Weather Partly cloudy, snow flurries. Y2 Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication :4i aiti Editorial Wht The W r All About? VOi. LI No. 55 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1940 Z-23 PRICE FIVE CENTS I s Nazi U-Boats Attack Seven British Ships Sings Today Berlin Fears RurnanianNazjs Reported Speeding Menace To War Efforts Nar Ire land Planes Continue Sea Raid; U.S. Receiving Stations Pick Up SOS Signals For Period Of 14 Hours Nazi Naval Base BombedBy RAF (By The Associated Press) NEW YORK, Dec. 2.-Underseas raiders struck at a convoy of mer- chant vessels about 500 miles west of Ireland today, torpedoing at least seven ships, while two other ships- one of them only 25 miles from Ire- land-were bombed from the air. Distress signals were heard here by Mackay Radio over a fourteen- hour period until silence veiled the convoy's fate. At least one ship was sunk, as indicated by the presence of survivors aboard another torpe- doed vessel. Old Freighter Bombed During that time, planes bombed+ the 276-ton British trawler Kilger-, ran Castle 25 miles southwest of In- salehead, Ireland, and the fifty-six year old Yugoslavian freighter Cetvri, 1,937 tons, 150 miles to the south. It was midnight in the new "grave- yard of the North Atlantic" when Mackay heard the first SOS, indi- cating a submarine attack, flashed by an unidentified vessel. Later calls indicated this was the first blow on a convoy of unknown size (convoys of 25 to 30 ships are not uncommon). Those ships identi- fied in the stricken convoy all trade with the Caribbean or pass through the Panama Canal to the west United States coast and Far Eastern ports. Second Call Heard Just before dawn, a second ship, the new 5,497-ton British freighter Lady Clanely, messaged she had been "tor- pedoed" at latitude 55 north, longi- tude 20 west, about 30 miles north- east of the first call. The powerful Valencia (Ireland) radio station relayed the next word of the attack, almost two hours later, that the British ship, "call letters GKIF," was "being attacked by a sub- marine" at 55.03 north, 18.40 west. Mackay Radio could not identify the ship. An hour later, from almost the same position on the edge of the declared German blockade around the British Isles, the Goodleigh, sister ship of the Lady Glanely, radioed that she had been "torpedoed." Message Is Indistinct Mackay 'heard an indistinct call from a torpedoed ship first believed to be the "S.S. Victoria." A later message from the Valencia station heard more distinctly said that the "Victor Ross" had been torpedoed. Mackay operatorshsaid this was probably the same ship. The Victor Ross, 12,247-ton British molasses tanker, trades between England and the Caribbean and Port Everglades, Fla. Meanwhile London reported suc- cessful overnight British raids upon the German Navy's shipbuilding yards at Wilhelmshaven naval base. and on other far separated objec- tives in Nazi territory. A great fire was declared left at Wilhelmshaven well within the ship- yards, where the ministry said a large number of submarines were un- der construction. Hit, too, it was announced, were the submarine base and naval docks at Lorient, France; the power station, jetty and drydocks at Brest, France; barracks and other buildings at a Nazi military camp in Kristiansand, Norway; the gas works in Asbjerg, Denmark, where "flames covered the whole area." Loans For China ReceiveApproval WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. -(-a)- Secretaries Hull and Morgenthau re- ceived a vote of confidence from the Senate Banking and House Coinage committees today for the proposal to give Chiang Kai-Shek's Chinese gov- ernment $100,000,000 in credits to help finance its war against Japan. Eighteen legislators from the two RICHARD BONELLI Choral Union Will Present Bonelli Today The University Musical Society will present Richard Bonelli, leading bar- itone of the Metropolitan Opera Com- pany,in the fifth Choral Union con- cert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium. Bonelli, American born singer who is well-known throughout the world for his operatic interpretations, will offer the following program: Aria "Deh, vieni," from "Don Giovanni" by Mozart; "La Partorella," by Schu- bert; "La Tarantalla" by Rossini; "Les Berceaux" by Faure; "La Man- dolin," by Debussy; and "An Old Song Resung" by Griffes. He will also sing "Bird of the Wild- erness" by Horsman; "Vision Fugi- tive" from "Herodiade" by