0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNX8PA;7Y. .. . .. . ......... !-.........! -.., , THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00: by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAO * BOSTON . LOS AGELES * SANFRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Aervie Haufler . . . . Managing Editor Alvin Sarasohn . . . . . Editorial Director Paul M. Chandler . . . . City Editor Karl Kessler . . . . . Associate Editor Milton rshefsky . . . . Associate Editor Howard A. Goldman . . . . Associate Editor Laurence Mascott . . . . Associate Editor Donald Wirtchafter . . . Sports Editor Esther Osser . . . . . Women's Editor Helen Corman . . . . . Exchange. Editor Business Staff Conscieniious Obj ectors' ftghts And Demoefracy ... SENTENCE of one year and one day in prison was passed recently by the federal court against eight theology stu- dents who refused to register for selective ser- vice. This sentence points to a problem which is of importance for our democracy: The prob- lem of" conscientious objectors and the way they ought to be treated in consistency with demo- cratic principles. Freedom of conscience and the right to make personal decisions is indeed one of the elements of democratic life, however if it were the only factor involved it would destroy a cohesion in our society which is sorely needed in these days of conflict. The action on these students who refused to obey, not only the call for military service, but even the legal demand for legisla- tion, is certain an indication of this tendency. Democracy does not require only a right of free decision, but also it demands loyalty for the common weal, and respect for the majority decision. IT MAY SEEM very difficult for democracy to navigate between these two treacherous whirlpools of complete rejection and the tram- meling of freedom of conscience; and indeed it is arduous. This is why democracy is so hard to realize. However, at the basis of our demo- cratic life there is an optimistic philosophy con- cerning the rational nature of man which makes it possible to reconcile these two conflicting elements. Therefore, it is not enough in a de- mocracy, for the individual to make known what his conscientious decision is, but it is his duty to make known how he arrived at this conclusion, and to try and convince his fellow countrymen. Without such a principle, no organized society would be possible. It should be conceded that some conscientious objectors have rendered a great service in em- phasizing the necessity for a conscientious con- sideration of the issues that face us in the world today. Nevertheless, this sympathetic recog- nition ought not to blind us from seeing the full implication of the principles and ways of action for which most conscientious objectors stand. When a citizen endangers his life in defending the basic principles and the values and the so- cial on which our culture and our civilization rest, including the very right to democratic life, he is not acting for a personal advantage but for what he believes is for the good of the com- munity. Consequently, all those who derive the advantages of life offered by that community are bound to contribute their share in this struggle, unless they can convince their fellow citizens to adopt other means of defense or to accept a kind of general martyrdom. While following as far as honestly they can the major- ity will, conscientious objectors should take up the rest of their time in attempting to have their opinions accepted by the multitude. That is the way of democracy. - Rose Mary Ryan Business Manager . . Assistant -Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: JEAN SHAPERO The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Dr. Ruthven s Lberal Record A WEEK AGO we suggested to Uni- versity officials that certain actions of late by them were being interpreted as evi- dence that democracy is dying on this Ann Arbor campus. We pointed to the fact that a liberal tradition has been Michigan's heritage from many years back, and that it was worth pre- serving. It was only a warning, not a cry of despair. We know the patient is not yet dead. reedom on this campus flourishes with a vigor that is rivaled by only a few colleges in the entire world. Today we want to speak our thanks to Pres- ident Ruthven for what he has done in the past to mould Michigan into a free, alert training ground for citizenship. Despite the lashing he has received during the past several weeks, he remains one of the pre-eminent educators in our nation. The records prove it. It has been during Dr. Ruthven's 11 some years in office, remember, that Michigan has earned its reputation as a public institution which re- fused to harness the. thinking of men and wom- en it pushed into the democratic stream. DR. RUTHVEN has permitted student organ- izations of every political temper to spread their fragrance to the campus winds. They do it with complete University sanction. Some of his speeches still stand as unique con- tributions to the field of liberal education. He has often defended the right of a student newspaper to remain an organ of the students. There is real reason to believe he thwarted a plan by a group of students to break up with violence that ball-park rally by the Michigan Committee for Academic Freedom November 9. This same Dr. Ruthven is still chief executive of our University. WE HAVE OPENLY TOLD HIM of our fear that some persons believe the University now to be on the road to reaction. We have ex- pressed regret at what seems to be the latest turn in University policy: i.e., the aura of mystery surrounding the denial of readmission to certain students; the warning by him that there are limits to student freedom; the seeming attempt to establish similar rules of conduct for faculty members. We deplore all these things, now and always. But we have not forgotten the things for which Dr. Ruthven has stood in other years; nor are we overlooking the many-fold pressures and responsibilities which he faces as an individual. In trusting the future of the University to him, we of the Michigan Daily wish him new strength and courage in maintaining his con- victions. - Paul M. Chandler The Martinique Problem A most illuminating article, by Pat Frank, a special correspondent just returned from Mar- tinique, was printed in the Post-Dispatch yes- terday. The