Weather Fair and somewhat colder. L ig~tan 4:.aiti Editorial Sportsmanship On The Gridiron Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 46 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hillman Tells CIO To Select Murray; Labor Unity Fades, Der Fuehrer Calls In Balkan Neighbors Demands Peace In Labor As Defense Measure For Democracy Declares His Union Will Stay In CIO ATLANTIC CITY, NJ., Nov. 20.- (A)-Sidney Hillman had his inning today in his struggle with John L. Lewis over shaping of CIO's future policies. He used it to virtually nom- inate Philip Murray as Lewis' suc- cessor on a program for a united labor movement and a curb on Com- munists, Nazis and Fascists in labor affairs. From the same platform where Lewis yesterday bitterly attacked the Hillman partisans and their demands for new conferences on labor peace, Hillman responded today with a speech for labor unity as a part of national defense. Labor Warned With it he coupled a warning of what labor would face if foreign totalitarianism reached these shores, urged CIO to maintain the demo- cratic processes" in labor action, and expressed the hope that out of the convention "will come a stronger labor movement." Hillman put the convention spot- light on Murray's availability for the CIO presidency by telling a cheering convention that when Lewis steps out there must be a "demand" for Murray. While expressing "regret" that Lewis was retiring from CIO's presi- dency, Hillman declared: "It is my considered judgment that when Lew- is steps down there must be a demand for Phil Murray." ~Murray announced yesterday he was not a candidate and did not want the office, and close friends said he has not wavered in his dec-' sion. Feels No Bitterness Appearing on the convention scene after his Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union had been over- whelmed yesterday in its effort to win support for new peace confer- ences with AFL, Hillman said he had no "bitterness toward any officers of the CIO." To Lewis' suggestion that those who could not go along with his (Lewis') views on labor unity could leave the CIO, Hillman declared the clothing workers would not quit re- gardless of "wishful thinking'' in-, side and outside the CIO. Although beaten yesterday by the Lewis forces on the issue of new en- deavors to obtain unity, Hillman told the convention he wanted unity in the labor movement. Educator Dies In Auto Mishap! Thomas, Michigan Schoolt Executive, Succumbs DETROIT, Nov. 20-(MP)-Educa tional circles today mourned the death of Dr. John F. Thomas, 66, deputy Detroit Superintendent ofI Schools and president of the Michi- gan Education Association, who suc- cumbed to injuries suffered yesterday1 in an automobile accident.- Dr. Thomas, in charge of finance for the Detroit Board of Education,z was the third victim of an accident at Ten Mile and Orchard Lake Roads. William Killeen, 62, of Farmington, was killed instantly and his son, Paul, 30, died shortly after their automobile1 collided with one driven by Edward1 R. Butler, assistant director of statis- tics and publications for the board of education, and in which Dr. Thom- as was a passenger. Both Butler and Dr. Thomas were en routeto Lansing to attend an MEA meeting on 1941 school appropria- tions. Ex-Daily Man To Teach Journalism At Columbia Richard T. Tohin '29 a fnmer Democratic Party Official Assails U.S. Press Before AFL Convention Feels Scant Peace Hope NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 20-(I)- The American Federation of Labo convention today heard a vigorou criticism of American newspapers b a high democratic party official whc charged that publishers opposing Roosevelt's third term suffered a great "shock." Sol A. Rosenblatt, general counsel of the Democratic National Commit- tee, told the assemblage that too many personalities "made" by the press, radio and movies "try to strut like Uncle Sam," and added "those who stand upon the principals of free speech and a free press must accept the resposibilities that go with those rights." The convention, rocking along with a series of speakers while the various committees met, adjourned for to- morrow's Thanksgiving holiday with scant hope for the elusive thing called labor peace. There was little optimism among AFL leaders that they could work out a settlement with the rival Congress of Industrial organizations whose President John L. Lewis last night defiantly announced that peace with the AFL was not possible now. The first resolution approved by the convention was one advocating extension of social security coverage to state and local government em- ployes not now covered. Rosenblatt in his address declared "It has been said that the greatest shock ever experienced by the news- papers of America was to wake up on the morning of Nov. 4, 1936 and dis- cover that they had no influence in the presidential election." America Feels Thankful For Peace, Security (By The Associated Press) Somber thoughts of tragic happen- ings in other landstoday permeated a Thanksgiving holiday peculiarly. de- voted to gratitude that America, her- self, is at peace. "In a year which has seen calamity