Weather Snow Flurries L G 5kp tI'aiti Editorial Walter-Logan Bill Challenges Administraiiwin Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. L. No. 47 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1940 Z-323T PRICE FIVE CENTS Wolverines Face Iraditional Foe Today Koritza Is Taken; Victorious Greeks! Cry 'On To Rome' Fierce Assaults Throw1 72,000 Italian Troops Into 'Headlong' Retreat Fascists Recognize Loss Of Main Base ATHENS, Nov. 22.-(P)-Greek' troops, in pursuit of thousands of fleeing Italian soldiers, swung tri- umphantly into Koritza, big Fascist military base in Albania, today while celebrating civilians in the capital shouted "On to Rome!" Twenty-five days after Italy start- ed her invasion of Greece, a govern- ment spokesman said Greek troops had pushed every Italian soldier out of Greece, had captured thousands of prisoners, including many officers, and great quantities of guns and mu- nitions. 72,000 Troops Forced Out At least 72000 Italian troops have been forced out of the Koritza area, ten miles inside Albania, a govern- ment spokesman said. (Fascist sourc- es said only two divisions were with- drawing.) Other Greek troops were said to be threatening the second main Italian base, Argirocastro, eight miles within Albania 'andaabout 50 miles southwest of Koritza, toward the coast, The Ministry of Home Security said the retreating Italians had "laid waste and plundered" Greek villages and claimed Greek women were mis- treated and many taken as hostages. "The town of. Sayades was set afire," the ministry's communique said.. "Italians left behind unprece- dented signs of savagery and bar- barity." Captured Italian equipment includ- ed 80 small and heavy guns, 55 anti- aircraft guns, twenty tanks, more than. 1,500 motorcycles and bicycles, 250 automobiles, and munitions, fuel and clothing, the Greek High Com- mand said tonight. British Warplanes Greek and British warplanes were reported bombing the fleeing'lines of Italians. Meanwhile in Rome the Italians formally acknowledged today the floss of their major Albanian base of Koritza to the counter-invading Greeks, and General Ubaldo Soddu rushed up Fascist reinforcements to form a new battle line. The General, who only 12 days ago was given command of the Italian campaign by Premier Mussolini, was expected to prepare the counter-at- tack with great care before beginning it. Thus, there seemed no immediate prospect of heavy action. Quarterdeck' To Induct Nine Ceremony Will Be Held At Union Monday In a demonstration featuring Pop- eye and other Thimble Theatre stars, Quarterdeck, niaval architectural and marine engineering society, will initi- ate nine new members at 3:15 p.m. Monday at the center of the diagonal. Following the initiation, which will end with a shipwreck of the group's latest craft, the students will be led to the Union pool where the formal ceremony will be conducted. A ban- quet at the League will be held Tues- day. The list of initiates include Philip Mandel, '42E, of' Norwich, Conn.; Carl Binder, '41E, of Ann Arbor; J. J. Battad, '41E, of Santo Domingo; Stan Sceniska, '41; William Mitchell, '41E, of Ann Arbor; Arthur Clifford, '42E, of Schenectady, N. Y.; Horace Dun- can, '42E, of Newport News, Va.; tvrnnT 01 .rh0nh '141r.I f H~i ltonn Who Governs State In Lieu Of Dickinson? LANSING, Mich., Nov. 22-WI)-- Governor Luren D. Dickinson left the state today and immediately the puz- zle of "who is acting governor?" con- fronted Michigan capitol circles. Some said the state had its first woman acting executive.. If it did, she is Mrs. Matilda R. Wilson, widow of automobile manu- facturer John F. Dodge. She was ap- pointed lieutenant-governor this week by the 81-year-old Dickinson before he left to attend a national Anti-Saloon League convention at Washington. Mrs. Wilson made no attempt to- day to exercise the prerogatives of the governor's office. Neither did Harry F. Kelly, secretary of state, who was said by Attorney-General Thomas Read to be the officer upon whom the governor's duties should devolve in Dickinson's absence. Read contends Dickinson had no right to appoint Mrs. Wilson or any one else to be lieutenant-governor. Conversations Hint Rumania Will Join Axis Hitler, Ribbentrop Confer With Gen. Antonescu; Bulgarians__May' Sign BERLIN, Nov. 22.