situation, as Mr. Frank found it, has potentialities of gravest danger. Admiral Robert, the French commander, is aligned with Vichy, and is determined not to let the island fall into American hands. It is being strongly fortified, the place is full of Nazi agents and the Germans are trying to get flyers there, to use &WITCER by mascott Note: It is with extreme trepidation that we offer this guest column by anti-suffragist (?) S. R. wallace. Ever since the bloomer girls flagrantly flaunted their be-bloomered legs, knowing that on the morrow they might also vote, women have had the 'double standard' thrown in their cosmeti- rized faces-and they haven't liked it. Ignoring for the moment the coeds dated three weeks in advance, let's talk about the feminine minority, the gals with brains. When they are asked out, if they are asked out, the bespectacled Phi Beta Kappa man who does the asking is pretty certain to pull two or three regulation discussions out of his over-sized hat. The European situation is good for a twenty- minute intermission at the Union dance; the case of the students refused readmittance last year, who are agitating now, is good for a few remarks over a non-alcoholic coke; and then, out in the starlit, moondust night, even a Phi Bet remembers the most recent Esquire edition, theGarg article on osculation, and . . . . the double standard. He starts out, "You know, I had a rather in- teresting conversation with the fellows last night." The brainy girl cocks an eyebrow eagerly, hoping against hope that a few of the choice items of a bull-session are about to be revealed. He continues, "We were talking pro and con on the matter of - of - well, one might call it the double standard." THE BRAINY GIRL sighs resignedly and mus- ters up regiment upon regiment of the ex- pressions, retorts, suggestions concerning the standard that she has been called upon to use eternally in the past. "What exactly do you mean by the double standard," she asks naively checking off his expected answer mentally and busy preparing her own response. "Simply the right of women to do exactly as men-in the business, political and social worlds," he recites from memory. She realizes at this point that he is offering her something like those penny post-cards that busy vacationers delight in sending . . . "I am having a swell-rotten-mediocre (choose one) time. Wish-pray-hope (choose one) you were here." Only in this case the choice is compulsory. "Social world?" she questions. And then a conversation ensues in which ideas are expressed without exact words, in which each must keep one step ahead of the other. He points out that these are modern times, and that although the jazz days of '29 are slightly passe, the remnants of that culture linger on. She declares that things are too natural in social circles today to ever become so "wid" again, and that nowadays women do not have to flaunt their sex about brazenly because no- body is denying them their place in the man's world. He pounces upon her "man's world" expres- sion. Women have made a new niche in that world, he says, and we men will allow them all the freedom they want. If they want to run around, he says ... Here she breaks in and asserts with a sniff that women never wanted that kind of freedom. The men can "run around" if they want to .. HE EXCITEDLY EXPLAINS that men don't . . Everyone knows they do, she says firmly, and what's more, us girls, she says, don't mind double standard morals as long as double stan- dard executive jobs and governmental posts exist. He is rather confused. The double standard institution, he notes weakly, was set up originally by women, and ... -Nothing is set up irrevocably, she retorts, and anyway, we can draw the line where we want to. At this point they have reached her dormitory, and the curfew lights are flickering. He starts to mop his brow and make a graceful exit, but she pulls out her curtain line and, striking a pose just before she dashes inside in possession of the last word, declares, "A double standard of morals is a man-made Franken- stein. It's man's excuse for losing the reins in society. It's simply an artificial psychological, sociological, psychiatric notion." And he walks off thinking, "I guess she didn't want to kiss me after all." ____- Axis .eginning 0 Squea i- t W I 1 a fr" Z w r _ a p o . s1 v b cu ale P", -r Vii, _ O a ,1 1 O j i.r r b / 1 ytiYrI11M M M f r : HJ f;I rr~ur'rrw .. pi %, """Womm"s , _. .. -- . ...rw""".°- -.- . ~ .,-_- . .- -^ r, ° ti ) . 2 t t i i .f Ii _ I obit- ftm... ... ____r -- -16 son .10 __ -- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I Cc ? , -%j .i, The City Editor's ,i 'cl tch lPad p, MAYBE there's no answer, but the question is worth asking: "Why the epidemic of head injuries on the Michigan football squad this year?" * * * Was there something wrong with the hel- mets worn by Wistert, Sukup, Kolesar and Ceithaml? W ITH our ever-growing danger of conscripting1 fense program. The army hits all the high spots from pudding. army there's some turkeys for the de- menu for Thursday oyster soup to plum * * * Even the German army ate well for a while, but what's the Nazi menu now? * * * Our annual complaint: Why don't they throw in Friday and make it a real holiday, instead of confining it to Thursday and breaking up a good week? WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 45 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Notice to al lilembers of the uni- versity: The following is an extract of a by-law of the Regents (Chapter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has been in effect since September, 1926: "It will hereafter be regarded as contrary to University policy for any- one to have in his or her possession any key to University buildings or parts of buildings if such key is not stamped as provided( i.e. by the Buildings and Grounds Department). If such unauthorized keys are found the case shall be referred to the Dean or other proper head of the University division involved for his action in accordance with this prin- ciple. Any watchman or other proper representative of the Buildings and Grounds Department, or any Dean, department head or other proper University official shall have the right to inspect keys believed to open University buildings, at any reason- able time or place. "--For any individual to order, have made, or permit to be