Weather Showers and warmer. cj r 5k igau ~Iaitr Editorial Dr. Ruthiven's Liberal Record Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Lewis' Attachk Against AFL Leaders Dims Hope Of Unity. Labor ChiefHits Proposal For Peace With Rivals; CIO Adopts Resolution To KeepPresent Policy Green, Dubinsky Scored In Speech ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Nov. 19.- (ZP)-A tumultous session of CIO's annual convention, whipped into a cheering frenzy during a bitter attack by John L. Lewis against William Green and the AFL leadership, served notice late today that there would be no immediate peace overtures to the rival labor camp. In a fighting angry mood, with the cheers of the packed convention hall sometimes drowning out his words, Lewis blasted a proposal by Sidney Hillman's Clothing Workers Union for immediate conferences to explore labor peace, possibilities. No Possibility For Peace "it would be a waste of time," he declared, "to raise the hopes of the millions of people in this country by making it appear that there is any possibility of peace." WhenLewis finished, the conven- tion adopted a recoiimendation that CIO continue its present policy to- ward labor unity. This includes the maintenance of a standing committee for any conferences, and continuance of CIO's plans for organizing mass production workers into one union for each industry. Frank Rosenblum of the Amalga- mated Clothing Workers told the del- egates earlier in the session that he was not satisied with the progress CIO had made in the last year and added: "We want to explore the possibili- ties for peace and if we can get peace, we want 41it." Lewis warmed up to his speech by recalling that David Dubinsky, of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, one of th founders of the CIO, had left to -back to the AFL fold. Lewis Scores Dubinsky "Where is Dubinsky today?" said Lewis. "He is crying aloud now for the AFL to abandon the crooks and racketeers of the organization. "And now comes the piercing wails and laments of the Amalgamated, and the say: 'Peace. Ain't it wonder- ful!' "But there is no peace because you are not yet strong enough to demand peace on honorable terms." Lewis brought the delegates to their feet cheering when he said he was not weary of the fight for in- dustrial unionism he undertook to lead five years ago, and that those who had left CIO ranks to go with the AFL had "taken the easy way out." Lemke Favors 7-Year Term For President Scores Middle Class DOROTHY THOMPSON Correspondent Places Faith, With Workers "I've given up on Greenwich Vil- lage. I'd rather talk to a bunch of bricklayers than talk to a group of Long Island socialites," Dorothy Thompson, well-known feminine cor- respondent, remarked In, a backstage interview after her lecture last night. The upper-middle class will have to get rid of its smug, self-satisfied air and realize that all is not well with the 'est of society. "I can't talk to these people any more," Miss Thompson said, "they just sit there, remark 'how interesting,' and then go home to play bridge." In reply to a remark made about a column which recently appeared in a Detroit paper Miss Thompson stat- ed that there was no morale in the Italian army. They are not fighting for something which they feel is for the good of Italy, she said, as they did when they fought in Ethiopia. The Italian people are actually terri- fied of Hitler, but the Nazi influence is so strong that they can't do any- thing about it. "The Italians are just pawns in the hands of Hitler." "When I was in Italy this past. spring I was amazed to see the young- sters of twelve and thirteen shout- ing their heads off at Fascist demon- strations. They are really the ones who are the Fascists; they and the youth just a little older than they are. There are ver'y few Fascists in Italy who are over thirty." This fear and this fighting which the Italians are " now engaged in against their will is too bad, Miss Thompson remarked, because there was really a remarkable development and change taking place in the coun- try. Now, by fighting, and under the influence of Hitler, all that has been gained may be lost. When asked whether she intended to go back to Europe, Miss Thompson replied that there was no reason for wanting to go back. America today is far more interesting, far more ex- citing than any other place in the world. "The hope of the English- speaking world is in America, and I'm going to stick with it." Miss Duffy To