Massenet; "Stille Thranen" and "Auftrage" by Schumann; Aria "Tanzlied des Pier- rot" from "Die Todte Stadt" by Korn- gold; "Winterliebe" by Strauss; "The Donkey" by Hageman; "Gifts" by Alec Templeton; "Kitty, My Love," arranged by Hughes; and "Stampede" by Ernest Charles.. Bonelli is a University of Syracuse graduate. Although he intended to enter a career in applied science, he was encouraged by music critics to continue his voice training and thus traveled to Paris after his graduation to study under the European masters. He is active in opera, on the concert stage, and in radio. Dr. Greene To Give Marriage Lecture Dr. Katherine Greene will deliver the sixth supplementary lecture of the Course in Marriage Relations at 7:30 p.m. today in the Women's Lounge of the Rackham Building. The lecture and discussion that will follow will consider problems and questions related to recreation in the family. The general public is invited to attend. The supplementary lectures are de- signed to expand the scope of the regular series of marriage lectures. A discussion of the Law of Domestic Relations will be led by Prof. Mar- vin L. Niehuss of the Law School at the final supplementary lecture on Thursday evening. By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) German concern over internal con- ditions in Rumania is too clearly in- dica'ted now for much doubt to exist that Berlin sees possibilities of a ser- ious menace to the Nazi war effort. Assured order in Rumania under a Nazi dominated regime is a prime requisite for Germany. Hitler's strat- egy in the Balkans has centered on protection of his vital supply depots in Rumania. How big a conflagration in that country has been touched off by the blood purge of the Green Shirt Pro- Nazi extremists remains to be seen. It seems clear, however, that Berlin can- not contemplate a march to aid Italy against the Greeks until the storm in Rumania has been definitely stilled. Germany has too much at stake there to take risks. Rumanian public opinion has had little chance to show itself since that country became a helpless pawn in the European war. Factional leaders have come and gone at Bucharest without even a shadow of popular support for their policies and acts. The parade of a motorized Nazi di- vision Through the streets of Buch- arest "with King Mihai bringing up the rear" afforded a test to some ex- tent of Rumanian ibublic feeling to- ward the Germans. It was intended to oveawe all factions and avert a German resort to arms to maintain order. Neutral observers report that Hit- ler's war chariots rumbled through the streets of the capital amid an apathetic if not a definitely hostile silence. The cheers were reserved for the boy king. Berlin would haye Rumanians be- lieve that Nazi troops are stationed in that country only to protect it Prof. Windt Chooses Cast For New Play Boothe's German Drama, 'Margin For Error', To Star Arthur Klein Players in "Margin For Error," to be performed by Play Production to- morrow through Saturday, were an- nounced yesterday by Prof. Valentine B. Windt, director of the group. Arthur Klein, Grad, will play Bauner, the German consul; in para- llel of the true incident, Norman Ox- handler, '41, will take the part of Finklestein, the Jewish policeman whom Mayor LaGuardia assigns to guard the consulate. Ada McFarland. '42, will play Mrs. Baumer. Other parts will be filled by Wil- liam Kinzer, '42, William Mills, '41. Esther Counts, '42, Jack Mitchell, '42, Neil Smith, '41Ed, and Hugh Norton, Grad. Therstory, by Clare Boothe. who also wrote "The Women," "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" and a new book "Eur- opein the Spring," concerns the mur der of a German consul and the com- plications arising from the uncertain international situation. The significance of the title is: whether or not the Nazi German gov- ernment allows a margin for error in the machinations of its consuls. from external agression. It seems clear, however, that the populace of Bucharest views Hitler's legions as conquerors, not friends; their own national leaders as Nazi puppets in office. Even passive public resistance to Germany's will could be a grave mat- ter for Berlin. With winter at hand, the flow of Rumanian oil and food- stuffs into Germany will be handi- capped. Add to that internal disor- ders or acts of sabotage and a sub- stantial portion of Hitler's armies would be required to keep essential traffic moving.! Law Will Give World Order, Expert Claims