THE MICHIP.-AN n-X!T-.V THURP*tIAV- VAVVMR'PD. Oil s ii . .* . - 1 L 11.1W \:)' P4. l\.L. Si x . 1 LA .5. - T4E M EI~iA IfA T iart zAvvv V MV n 485b ~, U44 "lON 1Rr A W W S. lklk w% kmiw-wr I ''UIT II~I AN DAILY MM""I Rtt ~?(R atuaort or n e :n r fJ tOi W V~ANHA j3 HA.,. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as Second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIaNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CeICAGbr BOSTONd CLOS ARGELES rSAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldma Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser . Helen Corman Editorial Sta n u r Business Staj 'fj . Managing Editor EditorialyDirector City Editor Associate Editor' Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports EditorI * .Women's Editor Exchange Editor 'if Irving Guttman . Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . . Jane Krause Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN SHAPERO The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Labor - In The Crisis .. . IN THE YEARS 1933-38, a period of liberal thought and increasing rec- ognition of the rights of labor to organize and to strike, efforts were made by all interested in improving the conditions of working men to pro- vide a solid basis for keeping their gains inviolate. The foundations of collective bargaining and better wages were said by all to be lasting-they would not perish under any new conditions- they were among the solid liberal gains made by the Roosevelt administration. But, today, under the stress, real and feigned, of the huge defense program and our new feeling that war may soon come, those gains of labor are begin- ning to shake on their foundations. MANY are the proposals concerned with regu- lation of trade unions. Everywhere we hear talk about insuring that labor do its part in the national crisis. And this part seems to involve settling for more hours, no strikes, no overtime premium payments. It is said by many leaders that there must be no strikes-laws are being sought to insure this-because such stoppages of work will hamper the completion of our de- fenses. Such strikes, it is claimed, show the in- ability of democracy to function well in a crisis. One representative from our state-a veteran opponent of all pro-labor legislation-even stated in Congress the other day that workers in de- fense industries should not have to pay their union dues. What his reason is is hard to say, but perhaps it illustrates a point. And that point is that in this time of emergency it is most important to preserve vigilantly all of la- bor's gains, for it is now that they are in their principal danger. THERE MAY BE a crisis in the United States today, but that crisis is not alone one of preparing ourselves for war. It is imperative not only that we be defended from outer ag- gression but that we defend ourselves while still remaining democratic at home, still main- taining all the human rights by which we dis- tinguish ourselves from the savages of Europe. We may say that as soon as this war crisis is past we promptly return to labor all of its rights. But we can never be sure that this so-called temporary abrogation of civil rights is not the first in a long line of steps leading us into the permanent loss of democracy and into war. RIGHT NOW there is a general working up of feeling-and it is growing uncomfortably similar to that loss of reason and consideration that accompanies war. We may not be pre- paring for war-everybody says we aren't-but we are subordinating all ordinary habit to arms collecting and the martial spirit. Regulation of union activity may be followed by more curtail- ment of what we consider, in time of peace, civil rights. This is a time when labor's enemies can get sympathy for what seems to be only a concern for the state of our defense. But they may be seeking something more permanent. Our defense will best be strengthened by satisfied workers. - Alvin Sarasohn Export-Import Bank - An Aid To Defense ... for lending to any nation with whom the United States had trade relations. The present purpose of the bank is to aid American exporters and importers. It usually underwrites from 50 to 75 per cent of the credit extended by American firms to foreign nations. This makes it possible to trade with countries who lack cash. The bank also tries to aid the economy of countries that export to the United States so that the dollar exchange will be greater and a market developed for their sur- plus products that do not compete with our own. How does the bank aid Hemisphere defense? It is generally conceded by all military experts that the independence of South America is vi- tally important to our safety. The only way that dangerous inroads which may eventually threaten its independence can be made in South America is through trade. No one realizes this more than