I THE MICHIGAN DAilY FRIDAY, NOVEMBIER 29, 1940 erw ic -+ U.S. Becomes World's Center Of Democracy And Education Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it Or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISINS BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON " LOG ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff By BERNARD DOBER With the onrush of dictatorship in European countries, civil liberties and freedom of thought have been stifled. As a result of this condition, the United States has assumed a new, more important role in the advancement of culture and in maintaining the tradition that thought and scholarship must be free. No more striking evi- dence toward the achievement of the aims can be found than in the formation of "The Univer- sity In Exile" at the New School For Social Re- search in New York. On Oct. 2, 1933, the Graduate Faculty of Polit- ical and Social Science, which was made up of scholars driven from their posts in the totali- tarian countries, began its first academic year. This was the start of what has been called "one of the most remarkable educational adventures of our time." Since that time this faculty has developed into a vital and integral part of the American educational system. From an original group of fourteen, the Grad- uate Faculty at present numbers twenty-four and includes eighteen Germans, two Italians, three Austrians and one Spaniard. Registrations in the Graduate School have grown each year. In the academic year 1938-39, 418 students were enrolled, representing 110 American colleges and universities and 21 foreign institutions. Many are working for their master's degree and others for their doctorates. Still other students-are less in- terested in obtaining higher degrees than in im- Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler . Milton Orslhefsky . . Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser . Helen Corman . Business Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Managing Editor Editorial Director . . City Editor Associate Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor * Associate Editor Sports Editor .. .Women's Editor Exchange Editor In ependerce For The Philippines . Staff . . Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN DANN W The editorials publised in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Fascinating Career Closes ., . . T HE INDICTMENT of Frank McKay, Republican national committeeman and former State Treasurer apparently brings to aclose a fascinating political and business ca- reer that rivals anything put between the covers of a novel. Gifted with a friendly, likeable personality and a shrewd brain, he climbed the political ladder from the post of a petty assignment clerk in a Grand Rapids court to the point where with the aid of a few other leaders he was able to dominate the party. His rise to power was ma- terially facilitated by a political set-up which political scientists here have described as "duck soup" for bossism. Through the manipulation of the party machinery he was able to exercise an influence that would never have been granted him if a canvass: had ever been made of Re- publican voters in the state on the question of his leadership. For years those acquainted with him main- tained that he would never run afoul of the law. This arose from the mysterious nature of all his activities. Until very recently he always. tried to remain in the background and denied all reports about his dealings with politicians. Because of this aura of secrecy, Lansing gossip was always full of "confidential" stories about some McKay deal. Fantastic reports were given about the extent of his control in certain Re- publican administrations. E IS probably one of the wealthiest men in the state at the present time. He is moreover connected with a number of legitimate busi- nesses. But ever since he assumed active leader- ship in politics there have been charges about his profitable deals with the state at the expense of the taxpayers. That adequate proof can ever be produced of these past accusations is doubted by the experienced observers who have followed his activities. These same observers, however, do not believe that it will be easy for McKay to refute the present indictments against him. - Alvin Dann The 'Greeks' And Alcohol . RATERNITIES have always been faced with many problems, and one of the biggest of these is the control of liquor and beer in their chapter houses.. University officials have tried to aid them by imposing rules prohibiting the use of alcoholic beverages in the houses. These rules have been necessitated by fra- ternities' abuse of privileges, parental pressure and opinion and University administration pol- Icy. They are strict-a little harsh, many people believe. Yet they are, in large measure, neces- Sary. The rules prohibit the use of any alcoholic beverage in any chapter house. They are aimed directly at keeping order in the houses, aiding chapter officials in enforcement of house rules, ;nd guiding younger members in formulation of habits. THE RULES are certainly worthy in their in- tent. Fraternity men should realize this- Y'1...Lf-...w7 n ," rlo anr fnr - P+ir nw iA. T HIS MONTH the Philippine Com- monwealth celebrated the fifth year