Prof. Lauterpacht Asserts ' Progressive Peace Plan NecessaryImmediately Law, rather than military power, must be the governing factor of in- ternational relations of the ideal of humanity is to be attained, Prof. H. Lauterpacht, Whewell Professor of International Law at Cambridge, told a University lecture audience here yesterday. "The idea' that we cannot create international laws and institutions in advance of peace is invalid," Pro- fessor Lauterpacht declared, empha- sizing the necessity of formulating a progressive peace plan now while the war is still active. He noted that future world peace must be based on one of two insti- tutions, an international confedera- tion similar to the League of Nationst or a partial federation based on cul- tural and economic affinity. Observing that the League is once more gaining prestige since the war has started, Professor Lauterpacht asserted that the League is the abid- ing ideal of humanity and should not be judged by its short existence dur- ing a period of world chaos. Professor Lauterpacht denied that the ideal of exclusive international arbitration or the absence of the United States caused the failure of the League. "Continuity and foresight is sorely needed in the national foreign poli- cies of the world's governments," he asserted, and proposed .education of he nationalist populations, exten- 3ion of the obligations of League members, and the maintenance of an international military force as possible remedies to the League's ailure. Petitioning Deadline For Frosh, Seniors Set For Thursday All petitions for positions on the Senior Ball and Frosh Frolic dance committees must be returned to the Student Offices of the Michigan Union or League by 5 p.m. Thursday, Doris Merker, '41, and Ward Quaal, '41, presidents respectively of the Women's and Men's Judiciary Coun- cils reminded all prospective candi- dates yesterday. Petitions must be accompanied by the signatures of twenty-five mem- bers of the petitioner's class and school and his eligibility card. Ques- tionaires, designed to help the Judi- ciary Councils determine the candi- dates qualifications, must also be re- turned with the petitions, Quaal said. The election itself w/ill be held on Wednesday, Dec. 11, balloting to take place between 10 a.m. and 12 noon and between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. The names of the candidates will not be announced until the day before elec- tion.: It is felt that this procedure will eliminate the cost of conducting an extensive campaign and thus make the elections fairer to all candidates involved, Quaal explained. U.S. Cat Win South America From Germany, Bryan Says By BERNARD DOBER If we in the United States wake up and forget some of our prejudices against South American countries, we can create more friendly relations with those countries and win them away from Hitler, Julien Bryan told the audience last night in Hill Audi- torium. Bryan, speaking as the fifth lectur- er in the Oratorical Association Lec- ture Series, showed his documentary films on "Brazil" which he had tak- en during a two month visit to the South American country in the past fall. If England goes down to defeat be- fore the Nazi war machine, Bryan de- clared, in no less than six months we can look to see the Nazis com- pletely dominate all of South Amer- ica. To prevent this, he said, we must give aid to Britain, our first line- of defense, that we may have time to build our own defenses and cement our friendship with the South Amer- ican continent. Because of the fine work by the President, by Secretary of State Hull Pinney Heads Cast Of Union Opera Revue Who said Horatio Alger is a myth? From soda-jerker to revue star. That's the story of Chan Pinney, '41, who plays the leadingnrole in the Union Opera production, "Take A Number," which opens at Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre on Dec. 11 and con- tinues through the 14th. Pinney concocts sodas at the Union Tap-Room for a living, making love to the heroine of the Opera, Jim Bob Stephenson on the side. Pinney, as Tuck, and Stephenson as Gwen, help President Tom Barnum (Ed Sullivan, '41) keep Butternut University off the financial rocks. Charles Heinen, '41E, who usually divides his time between the slide- rule and keeping track' of Union ac- tivities as Secretary of that venerable organization, takes the part of Eli- jah Cupcake, a grouchy, prudish, multi-millionaire of eighty years and upward who refuses to subsidize