THlE MICIGA A : ITTv SUNDY. NVEMBR 1. 1940. r r - a as.a ~ra s.' n a atj ~TThAV I~MR~Ii I' QAE l.i } 1.'V\l f l.ii LLL' 14 11 1JYV THE MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Xdited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. t Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as. second class mail. matter. Buberiptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00: by mail, $4.50.. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO . BosTON . Los AGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Stafff Servie Haufler . Alvin Barasohn. Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter. Bsther Osser Helen Corman . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director * . . . AoCity Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . .Associate Editor * . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: EMILE GELE The editorials published in The Michigan. Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. More Tolerance Needed In Army . R E-ELECTION SQUABBLES are now behind us. The accusations con- cernin the national defense program that were 'ying thick and fast have melted into cries for unity. No matter what we may think of the ,policies of the Roosevelt administration, every one of us should support with all our energy the movement to make our country impreg- nable against attack. And one of the first things on the program must be a revitalizing of the United States Army-especially the Ordnance Department. The Army has almost always been controlled by a group of stodgy bigwigs who are extremely unre- ceptive to new and modern ideas. They have tended to stifle freedom of thought and free- dom of expression among the fresher and young- er officers. Probably the most famous example of this is the case of Brigadier General "Billy" Mitchell. About ten years ago he publicly de- manded the separation of the Air Corps from the Regular Army. As a result he was court- martialed, and all the other officers who agreed with him to keep their mouths shut. Recently we were given another classic ex- ample of the bigotry and blindness of certain Army officials. A young, officer in the Marine Corps Reserve, Captain Melvin Johnson, had invented a simple, 14-lb., one-man machine gun. For some time now the War Department has been crying for someone to invent a similar gun as light as even 22-lbs. But will the Army consent to test Captain Johnson's gun? Absolutely not-it seems that the young in- ventor announced in public sometime last spring that a semi-automatic rifle he had also in- vented was better than the Army's Garand rifle. His announcement offended the dignity of some of the bigwigs in the Ordance Depart- ment so they refuse to do business with him even though his weapon might help us to better defend our country. Adding insult to injury, they won't even let Johnson sell his plans to friendly nations. Both the Dutch East Indies and China were interest- ed in obtaining the plans for his machine gun. The Department of State approved the transaction, because it would help both count- ries defend themselves against the Japanese. However, the War Department stepped in and in- formed both Johnson and the State Depart- ment that the designs were military secrets and must remain in the United States-even though the Army refuses to use them! As long as the policy of our Army continues to follow such'a short-sighted, illogical course this nation will never be adequately prepared to defend itself. For this reason we should demand that the men responsibile for such a policy be replaced by younger or, at least more open-minded officials. We need men in charge of our Army who will encourage free- dom of thought and freedom of expression among the younger officers; men who will wel- toime constructive suggestions from their sub- ordinates; men who will inaugurate reforms from time to time; men, in other words, who will make, the Army a living, vital progressive organization. General George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff. Washington-Toughest problem faced by the British at this time is having their fleet in several different places at once. In the Mediter- ranean, for instance, the fleet has to protect Suez in the southeast, help Greece in the north- east, and cooperate with Gibraltar in the ex- treme west. Simultaneously the British fleet is supposed to disrupt Italian supplies to General Graziani's army in north Egypt. The British Mediterranean fleet cannot afford to break itself up into too small numbers. It must stick together in fairly large groups for protection's sake. Thus the fleet off Egypt has adopted 'tactics of sweeping back and forth across the Mediterranean every week or so. However, the Italians have caught on to this, and time their shipments of supplies to coin- cide to the moment when the British fleet is in another part of the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean situation also gives an insight into what the British face elsewhere. In the Atlantic, their thinned-out navy must police the coast from Spain to Norway. Along the African coast there is danger from submarines, while even in the Caribbean a few British vessels have kept an eye on, Martinique. This