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November 19, 1940 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-19

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(Continued from page 4), class, whose standing at midsemesterI ments and Occupational Information Noties Mr. Vinograde will continue his report third Faculty Concert of the year, Organ F
time is D or E, not merely those who has received notice of the fllowing Academic 11'otoncesalyti Quarternion Function." Joseph Brinkman, Panit iaper nirs
lifted for the Thanksgiving holiday received D or E in so-called midsemes- Civil Service Examination. Last date History 11, Lecture II. Examina- - --a :0pm ensaNv 0 n41 a
period from Wednesday noon, Nov. ter examinations, for filing application is noted in each tion at 10:00 a.m. today. Mr. Slos-, St'inr~a in hyical Clnistry will tedat 0pm. edesaN ov20ain4:15The
20, unti 8-a~m. n Frida, Nov. 2.theudLydialeMendelssohnrseTheattre.eThbe e
20, ntil8 a~. onFridy, NV. 2. Sud ns elctin ourcoures, ut cse.son's and Mr. Bork's sections will Gret in Room 410 Ch emistry Building general public is invited. hsbe
registered in other schools or col- UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE meet in 231 A.H. All others in Natr - ;a ':1 p.m. on Wedesday, November _____ nesday, i
Faculty, College of Literature, Si- leges of the University, should be Principal Physicist, salary $5,600, 1 al Science Audtorium. 20. Mr. Norman Bauer will giv the Organ Recital Date Change: The
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- reported to the school or college in Decem~ber 12, 1940. Preston W. Slosson s : cond part of his talk on "Light Ab- --_____________________
ports are due not later than Satur- which they are registered. rpfon of Electrolytes in Solution" .~,.+
day, November 23. Additional cards may be had at Senior Physicist, salary $4,600. D- sctoadM.AofFVigtwlspkon Y7
Report cards are being distribut- my office, 1220 Angell Hall. cembr 12l190.nSesc 127 Mandra93.",~2
ed to all departmental offices. This E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean Physicist, salary $3,800, December wilmejoa a :0pm
year for the first time special green -- 12, 1940. wi-mettdy--1:0- m"heEeets8 nd9.O
cards are being provided for fresh- Wmen Students Wishing to At- Associate Physicist, salary $3200, Aero. 6, Experimental A erodynam- C ncD2erts ft
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall; white in tho Office of the Dean of Women. December 12, 1940. the exception of az pecici mieeting fo will uisent a concert at 4:15 p.m.
cards (reporting sophomores, Junn-etio letter of permission from parents MCGA IVLqEVIEadbe 1. B, onrI tusdayNo- oayi teLyi MnelshnTe-8 1 h i
ios n eir)t yofc 20must be in this office not later than vebr1.t e. The gneral pubic is invited to fA i
Angell Hall. Wednesday, November 20. If the Graphic Presentation Designer I, _____- attend.
Midsemester reports should name :student does not go by train, specialsaryane$0to19,Nvmr Mathematics 370, Seminar will'-Q
thsesudnsfesmn ndupe-pemsso fr nthrmoeoftavl30, 1940. meet today at 4 O'clock in 3001 A.H. Faculty Conert: Soloist for thee
must be included in the parent's let- Jo-naytAslryrne 10TO A '
Le.Gaut oe r nie oto $150, November 30, 1940.11.011.511
reiterGautwoear invthiseffice Job Analyst I, salary range $150 NOON.
treitrithsofc.to $190, ovmbr30O140N
BoBac yr Fox Bacher. ,Itecifor!rTODAY'40
Complete information on file atr PIMENTO CREAM CHEESE
the University \Bureau of Appoint- c l Bisque of Tomato
Has Your Picture! School of Education Freshmen: mets and Occupational Information, Choice of Salad or Dessert Choice e
Courses. dropped after Wednesday, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 _________
Nov. 20, will be recorded with the and 2-4. ALL THIS WEEK Country Sausage and Apple Sauce
gradeof E except under extraordinary
circumstances. No course is consid- Alpha Lambda Delta: The order for(CoefON
ered dropped unless it has been re- pins and certificates is being sent Bisquce of TmtS O
Sported in the office of the Registrar, Wednesday noon. All money must be BsuofmaaoSupai
Room 4, University Hall. given to Gertrude Inwood, 4515H OFUG
_____ Stockwell Hal, by that time.# NA SP I Fresh Green Beans Toma
The University Bureau of Appoint- --LIT Choice of Salad or Dessert Choice
GACH CAMERA SHOP and *I ONE-HALF BANANA Hamburger Balls &r SpaghettiP
look over the pictures taken * DELICIOUS HOT FUDGE (Choice of ONE
at the dance last week-end. FO O TBA L L PIA LS FLUFFY WHIPPED CREAM Cream of Tomato Soup Baked Beans
rmMARCHINO CHERRY American Fried Potatoes1
Fresh Green Beans Toma
Keep a photo record of CHARTERED BUSSES
yourcolege artes. ,3. for25CChoice of Salad or Dessert Choice
RON-RP(ChieofTO See above see0'RUDTI
Gach" Choice of Salad or Dessert Choice
All Prices Subject to Michigan
Camera Shop R C' BOOK ,AMMD NO A
Nickels Arcade IE I ' STORE 533 S. Main. 1219 S. University 620 E. Liberty SOABA OndTR OMICHIA e
, iYY . A re wl) tv\-you
e .
abot yur laundry

Recital by Palmer Christian,
ty Organist, scheduled for
i. Wednesday, November 20,
zpostponed to 4:15 p.m. Wed-
November 27.
(Contnued on Wage 8
Ct YPrices
Assorted Rolls or Bread
Mashed Potatoes
Baked Beans
toes Reets
of Beverage39
Assorted Rolls or Bread
sMacaroni Au Gratin
Mashed Potatoes
htoes Beets
of Beverage 39c
;sorted Rolls or Bread
'ctions in 39c dinner)
of Beverage 44c'
State Sales Tax
evenings until 12.

3 ? Y ,Kyer Laundry
:rqCertainly you are! Then the Ann Arbor Laun- 4 185
dries wil satisfy you. Shirts and linen are ironed
in that fastidious, impeccable manner that marks varsity Laundr
SA PEB N L he particular person. Have your laundry done 23-1-2
SAMPErtsDE Finished the laundry way at our modern, efficient plants.y
(Mended and
Pairs of Sox ButtonsOr special Student Bundle is economical. You and Dry Cleaning Compa m
6 Hiandkerchiefs 1Replaced.Ou
2 Suits of Underwear 1etiriied, cannot afford to send your bundle home. Call
ner Dried and
1Pajama Sit Fluffed
2 Bath TVowels not Ironed. onie of the Iaundrieshlstecd below.
White Swan Laun
An nx. Cost S1.10 and Dry Cleaning Compa



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