near bankrupt Butternut U. because the students play basketball in shorts and dance cheek to cheek. George Heller, '42, plays the part of the villainous Sandra Van Arbor, who, aided by Dick Strain, '42, Bob Lewis, '42, and John Sinclaire, '41, as the law firm of Sheyster, Peyster and Jones, trys foul play with our hero. And among those lined up on one side or other of the inevitable conflict that all "true melodrama" thrives on, are Bill Todd, '42, as Pris- cilla; Jerry Brenner, '42, as Frank; Jim Gormsen, '41, as Mrs. Lancaster and Charles Holton, '42, as Jill. and by the "good-neighbor policy," Bryan stated, the South American countries are beginning to think the United States means business. Never has the United States had such an opportunity to win the countries away from the dictators, but we need speed and agressiveness in all our relations. ' We must remember that the Bra- zilians have their own culture and that they are proud people, Bryan pointed out, and we don't help them feel any friendlier toward the United States by sending "cocky, stupid, pro- vincial" American tourists to their country. American business concerns don't help create any better feeling between our nations, he illustrated, by writing to Brazilian firms in Spanish when the national language is Portugese. The films Bryan showed, which in- cluded the "42,000,000 people of Bra- zil" as memberg of the cast, intended to illustrate the progress Brazil is making in industry, in education and in public health. Though the country is still sadly deficient in meeting the demand for these things, Bryan said, they aare doing wonderful work. With the aid of money from the United States, Brazil could do a lot to meet the shortage of medical supplies and edu- cational facilities. One of the best methods of cre- ating good-will between our countries, Bryan pointed out, is to send young college men and women as exchange students to South America and ask South American students to come here. Debate Squad Meets Illinois Men's Team Will Argue Goviernmnent Question The Varsity Men's Debate Squad will meet two Illinois Wesleyan teams at 10 a.m. today on the question, "Resolved: That the powers of the federal government should be in- creased." Matthew Zipple, '42Ed, and Merle Webb, '42, will uphold the affirmative of the proposition in Room 4203 An- gell Hall and Thomas Dalrymple, '43, and Chester Myslicki, '42, will com- prise the negative team debating the Illinois Wesleyan afirmative in Room 4003 Angell Hall.t A two-man team composed of Phil- lip Levy, '43, and William Halliday, '43, will meet a University of Indiana team at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the North Lounge of the Union. They will uphold the negative of the proposi- tion, "Resolved: That the powers of the federal government will be de- creased. John Huston, '41, and Arthur Big- gins, '42, will comprise the team which is going to Purdue. Estimated 60,000 To Join Men Already Stationed In 'Disorderly Kingdom' Great Britain, Spain Sign Economic Pact (By The Associated Press) MAROS VASARHELY (Targul Mures), Hungary, at the Rumanian border, Dec. 2-Troop trains bear- ing four fresh German divisions to Rumania sped through Hungary to- day under circumstances suggesting that Germany was preparing to halt the disorders sweeping parts of that country unless the Rumanians them- selves acted effectively. These' Nazi fighting men, number- ing perhaps 60,000-entered Hungary by way of Slovaltia. They will supple- ment heavy German forces already quartered in Rumania and guarding the Rumanian pipelines and oil fields which are so vital to the German war machine, (These forces have been estimated as high as 500,000.) Germans Parade A German motorized division pa- raded today through Bucharest streets, with young King Mihai of Rumania following. Over the stand from which Prem- ier Ion Antonescu, Iron Guard Chief- tain Horia Sima and German Gen- erals reviewed the parade there swept more than 50 German warplanes in show maneuvers. The.people of the city stood silently before the German companies, but cheered loudly when the King's auto- mobile passed. To this frontier watching post came reports that the Iron Guard- whose bloody revenge upon the old school politicians of the deposed King Carol's regime had precipitated the country's current crisis was itself now split into three factions. Sima Supported One faction was understood to be supporting Horia Sima, who has called for discipline. Another was