Weather Cloady, light Snow. Y r Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication I-aitLJ Editorial FascinlAting VOL. LI. No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1940 Z-323 _ w r -r-- -_ PRICE FIVE CENTS McKay Calls Mail Fraud Indictments community Plan Group Meets Today Expansion Program Ideas For Industrial Centers Slated For Discussion Stein Will Address Plot For State Republican Leader Accuses Opposing Party Of Election Retaliation Charges Attempt To Ruin Reputation DETROIT, Nov. 28. -(4- New Federal mail fraud charges brought today from Frank D. McKay, Repub- lican national committeeman and former State Treasurer, the reply that his indictments stemmed from "a conspiracy for political revenge engineered by certain forces whom I helped defeat in an election." The plot, McKay said in a formal statement, included threats against members of his family. For four years, he declared, his personal and business affairs had been ruthlessly and thoroughly" ex- amined. The indictments, he added, came "more as a relief than a sur- prise, because now I know that the facts will be brought out into the open. Records Seized "Business records have been seized," he said. "Business associates have been subjected to inquisition. I doubt if a more vicious attempt to destroy a man's reputation and busi- ness has ever been made in this or any other state." McKay did not elaborate upon his statement. He promised proof, in detail, "at the proper time and place." A Federal grand jury investigating affairs of state government named the 56-year-old politician and busi- ness man defendant in a third true bill returned today. The new indict- ment charged an attempt to defraud the City of Grand Rapids of approx- imately $300,000 by manipulating the bidding on a $2,225,000 bond issue in 1938.., The bonds financed a pipe line which now serves the city with water from Lake Michigan. Co-defendants are Stranahan, Har- ris & Co. of Toledo, Ohio, the bond house which handled the issue; its vice-president, Robert S. Mikesell of Toledo, and a Michigan agent, Stew- art P. Blasier of Detroit. The grand jury charged that the bond house paid McKay "secretly" fees in excess of $325,000 between 1931 and 1938 "to use his political influence and control" in the company's behalf. Previous Inquiry Recalled McKay's relations with the Tole- do financial firm were the subject of a legislative investigation in 1939, but the suit was dropped when the law-. makers adjourned their session and Gov. Luren D. Dickinson vetoed a bill to permit a committee to continue the inquiry. Earlier indictments charged Mc- Kay with use of the mails (1) for a $500,000 shakedown of distillers sell- ing to the state and (2) to divert to his own use $9,918 obtained fro Edsel Ford, president of the Ford Motor Company, as a political con- tribution. Fourteen others were also accused. McKay arraigned today on all three charges, stood mute, and was freed on $5,000 bond. U.S. District Judge Arthur F. Lederle set Jan. 21 as the tentative date for trial of the first case, that involving charges of, fraud against Ford. Claire Boothe Mystery Hit To Be Given Claire Booth's unusual mystery story, "Margin for Error," will be the third presentation by Play Produc- tion, to run in the Lydia Mengelssohn Theatre Wed. through Sat., Dec. 4-7. The play, which ran for over 100 performances last year on Broad- way, has been termed the "most sat- isfying likeness of official German ferocity that we have yet seen on the stage" by John Anderson, New York drama critic. The story concerns the murder of a German consul and of the hunt for his murderer, compli-I Revenge Faculty Deny War Agtation Charges Here Professor Hobbs Asserts Ships Must Be Sent To EnglandIn Crisis By Naval Victories Claimed English And Italians; Greeks Rout Fascist Foes Opening Session FRANK D. McKAY Dr. Gamoran To Speak Here On Education Religion, In A Democracy' Is Topic Of Lecture; First Series Speaker Dr. Emanuel Gamoraii, director of the. American Hebrew Congregations will speak at 4:15 p.m. today at Lane Hall on "Religious Education in a Democracy," to open a series of relig- ious conferences, Dr. Edward Blake- man, counselor in religious education, announced. He will also lead the fireside dis- cussion at Hillel Foundation at 8:15 p.m. on the general topic, "This Changing 'World." Dr. Gamoran is the well-known author of "Changing Conceptions in Jewish Education" and Teacher Training in Jewish Schools." For many years he has been editor of textbooks in Jewish history and lit- erature. During the year of 1927-28 he was president of the National Council for Jewish Education and a member of the Jewish Academy of Arts and Sciences. He will be followed in the series by Prof. Harrison S. Elliot, author of the new text in religious education, "Can Religious Education Be Chris- tian" and by Prof. Clarence P. Shedd of religious education at Yale University, The series of lectures is planned to aid students and faculty in the evaluation of religious training and education in a democracy faced with problems of national moral defense. Public officials and community planners from over the entire state' will gather here today and tomorrow for the first Conference on the Ex- pansion of Industrial