-" Tj Mc-I NDIY [IGAN DAILY Attitude On Re-admission Cases tnK M w rn rsnapruc4"_I ',r.Awa Edited.and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all flews dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of- all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Bubcriptions during the regular school year by carrier #4.00: by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL ADVERTI.ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940. 41 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman . Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Elther Osser Helen Corman . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . * Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor . . Sports Editor . . . aWomen's Editor * . . Exchange Editor To the Editor: AN HONEST, thorough approach to an under- standing and appraisal of the re-admission cases demands that we carefully examine the position of the Men's Judiciary Council as ex- pressed in the editorial page of Tuesday's Mich- igan Daily. In essence, the Council argued: That the "Expulsion" of 13 students from the University of Michigan was necessary to maintain the legislature's appropriations; and, further, that it is now politic that the "right" of freedom of speech and the "right" to know the charges preferred be sacrificed to the greater end of holding these appropriations and keeping the University of Michigan "in existence for the thousands that are to come." We believe that this position is based upon questionable assumptions and incomplete rea- soning. THE COUNCIL assumes: (1) that the causes of the reduction in appropriations were the "free tongue" and "free pen" of two per cent of the student body; (2) that it is the will of the people of Michigan that these twin rights should be abrogated in their University-rights which form the cornerstones of the democratic process and which are deeply embedded and explicitly stated in the constitutions of both the state of Michigan and the United States. The Council takes the red-scare headlines "splashed across the Detroit papers" 'and the scattered, hysterical speeches of isolated mem- bers of the legislature as indicative of the posi- tion of the entire legislative body. It is pertinent to remind the Council that the last two presi- dential elections proved conclusively that the American press does not accurately reflect the opinions of the American people. Realizing that there has been a reduction, we nevertheless feel that this crucial question must be answered: Was the fear of a free clash of political opinions the sole motive for all or most of the votes to slash the appropriations? Intellectual honesty demands that the Council thoroughly investigate the reasonableness of this major assumption. ORE FUNDAMENTALLY, however-would such a position on the part of the state legis- lature, as is entailed in the first assumption, be consistent with the desires of the people of the state of Michigan? On this question we take unqualified issue with the Council. We are firmly convinced that the people of this state do not intend and never have intended that the funds which they contribute be used to enforce particular political attitudes on those who receive the benefits of these funds. For the people are insistent that the democratic process can work only through the free expression and conflict of all political opinions. Let us point out again that this insistence is explicitly stated in the state and federal constitutions; and that the nature of the democratic process assumes a func- tional relationship between the elected repre- sentatives and the body politic. Even within the limits of these questionable assumptions the argument of the Judiciary Council is incomplete: it assumes the University to be a static concept that remains unchanged despite the crumbling of the twin cornerstones upon which it is built. If ideals are to be sacri- ficed for "business" reasons, let us clearly under- stand what kind of University we are trying to "save"; let us agree as to what are the best interests of Michigan and her student body. We believe that the functions of a University are: to provide the conditions whereby the truth can emerge through the full and free clash of all opinions on all subjects; and to provide the training ground whereby men become versed in the democratic way of life. To suppress aca- demic freedom is to make impossible the ful- fillment of these two obligations; to negate the purpose for which the University was established. THESE ARE NOT idle notions and we are not setting forth a "parade of imaginary horri- bles." If the administration does not clarify its position and grant the students an open hearing or at least explicity publish the charges against them, it becomes plausible to assume that the students were refused re-admission on political grounds. "If the reasons are political," our conception of a University demands that we take issue with the Council in its "whole- hearted" approval of the administration's action. And if these are the reasons, no student is se- cure in his status if he uses the fruits of his education to assist him in ,analyzing the struc- ture of his society for the purpose of