-(A')-The four men who hold Axis-Rumanian rela- tions in their hands held extended conversations today which foreign diplomatic observers insisted would make Rumania a fifth member of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo-Budapest Axis. A conference among Rumania's Iron Guard premier, General Ion Antonescu, his foreign minister, Prince Costin Sturza, and German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Rib- bentrop was followed by an extend- ed meeting of the Rumanians with Reichsfuehrer Hitler in Von Rib- bentrop's presence. Foreign observers were of the opin- ion that if Rumania joins the Axis military pact in writing, the ceremony would be reserved for tomorrow as a climax to the Rumanians' two-day visit ending Sunday morning. Not only is Rumania expected to sign up, but also Slovakia, the Ger- man-protected state left by dismem- berment of Czecho-Slovakia, and Bulgaria. (A Berlin dispatch to the Bucha- rest Tageblatt, purporting to quote authorized German souruces, said the Axis alliance implies "passive con- sent" to passage of German~ troops through any signatory country.) Other developments in the war to- day included a convoy said to have been attacked contno results were reported. Informed sources said a 2,000-ton ship off England's east coast, near Harwich, was believed to be sinking from bomb hits. Reports indicated that German bombing had destroyed an English railway. CIO Attacks Ford's Hiring Of 'Hitlerites "onvention Condemns Act To Deport tarry Bridges As An Attack On Labor AFL Greets Choice Of Murray Coolly ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., Nov. 22-(P) -The CIO wound up its third annual convention today by adopting a reso- lution calling upon the Department of Justice to "institute a searching investigation of employment by Ford Motor Company of known Nazi agents." Another resolution termed special legislation to deport Harry Bridges, West Coast CIO leader, "an attack upon Bridges and upon orgaized labor." The reolutions were passed after pleas for internal unity in the organ- ization were made by Philip Murray, who was installed as the new presi- dent, and John L. Lewis, who stepped down from the CIO helm. Resolution Passed The Bridges resoution said a bill now before Congress which would order the West Coast leader's depor- tation was "unconstitutional." The same resolution asked that the National Defense Commission, the War and Navy Departments "exert every effort to bring complete and immediate compliance by the coin pany with the Wagner Act and other labor laws of the nation." The Labor Board handed down sev- eral decisions against the Ford Com- pany in cases brought by CIO's Unit- ed Auto Workers Union. Another resolution introduced by R. J. Thomas of the United Auto Workers Union, promised Ford Mot- or Company employes that the or- ganizing drive already under way "would be the paramount object" of the reorganization in the immediate future. The resolution declared efforts of CIO officials would be pledged "to the end that the reign of economic dictatorship over the lives anti for- tunes of the Ford workers shall be brought to an end." Election Greeted Coolly Meanwhile the prospect of labor peace through Philip Murray's elec- tion to the CIO presidency today was greeted coolly by AFL chieftains in New Orleans - whose own union leaders prepared for a challenge to their authority. President William Green of the American Federation of Labor which is in convention here said he "hoped" Murray's selection would work toward closing the gap between the AFL and the Congress of Industrial organiza- tions. "All I can say is that we hope for the best," said Green, whose previous assertion that Murray's succession to Lewis would mean nothing so long as Lewis remained president of the CIO's powerful United Mine Workers was re-echoed by AFL Secretary- Treasurer George Meany. Tom And Evy Hang Up Cleats Today Craven '43 Cringes In'Absentia As. '44 Turns Against, Itself By A. P. BLAUSTEIN There was so little sophomore com- petition for "Black Friday" last night that by 9 p.m. the freshmen started "depantsing" one another. The blase college one-year-olds just failed to show up. A few gathered behind the Economics Building early in the evening and suucceeded in beating up a few frosh but after that "it was '44 all the way." Following their schedule to the let- ter, the neophytes ran their class banner up the flag pole near the Na- tural Science Building at 7:30 p.m. and waited in vain for an attempt to tear it down. An hour later, the group, numbering more than 500, Noted ' Theorist Talks Monday Pauli On To Deliver Lecture Nuclear Relations char -,ed its tactics and began a march thrcugh-town shouting "we want '43 blood." But "'43 blood" was not to be found. Several of them went downtown on an automobile spree, overturned a car, lifted a second on the sidewalk and wedged a third in between two trees. That completed, they fulfilled an ambition of many years' standing -crashing every movie house in town. Others