of its existence. On July 4, 1946, under law, it has the right to celebrate its independence from the United States. But both the Filipinos and the people of the United States have been growing ever more doubtful of that celebration as the war in Europe progresses. The one indispensable provision for a suc- cessful Philippine Republic must be economic independence from the United States. This meant five years ago that markets other than Amer- ican markets had to be found, and that a self- sustaining economy had to be developed on the basis of domestic needs. Today, however, as then, the chief export of the islands is sugar-which nations existing today on ersatz are not buying, and which as an industry can not survive the American tariffs that will be imposed when in- dependence is granted. This last is true of any of the lesser production exports also. MINOR PRODUCTION there includes coconut oil, hemp and rice. The sale of coconut oil is a doubtful contribution to national wealth, as an export depended upon solely. Hemp produc- tion is controlled for the most part by Japan. And rice is the only product that is wholly consumed by the Filipino people. Nevertheless, the country is a rich one. Millions of tons of iron are shipped yearly to the Japan- ese. Oil has been discovered, and gold mining is a booming industry. But America remains the Chief market, Japan the second most interested trader. And herein lies another danger. When the United States bows out, raising her tariffs and cutting down her commercial intercourse, Japan'sR interests will not have been diminished, and Japan is not a peace-loving friend. Japan's navy cruises the pIacific ominously, and not only as a source of economic materials but also as a military base, the possession of the Philippines would be invaluable to her. National defense is a major problem on the islands. Of the 16 million inhabitants, a few thousand have been trained to shoulder a rifle and march with precision, but where is a navy? Where are anti-aircraft guns? Where are the air squadrons?, ACCORDING TO a recent New York Times article the Philippine people are wondering about taking the freedom assured them in 1946, and the United States could answer their b wilderment. But can we? We could allow them their freedom as planned, and then sit back and await developments. If Japan were planning on taking over, we would not bepleased. The islands are too close to our borders. We would have to assure a defenseless people their liberty. More- over, there would have to be wide economic ad- justments and concessions if the little nation were to exist without bankruptcy. On the other hand, diplomatic conferences could solve the immediate problem by extending the Filipinos the length of time for preparation for freedom. We could allow them time enough for the European wars to burn out and markets to open up, enough time for defense programs to be worked out in full. - Shirley Wallace They refuse to realize that while their chapter might keep the use of beer under control, mean- while excluding the use of anything stronger, the lads of XYZ or PDQ might not-XYZ or PDQ might permit completely uncontrolled use of any- thing from whiskey to grain alcohol. Consequently, violations of the anti-alcohol rule are prevalent. Some houses permit its viola- tion as a matter of course; others countenance it for "special occasions." Some of the violations are quiet, controlled; others are ordinary binges. HOW to punish the violators-not as a matter of punishment, but in order to stop the viola- tions- is a matter of major proportions. Should the University hold the, house fast to the rule, closing them for even minor violations? Shall- or could-the rule be repealed or modified? If proving their personal and professional resources through advanced study. Of the faculty, Alvin Johnson, director, wrote: "The men and the one woman who compose this faculty were expelled from their posts essentially for one reason only. They chose to be free. In the' majority of cases, the official ground for dismissal was 'politi- cal unreliability.' They could not consent to stultify themselves by accepting the official doctrines and thereby forfeit their scholarly right to follow the truth wherever it may lead. They regarded liberty as worth what- ever sacrifices it might entail, and therewith placed themselves in the honored company of the men who by their readiness to endure sacrifice won liberty for the English speaking peoples." Soon after their arrival in this country, this group of scholars worked out for itself a consti- tution under which it has operated ever since. It is a unique document not to be found any- where in education annals: (1) Every member of the Faculty as a scholar accepts the obligation to follow the truth wherever it may lead, regard- less of personal consequences. (2) No member of the Faculty can be a member of any political party or group which asserts the right to dictate in matters of science or scientific opinion. (3) The Faculty and its individual members bind themselves, in all official action, especially in elections to the Faculty or in promotion of members, to be guided solely by considerations of scholarly achievement, competence, and in- tegrity. It is agreed that in the