PAGE FOUR T14F MIf.141 . A N D A TT V SUNDAY, NQVEIVMER 24, 1940 1 1l Mt! 1 T111 V21N 1\ A V S1"A,.1NOEMDE 4..194 I. -. w .- *.i7J~~4.w.~~'.L3 . 4 3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO *BOSTON . LOs ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor Editorial Director * . . . City Editor Associate Editor ., . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . .Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE LACHENBRUCH The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers -only. Council Action Halts Airport Plans .. A PROPOSAL has recently been placed before the Ann Arbor Com- mon Council which would provide for the build- ing of a new and larger airport forAnn Arbor. Though no plans were submitted definitely. for the financing of the project, presumably funds would be raised by a bond issue and a govern- ment grant. Monday night, however, the Common Council took action, or rather, refused to take action, and inso doing virtually stymied the entire scheme. The Airport Committee of the Council brought in a report, stating that there were three available sites for the new airport. Two are apparently satisfactory as far as providing a foundation for runways; the third, the Davidson farm west of the present airport, must be tested for the suit- ability of its soil. THE COMMITTEE recommended that a soil test be taken on this land west of the airport at a cost not to exceed $500, with the explanatory statement that the test would probably not cost more than $100. The Council, by a tie vote, killed the committee's proposal.. Now the Airport Committee is stymied. Abso- lutely no action can be taken until this third pos- sible site has been investigated, for the govern- ment, from which funds will necessarily have to come, will not approve any movement until a thorough report of all possibilities is made. MEMBERS voting against the move gave two reasons. One was' that since no definite action has been taken on how the project should be financed, no preliminary steps should be taken. The Council, they say, should first pass on the submitting of a bond issue to the people, be- fore any preliminary steps are made. But no move could be made, no definite idea of the size of the issue needed can be had, until an ap- proximate cost of the project is known. These preliminary steps must be made first, before any definite action can be taken. Another group of those voting against the proposal objected to the expenditure of the tax- payer's money for something so indefinite. The cost of the soil test, approximately $100, accord- ing to figures of the University's expets, would be taken from the contingent fund of the bud- get, which contains more than $22,000. Alto- gether it would cost each taxpayer less than one- fourth of a cent to investigate this third pos- sible site for an airport. BUT THERE the Council left the matter, with an almost uninstructed Airport Committee left in the air, with no further action to take, un- less the Council votes the money for the soil test. That Ann Arbor's present airport facilities are 'less than adequate is an obvious point. The pres- ent field is too small, and with no concrete run- ways can accomodate only lighter amateur fly- ing. It was these poor flying facilities that kept the University's CAA quota down to 75, much too small for an institution of more than 10,000 stu- dents. There is a possibility, according to some members of the Council, that the enlarged air- port would enable the quota to be increased to 300. ANN ARBOR, itself, leaving the University out as one if its members, has done excellent work in its investigations, but can go no further. FOR A SMALL SUM which could easily be se- cured, and the mistaken idea of putting the cart before the horse, the Council is holding up a move which would be of inestimable benefit to Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan. - William Baker Democracy Needs New Political Faith . . B Y LAST WEEK national defense had become the primary concern of nearly all Americans. The first contingents of conscripted men were undergoing physical examination. Along the Jersey coast the Navy was testing out its motor torpedo boats. Many an industrial plant was turning out perfected "machines of destruction." Few voices were raised to deny the necessity of building an adequate national defense. And yet an increasing number of persons believed that all this activity would not be sufficient to answer the 1940 Challenge to Democracy. They lamented the excessive emphasis on externals, on the narrow constrictions of purely defensive procedures. They insisted that a new positive and constructive political faith would comprise the only really effective reply to the threat'of Fascism, either internal or external. This group knew that in the future they could not be "easy" with themselves. They knew that they would have to scrutinize the weak- nesses of their democratic forms in order to understand the malaise of the modern world. They