Hitler, and sjnce his rise to power, Germany and the other totalitarian nations have been trying to increase their barter trade with our Southern neighbors. The Totalitarians with their complete control over all trade and by subsidizing exporters at first had the advantage. South America was offered industrial products cheaply and Europe as a market for all its sur- pluses. Hitler with no organized United States opposition was gradually succeeding in econom- ically linking the continent to Germany. The Export-Import Bank, however, is helping to defeat Hitler's purpose and to push all the Totalitarians out of the Western Hemisphere by its extension of large credits to the South American nations and the other countries in the hemisphere. It is making greater trade with the United States possible. A $5,000,000 loan to Haiti in 1938 prevented that country from being involved in financial commitments with Germany. Five loans to Cuba allowed that nation to purchase United States silver bullion for its minting here into Cuban pesos. Regardless of such steps as these, the total- itarian threat to South America still remains. It will only be removed by the increased activity of such governmental agencies as the Export- Import Bank. The biggest problem faced is, of course, that of the large South American sur- pluses. Public opinion prevents our government from importing even to the slightest degree any of their competing agriculture-products. Their only market as the dictators well know is Europe. Dealing with each separate nation alone, the dictators have the upper hand and could gain economic control over that nation and ultimately could gain it over the whole continent. The purchasing of all South American surpluses through the bank and the formation of a large cartel will prevent the organized trade entities of the eTotalitarians from gaining this control. It will prevent the dictators from dominating that area so necessary to our defense. Hope is here expressed that the Roosevelt administra- tion, which has had an admirable record in its satin American relations and in its attempts to stop the Totalitarians there, will see fit to in- crease the facilities of the Export-Import Bank and release it from the hindering $200,000,000 loan limit so that it may continue its Western Hemisphere &'stop Hitler" drive. - George W. Sallade Foolish Things At Wisconsin .. A{T THE University of Wisconsin re- cently an article was written for the official engineering publication urging the sup- port of John Hulten, a chemical engineering student, for the senior class presidency. The story had already been set up in type when it came to the attention of the elections committee which demanded that the article be removed. It was. "We were forced to do this," the engineering magazine explained, "in order not to disqualify the student as a candidate under the 'publicity clause' which provides that the elections com- mittee and the editors of all campus publications shall censor any publicity concerning any can- didate whether directly pertaining to his can- didacy or not." IMMEDIATELY ,the cry went up from both the Wisconsin Engineer and The Daily Cardinal about freedom of the press, with both asserting that one of its inalienable rights was being taken away. From where we are sitting the whole affair seems pretty foolish. In the first place it was extremely bad taste for the Wisconsin Engineer to support a candidate, just as it would be bad taste for the Michigan Technic to do the same thing here. IN THE SECOND PLACE the so-called "pub- licity clausf", in most cases, cannot help but be regarded. It may be remembered that Forest Evashevski" was elected senior class president several weeks ago and one certainly wouldn't want his name and exploits kept out of the papers simply because he was running for office. Finally the appeal for the, maintenance of the "freedom of the press" seems quite ridiculous when one looks at the facts of the case. Incidentally, Hulten wasn't elected but was subsequently appointed to the Senior Council. -Albert Paul Blaustein 'Black Friday' A Waste Of Time ..*. M ICHICxAN'S STUDENT BODY has watched another evening of mirth and merriment come and disappear. The Daily writers and the Michigan Union are wont to call it "Black Friday". Most of us call it foolish. And most of us are right. For years a handful of wide-eyed freshmen have strived to find an occasion on which to exercize their strong-armed high school nonsense. Over the same period, the attempt has fizzled like a firecracker that i _ CC4 Jaw> ;c'tch hod I. Open lettem4 70'Catnpu4 To Bob W est fall .. Congratulations. You've got some real shoes to fill. The campus won't forget Evy for a long time. Nor will you. To Shirley Silver .. . Good luck on your JGP, "Jumping Jupiter." It's a story of Greeks, and we wish all Greeks good luck these days. * * * To