decisions of the Faculty, scientifically irrelevant considerations such as race, religion, or political beliefs shall be given no weight whatsoever, so long as these represent no bar upon individual freedom of thought, inquiry, teaching and publication. Any faculty who can set up for themselves so broad and so lively a creed cannot fail to have a dynamic effect on any institution with which they are connected. Many important books and papers have been published by members of this distinguished faculty, while the quarterly journ- al, "Social Research," which the Graduate Fac- ulty publishes, is a noteworthy addition to the journals of social and political science in this country. President Roosevelt sent a message to the sec- ond anniversary dinner pointing to the Graduate Faculty as an example of "American adherence to the principle of intellectual freedom." Edu- cators and philanthropists have hailed it as "The only free German faculty in the world," not only a center for outstanding research and study, but also a "means of counteracting propaganda designed to interfere with intellectual freedom in the United States." When Thomas Mann came to the United States especially to inaugurate the fifth year of the Graduate Faculty, he paid it a moving tribute: This youngest American institution of higher learning is in an interesting way connected with a strange incident which should put every Ger- uman to shame, an incident that happened at, or I should rather say was inflicted on, the oldest German university, Heidelberg. There the great lecture hall, endowed on the suggestion of the American ambassador (Schurman) by American philanthropists, bore the insription "TO THE LIVING SPIRIT." This inscription-unbeliev- able as it seems-has been removed from the buff ing. Thus the regime itself has declared that there is-for the time being-no home for the living spirit in Germany's universities. Now I suggest that your faculty take these words and make them your motto, to indicate that the living spirit, driven from Germany, has found a home in this country. In addition to the men who are on the faculty, many more are being asked to join. Under the directorship of Alvin Johnson, the New School is not remaining static or satisfied with what it has done; it is indeed trying to embody the "liv- ing spirit" in its endeavors. On the way to join the faculty are distinguished artists, musicolo- gists, philosophers, social scientists, geograph- ers, physical scientists and mathematicians who come from Germany, Poland, Russia, Czechoslo- vakia, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Scandinavia. But it' is not to replace present faculty men that these men are being brought here; it is to add new stimulus to our intellectual life. It is no secret that educational leaders advised students to go abroad to Germany, tQ France and to other European countries to continue their edu- cation; education has always been international. What is happening, in effect, is that the schol- ars are being brought to the students, instead of the reverse. There is always the argument, when this sub- ject is brought up, that these men will take away places that would otherwise be filled by American scholars. There is no such danger, however, as far as the men on The New School Faculty are concerned; and there need not be any other place. Through the generosity of various Foun- dations and other interested organizations, pro- vision has been made for the maintenance of these scholars through a period of two years. During that period, many of the scholars will be appointed to the faculties of the many uni- versities and colleges in the country which ex- pect them to strengthen the position of the in- stitution. Without a doubt the addition of these scholars to the faculty of The New School and to the faculties of the other American institutions will result in an advancement of American intellec- tual thought. To encourage their work is to en- courage freedom of thought in the United States. RabertSAie W Ce I WASHINGTON - French appeas- ers who favor cooperation with Ger- many, particularly Vice Premier La- val, are going to have a rude awaken- ing on the arrival of Admiral William Leahy, new U.S. Ambassador to Vichy. Officially inspired French news- papers received Admiral Leahy's ap- pointment as an indication that the United States had decided to play ball with Germany and was veering away from Britain. But they were so wrong. Inside fact is that Admiral Leahy is one of Roosevelt's most vigorous advisers in favor of helping Britain, and has even urged that a large part of the American navy be sent to Singapore in order to keep an eye on Japan, and serve as a silent warning against Japanese penetration down to the Dutch East Indies. In the White House conference at which this plan was proposed. Ad- miral Leahy engaged in a hot argu- ment with Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles, who was opposed to sending the fleet to Singapore and who pointed to the danger of a Ger- man naval advance on Dakar and the Azores in the Atlantic. Admiral Leahy replied that as long as the British fleet held out, there was no need to worry about Dakar and the Azores. But once the Brit- ish fleet crumbled, he said, then' the American navy would