knew that they could not afford to over- look the fatal defects of their own society. And they knew that such fearless self-analy- sis must be followed by a firm resolution to eradicate those weaknesses and defects. " THESE PERSONS it was clear that Fas- cism was no mere accident, no fortuitous creation of the political gods. They recognized that Fascism had succeeded, because Democracy had failed to realize its original promise. They were positive that the supine materialism of certain sections of democratic society was chiefly responsible for the incredible advance of the "revolution of nihilism." They were convinCed that a mere accumula- tion of arms and men would never preserve the essence of Democracy. They assailed the smug viewpoint'that America could become an impreg- nable and invulnerable hemisphere by physical means alone. They condemned the failure to con- ceive an imaginative philosophy to offset the Fascist "blood-and-thunder." THIS BLOC of public opinion was determined to construct a new political faith: a faith that dared to look ahead to the years when Fas- cism would be emphatically discarded, a faith that would make Democracy-not the subject of trite and pompous speeches - but a living and progressing social dynamo. The architects of this new poltical faith would have little interest in arbitrary labels. They would find both the negative outlook of Fas- cism and the artificial rigidities of Communism to be equally unsatisfactory. They knew that in formulating their political principles they must use the empirical method of science. The re- sults might involve stepping on the toes of in- numerable presure groups. But they were pre- pared to meet this eventuality openly and vig- orously. They were willing to operate within the framework of existing political organizations. They knew that the solution of the present economic inadequacies of Democracy could never be worked out by a nostalgic application of laissez-faire principles. Rather they looked hope- fully at the potentialities of cooperative econ- omics. NOR WOULD THEY forget the personal equa- tion. A new scale of values - perhaps not unlike that at the base of Victorian seriousness - was absolutely essential. No reversion to the crass materialism and the Babylonian opulence of the Twenties could be tolerated. An obsession with mere creature comforts and an undue at- tention to such superficialities as inflexible pro- tocols of social conduct would be criticized as evi- dences of decadence and would find no place in a revivified Democracy. In such a spirit would our new political faith be constructed. Its principles would be upheld by those who cared deeply and passionately about the World of the Future. It would be sup- ported by those who were determined to "look forward." It would be defended actively by those who were willing to go down into the "gladia- torial arena of life" and act on their beliefs. By this positive and constructive approach to the momentous problems of a tragic era a decisive answer to the Fascist menace would be provided. -Chester Bradley National Art che Drew Pedo Mad Roe ts.Alen WASHINGTON - If it weren't for spreading alarm among the public, the Roosevelts would like to call off the formal White House receptions this year. Already, the diplomatic re- ception has been canceled, and it would make things easier if the other four receptions were dropped also. But this would be unprecedented in peace times and would cause too much specu- lation. Cancellation of the diplomatic reception next month is easily explained on the ground that the envoys of warring nations might not have a hap- py time playing together, especially since this year's order of precedence would throw the Chi- nese Ambassador between the German and the Japanese. Once, before we entered the World War, the diplomatic reception was canceled for the same reasons as today. But to cancel the others would create an impression of imminent entrance into the war. The President has to stand for two hours re- ceving the hundreds of guests at each reecption, and he would like to be spared the ordeal. In- stead, the invitation lists will be cut. Each func- tion will have about 700 guests this year instead of the usual 1100. This eliminates all except the official guests, and means that hundreds of Washington city socialites, who usually rate the gold-seal invi- tation, will have to stay at home and read all about it in the newspapers. Defense Food NATIONAL DEFENSE chiefs are not saying anything about it, but they are carefully scrutinzing the supply of food in the nation. Not that there is any danger of food shortages. Far from it. What does worry Defense officials is the danger of a price boom as a result of heavy Army and Navy requirements. The Army soon will be in the market for food to feed 1,200,000 husky youths, and records show that men entering the Army eat about six per cent more than in civilian life. With 800,000 draf- tees a year, this means an appreciable increase