marched en masse to Mosh- er-Jordan and Stockwell Dormitories breaking into the latter through a window on the first floor. Further actions, however were thwarted by Stockwell's house mother-the only individual last night capable of tell- ing the frosh what to do. Before leaving a chorus of "The Victors" was sung and a cheer for '44 was offered. The girls seemed to like the spirit and took part in it them- selves by shouting the praises of the sophomores. Said one of them as the boys left: "Bring them back for an encore." aid another: "Why doesn't this happen every night?" After reconvening about the flag pole the few freshmen who had worn pants tore them off at the same time cursing the "cowardly sophomores." A few of the latter, who had posed as frosh, were noticed shortly after- wards and carried down to the Union pool for a thorough ducking. Earlier in the day Stan Summers, '44, and Lloyd Partridge, '44, climbed along the one and a half foot ledge below the roof of Angell Hall to put up a sign reading "Hell With '43." University authorities ordered them off declaring that "we don't want to bother picking you up in the morn- ing with a blotter." The sign was later placed in front of the Union just below the dummy of a John Q. Sophomore hanging in effigy. According to the police this "Black Friday" was really all that could be expected. "We just left them alone," one officer said, "and, as far as we know, were much more orderly than usual." 712,000 -Will Jam Buck's Stadium For Final Game Ohio State Homecoming Contest Matches Harmon And Scott, Backfield Stars, Ini Last Game Of Careers; Michigan Quoted 4-5 Favorites Over Buckeyes By DON WIRTCHAFTERB COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 22.-Michigan's 1940 gridiron machine comes to the end of the road here tomorrow. Before more than 72,000 howling fans who will pack every available space in the double-decked Ohio Stadium, the once-beaten Wolverines will wind up their campaign against Ohio State's unpredictable forces. Wild Columbus town anxiously awaiting this hard-fought battle, has gone football mad tonight. This is the Buckeyes' homecoming. Hotels are jammed. Late-comers without reservations can't even obtain cots to sleep on. Scalpers are drifting up and down busy North High Street and doing a land-office business. There's noise, color and action around the downtown section. People of Columbus have been waiting for this game for a long time. They feel that the disappointing Buckeyes, whipped three times already, can turn a dismal season into a good one by trouncing the high-riding Wolverines tomorrow. Many look upon it as a vital game for the future of Buckeye coach Francis Schmidt. Awarded the summer championship last September by grid experts, Ohio has not lived up to expectations, and it is generally be- lieved that the wolves will get to work-on Schmidt if Michigan does not go down. It was more than a week ago that the stormed Ohio ticket office had to close shop and hang out the SRO sign for more than 10,000 Michigan fol- lowers alone are piling into town to see Tom Harmon's "Old 98" in collegiate action for the last time. There were that many tickets sold in Ann Arbor. Betting is heavy, as it usually is when Michigan and Ohio get together on the gridiron. They're spotting the Buckeyes six or seven points here, and if -- ----- -- --it's odds you want instead of points -l Aid the Wolverines are quoted by com- f) L 1 Al missioners as 4-5 fvrts Betting is heavy, as it usuall is e English when Michigan and Ohio get together on the gridiron. They're spoting the Buckeyes six or seven points here, D Re a sand if it's odds want instead of points the Wolverines are quoted by com- missioners as 4-5 favorites. Congress Chooses Sides Away from the excitement of the city, Schmidt and his grid-bears have For Battle Over Repeal pitched their tent at the Columbus Of Neutrality Legislation Country Club tonight. Rumors have spread throughout this section that HYDE PARK, N. Y., Nov. 22-(P)-- the Buckeyes are spending the eve- Dismissing as glittering generalities ning in prayer. They are asking the talk of expanding American assis- heavens for a hearty downpour be- tance, President Roosevelt asserted tween now and game time. today everything possible was being While records show that Harmon done now to aid England. can romp with all his amazing fury He indicated at a press conference on a dry track, he isn't quite the that under present conditions, a max- same Hoosier Hurricane over a mud- imum of help for the British might dy routp. be expected under the rule of thumb But the weatherman added little he laid down two weeks ago. Under hope to