PALE EIGHT THE M ICIIGA N DAILY sin nD&Y, oCMrUnnER . 19 Benito Mussolini On The Spot THE W.-EK TN REVIEW What Further Aid To England FOREIGN A Change In B Most significant last week to An- glo-conscious U. S. citizens was the sudden reversal in British propagan- da methods, both for home and for- eign consumption. King George and all-powerful Win- ston Churchill set the pace; British Ambassador to Washington, Mar- quess of Lothian arrived in New York early last week, translated the sad tidings for U. S. ears. Though apparently losing ground to the Axis in all sectors, Britain had long maintained a battle-scarred but cheery victory-confident outlook. Scoffing as Nazidom's miltary might, Boss Churchill pointed proudly to air, sea defenses, minimized and sugar- coated crucial losses, harped con- tinually" on minor British successes., British Overtures To friendly . U. S., Lothian and others boasted confidence of success, asking only for release of over-age destroyers, a ,cut on American pro- duction via the cash-and-carry plan. Last week, however, King George's routine pep-talk to Parliament might best have been presented to the tune of a funeral dirge. Usually-confident Churchill saw victory only in the dis- tant future. At New York, Lord Lothian admit- ted to the American public for the first time that England was near the limit of its fiscal resources, adding ritish Strategy the "Mare Nostrum" was beginning to hurt more than Mussolini's pride. With the un-seaworthy Italians still jittery over Taranto, the jubilant but precise Royal Navy struck again, this time off the coast of Sardinia. not far from England's island fortress of Malta. First reports from London and Rome were traditionally con- tradictory, but neutral observers were inclined to give Britain the edge. No Route To Africa Further news from London gave a new slant on the Battle of Sardinia late last week. Cut short, Britons boasted, was an attempt by Italy to establish new lines of communications withFascist African forces. The pres- ence of the large Italian fleet off Sar- dinia was explained by London as a Fascist drive to aid her Libyan forces. Fresh and jubilant over the now- confirmed capture of vital Italo-Al- banian Corizza, mud-spattered, be- kilted Greek evzones continued their inspired march on Italy's Albanian forces. Capture of Corizza Confirmed With Corizza tucked under the Grecian belt, the surprise army of the year turned its attention toward Al- bania's large southernmost port, Por- to Edda. Retreat-wise Fascist troops saw the import of the Greek strategy, and were reported preparing to head northward, possibly as far as Tirana to reorganize, plan a more success- ful offensive. With ample RAF backing, Porto Edda was conceded to be easy meat for the inspired, crafty Athenians. With proper strategy, the Grecians could cut Mussolini's Albanian forces off from their supply ports, then take over piecemeal. Greece had opened with a haymaker, but the Italian chin was far from broken. Much depended upon Britain, Germany and Turkey. The Italian Setbacks Nor was Il Duce's only worry with his Albanian forces, his African ex- peditions or even his safety-seeking navy. More crucial and nearer home were low, but persistent rumblings among war-sapped and hungry Fas- cists The British blockade was begin- ning to pinch, and there were no glowing victories for compensation: wise Italians only saw more and more troops file aboard hell-bound trans- port ships, saw bambinos crying for food where food was scarce, heard only hollow-sounding, defeat-cover- ing boasts of minor victories, while to the North, proud, successful Axis- partner Germany toyed with the idea of aid to Italy. - Karl Kessler The Axis Rescue Party Hits R Snag ~ovAKI.3 .U L AR.Y9;. B a c ;Sea... BUDAPEST. . BELGRADE / 1 YU LNIA BUCHAREST 8 BULGARIA "S . Mediterrane-n-- ': -;....... - ......:............. U R E - ATHENS7-'. leagueeditMssolin analedasdrmtialy .as we a i hd e e a-a..-:::-.:-..-. U 2t ..®-- M ILES ' " '""- ''' "" Axis-Father Hitler's dramatic drive through the Balkans to aid be- leaguered Mus.;solini was halted as dramatically last week as it had be- gun the weck before. Quick to sign up on Hitler's team were Nazi- controlled Hungary and Rumania; then suddenly the best laid plans of Axis mice and men went astray. Bulgaria refused to play ball accord- ing to the rules. Russo-friendly Bulgaria decided to stall for time. Not altogether anti-fascist was crafty, playful King Boris, but the vision of green-shirted hordes turning his agrarian kingdom into a battlefield sounded like no picnic. Not strong enough alone to buck the Nazi tide, King Boris tossed his hot potato into his friend Stalin's lap, told Adolf that he was sym- pathetic to the New Order, but would not officially tie in with the Axis until Russia declared herself. No fool wa, Boris, for he well knew that relations between Adolf and Joseph were but temporarily on a friendly basis, but der Fuehrer was in no mood to pick a. fight with his northern neighbor at the present. While Bulgaria balked, her neighbor Yugoslavia continued to keep her ominous silence and Turkey leaned heavily toward Britain again. Belgrade was no doubt tickled by her arch-foe Italy's set-backs on all fronts, while Russo-conscious Turkey rattled her sabres, backed firmly against the Northern Bear, confident that Joseph was not yet ready to sell out the Dardanelles to a potential enemy. If Hitler can squeeze through to Greece, it will mean that sea-port hungry Russia will be virtually cut off from the Mediterranean and virtually at the mercy of Germany to the north, west and south. IN THE NATION U.S. Hears A 'Cry For Help Lord Lothian, British Ambassador, -eturned to Washington last week needing a haircut for himself and "financial aid in 1941" for England. That lie would get both here-and fairly soon-no one could doubt. De- spite the labeling in England of Lord