in the national food consumption. This situation, if left to itself, would lead to price skyrocketing, particularly in certain canned goods and meats used heavily in the Army ra- tions. And in a few cases, the "pack" of canned foods was on the smallish side this year. l sominie Says THANKSGIVING marks a high degree of cul- ture, ingratitude, and ignoble profile of exis- tence. What of the call to worship just made to us as citizens? Did we worship or eat, assemble to rest and pray or arrange to speed across the landscape? In preparing for our religious observance of Thanksgiving Day we searched in vain for the proclamation in eight different weeklies some of them church journals, to find it only at the university library in a financial bulletin. One is included to ask if press and church are serving the ideal of "freedom-to-worship" or are ignor- ant of man's central need of values in our com- mon life. This counselor, perhaps as careless as the rest, failed to use the customary channels for announcing the observance planned by the Ann Arbor ministers. AT RACKHAV a lofty service with fitting re- marks by the mayor, the president's solemn proclamation, a contrite moving prayer, good music, great scripture, and an eloquent sermon engaged those who paused in recognition of na- tional blessings. Also, in various houses of pray- er "the faithful" celebrated the Mass or recom- mitted themselves in other wholesome reverence. The total numbei so engaged was not reassur- ing. Here is a cleavage in our culture. The recent U. S. census shows over sixty million members of churches in our population. Estimates announce that not more than forty million join regularly to worship the God they have given vows to serve. The farther fact tlt in these United States we sixty million Jews and Christians, so certain that "freedom-to-worship" is a boon, keep alive relig-+ ious home-training for less than one half the population, is disconcerting. YOUNG LADIES and young gentlemen, you who are the recipients of that culture we call Democratic - what are you going to do about it? Fellow intellectuals, known as administrators, deans, professors, experts in recearch, counselors, what have we to offer? Do we intend to defend our firesides, our institutions, our ideals, our in- dustries and our fortunes by dispatching our be- loved sons to training camps only to have them from their civic devotion return as did their sires from Flanders and the Argonne to find us recre- ant to our inner duty? I fear we have so declared upon this Thanksgiving Day in the year of our Lord 1940. Are we excited about a fiction? Do we prize the freedom to worship - yet few worship? - Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education by placing their efforts on sale at prices, in some instances, that have been halved. : , .. . o i d 2 < .F I / 1 .4 /0 Just In Case!f DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1940 VOL. LI No. 48 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 27, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Group Hospitalization and Group Surgical Plan: Applications for en- rollment in either group hospitaliza- tion or the group surgical plan spon- sored by the Michigan Hospital Serv- ice will be accepted if received by the Business Office on or before No- vember 30, 1940. Those applications for group hospitalization will become effective December 5 with the first payroll deduction on December 31. If a sufficient number enroll for the surgical plan, the above dates also will apply to that service. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has receiv- ed notice of the following Civil Service examinations. The last date for fil- ing application is noted in each case: United States Teacher in Indian Community and Boarding Schools, January 3, 1941. Agriculture, salary $1,800 and $2,000. I Elementary Grades, salary $1,620 and $1,800. Home Economics, salary $1,620 and $1,800. Remedial Reading, salary $1,800. Special or Opportunity Classes, salary $1,620. Music, salary $1,620 and $1,800. Art, salary $1,620 and $2,000. Departmental Guard, salary $1,200, December 6, 1940. Complete announcement on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Wanted: Boys for delivery work in Detroit during Christmas vacation with one of the best firms. Must have own car. Salary. Call at Bureau for further information; hours 9-12 and 2-4; 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments Receipt holders for the football tickets resale for the Northwestern game may collect their money or tick- ets in the Student Offices of the Un- ion the next two weeks from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Academic Notices Bacteriology Seminar on Monday, Concerts Choral Union Concert: The New York Philharmonic Symphony Orch- estra, John Barbirolli, Conductor, will give the fourth program in the Choral Union Concert Series this afternoon, at 3 o'cock sharp in Hill Auditorium. The public is particularly request- ed to be seated amply on time since the concert will begin promptly and will be internationally broadcast. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: The annual exhibition of student work of the member schools of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture is being shown in the third floor exhibition room of the Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through November 27. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Professor W. Pauli of the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, will lecture on "The Connection Between the Spin and the Statistics of Elementary Particles" under the auspices of the Department of Physics at 4:15 on Monday, Novem- ber 25, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: H. Lauterpacht, Whewell Professor of International Law at Cambridge University, will lecture on the subject, "Problems of Post-War International Reconstruc- tion," under the auspices of the Law School and the Department of Poli- tical Science at 4:15 p.m._ on Mon- day, December 2, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. To Seniors and Juniors of the Col- lege of Engineering and Others En- rolled for the Lecture Series on Naval Subjects: The second lecture of the series will be delivered at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 26, in Room 438 West Engr. Bldg. Subject: "Organi- zation and Administration of the Naval Shore Establishment." Speak- er, Captain L. A. Davidson, U.S.N. Professor of Naval Science and Tac- tics. A lecture, "The Battle of America," will be given on Wednesday evening, November 27, at the Masonic Temple by Colonel Henry W. Miller, Professor of Mechanism and Engineering Draw- ing. Colonel Miller was in charge of heavy artillery on the Western Front during the first World War, and is an authority on matters of national de- fense. The lecture is open to the public. University Lecture: Dr. Imre Fer- colors and IN ENGLISH by Robert E. Friers, sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica, will be presented at 8:30 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter on Wednesday, Nov. 27. Open to the public at 35 cents. Tickets are available at the Romance Language office. The next meeting of the Sociedad, which was to be on Thursday, is post- poned a week. The Third Lecture for the group of dormitory food handlers will be given on Tuesday, November 26, in Natural Scienve Auditorium, 8:00-9:30 p.m. Events Today International Center: Tonight at 7 o'clock Professor Dwight L. Dumond, of the Department of History, will speak on "Our Old World Heritage." This lecture follows the regular Sun- day Evening Supper at 6 o'clock. Michigan Christian Fellowship will meet today at 4:0 p.m. in the Fire- place Room of Lane Hall. Rev. Sud- gen of Jackson will give the first of a series of four talks. All students interested are invited. The Lutheran Student Association will meet this evening in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30. Supper will be served and afterward Dorothy Arthur will lead a discussion on "Thy Kingdom Come." Gamma Delta Student Club of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will meet at 5:30 p.m. for a fellowship supper aid social hour. Coming Events Botanical Journal Club will meet Tuesday, November 26, 1940, at 7:30 p.m. in Room N.S. 1139. Reports by: Gretchen Beardsley, "Ethnobotany of the Hopi Indians," Alfred Whiting. Hugh Loveland, "Peyote Cult," La Barre. Stephen White, "Plantae Mexican- ae," Schultes. Ulrich Williams, "Peruvian Ethno- botany," Yacovley and Herrera. The Romance Languages Journal Club will meet in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building, at 4:15, Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 26. Dr. Scanio will call attention to a few recent publications of importance in the field of Italian Literature, and Professor Eddy will read a paper en- titled "Pio Baroja and Liberalism". An especially cordial invitation is ex- tended to graduate students. Economics Club: Mr. Guy H. Or- dutt will present "A Mechanical Mo- del for Solving Problems in Economic Theory" before the Economics Club on Monday, Nvember 25, at 8:00 p.m. Week Begins Tomorrow 0*0 T IS NOT THE PLACE of this paper or this writer to ballyhoo the com-, mercial "national week" methods of sales pro- motion. But "Art Week" falls into a different classification than the usual seven days of high pressure which have become such a familiar part of American business. "Art Week" is sponsored by the government, and projects with this back- ing are not usually associated with the Midas touch. The average American has always been a little wary of art. Aside from "Whistler's Mother," the great bulk of our population has always synono- mized art with lorgnetted dowagers or Green- wich Village's trousered Bohemiennes. In tlV past, America's sole contact with painting ha been newspaper reports of the five figure pur- chases of our prominent millionaires. "Art Week" has been planned to offset this impres- I I