be up against the problem of guarding two oceans- which at the present time was im- possible. Aid In Orient Therefore Admiral Leahy urged that the United States help Great Britain now before it was too late, especially in the Far East. Keeping Japan in her place, he said, would have a more salutary effect upon the dictators of the world than any other single move the United States could make. During this White House confer- ence Admiral Stark, Chief of Naval Operations, lamented that the fleet was unprepared because it did not have enough tankers to carry, fuel oil across the Pacific. To this Ad- miral Leahy replied: "Admiral, did you ever think of picking up the telephone and calling the heads of Standard Oil and Tex- aco? They have plenty of tankers and they are patriotic citizens who would be glad to lease them to the Navy." This is the type of man Roosevelt is sending to France in an attempt to wean the French over to the Brit- ish side and tip the balance of war against Hitler. Gridiron Club Most amusing feature of President Roosevelt's refusal to attend the Gridiron Club dinner, held in Decem- ber, is the fact that only four mem- bers of the club knew about it. Ap- parently these four were keeping it secret from the other members until the last minute because it would de- tract from the club's prestige. Members of the National Press Club, on the other hand, long ago had a pretty good indication that Roose- velt would renege on the Gridiron Dinner. The Press Club dinner is a democratic affair attended by the several hundred members, and there is nothing exclusive about it. The dress is black tie, not the formal white tie and tails of the Gridiron Club, which has an exclusive mem- bership of less than fifty. So when a delegation from the Na- tional Press Club called on Roosevelt to invite him to its annual dinner, they found him in a rebellious mood. "Four press dinners ayear are to much," he said in effect. "There's the Press Club dinner, the White House Correspondents' dinner, anc two Gridiron Club dinners. The Press Club and White House Corre- spondents' dinners are all right, but these Gridiron Club dinners . ..!! What's the use of getting yourself done up in a white tie for a bunch of stuffed shirts?" Note-Meat of the Gridiron Club2 members aretardent New Deal haters several belonging to the Willkie Brain Trust during the recent campaign. At past dinners, most of their. jibes have been aimed against the Roose- velt Administration. . Virgin Islands Row The Virgin Islands, always a politi7 cal teapot, are boiling over with a new tempest so violent that Governor Lawrence Cramer and his boss, Sec- retary of the Interior Ickes, are not on speaking terms. Ickes has ac- tually barred Governor Cramer from the Interior Department except or official business. The feud began when Ickes got reports of a breakdown in law anc order in the Virgin Islands, and sent an investigator to look into the situa- tion. But without waiting to learr very much about the investigation, Governor Cramer began firing hot FIRE &WRTCR by mascott The boys were assembled in the ous notations in the Daily's weather edit office and were reminiscing predictions. Some of the better ex- about the Daily of old-the good and amples include: "Cooler today and the bad that went and goes into a Wednesday followed by Thursday"; student Daily newspaper. "A modicum of precipitation de- Of course, the conversation turned scending from the upper steppes"; to boners, especially the classic ones "Rain or snow in Ann Arbor--as that we'll remember even at the usual." Daily's 100th anniversary. The Daily, (6) But the greatest error of them as even its editors will admit, does all occurred in April, 1917. Thiw is make mistakes. but the editors are the Daily legend told to each recruit always quick to add: "In the same as he tries out for the sophomore proportion as any professional news- staff: It was a Friday night in paper." April (1917) and Easter vacation But here are a few of the Daily's for the University was to begin the classic boners: following day, so that the Daily of (1) The women's page that Stan that evening was to be the last Daily Sw)ntn mensup gichaontand for a 10-day interval. The night Swinton made up which contained editor made up the paper early and the remarkable error about a Pro- went downstairs to watch the lino- fessors wife: '"She came to the af- typist and the make-up man per- fair dressed in ancharming low-cut form the technical details of putting ' e ng-i fa,,.l the paper "to bed". The night editor, 'low-cuhowever, instructed a sophomore to 12) The Newman Club's ad about remain upstairs and keep a close the extremely interesting movies on watch on the Associated Press ma- climate and peoples of the Arctic chine so that if anything "big" that Father Hubbard showed here breaks, the sophomore could imme- last year. It seems that the day be- diately inform the junior night editor fore Father Hubbard was to appear and the story would be incorporated here Ann Arbor experienced a ter- in the paper. rific wind and sleet storm. The fol- The sophomore dutifully obeyed lowing morning the Newman Club the instructions. Five minutes be- and the Daily advertising staff, quick fore press-time, however, a bulletin to take advantage of