the Ohio cause. Tonight the it, half t1* output of American sky is clear and the temperature is planes, weapons and other war ma- just over 60 degrees. Tomorrow he terial would go to Britain and half (Continued from Page 3) Wolfgang Pauli, Professor of The- oretical Physics at the Technische Hochschule in Zurich will deliver a University Lecture on the atomic nu- cleus at 4:15 p.m. Monday at the Rackham Building under the aus- pices of the physics department. Professor Pauli, currently at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton where he is carrying on work in the theory of atomic nuclei, is best known as the discoverer of the Pauli Exclusion Principle which for- bids two electrons within an atomic move in identical orbits. The ' Pauli Principle has led to a satisfactory explanation of the Peri- odic Table for the elements as well as many results in spectroscopy. As a result of this principle Professor Fer- mi of Rome has built up a new set of atomic statistics. Professor Pauli's lecture will deal with the relation of the choice of statistics to the mag- nitude of the spin of the atomic nu- cleus. F Koritza Defeat May Have Disastrous Consequences On Morale Of Italians to the United States. While there may have been outside discussion of granting credit to Eng- land and of allowing American war- ships to convoy merchantmen part way across the Atlantic, Mr. Roose- velt said there had been none in the government. Meanwhile in Washington a. re- newednCongressional battle over as- sistance to England is shaping for the coming sessions of Congress with pro- posals that American ships be free to carry cargoes into the war zone and that the Johnson Act be repealed apparently destined to become the principal issues. Several Senators reported today that in the aftermath of the election - in which both parties urged all possible material help to Great Bri- tain - they were receiving quantities of mail urging action to promote the program. In addition, various organ- izations which have been in the fore- front of the move to help England are busily urging that election pledges be implemented with Congressional action. Philharm0nic PlaysSunday Radio Chain To Broadcast Choral Union Concert Two precedents will be broken at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium when the New York Philharmonic- Symphony Orchestra, conducted un- der the baton of John Barbirolli, plays the fourth Choral Union Con- cert this season. It will be the first time that the University Musical Society has' spon- sored a Choral Union recital in the afternoon, and it will also be the first time that such a concert is in- ternationally- broadcast. Because the Philmaronic usually broadcasts on Sunday afternoon, the program to- morrow has been arranged for their convenience. Deems Taylor, the reg- ular music annotator, will speak dur- ing intermission from his New York studio. Concert goers have been requested by Charles A. Sink, president of the Musical Society, to come early and be seated on time, since the auditor- ium doors will be closed during num- bers. A few remaining tickets may be had before the performance .to- Cornetist Gets Audition With Arturo Toscanini If the Fates are kind, Raymond D. Crisara, '42SM, will be the next solo cornetist with the NBC Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of the world-famous maestro Arturo Tos- canini. Crisara, who has been playing the cornet in the Unversity Band, trav- By KIRKE L. SIMPSON With Greek capture of Koritza, Mussolini may be tasting the first bitter fruit of a disaster that could destroy him. The impact of this defeat upon Italian public morale can as yet only be conjectured. It could have far- reaching effects upon the whole course of the Axis-British war, of which the Italian-Greek struggle is an offshoot. It is a reasonable assumption that the wires between Rome and Berlin are hot with urgent Italian pleas for help. Not all the ingenuity of Fas- cits official communique writers can ian retreat, almost a rout. Rome's ex- planation that the Italian opera- tions at Koritza involved only "pro- tective troops" cannot fool Italian readers who recall communiques of three weeks ago. Nor can such readers fail to realize that it is Italy's back, not that of Greece, which may be broken unless Germany comes to the aid of her Axis mate. In a military sense, the fall of Koritza is less serious than a simul- taneous Italian retreat of as yet un- known proportions in the Epirus sec- tor. As a result of that retreat, Italy's primar base of operations in Al- French Film Closes* Showing Here Today "Crime and Punishment," the French picturization of Dostoivski's ;