Communities with regard to housing and commun- ity planning. Arising out of problems created by he national defense program, the Conference will discuss ways and means of planning for present and future expansion of industrial com- munities. Community expansion in the first world war will be th- topic of to-, 'y's frs talk to b: given by Clar- ce S S,;gin .AA. of New York -t9:30 in Rom 102, A chi ;:cture { Eailding and Prof. Edgar M. H:)over'. jr., of the eczn:mics departmnf* ,-; 1H lecture on "The Economic Back- ground of the Current Problem" at 11:00 a.m. The afternoon session, held in the Rackham Amphitheatre, will be pre- sided over by A. D. Taylor, president of the American -Institute of Land- scape Architects, and will open at 112:00 p.m. with a talk by Coleman Woodbury, director of the National Association of Housing Officials, on governmental activity and current legislation. At 3:00 p.m. Walter Blucher, ex- i ecutive director of the National As- sociation of Planning Officials, will discuss "The Present Planning Prob- lem," and Earnest Fisher of the American Bankers Association will give a dinner talk at 7 p.m. at the Union on the place of private enter- prise in the expansion of industrial communities. A va Case Will Give Beethoven Concerto At Sunday Concert Featuring a presentation of Beet- hoven's "Concerto No. 3 in C. minor for Piano and Orchestra," the Uni- versity Symphony Orchestra will of- fer its second recital of the year at 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium. Under the direction of Prof. Thor Johnson of the School of Music, the Orchestra will open its program with the Overture to the Opera, "The Ma- gic Flute" by Mozart. Also scheduled to be heard are "The Walk to the Paradise Garden" by Delius and var- ious selections from the "Damnation of Faust" by Berlioz.' The latter selection will comprise the "Minuet of the Sprites" in which Mephistopheles invokes evil spirits and Will-o'-the-Wisps to dance; the "Ballet of the Sylphs" dealing with a vision Faust has of Marguerite, and the "Rakoczy" march played by the Magyar army opening the Hungar- ian scene. Woodruff Makes Charges Against Six In replying to charges made Wed- nesday in Washington by Rep. Roy Woodruff of Bay City that "men who are 'high in the educational cir-; cles of Michigan" are behind a cam- paign to involve the United States in war, Prof. Emeritus William H. Hobbs of the geology department, asserted yesterday that "the time has come when America must actively aid Great Britain." . "In recent weeks it has become increasingly apparent that England's postion might be critical, and we must relieve the British Navy of con- voying all ships across the Atlantic," he declared. "This policy may com- prise an act of war against Germany, ed we must be prepared to expect the eventuality of Nazi retaliation." No Declaration Of War Professor Hobbs, prominent as an interventionist in the First World War, did not favor a declaration of war against Germany. He thought it unlikely that she would declare war on us, since she desires above all things to keep us out of the fighting. Representative Woodruff's accusa- tions were based on 60 letters and telegrams sent by the Ann Arbor NationalDefense Committee to Pres- >dent Franklin D. Roosevelt, Secre- tary of War Henry L. Stimson, Secre- tary of Navy Frank Knox and mem- bers of Congress. Authors of the dispatches included Prof. Emeritus Edwin C. Goddard of the Law School, Col. Henry W. Miller of the engineering college, Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history department, Dr. Robert H. McDowell of the archeology department, Mr. Reardon. Peirsol and Professor Hobbs. Ignorance of Conditions Representative Woodruff's state- ment said that "it is regrettable, but obviously true that this letter from the Ann Arbor group is based not upon ignorance of conditions, but up- on what is evidently a blind emotion- al impulse to drag the nation into war and to spill .the blood of millions of our youth on foreign battle fields." In a special statement released to The Daily, Professor Goddard main- :ained that "our group feels strong- y that the best way to keep the (Continued on Page 2) Fascist 'Death Regiment' Retreats After Four Day Resistance Is Reported War Base Captured In South Albania ATHENS, Nov. 28.-Violent battles were reported. developing on the western end of the 100-mile Balkan war front tonight, but despite stif- fening Italian resistance, the Greeks declared they had routed a Fascist "Regiment of Death"-sworn to die rather than retreat-after a four- day fight. Prisoners captured by the Greeks, it was said, "disclosed the magnitude of the Italian disaster," and some sources believed that a considerable part of Mussolini's invasion forces was in full flight up the Balkan coast along the Adriatic Sea. That the Italians were counter-attacking at some points was, however, conceded. There was still no official intima- tion regarding the fate of Argirocas- tro, Italy's last big war base in South- ern Albania, which the Greeks have said for several days that they were threatening. .te dispatches from the Argiro- castro vicinity said the Greek victory followed 96 hours of tempestuous lighting. At the climax of the battle, advices from the front said, the Itali- ans abandoned great quantities of >uns, ammunition and stores and were "retreating in disorder." (Earlier, the Italian high command .aid Fascist troops of the 11th Army successfully counter-attacked, but the locale of the fighting was not given.) Law Authority To Speak Here Lauterpacht To Discuss Post-War Problems Problems of post-war international reconstruction will be the subject of a University lecture to be delivered by Prof. H. Lauterpacht, leading author-; ity on international law, at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the Rackham Lecture' Mall, sponsored by the Law School And the Political Science Department.