Speak "The Division of Hygiene in Public Health" will be the subject of an ad- dress to be given today by Miss Mar- garet Duffy at the Gragduate Lun- cheon in the Russian Tea Room of the League. This lecture is the fourth in the "Know Your University" series, sponsored weekly by the Graduate Council, which describe the work done by the various members in their departments.I House Votes Against Move To Adjourn Reverse Caused By Swing Of Western Democrats To Republican Minority Senate Must Face Walter-Logan Bill WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. -(P)-- The House refused to end this Ses- sion of Congress today, voicing by a 191 to 148 vote a feeling that so long as the foreign crisis continues Con- tress should stay on the job. By its action it upset the plans of Democratic leaders, who brought up the adjournment resolution. The leaders thus were presented with an outright defeat on the first test of their strength since the election of two weeks ago. Their reverse was caused by the de- fection of 44 Democrats. These, in- cluding particularly Democrats from the West, comrio -x t V r votes with those of a solid Republican minor- ity to block the adjournment move. President Roosevelt told re 'te rs in response to questions, that the vote against adjournment did not make any difference to him. He has stated that the question was one for Congress to decide. Asked whether he would "find something for Congress to do," he replied merely that more Army and Navy promotions were coming along all the time. No additional defense measures were in prospect, he added. A significant result of the vote was that the Senate, too, was, held in session to face the issue of approv- ing, rejecting or laying aside the highly controversial Walter-Logan bill. Under the Constitution, neith- er House can adjourn or recess for more than three days without the consent of the other. The Waliter-Logan Bill, already passed by the House, would facilitate court appeals from the decisions of such government agencies as the Labov Board and the Securities Com- mission. Shortly before the House voted, a motion was made that thevSenate take up the bill-highly unpopular in New Deal quarters-and it was still pending at the close of the day. That there is much sentiment for the bill in the Senate is conceded by its opponents, who also predict that if it is passed, President Roose- velt will veto it. Following their defeat in the House, Democratic leaders were un- certain of their plans for the future. Student Will Meet Actress June Preisser A dream will come true today when William McNutt, '43, will meet his "ideal woman," at the stage entrance of the Fox Theatre, Detroit. Long an admirer of June Preisser, popular young movie actress, McNutt, after attending her three afternoon performances Monday, was more than ever impressed and called her from here in the hope of seeing her person- ally. "I was very surprised," McNutt said last night, "that she even con- sented to answer my telephone call. I feel that it is an honor that she has promised to meet me. I am so excited I know I won't be able to sleep 1 tonight. But can anyone blame me?" Tau Beta Pi Initiates 19 AtBanquet Frank Burton Discusses History And Progress Of MilitaryEngineering A D. Moore Acts , As Toastmaster Nineteen seniors in the Engineering College were initiated into Tau Beta Pi, scholastic honorary society, with a banquet in the Union last night at which Frank Burton, Detroit consult- ing engineer, served as principal speaker. In his talk Burton discussed the history of military engineering in the Greek, Roman and Medieval periods and described how it has helped in the development of modern engineer- ing. He emphasized that present trans- portation systems had their origin in highways and bridges built for military purposes, that sanitation systems have arisen largely from be- ginnings in army camps, and that many modern machine tools were de- veloped to make war implements. Graduated Here In '07 Burton, who at the present time is treasurer of the Burton Abstract Co., graduated from the University as a chemical engineer in 1907. While at Michigan he was a member of the varsity football squad and one of the charter members of Tau Beta Pi. Toastmaster of the evening was Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical engineering department who took great pains in describing the newly formed International Order of Toast- masters in which he holds approxi- mately 17 positions. The