nWeathe r
Snow and Colder.
J ri'
Football Players
And Subsidization
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Gridders Choose,
Westfall Captain
For 1941 Season
He's The Team's 'Head Man' For '41
Nazis Claimed Deserting
Axis Partner In Greece;
Britons BidForBulgaria
Lettermen Name Harmon
Most Valuable Player
At MeetingYesterday
Team's New Leader
Is From Ann Arbor
The nation hasn't given him the
credit he deserves, but the boys who
played with him-the ones who know
best-did yesterday. The 25 letter-
winners on Michigan's football squad
elected Bob Westfall to captain the
1941 Wolverines-the first Ann Arbor
boy to be so honored since Johnny
Maulbetsch in 1916.
They also paid another tribute,
probably the most important in all he
has received, to All-America Tom
Harmon, when they named him the
squad's most valuable player for the
second successive year.
The choice of Westf all for next
year's captaincy was the acknowl-
edgement of a job well done. The
Ann Arbor boy is one of the top full-
backs, better than the experts' rank-
ings indicate, but he won't be so
recognized until next year, when
Harmon and Forest Evashevski are
gone and the sports writers can get
a good look at him.
'Great Fullback'
He moved into that "dream back-
field" as a sophomore last fall, well-
thought of, but always thought of
after Harmon and his running-mates
of the year before. He was very
good then, and this year, in the words
of Coach Fritz Crisler, he was a
"great fullback." Maybe next year
the rest of the country will admit it.
If you don't believe it, and you
probably do, here's what he's done
while others were getting the ac-
claim, in 1939 he carried the ball
80 times, made a total of 363 yards
for an average of 4.5 per try; in 1940
his average was 4.28, with 827 yards
in 193 tries. All this yardage was
piled up while putting the Wolver-
ines in scoring position, for "Bullet
Bob" only crossed that goal line five
times, two as a sophomore and three
this year.
But it takes more than ability as a
player to be a good leader, and West-
fall has this, too. Crisler put his O.K.
on the result of the poll as "a very
fine choice. Their judgment was
wise." A captain can do a lot to
make or break a team's record, so
the Coach's approval makes it unani-
No Surprise
The choice of Harmon as most
valuable shouldn't be a surprise to
anyone. The Wolverines were shot
with talent this year,and there's
more than one man on the squad
who would have a good claim to the
honor on any other team. But not
on this team. The Hammer was the
best of a very good lot.
Coach Crisler added to the tribute
when he called it "a fine testimony
of the respect and amiration the
men had for him." They may still
be aching from the blocks they threw
for the Hammer in that 40-0 rout
(Continued on Page 3)
Gray To Open
Lecture Series
Fitzgerald, Rich Planned
For Future Lectures
J S Gray, editor and publisher of
the Monroe "Evening News, " will give
the opening lecture in the 1940-41
Department of Journalism lecture
series at 3 p.m. today in Room E Hav-
en Hall. Gray will discuss the part
of the press in the recent presidential
After the speech, there will be a
coffee hour for students in the de-
partment and their guests. The pub-
lic is invited to attend the lecture.
Other speakers who are scheduled
to speak in the current series in-
clude: Harold A Fitzgerald, editorof
the Pontiac "Daily Press," who will be
here Dec. 11; and Phil Rich, publisher
of the Midland "Daily News," who is
scheduled to lecture Jan. 8.
Frosh Frolic,
Senior Dance
Petitions Due
Petitioning for positions on th
Senior Ball and Frosh Frolic danct
committees will begin at 3 p.m. to
morrow and extend through 5 p.m
Dec. 5, it was announced yesterday
by Ward Quaal, '41, president of the
Men's Judiciary Council.
Men may obtain official petition
blanks at the Student Offices of the
Union between 3 and 5 p.m. They
must be returned to the Offices by
Dec. 5, accompanied by the signa-
tures of 25 of the petitioner's class-
mates and an eligibility card. The
petitioner must also answer a ques-
tionaire compiled bythe Judiciary
Council to aid in determining the
qualifications of those wishing to
become candidates.
Women may obtain petition blanks
at the Michigan League between 3
and 5 p.m. beginning tomorrow, sub-
ject to the same general instructions,
Doris Merker, '41, president of the
Women's Judiciary Council, an-
Thirteen members are to be elected
to the Senior Ball committee; five
will be chosen from the Literary Col-
lege (two of whom must be women),
three from the Engineering College,
and one each from the schools of
Architecture, Music, Education, For-
estry and Conservation, and Nursing.
Eight positions are to be filled on
the Frosh Frolic committee; five will
be chosen from the Literary College
(two of whom must be women).