ordered or made, any duplicate of his or her University key, through unauthorized channels, must be regarded as a spe- cial and willful disregard of the safe- ty of University property." These regulations are called to the attention of all concerned, for their information and guidance. Any per- son having any key or keys to Uni- versity buildings, doors, or other locks, contrary to the provisions re- cided above, should promptly sur- render the same to the Key Clerk at the office of the Department of Buildings and Grounds. SHIRLEY W. SMITH General Library Hours: On Thanks- giving Day, November 21, the Main Reading Room and the Periodical Room of the General Library will be open from 2:00-9:00 p.m. The De- partmental Libraries will be closed. Books from other parts of the build- ing which are needed for use on that day will be made available in the Main Reading Room if request is made on Wednesday to an Assistant in the Reading Room where the books are usually shelved. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian Freshmen, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, Nov. 23. In administering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are considered fresh- men. Exceptions may be made in ex- traordinary circumstances, such as The final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, Nov. 23. A. H. Lovell, Secretary School of Education neshmeni: Courses dropped after today will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered dropped un- less it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. R.O.T.C.: All students who have not called for their uniforms should do so today as this is the last day the tailors will be here for tryons. Any students who do not call for their uni- forms while the tailors are here will have to stand whatever expense is incurred for alterations. Senior Mechanicals: Procter & Gamble Company, Ivorydale, Ohio, representative will interview Mechan- ical, Electrical and Chemical Seniors of high scholarship, for production management and engineering devel- opment positions, Monday and Tues- day, Nov. 25 and 26. A test will be given at 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 25, in Room 229 W. Eng. Bldg., to those scheduled for interviews. Make an appointment in Room 221 W. Eng. Bldg. Senior Mechanicals: Dr. P. L. Velt- man of The Texas Company of New York will interview 1941 Seniors ar Graduate Students in Room 221 West Engineering Bldg. on Friday, Nov. 22, 1:30-5:00 p.m. Call for interview schedule. The Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences Journals and Aeronautical Reviews are available in the Aeronau- tical Library in the East Engineering Building and the West Engineering Library. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Detroit Civil Service Examinations. The examination date is noted in each case. Applications must be filed on or before one week prior to date of the examination. Plumber, November 28, 1940. Plumbing Inspector, salary $2,640, November 28, 1940. Policewomen, salary $2,000, Novem- ber 30, 1940. Transportation Equipment Opera- tor, salary $.78 per hour, December 21, 1940. Complete information on file at the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Receipt holders for the football ticket resale for the Northwestern game may collect their money or tick- ets in the Student Offices of the Union the next two weeks from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Academic Notices Aero. 6, Experimental Aerodynam- ics: The laboratory sections in this course will not meet this week. Bacteriology 111A (Laboratory Course) will meet Monday, November 25, at 1:00,.m. in Room 2562 East Medical Building. Each student should come provided wih a $5.00 Hy- gienic Laboratory Coupon procurable at the Cashier's Office. English 1, Section 48 (Halliday). Bring materials for impromptu to class on Saturday, November 23. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Room 319, West Medical Building, at 7:30 tonight. Subject: "Proteolytic Enzymes." All interested are invited. (continued on Page 6) Washington Merry- Go-Round - WASHINGTON-The uncensored facts reach- ing here in the diplomatic pouch indicate that British cities are taking a far worse beating than the public realizes. The destruction of Coventry was just one eye-opener. One friendly observer just back from England describes London-probably quite accurately- as the Verdun of the present war. London is the battle on which the outcome of the war may depend. But the difference is that the punishment at Verdun was born by seasoned troops, while women, children, civilians and supply factories remained far behind the lines. In London the situation is just as if wom- en and children, hospitals and munitions plants were right up in the front line trenches. TW T7.T"N1T? T~ TTYTC ~T . ft T2A T? T'VIifT"1A T .n11 ...l... rn adjoining roof-tops, but they never leave their posts. During the night many people cannot sleep, so they take cat-naps in the daytime. You see London stenographers sleeping in strange places, sometimes at their desks, sometimes in corridors. And there is complete tolerance on the part of employers toward sleeping employees. England Looks To U.S. DESPITE THIS HEROI M, the American pub- lic might as well look the facts squarely in the face-namely, that few people in'Great Brit- ain would continue this suffering if they were not confident that very vigorous, major help was coming from the United States. In fact, most of the British people, much as RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Wednesday Evening 6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver 6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast " The Factfinder 6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Revie* 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas Evening Serenade 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade world Today Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Mr. Meek Cavalcade Carson Robison The Lone Ranger 7:45 Mr. Meek Doc Sunshine 8:00 Question Bee Hollywood Playh'se Melody Street Quiz Kids 8:15 Question Bee ", o 8:30 D. Thompson Plantation Party Engineering Inst. Manhattan Midnite 8:45 D. Thompson" News Ace it 9:00 Fred Allen Eddie Cantor Hope Tabernacle Yukon Challenge 9:15 Fred Allen " Old Traveler 9:30 Fred Allen District Attorney Question Box John B. Kennedy