welcome to the new members was given by Robert J. Morrison, '41E, of Waukegan, Ill., president, while Robert Peterson, '41E, of Ypsilanti was chosen by the initiates to give the response. Initiates Listed Those who were admitted into Tau Beta Pi were Lee A. Anderson of De- troit; H. Brace Battey of Rochester, N. Y.; Emerson B. Blair of Rivers Junction; Nelson E. Damm of Mus- kegon Heights; James E. Davoli of Buffalo, N. Y.; James E. Eastman of Datona Beach, Fla.; Herbert D. Ham- ilton of Ann Arbor and Frederick A. Heddle of Ann Arbor. The list continues with Samuel R. Heller of Norfolk, Va.; George P. Hogg of Pittsburg, Pa.; Gordon K. Hood of Kenmore, N. Y.; Robert P. Kimball of Grand Rapids; Woodrow W. Rankin of Rochester, N. Y.; Earl Schaefer of Spring Lake; James H. Shaver of Grand ' Haven; Lewis F. Smith of Auburn, N. Y.; Gordon A. Stumpf of Kenmore, N. Y., and Paul W. Theriault of Wegaunee. BursleySpeaks On Scholarship At IFC Banquet By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) The inclusion of King Boris of Bul- garia in Hitler's current conferences with European and Russian states- men may indicate a new military, stroke is in preparation. A German march through Bulgaria{ to Italy's aid in Greece could very quickly reverse the astounding spec- tacle of Italian frustration. How- ever, it would open a two-way war corridor across Bulgaria, and no no doubt Britain would take immed- iate advantage of it. Troops SentTo Guard Oil Bulgarian entry into the war, actively or passively, would expose Germany's most vital war resource, Rumanian oil, to instant British at- tack because the British then would be free to fly across Bulgaria from their bases in Greece. And the one obvious and understandable element in Hitler's policy on the Balkan front from the beginning of the War has been concern over security of the Rumanian oil field. His first move in the East this fall was to achieve that. German troops and air forces were sent to guard the 'oil. There is much to indicate that Italy's attack on Greece was danger- ously delayed to permit the German move to be completed. If so, Italy has already paid a heavy price for the delay. Weather, as well as mountains, helped balk her drive from Albania. The Greeks thus far have not only held their foe, but have taken the ball on downs, so to speak. Weather Stopped Italians Had Italy struck weeks or seven days earlier the story might have been different. Snow and seasonal rains in the mountains virtually nul- lified Italian superiority in numbers and mechanized battle equipment and produced a military miracle. Britain has had three weeks' time to plant advance naval and air bases on Greek soil. There is nothing in the news to show just where they are; but some of them must be pretty close to Rumanian oil fields. Bul- garian, Yugoslavian and Turkish neutrality make them still unusable for attacks on those fields, but Bul- garian entry into the Axis war orbit would remove that British handicap. It is to be assmed British bombers are already operating against Italy from bases in Macedonia. If so, they are within 300 miles air flight across Bulgaria from Ploesti, pro- duction and transportation center of the Rumanian oil industry. And the transpotation system by which that oil reaches Germany is perhaps more vulnerable to air attack than the oil wells and storage tanks themselves. It has acute bottlenecks like the iron gate of the Danube River route. mountain passes through which single-track railroads run, pipe lines and canals. The rumoredaprice Hitler offered Bulgaria for war collaboration is an Aegean outlet via Greek territory. That has a pig-in-a-poke look, as of this writing. The British navy, from, Greek mainland and insular bases, controls the mouth of the Aegean. It probably can add Italian bases in the Dodecanese Islands to its setup whenever it seems desirable to the British high command.' Center Will Hold Holiday Dinner At UnionToday, Ruthven To Address 500 Faculty Guests, Students At Thanksgiving Affair More than 500 foreign students and faculty will be honored guests at the annual Thanksgiving dinner given by the International Center at 6:30 p.m. today in the Union. Dressed in costumes of their native ?ands the students from practically every nation in the world will be served the holiday feast in traditional American home style. Guests will be seated in the Union Ballroom at tables of 12 with a faculty host and hostess who will serve the turkeys. Among the speakers