Three members will be elected from
the Engineering College.
The election itself will be held on
Wednesday, Dec. 11, balloting to
take place between 10 a.m. and 12
a.m. and between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Budget Session
To Open Today
Detroit Controllers' Group
Sponsors Conference;
Logan To Be Chairman
Sponsored by The Detroit Con-
trollers' Group and the Michigan
School of Business Administration,
the conference on "The Controller's
Responsibility for the Merchandise
Budget" will open at 2:30 p.m. today
in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Speakers in the afternoon session
include F. E. Logan of Detroit, who
will act as chairman of the session;
Dean Clare E. Griffin, of the School
of Business Administration, who will
welcome the group to Ann Arbor,
and Edgar H. Gault, Professor of
Marketing, who will discuss the re-
sults of a questionnaire which was
sent out to all members of the Con-
trollers Group.
T. C. Sperry, of Toledo, will dis-
cuss the controller's viewpoint of the
convention theme, while J. W. Mc-
Eachren, of Detroit, will present the
management's viewpoint. A discus-
sion period will follow the speeches.
In the evening session, which starts
at 6:30, William A. Paton, Professor
of Accounting, will act as toastmas-
ter. The main speech of the con-
vention will be given by Charles L.
Jamison, Professor of Business Pol-
icy, on 'Fundamentals in a Chang-
ing Business World." After the talk,
motion pictures of one of Michigan's
football games will be shown.
The social program, for visitors
with the controllers' group, includes
a tour of the campus which starts
fromrthe registration desk at 2:30
p.m. and a tea at 4 p.m. which will
be held in the Assembly Hall.
IAS Elects Officers
At Meeting Yesterday
Scott Osler, '41E, was elected vice-
president and Henry T. Fielding,
'42E, was elected Engineering Coun-
Bob Westfall, the first Ann Arbor boy to be elected captain of a
Michigan football team since Johnny Maulbetsch received this distinc-
tion back in 1916. Westfall played in the backfield with All-American
Tom Harmon and retiring Captain Forest Evashevski since last fall
and has done more than his share of holding up the scoring punch of
the Wolverine team.
English Need U. S. Aid
To Ha It Nazi L ufrtwaffe
(The following revealing dispatch on
the seriousness of England's condition
passed through a censor which here-
tofore has frowned on such statements.
It may mean the Britishhave changed
their attitude and believe a dark pic-
ture of their danger would arouse more
sympathy in the United States than
the confident optimism displayed so
far by the government.)
(Associated Press Correspondent)
London, Nov. 26-Britons, painfully
aware of their inability to stop the
Luftwaffe's night raiders and restive
under German domination of the
war, more and more are looking to
the United States for all-important
supplies to wrest the initiative from
the Nazis.
The British are confident they have
the men, but it is arms, planes, tanks
and more ships that they need ur-
gently and must have to battle the
Axis upon equal terms.
Even the most optimistic officials
here in the "front line" admit there
is much to be done in preparation
before Britain can take the offensive.
At first they said an offensive could
be expected in 1941; now they talk
of 1943 and 1944.
Britannia still rules the waves, but
needs more American help to do it.
A considerable part of recent stagger-
Graduates To Hold
Luncheon, Concert
Graduate students and faculty
are invited to attend a classical rec-
ord concert at 4:15 today in the men's
lounge of the Rackham Building.
Tschaikowsky's Piano Concerto in B
Flat Minor and Shostakovich's Fifth
Symphony will be featured on the
program, Bob Lewis, chairman, an-
Abraham L. Rosenzweig, Grad, will
speak today at the Graduate Lun-
cheon in the Russian Tea Room of
the League on the workd of graduate
students in the bacteriology depart-
ment. This is the sixth lecture in the
"Khnow Your University" series in
which the gradpate students describe
the fields of major interest to them.,
ing shipping losses can be traced to
deficiencies in escort ships.
Unless Britain can get more United
States destroyers to go with the 50
already obtained, shipping losses like-
ly will continue at a high level. There
likewise is need for merchant ships
and this need will grow as spring
brings an increase in U-Boat activity.
Only today Minister of Shipping
Ronald H. Cross made the ominous
admission that Britain is losing ships
faster than she can replace them.
The press is demanding a speedup
of the still-faltering industries and
the use of the unemployed, whose
numbers are rising despite the war
Britons have been blinded partly by
patriotism, partly by propaganda and
their censorship often is guilty of
making a reverse look like a victory
because the British can and are "tak-
ing it."