and sorrow fall upon many peoples elsewhere in the world we ma give thanks for our preservation," Pres- ident Roosevelt had said in his an- nual proclamation - and that inevi- tably provided the theme of the day's countless offerings of prayer. The day was observed officially, however, in but 2 of the 48 states, for again this year Mr. Roosevelt ignored the traditional last-,Thursday-in-No- vember date, and set the holiday for the next-to-last. In 16 states - in- cluding four of the solid South - sticklers for tradition held out for the 28. So with some overlapping in states which will observe both dates in some form or another, the 16 will celebrate next week. The states are: Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Iowa, Massachusetts, Maine, Nevada, Okla- homa, New Hampshire, North Caro- lina, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee and Ver- mont. Mr. Roosevelt planned to observe the day quietly at Hyde Park, N. Y., with church services in the morning and a family dinner later with Mrs. Roosevelt and his mother, Mrs. Sarah Delano Roosevelt. fndepenidence Offer To India Withdrawn (By The Associated Press1 LONDON, Nov. 20-The House of Commons was told today that in this- moment when the Battle of Britain was fast spreading into a battle of the Empire, the government had withdrawn its offer to give India's political leaders a greater voice in GERMANY tip AKIj4 U. S. S. R. BUDAPESETS BELGRADE RUMANIA BUCHAREST YUGOSLAVIA BULGARIA Se a- MI. E - . . SOFIA , - ORs p STANBUL;:;:: ITALY-' - - - CJ ..-.....-.....-.. -:"... ....-.. -F -edier-aea- ' 4 O200 -:--:.--- MILES---- English Midlands Reported Blazing; Axis Gets.Hungary This Associated Press map in- dicates Axis efforts (1) to consoli- date Balkan support, the latest move being the formal annexation of Hungary into the Axis. Next on the list may be Rumania (2) and Bulgaria, whose king has been, in conference with Hitler. Bulgaria, which got Dobruja (3) with Axis support, is a gateway to Greece and the Aegean, and the Axis may plan a move through this corridor (4). The Greeks were reported to have forced the Italians out of Koritza (5) and Italians have re-, ported repulsing an attack on the island of Gaidaro (6) in the Dode- canese. canese. 500 Students Attend Annual Center Dinner Ruthven Extends Greetings To Foreign Students At Thanksgiving Fete Their homelands embroiled in war, swallowed in the recent hostilities, or maintaining a precarious peace, for- eign students met at the annual Thanksgiving dinner given by the In- .ternational Center last night to cele- brate the American tradition of Thanksgiving, a special tribute this year to the friendliness and' peace which the University has extended to them. Dressed in butterfly dresses of the Philippines, the flowing saris of In- dia, the flowered gowns of China, the bright kimonos of Japan belted with wide obis, and the brilliant banded costumes of the Slavic nations for- eign students speaking almost every language in the world and repre- senting a total of the world's culture sat down in peace. It was the 1th consecutive annugl banquet given for foreign students on the eve of Thanksgiving by the Uni- versity and the community of Ann Arbor in the Union Ballroom. More than 500 guests, the largest ever in attendance, were seated at tables for 12 headed by a faculty host and hostess, who carved the turkeys. "We can be thankful for more than temporary security," President Ruthven commented as he extended the greetings and goodwill of the University to the honored guests. The accumulated knowledge and scholarship represented by students of the University from all parts of the globe is a symbol of world broth- erhood that will preserve the soul of man in spite of hostilities, he em- phasized. On behalf of Ann Arbor, Prof. Ben- nett Weaver of the English depart- (Continued on Page 6) Prize-Winning French Movie Opens Tonight The best foreign film of 1935, "Crime And Punishment" opens at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre for a three day run under the auspices of the Art Cinema League. Based on Dostoievski's famous nov- el of the same name, the French film will be shown also tomorrow and Saturday evenings. All seats will be reserved. Admission may be obtained for 35c at the Mendelssohn box-of- fice before the performances, or by calling 6300. Voted by the Venice Exhibition in 1935 the World Grand Prize for Ac- ting, the picture also was chosen one of the 10 best foreign films released in the United States that year. The story centers about a murder- er's retribution brought about by his own conscience. The picture has been called by New York critics "a bril- liant, human document of a tortured mind." As most of Dostoievski's char- acters, the film's portrayals are phsy- cological studies. Professors Named For ASME Honor Announcing the professors to be roasted at the annual ASME Roast to be held Dec. 10, the student chap- ter of the American Society of Me- chanical Engineers held a regular meeting last night. Professors selected for special at- tention at the Roast are Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the electrical