ASU.. . If you've got to write letters to The Daily, make your demands reasonable. We'll give any- body a break, but enough of that seven-page letter stuff. It's no good. T o M'ichigan Union . .. Coke bars, are fine things but Black Fri- days are purposeless. Please adjust your plans accordingly. To City Council .. . How about that airport? To Board of Regents .. . Is it true what they're saying about you? To Mill Marsh . . It does us good to see you so happy. Bob Westfall never had a bigger booster. To Mimes Opera .. . Remember this is no revival year. You've got to be good. e) Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON - Toughest prob-! so will by no means entirely exhaustiii lem facing the next Congress will be them. For most of the huge gold errY-Go-Round whether to open up the gates of flood arriving almost daily at Fort Real author of John L. Lewis' re- American dollar credits to the be- Knox, Ky.. comes from the Birtish 'fort to the CIO convention condemn- leaguered British. Empire. Our gold imports from Bri- 'ng Roosevelt and the defense pro- And whether the solons on Capitol tish countries, alone. during the gram was Milton Kaufman, left-wing Hill want to admit it or not, real first year of the war, totaled more executive vice-president of the Ameri- fact is that the situation existing in than three and a half billions. can Newspaper Guild, who followed the country today is almost identical This gold hoard, incidentally, is one Lewis' lead in bolting to Willkie .. . with that on the eve of American en- reason why the British can be sure Nazi organizations in the United trance into the first World War, as States are boosting the latest book trane ito te frstof our financial support-even includ- of Mrs. Anne Morrow Lindbergh, wife far as loans to Great Britain are ing the repeal of the Johnson Act. M th e ment advorgh, in concerned. For should Hitler win this war.Fortf the appeasement advocatein At that time-1916-J. P. MorganKosholdeHitreaur wouthdsberuse-which she expounds her husband's and the big bankers were accused of Knoxs golden treasure would be use- theories . . . Senator Hiram Johnson aen th bin bar werecse ofulchiefly for dentists' fillings. Gold is a rabid isolationist, but for many getting us into war to protect the as a basis for trade would virtuallyyerthagdClfni'sou- loans they already had made to Eng- disappear. years the aged Californian's house- land. Probably much more important, Meanwhile, the British are taking hold servants have been two Chinese, however, was the fact that American 65 per cent of our entire exports, or ho pad around the house in native industry was geared to a tremend- four times what we ship to the entire attire. ous pitch as a result of British orders, continent of Latin America. All of Unreconstructed Rebel and the defeat of Britain would have which indicates how completely in- Unlike the Supreme Court, Senator brought chaos to industry. tertwined the American economic 'Cotton Ed" Smith doesn't follow the Today, likewise, U.S. industry is system now is with Britain's fate, and election returns. The hot-tempered so tied up with British business that how entirely likely is that the next South Carolinian is as belligerent as depression would hit like a ton of Congress will permit loans to Great ser against FDR, despite the Demo- bricks after either British defeat or Britain. 'ratic landslide. the exhaustion of British funds. This, Note-Certain high Administration When a reporter asked him recent- of course, is looking at the question members suggest that inasmuch as 'y if he intended joining the Repub- purely from the hard-boiled material Britain is our first line of defense, icans in maintaining a "loyal op- viewpoint, and without taking into we should send her airplanes and >osition" to Roosevelt; Smith roared consideration the widespread sym- other war supplies without any pay- aack: "Of course. Why should I pathy of the American public for the ment. :hange my colors now? New Dealers British. This, in itself, probably is ire trying to make me and Jack sufficient to induce the lifting of the Irate . IV.S.iplomat warner kiss the hand that smites us, Johnson Act. Some State Department diplomats gut I'll be - - if I dlo it." British Gold secretly admire the burst against Smith added as an after-thought Actually the British will be able to Roosevelt fired by Ferdinand L. Mayer "hat he would support the "greater order war supplies in thesUnited when he resigned as American Minis- .art" of the Administration's foreign States for at least six months with- ter to Haiti. rogram, including aid to Britain. out feeling a bit pinched. For when Mayer is a career diplomat with a -Great Britain hasn't a better friend the war broke out, Britain's total re- distinguished record who has served n Congress that me," he declared. sources which could be used in the