Complacency, distortion and reluc-
tance to admit the truth are as dan-
gerous to the British cause as nightly
Opera Ticket Sales,
Will Open Monday,
Silcott Announces,
The Union Opera ticket sale, which
was incorrectly announced yesterday
as opening on Saturday, will start
Monday, Jack Silcott, Grad, chair-
man of the opera, has announced.
All the main floor seats for the
performances of "Take A Number"
on Dec. 11, 12, 13, and 14, and the
matinee on the 14th, -will be priced
at $1, as well as the first four rows
of the balcony. The remaining bal-
cony seats may be had for 75c.
Mail orders may be addressed to
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre af-
ter Monday. All dormitories, fratern-
ity houses and sorority houses will be
canvassed by members of the opera
ticket committee on Monday, Tues-
day and Wednesday of next week.
The box office sale will not begin
until Saturday, Dec. 9.
Lord Halifax Guarantees
Nation's Independence
In Future Peace Pacts
Fear Axis Thrusts
At Suez Life-Line
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 26-Britain lifted
a hopefully beckoning diplomatic
finger at Bulgaria today, promising
that if she would stay neutral this
country would do its best-when
peace comes at last-to assure her
future independence.
The overture was made bluntly in
the House of Commons by Lord Hali-
fax, the Foreign Secretary, through
Undersecretary R. A. Butler, who
submitted this written statement:
"Lord Halifax welcomes this op-
portunity of stating that provided
Bulgaria does not join or assist, either
actively or passively, the enemies of
Great Britain 'or attack her Allies, it
is the intention of His Majesty's Gov-
ernment to do their best to insure
that in any eventual peace settle-
ment to which Great Britain is, a
party the integrity and independence
of Bulgaria shall be fully respected."
The reference to British Allies
clearly was to Greece, whose men are
fighting off the Italians now but fac-
ing, nevertheless, the possibility of
another , and stronger Axis thrust
through Bulgaria.
This offer of a British guarantee
to Bulgaria-which informed per-
sons here thought was not likely to
influence that nation greatly in view
of the power of Adolph Hitler's Pan-
zer Divisions-illustrated the night-
mare which has been troubling Brit-
ish strategists, the possibility of a
giant pincer closing on the Suez Ca-
Six Contestants
Vie In Speech
Professors Eich, Maxwell,
Beal To Act As Judges;
Moser To Be Chairman
Six finalists chosen from the rep-
resentatives of the 18 sections of
Speech 31 will compete in the first
contest of the semester at 4 p.m. to-
day in the Natural Science Auditor-
William Wadsworth, '43, of Tra-
verse City, will speak on "The pur-
pose of Intramural Sports Program"
and Joy Wright, '43, of Battle Creek
on "A Nazi German Couple Visits
Jim Bob Stephenson, '43, of Ann
Arbor will present his speech on "Se-
curity in Black and White." Eliza-
beth Faunee, '43, of Palmyra, N. J.,
has chosen "Youth and the World
Crisis" as her topic and Stanley N.
Frye will describe "A Serbian Wed-
ding." "Innocence Abroad" will be
the subject of William Baker's speech.
He is a sophomore from Welborn,
The contest will be judged by Prof.
Louis Eich, Mr. Beal and Mr. Max-
well of the Speech department. Prof.
Henry Moser will act as chairman.
Thumbing Champ
* * *
Robert Friers
Will Describe
Robert Friers, Hitch-hiking Champ
of the World, will describe his thumb-r
ing exploits through Mexico, Central
America and Colombia at a specialt
lecture in English sponsored by LaJ
Sociedad Hispanica at 8f30 p.m. to-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-..
His lecture will be featured by theN
Michigan premiere of his color mqvie,
"Overland to South America," which
was recently shown six times in Chi-
Friers last year won national fame
after hitch-hiking 'round the world1
on $82.00, to win a five dollar bet
with his roommate. His adventures1
included wading in the pool of thet
Taj Mahal, making friends with the
native villagers on the Tibetan bord-c
er, playing bridge with a Bombay
pearl merchant, a Persian poet andt
an Indian Communist leader on a
ship crossing the Persian Gulf.
He is at present doing graduate
work in Latin American history, and
later hopes to secure a job selling
U. S. products in South America.
Meyer To Speak
Today In, Union.
Will Discuss 'Imperialism'
Before Marxist Society
Frank Meyer, director of the Chi-
cago Workers' School, and one of the
outstanding Marxist scholars of the
Midwest, will address the second
meeting of the Karl Marx Society
at 8 p.m. tonight in the Michigan
Speaking on "Yankee Imperialism,
1940: Economic Perspectives," Meyer
will define the meaning of the term1
'imperialism' and discuss the ope-
tion of imperialism in American for-
eign policy. The attitude of the pres-
ent administration toward the Latin-
American countries, the Far East,
and Great Britain will form the basis+
of his analysis.