examining public policy. For what are the criteria that determine whether a student who expresses political opinions should be re-admitted? More- over, the implications of such a policy on the freedom of faculty expression, inside and out- side the classroom, is obvious. Condemned for this action by many leading educators and intellectuals throughout the na- tion, the University is suffering more than an attack upon its reputation. Our heritage of liberalism is at stake-a tradition expressed so well by President Ruthven on a number of occa- sions in the past. It is necessary to remind the Council that this state University, as part of the "democratizing" influence of the west, has been ,a liberalizing force on the older universities of the East. The failure to grant these students an open hearing and to list the charges against thgem strikes hard at this heritage; it weakens the roots of the democratic process. Harold D. Osterweil - Edward R. Fried, 8A L . i. '- ,.* ...La --... r ~ , 1 a ._.---.-- \ p' ./ r . Y }.. ,, ,, I T , 1\i \ '1 Mql / p ,- j ,x / // , l j f r j / , ,. , / / t/! / /.l/ Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause 1i NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SPECKHARD The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Good Sportsmanship On The Gridiron.. .. 1[THE COURAGEOUS ACTION of Cornell University authorities in re- versing the referee's decision and giving Dart- mouth full and unreserved credit for winning their annual fotball battle after viewing mo- tion pictures of last Saturday's game marks another milestone in the broadening of inter- collegiate athletic relations. It took true sportsmanship on Cornell's part to make such a gesture. For the winning of that contest meant everything to the 4ig Red. As the seconds slipped away in the final period with the gallant Dartmouth eleven holding a slim 3-0 margin, the Ithacans visualized all their hopes of an undefeated season-of a magnificent national gridiron championship>-crumbling be- fore the charge of 'the inspired Indians. Then, with but six seconds remaining, Cornell scored on a disputed pass play. Many fans and experts maintained that it was fifth down, that Dart- mouth should have received possession of the ball on its own 20-yard line. THE MOTION PICTURES substantiated this. Immediately Cornell officials, who were un- der no compulsion to do so, wired Dartmouth congratulating the Indians on their fine game and conceded final victory. A decade and a half ago an amazing com- bination of a gridiron converted into a veritable sea of mud by a steady, driving rain, of two valiant football teams, and of the courageous sportsmanship of Northwestern University of- ficials resulted in an almost identical incident. It was back in the fall of 1925-the year when the Wolverines and Coach Fielding H. Yost boasted one of the mightiest of their mighty gridiron juggernauts-that fate threw together these strange circumstances which ultimately formed the basis for the long-standing tra- ditional rivalry between Michigan and North- western. A HEAVILY-FAVORED Michigan team invad- ed Chicago's Grant Park Stadium on Nov. 8 of that year for a tilt with a supposedly weak Wildcat eleven. On a victory path to the West- ern Conference crown, the Wolverines never be- lieved for a moment that Northwestern would prove to be more than just another, victim of its high-powered attack, which had previously crushed all opposition. On one of the worst gridirons two teams ever had to perform, however, the fighting Purple team edged out the Maize and Blue in an unbelievable upset, 3-2. Both elevens found- ered about in treacherous, slippery mud, slime and mire. Vast areas of the turf were com- pletely submerged beneath large lakes of water, which had collected as a result of the torrential rainfall. More than 400 towels were used to wipe off the mud-caked elusive ball, which was repeatedly fumbled. Since neither team could make any semblance of an offense operate efficiently, both resorted to punting at every opportunity. N ORTHWESTERN TALLIED three points on a field goal, Michigan two on a safety. But the score of the game has long since been forgotten by most football fans. It is the un- precedented action taken by Northwestern of- ficials that will live in athletic annals. Soon after that memorable, muddy clash a telegram signed by the captain and coach of the Pune tam an. hth faicuty mn and stdents it; 11 .r.mmmom.. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE REPLY CHURLISH By TOUCHSTONE WHEN I CAME in last night, I had no more. idea of what I was going to write a column about than I have of the Capablanca chess gam- bits. You will remember I told you there would be times like this. But one thing leads to another, and soon I was wandering through the build- ing talking to the people who work late around here and one of them said why don't you write about sports writers? And I said, by my soul that is a good idea. Is that really his name, or is it Casablanca or Casabianca? He plays chess. Sports writers are the most naive people in the world. I don't mean all of them-I am only kidding, Mr. Gallico-but the great middle class of sports writers, those who neither fall out of the press box, nor fail to appear in the press box before game time, are a race starry eyed, and firmly entrenched in the belief that there are still heroes in this mundane world. They grow up next to a sandlot baseball field, and by the time they have reached the ripe age of eighteen are picking a list of twenty-five winners every week, none of which wins unless the of- ficials make a mistake. THEY HAVE ONLY two attitudes towards sports events. One is where they yell like a freshmen or a band member every time a third string back fights off tacklers and plunges down the field all the way back to the line of scrimmage, and the other is where they turn to the nearest NBC man and say "got a match?" just as the fifty yard field goal gets caught in a gust of wind so even the. old grads in the end zone don't know if it'll make it. They say things in headlines like "thinclads" or "spikemen" or "Hoytboys" (sometimes spelled hautbois) or "cinder shovers" (this last is just a suggestion) when all they mean is track men. They say so-and-so ran roughshod over such- and-such. They refer to the University of Illinois, to agricultural colleges such as the one in East Lansing, Michigan, or Texas, as the aggies, to Northwestern University as the Purple, and to University of Chicago as "what'd you say?" They start columns off, I have one here beside me, with phrases that go way back to the grand days of the flying wedge and "Stover at Yale." makes no claim for any share in them, but re- gards it as a privilege to be even for a few minutes placed in a class with the University, of Michigan's team." THUS IT WAS that Northwestern renounced all claim to the Conference crown which had been a Wildcat dream for 25 years, and for which a just claim might have been advanced since the Purple had lost but one other contest. As great as was the courage Northwestern dis- nlaved that muddv an n nn the ardirnn_ it was They say "Hats off to old Cornell" with a choke in their feeble voices. They will not know what I mean by "Stover at Yale", a book 'that every red-blooded American boy should read before he reaches twelve years. 1 HEY ARE THE BOY SCOUTS, the Little Sisters of the Rich, the poor little lambs who have lost their ways, the people who wear overcoats in shower rooms, the guys with the pencils who want to know where Joe Zut, the' flailing flash from Pittsburgh went to high school, when there is another guy there with a camera to take a picture of Joe Zut, and Joe Zut wants to have his picture taken so he can send it to the chorus girl he supports on the salary he earns working as a waiter at a fra- ternity house. They are the people who edge up to Bill Stern at dinners or in announcers' booths the country over and say, "Mr. Stern, do you think my voice is all right for sportscast- ing?" and Mr. Stern says "What?" They are the guys who will yell two blocks to attract an athlete's attention, make him wait because he thinks there may be some sort of publicity in it for him, and only say to him when they catch up, "Nice game Saturday, boy." But they will not leave the athlete's side for the rest of the afternoon. That old second baseman complex crops up, and they will sit for hours drinking beer beside him while he drinks milk, honest coach, and discuss the rest of the boys on the team, always remembering that this man is, of course the best thing around the field any day. THEY ARE THE GUYS who when they are as- signed to cover baseball will say they are the best goddam football writers in the country and it's only discrimination by the boss keep- ing them from the work they were born to. And if they are transferred to 'football they will start reading up on squash racquets and start singing the blues about the rotten breaks they are getting having to go down to the stadium every day when they could be sitting in the press box of a nice sweaty squash court covering something they know better than any man on this paper. They are the "laddies" who frequently print things in "quotes," such as "the Hoosier Ham- string" or "Glutz dove for the 'bag' but didn't quite beat the 'ump' to the decision." They are, the "wiseys" who have so many names for a boxer, tanker, splasher, canvasback, mittman (not Matt Mann), leather swinger, that even the official records are a little hazy as to just what happened to Johnny (the "Scotch Wop") in Carson City, Nevada, in 1910. They are the coiners of phrases, they are the spawners of slang, they are the Monday guessers, the bleach- er coaches, the city room cynics. They are the "fellows" who never win cigarettes in the score- e~ast rentP.Rt nnenrsr bya hrnna o ira (Continued from Page 2) Report cards are being distribut- ed to all departmental offices. This year for the first time special green cards are being provided for fresh- men reports. Green cards should be returned to the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall; white cards (reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors) to my office 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- class, whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who received D or E in so-called midsemes- ter examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University, should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at my office, 1220 Angell Hall. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean Cofege of Architecture, School of Education, School of Forestry and Conservation, School of Music: Mid- semester reports indicating students enrolled in these units doing unsatis- factory work in any unit of the Uni- versity are due in the office of the school or college on Saturday, No- vember 23, at noon. Report blanks for this purpose may be secured from the office of the school or from Room 4, University Hall. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Detroit Civil Service Examinations. The examination date is noted in each case. Applications must be filed on or before one week prior to date of the examination." Plumber, November 28, 1940. Plumbing Inspector, salary $2,640, November 28, 1940. Policewomen, salary $2,000, Novem- ber 30, 1940. Transportation Equipment Opera- tor,; salary $.78 per hour, December 21, 1940. Complete information on file at the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. The Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences Journals and Aeronautical Reviews are available in the Aeronau- tical Library in the East Engineering Building and the West Engineering Library. Academic Notices. Transfer Music Education Students, Graduate and Undergraduate: Com- prehensive examination in Vocal and Instrumental Methods and Pfactice Teaching, 1:00 pJn. Saturday, Novem- ber 23, Room 608, Tower, for valida- tion of transfer credit in the above subjects. David Mattern Bacteriology 111A (Laboratory Course) will meet Monday, November 25, at 1:00 p.m. in Room 2562 East Medical Building. Each student should come provided wih a $5.00 Hy- gienic Laboratory Coupon procurable at the Cashier's Office. English 1, Section 48 (Halliday). Bring materials for impromptu to class on Saturday, November 23. Concerts Choral Union Concert: The New York Philharmonic Symphony Orch- estra, John Barbirolli, Conductor, will give the fourth program in the Choral Union Concert Series on Sunday afternoon, November 24, at 3 o'clock sharp, in Hill Auditorium. The public is particularly request- ed to be seated amply on time since the concert will begin promptly and will be internationally broadcast. Exhibitions Exhibition: Paintings by Ozenfant and drawings by William Littlefield are now showing in Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons 2:00-5:00 until Nov. shown in the thikd floor exhibition room of the Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through November 27. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Imre Per- enczi, formerly of the International Labor Office, Geneva, Switzerland, will lecture on the subject "War and Man Power" under the auspices of the Department of Economics on Thurs- day, December 5, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Art Cinema League: The French v rsion of the film "Crime and Pun- islment" will be shown tonight, Fri- day, and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Tick- ets may be purchased between 10:30 a.m. and 8:45 p.m. at the Lydia Men- delssohn box office. For reservations call 6300. International Center: The day afternoon. tea and the classes will be dmitted today. Thurs- speech The .EDITOR'S SCRATCH PAD WHAT they're talking about over cokes this week: Dorothy Thompson's enthusi- asm . . . that trumped up "ro- mance" yarn in a Detrapaper aboutEvy and Ruth and Tom and Margot .. . . the new report that Dies' agents are going to pay our village a little visit . . . . those drunks at last Saturday's game ... . . .and the difficuiiy of obtain- ing pasteboards for the OSU fra- cas .... the new "beer" law in the city .... where it may take a draft registration card to obtain afore- mentioned fluid. THE EFFORT to bring Sally Rand to the campus for an address on "Salesmanship" . . . . and the reti- cence of the University officials to discuss same subject . . . . the au- Co mig Events The Public Health Students are havjng a Thanksgiving dance, Fri- day, November 22, 9:00-1:00, in the Rackham Building. All professional students are invited to attend. Varsity Glee Club will not rehearse during its usual rehearsal times this week because of the holiday and the Sunday symphony concert. Next Week there will be a special rehearsal on Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 8:00 p.m. Social Service Field Trip to Ann Arbor social service agencies is sched- uled for Saturday, Nov. 23. Inter- ested students should be at Lane Hall at 1:15 p.m. Coffee Hour at Lane Hall, Friday, 4:00-5:00 p.m. All students are wel- come. Saturday Luncheon Group meets at Lane Hall, Saturday, 12:15 p.m. Informal Graduate Dance on Sat- urday, Nov. 23, from 9-12 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Build- ing. Come with or without partners. Bridge and refreshments. Admission charge. All graduate students and faculty welcome. Bethlehem Evangelical, Reformed Student Guild will have an evening of folk dancing Friday, Nov. 22, under the direction of Mrs. Werner Strie- dieck, at 8:00-10:00 p.m., the Parish Hall gymnasium. All members are cordially invited. Refreshments. The