor- pedoes. Midlands Main Target Of Luftwaffe Attack (By The Associated Press) LONDON Dec. 4. (Wednesday) The German Luftwaffe broke off its attacks on London and a western Midlands town shortly before mid- night last night in the thick of dirty flying conditions. The Midlands town apparently was the main objective, although the raiders flew over Wales and other provincial areas and paid London fleeting "nuisance" visits, dropping bombs in the face of heavy anti-air- craft fire. The Midlands raid, of comparative- ly short duration, was the first on that town in several days. Principal damage reported was to shops and homes. Raiders were reported early from South Wales and Southwest and Mid- land English towns. Baxter To Show Alaskan Pictures Professor Dow V. Baxter, of the Forestry Department, will present technicolor pictures of Alaska in an illustrated lecture at 4:15 today in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing, at the Graduate Coffee Hour. The subject of Professor Baxter's lecture will be "Wild Life in the Yukon Country in Relation to Alas- ka." Following the address, there will be a round table discussion. Professor Baxter has spent the last seven sum- mers in the north studying forest cathology. Bonelli Asks Subsidization of Art In U.S. "The young American singer will have only one chance in a million for operatic success until our government subsidizes art." declared Richard Bo- nelli, leading baritone of the Metro- politan Opera, in an interview last night in Hill Auditorium. Commenting upon the fine calibre of artists in this country, the grey- eyed, heavy-set singer, who is Amer- ican born, called them the "finest in the world," and asserted that the best instruction in singing also may be had in our metropolitan cen- ters here. "Europe after World War I was not the art and culture center it was be- fore," Bonelli pointed out," and since then the grand old masters of the old, meticulous schools have for the most part died as a generation. And now with the second upheaval-there is little to be gained in European study." "However," Bonelli continued ser- iously, "there is too little opportunity right here for our fine singers to perform." He went on to compare the European procedure of 40 week opera seasons to our own 16 week period, and explained that an American ar- tist struggling for success has no chance to learn 20 or 30 difficult op- eratic roles here because he is given no opportunity for extensive exper- ience. We need mores opera companies, more public interest," the singer con- cluded, "and a Department of Arts and Sciences at Washington." Group To Meet On Industrial Relation Work Problems From Technical Changes In Factories Theme Of Conference The third in a series of roundtables on the problem of "Obtaining Em- ployee Acceptance of Methods, De- velopment and Production Stan- dards," sponsored by the Bureau of Industrial Relations, will be held to- morrow and Friday in the Rackham Building. The roundtables follow a definite outline which has been prepared on the basis of a field study at twenty selected companies. This outline cen- ters upon the industrial relations as- pect of methods and time- study work. This constantly necessary techni- cal change which takes place in in- dustry is desirable, John W. Riegel, director of the Bureau of Industrial Relations said, but it causes certain "stresses and strains" between em- ployers and employees. Certain em- ployees have to be shifted about from plant to plant or to different sec- tions of the plant, causing them great concern. These conferences are designed spe- cifically to deal with these problems Reigel pointed out, and to enable company representatives to gain ideas from others, as well as to test and compare their ideas with others. How to set up productions standards, he stated, so that everyone is asked to do a reasonable amount of work, is the most important thing to deter- mine at these meetings. U-Boats Claim Huge Toll Troops Near Porto Edda As Fascists Flee; Claim Victories 09 All Fronts Last Enemy Force In Albania Trapped (By The Associated Press) ATHENS, Dec. 4. (Wednesday).