Formerly a student at the London
School of Economics, Meyer now
heads the Chicago Workers' School,
which enrolls several thousand in
courses on trade unionism, American
history, argi world politics.
All studentsinterested in learning
more about the Marxist position are
invited to attend and participate in
the discussion which will follow Mey-
er's talk.
More Snow Foreseen
As City Digs Way Out
Ann Arborput on its overshoes
yesterday as the first heavy snow of
the season blanketed lower Michigan,
and still more snow was on the way
today and tomorrow.
With temperatures freezing over
Sources Report Germans
Not Preparing Military
Action Against Turkey
Greeks Win Battle
On Northern Front
(By The Associated Press)
ROME, Nov. 26.-Well-informed
sources in Rome said today Nazi
Germany was leaving the fight
against Greece entirely up to Musso-
lini's Italian legions, with no inten- -
tion of intervening there to help her
southern Axis partner.
The same sources also scouted ru-
mors here that the Nazis were pre-
paring to take military action against
Diplomatic Activity
The Reich is only. attempting
through diplomatic activity to keep
Turkey from entering the war on the
side of her neighbor, Greece, an in-
formant said.
As evidence, he said, there is no
German military movement in the
Balkans and only a few Nazi troops
are in Rumania and none in Bulgaria.
(Neutral sources have estimated there
are 1,250,000 German soldiers in Ru-
Although Bulgaria has been expec-
ted to join the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo
Alliance, this source said its adher-
ence to the pact was out of the ques-
tion because Turkey might consider
such action grounds for entering the
war on the side of Britain.
Fear Of Compromise
Spain likewise, is staying out of the
alliance, this source said, for fear
of compromising her position.
Meantime, the Italian High Com-
mand reported successes today
against Greek landing forces on the
Epirus coast and British motorized
units in East Africa.
Greek troops "which disembarked
on the Epirus coast were in part de-
stroyed and in part captured with
their arms," the High Command's
communique said.
Greeks Scatter
Italian Reinforcements
(By The Associated Press)
ATHENS, Nov. 26-Bayonet thrust-
ing Greeks were declared today to
have scattered fresh Italian troops-
'a choice regiment of Romans," the
Greeks called them-thrown into ac-
tion in a desperate attempt to bol-
ster the center of the sagging Al-
bahian Battle Line.
There was no stopping their forces
here or anywhere else along the
rambling, mountainous front, the
Greeks reported.
In te north, they said, Greek
fighters pushed steadily beyond Po-
gradetz, Italian stronghold 30 miles
inside Albania( and in the south they
engaged tattered Italians battling
fiercely to hold Argirocastro, the sec-
and and last major Fascist "invas-
ion" base, and keep open their path
to the Adriatic Sea.
(Authoritative military circles in
London reported some Greek units
had got beyond the Greek town of
Philiataes, near the Albanian border
on the coast, and others, landed from
ships, had severed Italian communi-
cations from the rear. The Greeks
themselves had reported the capture
of Konispolis, Albanian town just
north of Philiataes.
County Needs
Airport, Sayvs
Prof. Moore
Washtenaw County needs an air-
port for both local and national rea-
sons, Professor A. D. Moore of the
University's engineering school said
last night in a talk before the Mich-
igan Aeronautical' Society.
The national defense needs of the
nation was listed as one of the pri-
mary reasons for the construction of
a landing field. An airport in this
Student-Faculty Get- Together Series
Wins Approval In Survey Of Campus
Have you ever felt, as you listened
to one of your professors expound
his neatly outlined hour's worth of
knowledge, that you would like to
meet him sometime when the discus-
sion wasn't confined between the
covers of a textbook?
Bob Shedd, '42, of the Union ex-
ecutive staff believes that you have,
and he is planning a series of Stu-
plan would depend nearly wholly on
student participation, Shedd wished
to find out how they might be ex-
pected to receive the idea by having
Daily representatives ask a few stu-
dents for their opinions. Here are the
Lewis Londy, '41, "I think that Stu-
dent-Faculty Get-Togethers are an
T'., ,1«. - -.e -
anything but the academic basis of
student and professor. Many students
want a chance to meet their profes-
sors informally but don't realize when
and where it is available."
William Rockwell, '41, "I have al-
ways felt that there exists a deplor-
able lack of contact and understand-
ing between the faculty and students.