WAGE FOUR TH E MICH IAN TATLY TUESDlAY, DECEMBE~R 3. 1940 will, THE MICHIGAN DAILY JiMG TUT M r A vT p$"* - -C - - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise creditedI in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pub'lisbers Representative 420 MACDISON AvE.sNEw YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LOs ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff THE REPLY CHURLISH By TOUCHSTONE U P SUNDAY NIGHT until seven o'clock Mon- am not so interested in myself as I am in other day morning if you know what I mean after things, and gifted as I am with a certain venom, a hard weekend, and was in very receptive mood I often feel crunching beneath my iron heels for my now officially approved fellow pillar pen- the delicate toes of people who are already feel- ner, Mascott, in his essay as of Sunday which I ing their wary ways along paths of broken saw yesterday, subject: Academic Allergy. Have glass and rusty nails. Write. Right? Write. suffered from same for divers years, have tried everything from benzedrine to Lloyd Berridge, fATURDAY NIGHT in Detroit did catch the but am still up at seven o'clock on Monday morn- fial program of the Ballet Russe de Monte ning and not exactly in the pink except in certain Carlo, my first experience of the bullet, and parts of the anatomy like my eyes or where the carried away that marvelling, delighted feeling cushion in sway-backed easy chair is lopsided, that comes when a new thing is revealed to you But very very good for Mascott, except the last for the first time. The honorable appetite for paragraph, a bit of burnishing the pomme, rub- the legit stage and the celluloids has become old bing the arsenic off so to speak, which in my maw and jaded of late, and even excellent music, did stick. For further edification of now fellow stirring as it is while I'm there, has failed to entertainer of student body, I too took Ec 52 (it arouse that ticklish acute anticipation that once does not need to be spelled out, he will know came at the very sight of a ticket envelope. what you mean and won't take offense) and re- And so at the ballet my taste buds were happy ceived therein a 'C', and what is more did also with a new flavor, and one that will in the take it from Mr. Palmer, but that is all in the future be taken more frequently. past, and I can with some impunity say he is a I can't talk about it all in the terms of a good guy and likes Daily men, and about all I do critic, for as I say this was my first time, but I do now to show my gratitude is say a cordial hello sense that the form comes as close to the per- to twin brother of aforesaid Palmer, an English fection of art found in music as any blending teacher who stares at me as if I were mad. Hi, of people rather than instruments can. Now Mr. Palmer, and be good to Mascott, he is only this next will bring groans of anguish to the kidding when he says he is only kidding, and lips of those long familiar with ballet, but too, there are many of us like him. It doesn't do me after having marvelled at the grace and ease any good to give any of my profs free space here and control of a Fred Astaire in many dancing because writing under a nom de plume as I do, movies, to see a stage full of his betters all doing they wouldn't know who to be good to anyhow, the impossible and wonderful at the same time and I'm not kicking, for in this day and age a makes in the throat that tight feeling, don't nom de plume is a very convenient thing to you know. have, hello Gestapo, Hello Berlin, hello Fritz BEST of the three parts of the program, was Kuhn, hello all you grand old men out there. The New Yorker, in which the cartoon char- I am not so worried about ineligibility as about acters of the magazine came to the stage and other things. But this gets less whimsical, and danced all that their artists ever conceived of my temper is short as I write, and it is nice to their lives into moving, satiric, nerve-wracking be whimsical, don't you think, kiddies? existence. Boy it was swell, let me tell you. ,x 'The other two parts, Petrouchka, and Capric- AM BEING CRITICIZED currently for my cio Espagnol were fine too, but lacked the mean- lack of that vague quality known as good ing for moderns found in the first. Massine taste, which in the jargon means I say some and Yazvinsky, Katcheroff and Franklin were things straight. Because I have noticed that the "it" in the first dance, and George Gershwin the only writing ,worth doing usually offends gets an orchid and regret for the fast-moving somebody, be it only somebody's mother, boys, score. Krassovska carried away most of the I don't feel too bad. But after all I am getting scenes she appeared in, at least from the other paid for this, and I would like if at all possible females in the cast. to please at least part of my readers. So if you It all sounds too trite. I don't know the terms think I am a nasty old thing, won't you please to use, or how to go at telling about the thing. write to me here and say so? And if you think The story never matters, it is all in the single I'm kind of sweet in spite of it all, well I would and group dancing, the tossing of bodies, the just adore to get some fan mail. This all sounds magic moving of feet and legs, the absolute very much like a commercial plug over NBC lack of any moments of ungrace. Let it go, or a Gallup poll, but it springs out of a sincere Touch old boy, let it go, you're out over head with interest and a certain amount of smothered no lifebelt. If my word goes for anything, just resentment against person or persons for the catch a ballet the next time you get a chance record unknown. There are times when I simply and see what I mean. So long until soon. The Lion's Share Hervie Haufler Alvin iSarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor . .. Editorial Director . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor Sports Editor . . . .Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising- Manager . . Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: CHESTER BRADLEY The editorials published i The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. What's The War All About? . . T'S ALWAYS a good idea when one is engrossed in the thick of action to stop a bit and ask the questions: where are we going, what's all the fighting about? That is why generals remain behind the lines rather than in them -so that they may view the whole situa- tion and organize their forces in the most effec- tive manner. We in America have still time to ask, "What's this war all about?" We still have the oppor- tunity to stand behind the lines and ask what England is fighting against and more important, what she is fighting for. We ought to know the platform of the candidate we support. Aside from Mr. Chamberlain's generality at the beginning of the war that the purpose of the war was to end Hitlerism, no program of objec- tives has been outlined. Mr. Churchill repeatedly has said the time for such a program has not arrived, and indeed there is a case for such a statement, for after all, self-defense comes above everything, and Britain is now preoccupied with that vital task. But what about '41, '42, '43, when from all the vague statements that we hear from England an offensive on the continent is planned? We in America would like to know, for that is when the pressure for American aid will be greatest. Will a British victory mean the reaffirmation of the supremacy of British imperial power and the complete subjection of her vanquished rivals- or may we expect, as the English Minister of Labor, Ernest Bevin, has promised, the social security of Europe? Mr. Bevin truly says that one of the main factors contributing to the war was the failure (largely accountable to Britain, we might add) of building an economic structure based on humanity after the last World conflict. It does no good to speak to Europe's millions in terms of "Gladstone's liberty"- political liberty -says Mr. Bevin, because that is not enough. The people, he says, must be given a feeling of hope, an assurance, that they may eat as well as vote. HERBERT HOOVER, who made a study of the origins of dictatorships in Europe some years ago, came away with the profound conviction that these origins were economic, that dictator- ships arose because people lacked the necessary material things in life, a lack which gave rise, in turn, to discontent and a willingness to follow almost any leader who promised them food, clothing and a roof. Ernest Bevin is wise in his generation when he talks about giving the people security. He is wise when he utters the words, "Things can never be as they were. The old age has passed. A new age has to be built." Herbert Hoover didn't face the implications of his own deductions. He, along with many of the influential leaders in Britain and the United States still would bind us to decadent economic and social institutions whose collapse will mean the end of all our liberties. We're still behind the lines. We still have the opportunity of deciding whether we shall support the special interests whose leadership in'the last war brought us bloodshed today, or whether we will reserve our support to those who will face the future frankly and lay the real foundations for DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON-What is happening in Eng- land today is a barrage of truth. Suddenly, British censors have passed a succession of news stories which admit what U.S. military observers long ago knew, that the damage in England was terrific, that airplane production had slowed down, and that British shipping was in a more desperate predicament than during some of the dark days of the first World War. These facts also have been admitted by re- sponsible cabinet officers on the floor of Par- liament. The sudden frankness means only one thing-the British are telling us that unless they get even greater help from the United States, they may face defeat. Actually the situation has not changed ma- terially, except for the willingness for the British to talk about it. The odds definitely have been against the British from the very minute France surrendered. But thanks to the Greeks and the failures of the Italian fleet, British odds have improved considerably, though they are not yet 50-50. The situation still is the same as frequently reported in this column, namely that one outside nation-the United States or Russia-could tip the war's balance one way or the other. Four Master Minds Senator Joe Guffey, re-elected Pennsylvania New Dealer, is circulating a unique election trophy. It consists of a photostatic reproduc- tion of four checks he won betting on Roosevelt against Willkie. The checks are: Frank R. Kent, Baltimore Sun columnist, $100; Joseph Alsop, New York Herald-Tribune colum- nist, $50; G. Gould Lincoln, Washington Star columnist, $25; Fred W. Perkins, Scripps-Howard staff writer, $25. Topping Guffey's circular is this caption: "Errors in judgment of political writers." No British Loans Lord Lothian's frank admission that Britain was nearing the end of her ready-cash rope was no surprise to Administration leaders. They had discussed this question, behind the scenes, for some time. In these confidential conversations the gen- eral opinion was expressed that World War his- tory should not be repeated, and that the United States should turn thumbs down on foreign war loans. But at the same time, and far more imy portant, there was no question that the British must get help from the United States. In other words, Great Britain would get what she wants from the United States either through outright gifts or swapping for bases. But loans, with their post-war headaches, were ruled out. prefer such a straightforward policy to the back- door method of repealing the Johnson Act an4 putting financial assistance on a commercial basis. ~~ EL The City Editor's .icopatch Pad NOW that Charley Ross has gone to the hem- stitcier and Paul Goldsmith has felt the might of Canada, the Daily's headline "Reno- vated Hockey Team To Open Season" doesn't mean much. Lest you're wondering, there was no clash of personalities in Hill Auditorium last night. The Daily had Richard Bonelli scheduled to throat his baritone songs in competition with Julien Bryan, who talks on "Brazil". * *.