- Greek troops have advanced to with- in a nile and a quarter'of Porto Edda, the Italians' southernmost sea base in Albania, a government spokesman declared early today. In that area, he said, the Fascists were retreating rapidly. He reported, too, that Greek gains were continuing along the entire front despite bad weather and stub- born Italian resistance at some points. Claim Occupation Of Heights . One important advance claimed was occupation of the heights north- east of Libohovo, some six miles southeast of Argirocastro, the Italian supply base. In the center of the front, the spokesman said, the Greeks seized the Plateau of Platovouni, "where our men crushed strong enemy nesist- ance." Capture of some 100 prisoners in that sector-specifically in the region of the town of Premet-was claimed, and the spokesman said that as the Italians retreated one of their "Hoice" companies was decimated and a cap- tain, another officer and "what was left of the company" were made pris- oner. Down Italian Planes The Greek - High Command said Greek bombers had successfully at- tacked storehouses behind the Fascist lines, setting big fires. Two Italian planes were declared shot down to one Greek loss. Earlier, a general advance into Albania had been claimed for Greek soldiers moving acrdss battlefields wet with snow and rain. The "most important" thrust, a government spokesman said, was that of the Left Wing, which was report- ed to have advanced beyond Porto Edda in an encircling movement that threatened to trap the last Italian fighting force in the south- western tip of Albania. Marriage Talk Will Be Given Dr. Greene Will Deliver Sixth Public Lecture Dr. Katherine Greene will delive the sixth supplementary lecture of the Course in Marriage Relations at 7:30 p.m. today in the Women's Lounge of the Rackham Building. The announcement was incorrect- ly made in yesterday's Daily. The lecture and the discussion that will follow will consider problems and questions related to recreation in the family. The general public is invited to attend. The supp'lementary lectures are de- signed to expand the scope of the regular series of Marriage Lectures. Tomorrow evening Prof. Marvin L. Niehuss of the Law School will lead a discussion of the Law of Domestic Relation in the final supplementary lecture of the series. Michigan Suffers First Severe Cold Of Winter Season 1k t Heads High, Literary Il en --You're 'Tops' In Coeds Date Preference By S. R. WALLACE The Lit School boys are the best and the Dentists the worst. And thus the Michigan coed has, declared herself for posterity-for in a representative poll of 150 women yesterday the statistical results shoxv~l that the campus' feminine contingent most likes todate the men in the College of Literature, Science and Arts and least likes to date men in the School of Dentistry. The engineers ran a bad second in the "good escort" class, and the foresters came in only two points be- hind the leader in the "no good" classification. Most of the reasons advanced by coeds for choosing the Lits as their were: they're rarely seen at campus1 social events, and therefore not satis-l factorily prolific daters, they are too colorless as personalities, and too anx- ious to talk shop.1 Most of the women want it under- stood, however, that their reasons are based on personal experience with in- dividual dates in the various schools,3 and that they do not intend to con- demn the groups collectively but in- dividually. Each admits that the right man in any school isn't hard to take! The question as presented to them read: "In which schools do the men you most like to date study, and in which school are the men you least the Forestry School, 20 for the Col- lege of Engineering, 2 for the Music School, 1 for -the Medical School, and 1 for Ictheologists, or whatever school they belong to. Here are some of the comments of various coeds for the record, but they were given with the proviso that the groups mentioned in derogatory man- ner be generous enough not to black- list them! Elise Clark, '42, who liked the Lits, but not the Medicos: "A woman seems to have more common interests with the Lit men. I like Meds least be- cause for the most part they're older, and too studious to be entertaining." Beverly Sadwith, '42, who liked io,,,,,achit no r~f inictc *"T'hp law-i IvMichigan experienbed its first se- Metraux To Speak vere cold wave of the pre-winter sea- son yesterday and the weather bu- At Cerele Francais reau said the frigid blasts would con- tinue at least another day. Le Cercle Francais will meet at: Temperatures dipped to record- 7:30 p.m. today in Room 402 of the breaking lows in several cities. In 4 he some sections of the state light snows Romance Languages Building to hear were falling. Guy S. Metraux, '42, of Lausanne. Sault Ste. Marie reported 14 de- Switzerland discuss "The Provinces ofgSulwSte reote embde France." grees below zero-coldest December 3 on record-amid forecasts of an A student in several Continental early freeze-up of the St. Mary's I