Lothian's remark as an "extraordi- nary diplomatic blunder," despite the authoritative British Press Asso- iation's contention that the Ambas- :ador meant only that British dollar resources, rather than financial re- sources generally were running low, detspite German press derision that the British "cry for help" was an un- truth "based on a desire to get at American money-bags," the only question in the minds of most here was: what financial form is "all aid short of war" to take in Administra- tion circles? Whatever the form, not even Eng- land could hope that it would be drawn up at this session of Con- gress. Lothian's claim that he had not discussed finances with the president lent support to the belief that the latter did not intend recommending any legislation before Jan. 3, perhaps not before next spring. And Congress proved loath to consider the subject without Executive sanction: the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee vot- ed unanimously to defer considera- tion of the matter until the next ses- sion. What would happen then, no- body was willing to say. Pro-British circles were envisioning the repeal of the Johnson Act (Sen. Johnson said that he would fight till the last ditch against repeal) which prohibits loans to World War debtor nations, includ- ing England, that defaulted and the relaxing of the Neutrality Act, bar- ring credits to belligerents, to the extent necessary to allow financial assistance to the British. Anothert possibility: the transfer of British Caribbean Islands to the U. S. as de- f-nse bulwarks in return for needed var materials. If some people began to feel un- asy here last week-and a recent :allup Poll showed that 50 per cent t least still believed that it is "more nportant" for the U. S. to keep out of the war-they had some jusifi- cation: at least one syndicated col- imn pointed out that "the situation . . . today is almost identical with that on the eve of American entrance into the first World War, as far as loans to Great Britain is concerned." In Congress With no controversial issue to plague for the moment, Congress Burned to several knotty domestic problems. In the Senate a coalition of 19 Democrats, 17 Republicans by a two-vote margin succeeded in pass- I. I ing the House-approved Logan-Walt- er Bill, returned it to the House with restrictive amendments. The actson ended a two-year attempt by Admin- istration forces to reject the bill whi'ch subjects rules and regulations of administrative agencies- -N'.RLB, SEC, etc-to judicial review. These forces, however, were confident in veiw of the slim margin of approval in the Senate, the bill would never be passed over the assured emphatic veto of President Roosevelt. The House was expected to approve the amendments when it takes up their consideration again tomorrow. The House was also expected to consider the delicate piroblem of strikes in defense industries. ep. Smith, chairnian of the committee investigating the NRLB, introduced a bill providing penalties up to life imprisonment for persons convicted of sabotage, requiring a 30-day notice to employers and to the Secretary of Labor of Labor's intention to strike in those industries, If there was any outright labor pro- test coming, it was still being planned last week. Earlier, AFL President Greece, in an interview, had declared that no strike "for any reason" could be permitted in national defense in- dustries. At AFL's annual conven- tion later, however, resolutions were adopted warning that the group would not allow U. S. democracy to be transformed into a "dictatorship" through efforts to strip labor of its legislative gains. The day after Mich- igan's Rep. Hoffman denounced la- bor union demands for larger initia- tion fees from workers entering can- tonment building jobs, the Hod Car- riers' Union, an AFL group, cut its fees from $50 to $25. - Milton Orshefsky Classic Quotes In a letter turned up by the Smith Committee investigating the NLRB, J. Edgar Hoover (head of the FBI), suggested that J. War- ren Madden, former Chairman of the NLRB Board, take "whatever action you deem appropriate against Grant Cannon" (Board's field-examiner in St. Louis). Mr. Cannon. Mr. Hoover wrote, "is known to have radical tendencies leading towards Communism," and "has studied anthropology." PM, Friday, Nov. 29 BENITO . . . . no gain yet frankly, that only with ever-increased U. S. aid could she continue to buck the Axis juggernaut. (See column 4). Background for British pessimism was the piecemeal destruction of vit- al industrial centers by the hard-hit- ting, incalculable German Luftwaffe. The new order in Germany's air of- fensive, which started a fortnight ago with the destruction of Coventry, continued to harass England's pro- vincial and industrial centers. Goer- ing's stategy was simple, but hard to stop. While a handful of high-fly- ing bombers kept the RAF busy over London, waves of bomb-laden squad- rons raced toward smaller industrial centers, disgorged, and vanished in- s to the night before British intercep- tors could muster their strength. As counter-measure, the Air-Min- istry announced the development of a new type of night fighter, admit- ted reluctantly, however, that pro- duction would not be forthcoming for a good long time. Navy Sweeps Mediterranean Lone bright star on the somber Bri- tish horizon was the Royal Navy's sweep of the Mediterranean. A con- certed sea and air offensive, which lead off a fortnight ago with the bom- bardment of Taranto, the battle of INN of RETURN COFFEE SHOP v We offer the finest in American dishes with Turkish, coffee andV pastry as served only at The W Inn of Return. If you are look- ing for something unusual - try some of our special TURKISH DISHES, available" on 24 houra notice. You'll enjoy the food in an atmosphere where rare ~ EUROPEAN and ORIENTAL AN- . .. TIQUES prevail. 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