will be Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven accom- panied by Mrs. Ruthven who will offer the greetings of the University. As president of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club Prof. Bennett Weaver will de- liver the message on behalf of the community. Monsignor Allen J. Babcock of St. Mary's Chapel will give the grace and Prof. Raleigh Nelson, counselor to foreign students, will act as toastmaster. Joseph Lee, president of the Chinese Student Club, will give the reply of the stu- dents to the greetings. A special surprise program will be presented by foreign students who will appear in their colorful costumes. Among the guests who will carve are Prof. and Mrs. Charles Fisher, Prof. and Mrs. Wilfred Shaw, Prof. and Mrs. Frank R. Finch, Prof. and Mrs. Herbert J. Bloom, Prof. Howell Taylor, Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Stell- horn, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan, Prof. and Mrs. Arno Bader, Dean and Mrs. (Continued on Page 6) German Aid To Italy May Call For March Through Bulgaria U.S. Considers Proposal To Send Greece Supplies; 'Nazis Forming Coalition Athens, American Offices Send Appeal To Welles; Need Aviation Material Hungarians Confer With Axis Powers By J. C. STARK WASHINGTON, Nov. 19-()-In response to an urgent appeal from Greece, the United States tonight took under consideration the question of supplying planes and other war material to that Balkan country. Difficult problems stood in the way of meeting the Greek request, how- ever. Foremost among these was the question whether military material could be spared, without reducing the amount being furnished to Greece's ally, Great Britain. The time element also was impor- tant in view of a widely-held belief here that Germany was preparing to move down the Balkan Peninsula to relieve the difficulties of her Axis partner, Italy. Sumner Welles, acting Secretary of State, announced Greece's appeal for aid, which he said was both through the American legation in Athens and through the Greek minister in Wash- ington. Greece asked, he said, for the op- portunity' to purchase certain avia- tion material and munitions in this country. Ribbentrop, Ciano Confer With Hungarians By LOUIS P. LOCHNER BERLIN, Nov. 19.-(P-German and Italian foreign ministers, Axis political ringmasters, arranged to- night for Hungary's turn in the busi- ness of completing what informed Nazis call "a coalition of all Europe against England." Premier Count Pal Teleky and Count Istvan Csaky, Hungarian For- eign Minister, are due at Vienna to- morrow to confer with German For- eign Minister Joachim Von Ribben- trop and Italian Foreign Minister Count Ciano. In the midst of all this political coming and going, reports were cur- rent here that King Leopold of con- quered Belgium, like King Boris of neutral Bulgaria, had been among those conferring with Adolph Hitler in his Berchtesgaden Alpine retreat. Official sources wouldn't deny it, say- ing only they had "no instructions" about such a visit. Von Ribbentrop and Ciano arrived in Vienna aboard special trains late today. They were met by Baldur Von Schirach, Governor and Nazi District Leader for Austria, and were cheered by crowds as they drove through the streets. ,Speech Group Hears Lecture 7rl Badly Injured As Car Turns Over Four Ann Arbor residents were in- jured when a car in which they were riding overturned in the middle of the road, according to a report re- ceived last night from the sheriff's office. The car which overturned on Huron River Drive, near Scio town- ship, was driven by Gladys McFee, 15. Passengers were Betty Poland, Betty , Loper and William Vogle, jr. All have been discharged from St. Joseph's Hospital except Miss Mc- Fee, who is in a serious condition re- sulting from head injuries. Also Urges Four Year Limit On Of Governors, Or Six Tenure Mayors There should be a constitutional amendment limiting the tenure of the chief executive to one term of seven years, William Lemke, Union Party candidate for president in 1936 said in a talk at the Masonic Temple last night. Mr. Lemke, who was supported in 1936 by Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, supporters of the Townsend plan, and followers of the late Huey E. Long, spoke under the auspices of the National Farmer's Guild, which is holding its convention, here. The former Congressman from North Dakota also advocated a four or six year limitation on the term of governors, and a limited term