+ Lecturing in the United States under the auspices of the Carnegie ,endowment for International Peace, Prof. Lauterpacht holds the Whewell Professorship of International Law at Cambridge University, highest posi- ion of its kind in Britain., He has been reader in public in- ternational law at the University of London and has given courses of lec- tures before the Academy of Interna- tional Law at the Hague, before the Institute of Higher Educational Stud- ies at Geneva, and at the London School of Economics and Political Science. - Virginia Morse takes the lead in "Cracker Madness," feature skit of the Sophomore Cabaret Show, as the daughter of Pappy and Mam- my Slocum, upsetting hillbilly tran- ouility with Michigan punch. Mann Stages Sixth Annual Swim Show Fancy And Comic Diving, Varsity Races And Water Polo Will BeHighlights By WOODY BLOCK Rivalling any show Billy Rose ever put on, Matt Mann's sixth annual Swim Gala-feminine charm and all. will start rolling before a capacity throng of Wolverine fans at 8 p.m. to- night in' the Sports Building pool. This is a show to stop all shows with a star-studded cast of varsity swimmers and imported talent that will fill to the brim Michigan's beau- tiful natatorium. Unveiled for the first time this sea- son will be Matt's greatest of great Wolverine teams. They're triple champions, these Maize and Blue tankmen-holders of the Big 'ITen, National Collegiate and National AAU swim titles. Helping them put on this gigantic water spectacle, however, will be one Clayton Mains, 'comedy diver extra- ordinaire, little Peter Fries, three year old speedster, Bill Gail, orchestra leader-diver, Michigan's austere fac- ulty, two gorgeous female divers and the list goes on. The Swim Gala has usually turned out to be an assault on existing pool records by the natators themselves. (Continued on Page 3) Holland Conducts Course Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the elec- trical engineering department has started a new extension course this week in Detroit entitled "Frequency Modulation." Leads 'Cracker Madness' Admiralty Credits Naval Air Force With Sinkit g Of Seven Italian Ships Rumanian Army Rules Bucharest (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Nov. 28-A new Italian battleship, four big cruisers and two Destroyers have been damaged in the British navy's latest chase of Prem- .er Mussolini's fast fleet, the Admir- alty announced tonight in an action packed communique. It gave a lion's share of the credit to the naval air force. The Italians, sighted in force Wed- nesday afternoon west of the Ital- ian island of Sardinia, immediately headed for home, the Admiralty as- serted, but in pursuit, Britsh planes torpedoed a 35,000-ton battleship of theNew Littorio class and scored hits or "near misses" on two other cruis- ers. British naval guns set afire one .ruiser and damaged two destroyers. Except for the fired cruiser and he destroyers, all the damage to the Italians was inflicted by the Skua and swordfish planes of the fleet air arm. The 10,000-ton British cruiser Ber- wick suffered two hits, which killed seven menhbut did not damage the ship enough to put it out of action a moment, the report said. Otherwise, except for loss of one 'ighter plane, the British got off scot free and shot down two big Italian seagoing bombers, it was asserted. The British aircraft carrier Ark Royal was so heavily attacked that at one time she disappeared behind ,he splashes of 30 bombs, but she came up firing all her guns without a scar, the Admiralty proudly re- lated. Italians Give Version Of Battle With British ROME, Nov. 28-The Italian High Command related its own story today of the first engagement between heavy British and Italian naval forces in the Mediterranean and listed two British cruisers damaged by shells and three other British warcraft, one a battleship, bombed from the air. The battleship was described as "stopped with a fire aboard." An air- craft carrier and a cruiser also were reported bombed. Italy's casualties, a communique said, were: the 1,620-ton Fiume, 10,- 000 tons, struck by shell which failed to explode. Rumanian Army Tries To Keep Order In City BUCHAREST, Rumania, Nov. 28- (MP-Bucharest was under firm mil- itary control tonight with one entire Rumanian army division reported enroute to the capital to "assist in maintaining order" as a result of the wave of assassinations of leading fig- ures of the old regime. Three leaders of the iron guard, whose members are blamed for the excesses, conferred with Dictator General Ion Antonescu. Earlier German troops garrisoned in provincial Rumania