the relation came over the AP machine: "Pres- between Ann Arbor's storm and Fa- ident Wilson asks for declaration of. ther Hubbard's pictures which in- war against Germany." The sopho- cluded shots of Arctic storms, ran more looked at the clock and con- the following ad: 'You may think cluded that it was too late to change yesterday's storm was bad, but wait the paper. So he neglected men- until you see Father Hubbard's tioning the story. movies." When school re-convened ten days (3) The Daily a few years ago ran later the Daily for the first time "in- a story on the death of President formed" its readers that the U.S. had Ruthven's father, a famed railroad declared war against Germany. contractor. The linotypist by error But'the editors always can truth- changed the occupation of President fujly state that any paper makes its Ruthven's father to read: "Railroad mistakes. They can also add that conductor." It was only at 2:10 a.m., it is only the Michigan Daily that, five minutes before Daily deadline, despite occasional;~errors, can boast that the error was caught and cor- of the following student newspaper rected. record: Winning the All-American (4 Then there are the following Pacemaker Rating in 1934, 1935, 1936, little proof-reading errors: "Cashing- 1937, 1939 and 1940 (the Daily was ton, D.C.--{P)-The President enter- not entered in 1938 and the year tained a meeting of business leaders 1934 was the first time the Daily at the White Souse today." "President was entered); winning first place in Ruthven's tenth anniversary as head three of the four Sigma Delta Ohi of the University. of Michigan will awards and placing second in the be celebrated at Yost Field Mouse fourth. this evening." The boys in the edit office can (5) There was the spree of humor- reminisce about that too. t r t 1 t DAILY-OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 52 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices To Members of the Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The third regular meeting of the Faculty of they College of Literature, Science, and the Arts of the academ- ic session of 1940-41 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, December 2, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various commit- tees have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the December meeting. Edward H. Kraus AGENDA: 1. Michigan Cooperative Teacher Education Study, Dr. H. L. Turner. 2. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of November 4th, 1940 (pp. 692-693), which were distributed by campus mail. 3. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with this call to the meeting. a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor P. S. Welch. b. Executive Beoard of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor L. I. Bredvold. c. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, to be given by Associate Professor W. L. Ayres. d. Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean E. H. Kraus. 4. Freshman Tests of Scholastic Ap- titude, Assistant Professor P. S. Dwy- er. 5. New business. 6. Announcements. Faculty, School of Education: Monthly luncheon meeting, Mon- day, December 2, Michigan Union, Academic Notices Metal Processing 4, Section 3: The bluebook which is scheduled for Sat- urday, November 30, will be changed to Wednesday, December 4. Pre-Medical Students: The sec- ond set of tests inthe series of apti- tude tests for the Pre-Medical So- ciety will be given Saturday, No- vember 30, at 1:30 p.m. in room 300 of West Medical Building. soloist with the University Sym- phony Orchestra, conducted by Prof. Thor Johnson, in a concert at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, December 1, in Hill Auditorium.t Exhibitions Exhibitions College of Architecture and Design: An exhibit of ceramic processes including structure, form, color and glazing is being shown in the first floor hall of the Architecture Building through December 10. Open daily, except Sunday, from 9 to 5. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: H. Lauterpacht, Whewell Professor of International Law at Cambridge University, will lecture on the subject, "Problems of Post-War International Reconstruc- tion," under the auspices of the Law School and the Department of Poli- tical Science at 4:15 p.m. on Mon- day, December 2, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Imre Fer- enczi, formerly of the International Labor Office, Geneva, Switzerland, will lecture on the subject "War and Man Power" under the auspices of the Department of Economics on Thursday, December 5, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Mathematics Lecture: Professor A. W. Tucker of Princeton Univer- sity will lecture on Monday, Decem- ber 2, at 3:00 p.m., in 3011 A.H., on "Some Topological Properties of the Real Hyperquadrics." Events Today The Graduate Education Club will hold an organization meeting today at 4:15 p.m. in the University Ele- mentary School Library. All gradu- ate students in Education are urged to join. Refreshments. German Journal Club will meet to- day at 4:10 p.m. in room 302 Michi- gan Union. Professor H. W. Nord- meyer will give a brief talk on "Das Reinmar-Problem." J.G.P. Dance Tryouts are today, 3:00-5:00- nm . in the Gme Rnm