* Ah! You've guessed. It was a typographi- cal error. Bonelli sings tonight; Bryan was all through last night. * * * IF YOU'RE SEEKING something different in entertainment, stay up for the late-evening dance band programs over Columbia Broadcast- ing system. The feud between ASCAP and BMI has already begun. ASCAP is an organization which has a strangle hold on most of the leading composers of "pop- ular" (quotations for courtesy) music. BMI says ASCAP wants too much money. BMI controls the radio networks and stations. * * * So, instead of paying the big wampum, BMI is going to try to squeeze out their alphabetical enemies. It is hoped that by Jan. 1 there will be no more of that ASCAP music heard on the air. CBS is doing things a little quicker. Right now they forbid ASCAP music on any network, unsponsored program. Sponsors can use the tainted stuff until the New Year. BMI's tactics will be to inspire new songs, and resurrect the old. It now has one acceptable TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 55f Publication in the DaRy Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs.- Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, December 4, from 4 to 6 o'clock. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern, well-located, Ann Arbor residential property. Inter- est at current rates. F.H.A. terms available. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Engineers: Sophomore, Junior and Senior: Mid-semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West Engineering Building. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean Public Health Assembly: Pan Amer- ican Health Day will be commemorat- ed today at 4:00 p.m. in the auditori- um of the W. K. Kellogg Institute of Graduate and Postgraduate Dentistry. The program sponsored by the Divi- sion of Hygiene and Public Health will be presented by representative students of Costa Rica, Guatemela and Venezuela. Dr. J. B. Jimenez, forIerly of Porto Rico and now Phy- sician in the Health Service, will lead the discussion. All professional stu- dents are expected to be present and others interested are welcome. Choral Union Members: Members of the Choral Union Chorus whose records are clear, will please call for their courtesy tickets for the Richard Bonelli concert today between 9 and 12 and 1 and 4 o'clock, at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. To members of the faculty, stu- dents, and townspeople: The Board of Governors of Residence Halls, and the residents and staff of theEast Quadrangle of Men's Residence Halls, cordially invite members of the fac- ulty, students, and townspeople, to attend an Open House in the East Quadrangle, on Thursday, Decem- ber 5, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Stu- dent guides will be available to con- duct visitors through the variouis units of the Quadrangle. Guests are asked to enter through the East Uni- versity door, which leads directly into the main lobby. Senior Bookkeeping Machine Op- erator, Salary: $1620, Dec. 31, 1940. Senior Blueprint Operator, Salary: $1440, Dec. 31, 1940.r Junior Blueprint Operator, Salary: $1260, Dec. 31, 1940. Senior Photostat Operator, Salary: $1440, Dec. 31, 1940. Junior Photostat Operator, Salary:j $1260, Dec. 31, 1940. gn Horizontal Sorting Machine Op-i erator, Salary: $1260, Dec. 31, 1940.t Multilith Cameraman and Plate- maker, Salary: $1620, Dec. 31, 1940. Multilith Press Operator; Salary: $1440, Dec. 31, 1940. Senior Photographer, Salary: $2000, Dec. 31, 1940. Assistant Photographer, Salary: $1620, Dec. 31, 1940. Machinists, Salary: $6.80 per day to $1.104 per hour, Indefinitely. Shipfitters, Salary: $6.81 per day to $8.93 per day, Indefinitely. Lens Grinders, Salary: $5.92 per day to $8.00 per day, Indefinitely. Loftsmen, Salary: $ 1.044 per hour to $1128 per hour, Indefinitely. Instrument Makers, Salary: $7.44 per day to $1.248 per hour, Indef- initely. Complete information on file at the UNIVERSITY BUREAU OF AP- POINTMENTS AND OCCUPATION- AL INFORMATION, 201 Mason Hall, Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Bacteriology Seminar on Wednes- day, December 4, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "The 'Second Stage' in Antigen-Anti- body Reactions." All interested are invited. Math. 370, Seminar today at 4:00 p.m. in 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Var- num will continue his report. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Richard Bo- nelli, baritone, will give the fifth pro- gram in the Choral Union Concert Heries this evening at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Organ Recital: ,Palmer Christian, University Organist, will present a Christmas program at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday in Hill Auditorium. His concert will be composed entirely of Christmas organ selections. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An exhibit of ceramic processes including structure, form, color and glazing is being shown in the first floor hall of the Architecture Building through December 10. Open daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 5. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Imre Fer- enczi, formerly of the International LaborOffice, Geneva, Switzerland, will lecture on the subject "War and Man Power" under the auspices of jhe Department of Economics on Thursday, December 5, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Melville J. Her- skovits, Professor of Anthropology and Chairman of the Department at Northwestern University, will lecture on the subject, "The Negro in the New World," under the auspices of the De- partment of Anthropology, at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, December 6, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. Hon. Gerhart H. Seger will lecture on Wednesday, December 4, at 8:'00 (Continued on Page 6) RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920KC - NBC Red 1030 8C - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver 6:15 Musical Newscast " Evening Serenade 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day In Review 6:45 The World Today Lowell Thomas t Texas Rangers 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred, Waring Val Clare Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Dinner Music Here's Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Holmes Musical Rendezvous Ned Jordan 7:45 Haenschen Orch. " Doc Sunshine " - 8:00 Missing Heirs Johnny Presents Schubert Choir Ben Bernie 8:15 Missing Heirs " To Be Announced 8:30 First Nighter Treasure Chest FHA Speakers Question Bee 8:45 First Nighter Interlude; News " 9:00 We, the People Battle of the Sexes Toronto Symphony