engineer- ing department, Prof. John A. Van den Broek of the engineering me- chanics department, Prof. A. H. White of the chemical engineering department, Prof. Clarence F. Kessler of the mechanical engineering de- partment, and Prof. Ben Dushnik of the mathematics department. U.S. Releases 46 Bombers To Aid Britain Order Follows Transfer Of Outmoded Sperry Bomb Sight To Isles WASHINGTON, Nov. 20,-(/)- The government disclosed today that 26 giant four-engined bombers ordered for the United ,States Army were being released for sale to the British as fast as they could be pro- duced and that negotiations were un- der way for the early release of 20 "flying fortress" bombers. Lean, lanky General George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, called in reporters and outlined the terms of the transactions. Speaking shortly after massed Ger- man Raiders had followed up their smashing attack upon Coventry, Eng- land, with a fierce assault upon the industrial city of Birmingham, Mar- shall said he understood the first of 26 four-engined B-24 bombers had been delivered to the British last Saturday by the Consolidated Air- craft Company ot San Diego, Calif. The remainder of this group is to be delivered between now and early March, he added. At the same time, the Army High Command disclosed negotiations were under way for the release to the Brit- ish of 20 B-17C bombers, the four- engined "flying fortresses" made by the 1Boeing Aircraft Corporation at Seattle, Wash. The "flying fortresses" he said, "would be equipped with armament and everything else except 'the secret Norden bomb sight, devel- oped for the United States Nav'g and since adopted by both services. Another disclosure made by the high command was that the Ameri- can Army has had observers in Bri- tish warplanes flying over the Bri- tish Isles and the British Channel. Observers also have been sent to Egypt. Hitler Makes Four Power Alliance Dedicated To Allies Defeat Germans Broaden Control In Balkans VIENNA, Nov. 20. -(A')- Adolf Hitler today annexed Hungary to the German-Italian-Japanese axis, which he thus converted into a four- power alliance dedicated to defeat of Britain and to the totalitarian re- organizing of Europe, Asia and Africa. By treaty, Hungary joined her Axis friends in a military, political and economic compact pledging joint ac- tion against any country which in the future may engage in the Euro- pean or Japanese-Chinese wars. Conclusion of the pact was fol- lowed by a luncheon at which the Fuehrer was host to the top-flight diplomats who participated in the ceremony. One significant addmllon to this group was his own military chief, Field Marshal General Wilhelm Kei- tel. Observers noted that by the sig- natures of the foreign ministers of Germany, Italy and Hungary and the Japanese ambassador to Germany, Hitlerhad broadened his potential base of military operations In the Balkans toward Greece, Yugoslavia or Turkey, or ultimately toward Suez and Baghdad. Joachim Von Ribbentrop, German foreign minister, declared in a state- ment regarded with significance that "more powers will follow" in Hun- gary's footsteps. Gen. Ion Antonescu, premier of Rumania, left tonight for Vienna and Berlin to see Hitler, and the in- formed news service Dienst Aus Deutschland intimated that even his signature to the pact would be the last. (Informed sources in Budapest said Rumania, Spain and Bulgaria may be the next joiners.) New Partner Covers Hitch In Axis Plans By J. C. STARK (Associated Press Ptaff writer) WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-Hun- gary's admission to the Rome-Ber- lin-Tokyo alliance was looked upon by informed diplomats tonight as a possible indication that other coun- tries involved in talks with Germany, notably Russia, had balked at for- mally joining in the triple pact. Some significance was attached by these sources to the fact that out of all the negotiations going on in Ger- many and elsewhere for sometime, Hungary should be the first to be- come a full-fldged pArtner since Japan joined the Axis. Hungary was a member of the original German-Italian-Japan- ese Anti-Comintern Pact which Ger- many promoted against Russia be- fore those two countries were recon- ciled in 1939, and long has been re- garded here as an obedient associate of Germany. The Vienna ceremony which took Hungary into the pact was interpret- ed here also as a probable forerun- ner of a German military move south- east to help the Italians against Greece. But diplomats speculated on why such formal display was considered necessary to permit this. It thus was regarded as a sign that Russia and possibly Spain might have demurred at joining the alliance and that Germany, wanting some- thing to display as a diplomatic achievement, had chosen Hungary for this immediate role. Ann Arbor Tax Rate Hits 20 Year Low A- substantial reduction in the win- ter tax rate was announced vester- Birmingham Out Of War In Terrific Attack, Nazi Sources Say British Bomb Skoda Armament Works (By The Associated Press) The Nazis claimed today to have knocked Birmingham - Britain's Pittsburgh-out of the war and to have left the whole