under both Democratic and Republi- "You say you favor the greater part United States (gold stocks, dollar can administrations. Ordinarilly ca- of the New Deal foreign policy," the balances, negotiable investments) tot- reer diplomats do not resign their reporter said, "but how do you rec- aled about five billion dollars. posts when there is a change of ad- ncile that with your vote against British purchases during the first ministration, especially not such rel- the conscription bill?" year of the war were $1,800,000,000, atively insignificant posts as Minister "Cotton Ed" was temporarily floor- which leaves a sizeable balance on to Haiti. sd by this one, but recovered. "That hand. However, war purchases for However, shortly after elections, bill made me pretty mad," he replied. the current year have stepped up to Mr. Mayer sent a fervid cable to the "One of my sons just married into a such a rate that the British will have State Department in which he said wealthy family and the future looked spent three billion dollars in the that .the outcome of the November bright for him until the draft. Now second twelve months of war. 5 balloting was not in keeping with he'll probably have to give up his op- This will drain British funds in the American principles of government, portunities and go off to some army United States pretty low, and even so he felt it necessary to resign. camp." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN * * To Chief Norman Cook .. . Thanks for the new stop sign on Plymouth Road. It helps us hitch-hikers more than you realize. S*' To Norman Anning . Thanks to you for suggestions and criticisms. It's your kind of help The Daily needs. We like it better than the knife in the back variety. To Soph Cabaret .. . Spread a little sunshine 'round the town now. It's not time for winter wonderland. Always ,er friend, the" city editor RECORDS Last January Igor Stravinsky, Russian com- poser, conducted the New York Philharmonic- Symphony Orchestra in several concerts of his compositions. This month Columbia Records has released a portion of that successful collab- oration (Suite from "Petrouchka", Masterworks Set X-177, two 12-inch records.) For followers of Mr. Stravinsky, this is as much a collector's item as the composer's re- cording last month of his "Le Sacre du Prin- temps". As a conductor of his own music, Mr. Stravinsky is comparatively restrained; he is content to allow the wild brilliance of the music speak for itself. And in this recording it speaks in vivid dramatic terms. We lave no stage before us with the puppet Petrouchka jauntily making the rounds of the Russian fair, but the splotches of musical color, the flashing, bizarre, typically Russian rhythms and melodies are sufficient in themselves. It is not necesary to see Petrouchka get his skull cracked in a love- quarrel with a Moor; the dramatic development and orchestration by the "youthful Stravinsky" are eminently satisfying alone. For those who have thought of Stravinsky's "Petrouchka" Suite in terms of the meanderings of an asthmatic train, this is a good opportunity to look into the matter again. This month, too, Howard Barlow and the Co- lumbia Broadcasting Symphony have recorded one of Schubert's lesser known symphonies, the Second in B flat Major. Columbia, Set M-420, three 12-inch records.) Written when the com- poser was but 18 years old during one of his most prolificuperiods, this symphony reflects to a great extent the influence of Mozart and Haydn. But because of the slight development and simple harmonic treatment of the themes, the Schubert that was to become the greatest melodist of them all may be easily detected. Mr. Barlow's interpretation is straight-forward and sincere. Technically, the recording is without a blemish. .* * * Columbia's popular album of the month is a collection of Jerome Kern's show tunes recorded by Al Goodman and his orchestra. (Set C-34, four 10-inch records.) The tunes: "Who", "Why Do I Love You", "Look for the Silver Lining", "Make-Believe", "Ol' Man River", "All the Things You Are", "They Believe Me", and "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes". Mr. Goodman's THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 51 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. - Notices Group Surgical Plan: Mr. Wurzer of the Michigan Hospital Service will explain the proposed group surgical plan for University employees in Room 1025 Angell Hall this afternoon at 4:30. Everyone interested is in- vited to attend. Since the last date for enrollment is November 30, this will be the last meeting held before the deadline. To Members of the Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The third regular meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts of the academ- is session of 1940-41 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, December 2nd, 1940, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various commit- tees have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the December meeting. , Edward H. Kraus AGENDA: 1. Michigan Cooperative Teacher Education Study, Dr. H. L. Turner. 2. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of November 4th, 1940 (pp. 692-693), which were distributed by campus mail. 3. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with this call to the meeting. a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor P. S. Welch. b. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor L. I. Bredvold. c. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, to be given by Associate Professor W. L. Ayres. d. Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean E. H. Kraus. 4. Freshman Tests of Scholastic Ap- titude, Assistant Professor P. S. Dwy- er. 5. New business. 6: Announcements. - . Concerts The University Symphony Orchestra Thor Johnson, Conductor, will pre- sent Ava Comm Case as Pianist in its second concert of the year, to be giv- en at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, December 1, in Hill Auditorium. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: An exhibit of ceramic Whewell Professor of International Law at Cambridge University, will lecture on the subject, "Problems of Post-War International Reconstruc- tion," under the auspices of the Law School and the Department of Poli- tical Science at 4:15 p.m. on Mon- day,' December 2, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Melville J. Her- skovits, Professor of Anthropology and Chairman of the Department at Northwestern University, will lecture on the subject, "The Negro in the New World," under the auspices of the De- partment of Anthropology, at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, December 6, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. The lecture on "Housing," by Pro- fessor George B. Brigham, will be giv- en in the Rackham Building this evening at 7:30. The lecture is open to the public. Stewards and Housemanagers: A series of three lectures and an exam- ination on sanitation for food hand- lers will be given in the Natural Sci- ence Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. on the following dates: Lecture I, Today. Lecture II, Thursday, Dec. 5. Lecture III, Tuesday, Dec. 10. It is suggested that you require your food handlers to attend and take the examination. W. E. Forsythe, M.D. Health Service Events Today The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Ob- servatory lecture room. Dr. Heber D. Curtis will speak on "The Schmidt Camera." Tea at 4:00 p.m. Graduate Luncheon for Chemical and Metallurgical Engineers will be held today at 12 o'clock noon in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Small charge. Dr. Milo N. Mickelson of the Dept. of Bacteriology will speak on "The Use of Micro-Organisms in Industry." Transportation Club: Mr. Reed Landis will speak on the "Airport Design Problem," at the Michigan Union tonight at 7:30. The Society of Automotive Engin- eers will hold a dinner for members with Mr. Paton tonight at 6:00 in the Michigan Union. The Society of Automotive Engin- eers will meet tonight in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre at 7:30. Mr. Clyde Paton will speak on "Problems En- countered in Industry." Refreshments. All engineers are welcome. Flying Club meets tonight at 8:30 in the Union for a short business meeting. Those persons interested in owning a share of the club airplane should attend. Bring your entrance fee. Anyone interested in joining the club should pay their dues today as the local membership list will be turned in to the National Organiza- tion at this time. The Men's Physical Education Club will meet at nine o'clock tonight in Room 116, Michigan Union. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal to- (Continued on Page 6) RADIOSPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red I 1030 HC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Thursday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver 6:15 Musical Newscast " Evening Serenade 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day in Review 6:45 The World Today Lowell Thomas Texas Rangers 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Dinner Music Here's Morgan Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Vox Pop Caravan Shall Not Pass Escorts & Betty 7:45 Vox Pop " of Originalities 8:00 Ask-it Basket Good News Evening Serenade Pot of Gold 8:15 Ask-it Basket Football Forecast 8:30 Strange as Seems Aldrich Family Child Welfare Tom Dorsey Orch. 8:45 Strange as Seems " Chicago Tonight " 9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hall Baptist Hour Gabriel Heatter 9:15 Major Bowes " Jas. Bourbonnaise 9:30 Major Bowes " News Ace News 9:45 Major Bowes Good Neighbors To Be Announced I