had entered the capital, after the Iron Guard con- tinued to pursue their enemies in open defiance of both Antonescu and their owm leader, Vice-Premier Horia Sima. All other German soldiers in or near Bucharest were mobilized and ordered to stand ready for immediate action. Only 19 Shopping Days Before Christmas Vacation Student Sentiment Here Divided On Granting Credit To English By GERALD BURNS With half the civilized world al- ready at war the question of whether the United States, a non-belligerent, should take economic sides and thus threaten its own physical neutrality has become a vital issue. This campus reporter found that student sentiment on the issue is al- most halved, with a few fence strad- dlers waiting for further develop- ments in world events. Of some 50 students approached in various places on the campus 21 ex- pressed the belief that the United States should not grant credit to Great Britain in the form of neces- sary war supplies. Such a move, they said, would endanger present na- tional nuetrality and would be a dangerous step toward war. Willing to grant credit to Great Britain were X23 students, who gave various reasons for their decisions on the problem. Credit, they said, would be a cheap form of insurance against the spread of war into the western surces of Britain and a detei'mination then of whether credit would be nec- essary. Here are a few of the answers given by students to the question: In your opinion should the United States in- creast its aid to England by granting credit in the form of necessary war supplies? William A. MacLeod, '43: Absolute- ly not. Anything we give them on credit we will never get back. And anyway, the United States should be able to use all it is able to produce. Stuart Gildart, '42: Yes, for credit to England would be a cheap form of insurance against the spread of war into the Americas by increasing Bri- tain's chances of victory. David Donaldson, '41: No. Every time we send more material to Britain we are taking a step closer to in- volvement. Credit would be almost a declaration of war with Germany. William Rockwell, '41: If as I be- lieve, increasing U.S. material aid to Alpha Nu Wins Debate On Style From Women "Women dress to compensate for an inferior complex" Alpha Nu de- baters claimed to win the decision from the women's Zeta Phi Eta team yesterday as they argued the propo- sition, "Michigan women are slaves to fashion to a greater extent than Michigan men." In the humourous forensic contest 'the women asserted that "We hold this truth to be self-evident. All men are created egotistically endowed with certain inscrutable rights. That among these is the' right to choose the woman he wishes to marry. Therefore women are justified in their use of styles to attract men be- cause they then have a part in the decision." Alpha Nu was represented by Merle Webb, '42, Gerry Schaflander, '42, George Manikoff, '41, while the Zeta Phi Eta team was composed of Ade- laide Carter, '42, Mildred Ward, '41, and Alvira Sata, '42. The men scored a telling blow to the negative case with the ,statement that women were slaves to men and fashion but, as their feminine oppo- sition admitted, they have the right to be. The contest was judged by Prof. Henry Moser of the speech depart- ment, Mrs. Richard Hadley, and Vir- ginia Holland. Dock Worker's Appeal Prevents British Strike LONDON,' Nov. 28.-(P)-A stir- ring appeal from a 48-year-old dock- yards worker to the governing body Harmon-Weaver Affair Called' Publicity Gag By Margot Thor By WILL SA'PP Weaver. I guess all those sports As far as Margot Thbm is con- viters who have suddenly decided to cerned, it's all a phoney. rerwhhaesdnydcddto "Tom' and Marjorie Weaver?.. write social news just didn't realize "Tam an Marori Weaer? that I knew all about it." why it's all just a publicity gag . . h everything is just like it was before Miss Thom doesn't really know between us two." how it feels to have a Hollywood star- "This is.silly . . . I don't see what let for a rival because she hasn't everyone's talking about." even seen Miss Weaver in a motion It all started about two weeks ago picture, "let alone meet her!" when Luella Parsons, Hollywood col- , Tom stopped off in Buffalo, N.Y., ,imnist, revealed a "budding romance last night to speak at a football ban- '"etween grid star Tom Harmon and quet and will arrive in Ann Arbor Starlet Marjorie Weaver." Since that late tonight. date the press wires of the nation Tomorrow morning he and' Margot 'ave been jammed with stories vary- are flying down to Cleveland where ing from engagements to Christmas Tom will appear on a sportcast with linners together. "Red" Grange. But in New York City this morning Margot first met the boy who ollowing his radio broadcast of last turned out to be the best football night, Tom Harmon spiked those player in the nation at the Union Weaver rumors when he told report- open house two years ago. Harmon ers that this Hollywood stuff wasn't "cut in" on a dance and Miss Thom, rue and that Margot is still "the" then a 17 year old freshman from Orl. -"Another thing," he added, "I'm Buffalo, Wyo., didn't even know he not going to have Christmas dinner played football. with Miss Weaver." Harmon leaves Margot thinks Tom is sincere when