said to be following Ion Codreanu, father of the slain founder of the guard for whose death 'in Carol's regime so much avenging blood-let- ting already has occurred. The third faction, and vastly the largest, was reported simply out of control looting and paying off per- sonal scores under the present pro- tection of the Green Shirt. The Rumanian Army itself was pictured as indecisive. Britain To 'Unfreeze' Blocked Spanish Fund MADRID, Dec. 2-(RP)-Great Bri- tain and neutral Spain signed an agreement today designe~d to "un- freeze" Spanish funds blocked in London and finance increased pur- chases of British products by Gen- eralissimo Francisco Franco's gov- ernment. The accord was signed in a noon ceremony by Spanish Foreign Minis- ter Ramon Serrano Suner and British Ambassador Sir Samuel Hoare fol- lowing conclusion of negotiations here among British and Spanish finan- cial authorities. An official announcement said the agreement established a "special ac- count system" covering payments be- tween the two countries, except those falling within the scope of the Brit- ish Spanish clearing accord reached March 18. Today's agreement was considered especially significant in view of Spain's uncertain position in warring Europe. Although Spain was declared to have cast her lot "spiritually" with the Rome-Berlin Axis after Serrano Suner's recent visit to Rome and Ber- lin and Franco's Oct. 23 meeting with Adolf Hitler, she still has not formally aligned herself with the Axis. rMickle Will Speak At Sigma Rho Tau Prof. Frank Mickle of the mechan- Forces Southeast To' Halt Rumanian Internal Strife New Airport Would Provide, Commercial Stop, Dixon Says i Remer Sees Credit Extension By WILLIAM BAKER If adequate transport facilities are provided, there are excellent possi- bilities that American Airlines will make Ann Arbor a regular commer- cial stop, Dr. C. Merle Dixon, head of the airport committee of the Junior Chamber of Commerce said in an in- terview yesterday. Negotiations to make Ann Arbor a regular transport stop have been undertaken with Charles A. Rheim- strom, and Frank W. Burg, district sales manager of American Airlines, he explained. I understand, Dr. Dixon added, that the company still has mail con- tracts through here, and if the pro- posal for an improved and enlarged airport should go through, they will probably have to make Ann Arbor a regular stop. According to Dr. Dixon, the Civil Pilots' Training program would un- doubtedly be increased here, if bet- ter facilities were provided. It is now greatly hampered by poor facilities, he said, and some students who have passed physical and other examina- tions for the course have been turned down because of this condition. If a larger airport is provided, many more industries would be willing to build in Ann Arbor, he conjectured. A number of industries have already been contacted to locate near the site of the proposed new airport. "If the site for the field is ap- proved by the Civil Aeronautics Au- thority, and if the municipalities can raise their proportion of the necessary funds, we feel reasonably assured that the government will put in the remaining sum. rovided. of course. To China As Rebuff To Japan In the opinion of Prof. Charles F. Remer of the economics departmen\ the Roosevelt Administration has forcefully answered the Japanese rec- ognition of the Wang Ching-Wei regime, by extending credits to the Chinese government of Chiang Kai- Shek. Professor Remer pointed out that this interpretation for extending the credits seeihed especially valid when the specific clauses of the so-called "peace" treaty between Japan and Wang Cing-Wei are examined, par-I ticularly the provision which warns the United States and Britain that they must adjust themselves to the "New Order" in the Far East. "The Chinese gains from this new merchants who are trading in Chi- nese goods will avoid the problems' which would grow out of Japanese control of the dollar," he asserted. "And the United States needs the raw materials which will be sent in return for the credits. Wood oil and tungsten will be found to be especially valuable," he said. Professor Remer predicted 'hat the. recent extension of credits coupled with the twenty million granted by the U. S. last February will be enough to make a real difference to the Chinese. "But if we are to support the Chiang Kai-Shek government effec- tively, we must continually strive to broaden our policy of aid," he con- n.111.1 1) n/"F%/n