of central in- dustrial England blazing "like a torch." This was the description by auth- orized sources of one of the mightiest aerial attacks ever launched by the Germans, an overnight assault by "far more" than 500 bombers. For the steel and manufacturing city of Birmingham, the home of the late former Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, it was, said these in- formants, "worse than Coventry"- Coventry, over which the Nazi air arm fell with unprecedented violence last Thursday night. Millions Of Explosives Upon the Birmingham area, it was declared, the Germans loosed more than a million pounds of explosives and thousands of fire bombs. The British admitted that the nine-hour attack last night left a dozen towns strewn with wreckage, dead and wounded, and officialde- scriptions conceded the damage was heavy. Such an aerial offensive-in its worst form seen in the attack on Coventry last Thursday-has been expected by the air force and the army since last May, and some ex- perts believed the Germans actually tried it in the heavy daylight raids of August, when they were repulsed with heavy losses. Now the belief prevails among ob- servers here that the Germans are ready for continuous night assaults with pilots trained for night bombing with the same intensity with which the Panzer division officers and men were trained in Germany and tested on the Polish plains. That would mean that such indus- trial and shipping areas as Sheffield, Birmingham, Glasgow and Liverpool would be raided steadily. Skoda Set Afire In a flight over 1,400 nies, includ- ing the return journey, British bomb- ers were declared today to have set fire to the vast Skoda armament works in German-occupied Czecho- Slovakia. The plant, in Pilsen, was the east- 4rnmost target reached in an over night bombing campaign which ex- Fended also from the harbor of Bar- Fleur, Normandy, to Berlin. A returning British pilot said spe- cifically that he had seen flames spread over the factory and heard a subsequent violent explosion. In the Berlin attack it was ac- knowledge only small forces partici- aated, but the air ministry said nev- erthe-less it had been an "effective" one in which "much damage" was aelieved to have been wrought to a big factory making German nava equipment. Munitions stores, said the ministry. were among the Berlin objectives bombed. Greeks Report Italians Retreating Rapidly ATHENS, Greece, Nov. 20,-(R)--A government spokesman declared to- night Italian troops were retreating so rapidly along the Central Alban- ian front that it was difficult for the Greeks to keep up with them. The Italian, front, it was said, was broken northwest to Koritza, Greece, some 10 kilometers (about six miles) inside Albania and west of the River Aoos. It was described as an utter tout, and the spokesman said "very important booty had fallen to the Greeks. He asserted, too, a battalion of Al- banians in the Italian forces had re- volted and been disarmed. In the Koritza sector, where Greek artillery fire was declared to be thun- dering down upon every road leading from that besieged Italian base in Albania, the counter-offensive was proceeding tonight in what was de- scribed herea-, ea. 1 ia -- -0 I Freshmen, Sophomores Will Gather For Annual Class Battle Tomorrow By A. P. BLAUSTEIN Another chapter in the history of class warfare at the University will be written tomorrow night when groups of freshmen and sophomores gather in full force around the flag pole near the Natural Science Build- ing for their annual "battle of pants." The frosh are scheduled to meet in front of the Union at 7:30 p.m., march en, masse to the pole, erect their class banner and at about 8:30 hurl their cries of defiance against the sophs. The latter will convene near the Arch of the West Engineer- ing Building at approximately the same time before making their drive to capture the "Flag of '44." Althnuh the main ohiect of this warriors for the clash. "Those sophs better turn out," one of the neophytes declared yesterday, "because if they don't we'll go out and find them-and then there'll really be trouble." A great deal of spirit was stirred up Tuesday night by the kidnapping of Edwin Shaw, '44E, one of the frosh leaders and the originator of the "flagplan." Shaw made several mur- derous threats against his oppressors when he returned to get his pants and warned them that "they'd need plenty of help of "Black Friday." At a meeting of representatives of Congress, Independent Men's As- sociation, the Union and the Inter- fraternity Council last night, with One of Michigan's oldest traditions, "Black Friday" has become a "much saner" event during the past decade than it was back in the roaring twen- ties. In those days the new students were subjected to hazing from sopho- mores throughout the first semester, and black eyes, bloody noses and the like always resulted from battle night. From 1930 to 1936 spirit declined, but since that time a great deal of activity has always taken place. Last year the sophs were defeated badly by their opponents after being hur- riedly organized by a few class lead- ers. For the first time since its innen-