for mayors in large cities. He also stated that he had opposed the sective service program from Journalist Urges U.S. To Help Britain In War With Germany By BERNARD DOBER Assuming the role of a political analyst and not that of an agitator, Dorothy Thompson told a capacity audience -'in Hill Auditorium last night that we -are nearing the end of an epoch and entering upon a new, revolutionary era with some form of socialism inevitable. Miss Thompson appeared as the fourth lecturer in the Oratorical As- sociation Series and was introduced by Mrs. Beach Conger, Sr. It is not our business to save the British Empire she claimed, but it is up to us to save the heritage of the English-speaking peoples of the world. We can do this, not by being afraid of what might happen if we There is a danger that the privi- leged classes who fear these basic changes will take away their com- forts, will seize the power of the state and form a fascist state. The capi- talists fail to realize, Miss Thompson pointed out, the harm they are doing society by maintaining this margin of unemployment which is a requisite of such an economy. All this is vitally connected with our foreign policy, she stated, be- cause the world is closing in on us. The Axis powers are steadily as- suming the role of benevolent bene- factor which Great Britain held at the height of her power, but they are doing things in their own way. They are absorbing other countries Phi Sigma Delta Receives Cup For 2.78 Average; Pledges Are Welcomed The importance of scholarship in the life and work of a fraternity man was stressed by Dean of Students Joseph Bursley, keynote speaker at the annual Interfraternity Council Pledge Banquet honoring nearly 500 pledges of 40 chapters last night in the Union. While fraternity life may have sig- nificance in many varied ways, he commented, proper attention to ac- ademic matters is vital to the success of the house. Yet, he added, scholas-' tic standing is no direct reflection on the actual intelligence of any chap- ter's members, even though they may stand at the bottom of the list. Bernard Sisman, '41, president of Phi Sigma Delta, received the IFC scholarship cup from Dean Bursley, on the strength of the 2.78 point av- erage earned by the fraternity last year. The pledges wererwelcomed to the Banquet and to fraternity life by Sophomores Draw First Blood In Opening Interclass Warfare Prof. On By A. P. BLAUSTEIN The sophomores drew first blood in interclass warfare last night and Ed- win Shaw, '44E, of Detroit was the victim. Shaw, after being lured to The Daily office by a false telephone message, was pounced upon by a group of 15 bloodthirsty men of '43, "depantsed," bundled into a cab and left at Death Gulch, beyond the cem- etery on Plymouth Road. The sophomores, posing as Daily reporters and photographers, forced the frosh leader into the delivery room and proceeded to inquire about how much damage he would do to the 3ophs on "Black Friday." Shaw was eloquent in his remarks told that she would care for them until he came back - "if he came back." Surprising his captors, Shaw ob- tained a ride back into town shortly after he was thrown from the cab and returned to the Student Publica- tions Building only a half hour after his kidnappers. The choice of Shaw as victim was made by the Class of '43 because the former had been one of the origin- ators of the "flag plan," which will be used by the freshmen in Friday's battle, According to the plan, the Class of '44 will meet in front of the Union at 7:30 p.m. and gather around the flag pole near the Natural 'SfnP Anr-envtrium at 8 n m A han- Morrison Speaks 'SellingHighways' Drawing mainly from his wide ex- perience in the field of highway con- struction, Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the transportation engineering de- partment spoke last night before Sig- ma Rho Tau, engineering speech so- ciety on "Selling Highways." Professor Morrison stated that the main factor in selling roads is to have something sound to sell. He said that transcontinental superhighways, so-called "roads of the future" and proposed roads between state capitals are not only impractical and extrava-. gant, but smack somewhat of delir- ium tremens. The real need today, he said, is for radiating highways in urban districts, not for concrete stretches where the "rattlesnakes can chase the jackrabbits." Stating that as much money is lost every yearrthrough accidents as is spent on roads, Professor Morrison I I