leaves almost no ships to protect Sing- apore, and is one reason for the backstage feelers that the United States might take over the po- licing of the Pacific. This has been under care- ful discussion among the Navy, White House and State Department, so far without decision. Behind that irate outburst from the New Eng- land Shoe Manufacturers Association at the Ar- my's new method of buying shoes was an untold story of how a group of business men working for the Government saved the taxpayers $6,000,- 000. The manufacturers were indignant that the Army. under Defense Commission guidance, had scattered its orders for 4,000,000 pairs of shoes instead of giving this juicy business, as in the past, to a few big firms. But by this new method the Army was able to obtain shoes at $1.50 less than they cost during the World War. . A group of business executives, working de- Something Rotten In The Caribbean .. . IT SEEMS odd that the United States can seriously undertake a huge de- fense program involving all nations of the West- ern Hemisphere and at the same time ignore Nazi activity in the Caribbean Sea. Strategically lo- cated islands, some of which are actually leased by the United States, are not only unpatrolled by American ships but are developed as German fuel stations. Becoming interested in rumors of Nazi activ- ity in the Caribbean, Leicester Hemingway, brother of Ernest and Anthony Jenkinson re- cently took what they called a "snoop cruise" in a 12-ton schooner to see what they could discover. They found signs of a well-developed Nazi re- fueling system for submarines, preparations for German naval action off the coast of Central America; and on islands near the Panama Canal they eicountered Nazi agents, Nazi propaganda and stocks of Diesel oil waiting for Nazi raiders. On Mujeres Island and Cozumel, off the western-most point of Mexico, the snoopers found violently pro-Nazi Mexican officials and at Bon- acca, off the northern coast of Honduras, they saw piles of Nazi propaganda openly displayed in the stores of prominent merchants. For some obscure reason the United States neutrality partol does not come within sight of these islands. The Americans found that the most influential. citizen of Old Providence and St. Andrews Island, off the coast of Nicaragua, was an ardent Ger- man who amplifies Nazi broadcasts for other islanders. The governor of these Columbia- owned islands told the snoopers, "The im- portance of these islands, on shipping routes vital to the United States, has been almost en- tirely overlooked. German submarines secretly using our harbors and coves could do ter- rible damage in the Caribbean . . . Shortly after the outbreak of the war two German sub- marines were sighted just north of Cartagen. As Colombia has not the financial resources to patrol these islands, it is up to the United States to cooperate with us." On Little Corn and Big Corn Islands, United States possessions within easy striking dis- tance of the Panama Canal, the snoopers found not a single United States citizen. The Nicar- guan commandant there told them, "Der Fuhrer will rule the world. Europe is only the beginning." and when reminded that American naval units might take over the islands he said, "They'll never come. The United States have forgotten' that these islands exist. If they do come, it will be too late." The paradox of the whole affair is that the United States makes such a collosal show of peacetime conscription, naval and military re- armament, and Pan-American cooperation, while the most elementary steps for defending the Panama Canal and the vital Caribbean are not taken. Little ironies like these are what makes the dictators laugh at democracy and thumb their noses at vociferous declarations of Ameri- can invincibility. - Emile Gele The Lord Helps Those .. . THE LORDhelps those who help each other. I votedly in the Procurement Division, in the past six months not only saved the Government sev- eral hundred millions on defense supplies, but have not disturbed market conditions or caused consumer prices to zoom. The shoe deal was only one item in this remarkable record, but a typical one. Because of the long battle in Congress over the Selective Service Act, the Army was not sure until the very last minute whether it would need shoes for 400,000 regulars, or for 1,000,000 additional draftees. So it was September 16 be- fore Brig. General Clifford Corbin of the Quar- termaster Corps rushed to the Defense Commis-. sion with his requirements. The Procurement aces were all ready for him. For weeks they had quietly surveyed the shoe industry. They knew the capacity of every plant, from the giants capable of turning out thousands of pairs a day to the smallest factory in a Bos- ton loft. Also, they had carefully studied World War experience, when the price of shoes has sky-rocketed as a result of the placing of big or- ders with a few firms. So, discarding the Army's system of asking for bids on the entire 4,000,000 pairs, the Commission quietly asked every reputable manufacturer in the country for a price on the number of shoes he was capable of producting. The results of this wily trading were remarkable. During the World War, the Army paid $4 a pair for shoes. Through the Procurement Divis- ion's methad of negotiated contracts, distributed among 25 factories from New England to St. Lou- is, the Army was able to get its 4,000,000 pairs of regulation shoes at $2.50 a pair. Note - Chief of the Procurement Division is quiet-spoken Lonald Nelson, former Sears Roe- buck dynamo, whom the President is consider- ing making Defense Coordinator. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1940 VOL. LI No. 43 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Freshmen, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, Nov. 23. In administering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are considered fresh- men. Exceptions may be made in ex- traordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued illness. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, November 23. Report cards are being distribut- ed to all departmental offices. This year for the frist time special green cards are being provided for fresh- men reports. Green cards should be returned to the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall; white cards (reporting sophomores, jun- iors, and seniors) to my office 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- 'class, whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who received D or E in so-called midsemes- ter examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University, shouldbe reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at my office, 1220 Angell Hall. E. A. Walter, Assitant Dean College of Architecture, School of Education, School of Forestry and Conservation, School of Music: Mid- semester reports indicating students enrolled in these units doing unsatis- factory work in any unit of the Uni- versity are due in the office of the school or college on Saturday, No- vember 23, at noon. Report blanks for this purpose may be secured from the office of the school or from Room 4, University Hall. Robert L. Williams ~ Assistant Registrar Approved Student Organizations: During the past week the following student organizations have asked for and been granted official recognition for the year 1940-41: Ir Cc >H AL> The City Editor's ,clatch Pad That bitter cold gave the anti-freeze distribu- tors a booming trade yesterday. Some of it was for car radiators. There were so many ticket scalpers in the Union that roommate suggested asking the gov- ernment to set up a reservation. Along the same lines, the Chicago boys are working a little football pool in Ann Arbor again. It operates in the shadows, though. Somebody shuffles up beside you, whispers his message, and pulls out the little card. Note to his friends: Stan Swinton, last year's city ed., is up at the, top of the draft list. He ex- pects to be tailored for the uniform in January. Trouble For Hitler For an earthquake to come along and upset Hitler's calculations in the Balkans would be ironic indeed, particularly if it arrived only a few hours after the Fuehrer had expressed his profane conviction in Munich that "Providence has brought me thus far." It is too soon to say that the tremendous upheaval of nature in Ru- mania has done so. Despatches do indicate considerable damage, however, to oil producing facilities, to oil ports on the Danube and to rail- ways useful in various ways to the Axis Powers While this destruction, even if it proves to be extensive, can doubtless be repaired in time, any delay that throws unforeseen obstacles in Hitler's path serves the cause of those driving desperately to stop him. If, as reports have frequently hinted, Ger- many has been thinking of sending troops through Rumania to neutralize Turkey and help bolster Italy's floundering attack on Greece, it may not be too much to hope that when Mr. Molotoff and his fellow-conferees sit down in Berlin this week they will have a good-sized complication to discuss among their agenda. - The New York Times markably successful. Even in the United States it has made great progress. But nowhere in the world has the cooperative movement wrought miracles comparable to those accomplished in Nova Scotia. Under the guidance of leaders connected with St. Francis Xavier University at Antigonish, cooperation is actually transforming society in Nova Scotia. Just a few years ago the fishermen, the farmers and the miners of that province were sunk in poverty as wretched as that endured by Steinbeck's Okies. The fishermen's boats were mortgaged, the farmers were losing their land and the pittance earned by the miners was barely sufficient to keep their families from star- vation. Today the fishermen are freeing themselves' of debt and their own canning plants are pay- ing them a higher rate for their catch then they had ever dreamed of achieving. The farm- ers are attaining prosperity, despite agricultural depression elsewhere and the miners are building Alpha Kappa Delta Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers1 Architectural Council1 Brandeis Cooperative Houuse Congress Cooperative House Dames English Journal Club Flying Club, U. of M. Gamma Delta Glider Club, U. of M. Hillel Players1 Inst. of the Aeronautical Sciences Iota Alpha Kappa Phi La Sociedad Hispanica Le Cercle Francais Michigan League Pan Hellenic Association Phi Eta Sigma j Pi Lambda Theta Quarterdeck Society Scroll Sigma Delta Chi Sphinx Student Senate Tau Epsilon Rho Transportation Club Wesleyan Guild Women's Athletic Association Wyvern The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Thanksgiving holiday period from Wednesday noon, Nov. 20, until 8 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 22. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incom- Dletes will be Saturday, Nov. 23. A. H. Lovell, Secretary Students, College of Engineering: The final day for dropping courses without record will be Saturday, Nov. 23. A course may be dropped only with permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. A. I. Lovell, Secretary The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examination. Last date for filing application is noted in each case. UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE Principal Physicist, salary $5 660, December 12, 1940. Senior Physicist, salary $4,600, De- cember 12, 1940. Physicist, salary $3,800, December 12, 1940. Associate Physicist, salary $3,200, December 12, 1940. Assistant Physicist, salary $2,600, December 12, 1940. MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE Graphic Presentation esigner I, salary range $150 to $190, November 30, 1940. Job Analyst A, salary range $130 to $150, November 30, 1940. Job Analyst I, salary range $150 to $190, November 30, 1940. Complete information on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Choral Union Members: Pass tickets will be given out for the Don Cossack Concert to all members of the chorus whose records are clear, and who call in person at the offices of the Univer- sity Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower, on the day of the concert, be- tween the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be given out. M'USIC By DAVID LACHENBRUCH BIGGEST radio music news of the week is probably the return of Arturo Toscanini to make his first appearance of the season conducting the NBC Symphony Orchestra Sat- urday from 10 to 11:30 p.m. over WXYZ in a concert broadcast from Carnegie Hall. Soloists will be Zinka Milanov, soprano; Bruns Castagna, contralto; Jussi Bjoerling, tenor, and Nicola Moscona, bass. Choral parts will be sung by the Westminister Choir. Then, of course, Sunday's big event is always the New York Philharmonic, although this autumn the Detroit stations have leaned to professional football broadcasts instead of the Symphony. However, where there's a will there's a way, and the ener- getic listener can hear his Philhar- monic from some distant point Cif he has a good radio). The station carrying the concerts that can be heard best in Ann Arbor is WKZO in Kalamazoo. Its wave length is about 700 kilocyles-it's not difficult to find on your dial. Well, Artur Rubinstein, pianist, will be soloist with the Philharmonic, John Barbirolli conducting as usual. Deems Taylor still gives the inter- mission commentary, 3 to, 4:30 p.m. And the program: Academic Festival Overture .... Brahms Concerto No. 4, in G Major, Op. 58, for Piano and Orchestra .... ART Women Students Wishing to At- tend the Ohio State-Michigan foot- ball game are required to register in the Office of the Dean of Women. A letter of permission from parents must be in this office not later than Wednesday, November 20. If the student does not go by train, special permission for another mode of travel must be included in the parent's let- ter. Graduate women are invited to register in this office. Byrl Fox Bacher. I All Sophomore girls who want to take part in the entertainment for the Sophomore Cabaret, Sunshine Inc., report to the 'rehearsal room in the League, Sunday at 2:30. Julie Choekley General Chairman Academic Notices Mathematics 370, Seminar, will will meet Tuesday at 4 o'clock in 3001 A.H. Mr. Vinograde will continue his report on "Analytic Quarternion Function." / In the western worlcr m general and particularly in the United States, an ebb of creative vitality has allowed the arts to become to a great extent a medium for propaganda, a feeble substitution for sociological treatises, a visual education device for anemic essays on social reform - with the effect of antagonizing a heretofore sympathetic public. The layman, dis- armingly intelligent, would be the first to suggest that the shoemaker be stuck to his last and would see no, reason to suppose that artists are par-1 ticularly astute politicians, authori- ties on social justice, or adept at any- thing else but the arts. For one holding such an attitude toward art, the drawings of William Littlefield, on exhibition in Alumni Memorial Hall, offer a welcome and refreshing relief from art as scullery maid. The drawings depend solely on the relations and the qualities of line, and their value is not bound up with the recognition of an idea. No. 1, the label informs us, is concerned with the gentle art of boxing, although when one looks at it one is conscious not of subject matter, but of a composi- tion of decorative rhythmic lineari- zations. What strikes one is the non- representational harmony of its fun- damental construction, which in its plastic relations is subordinated to a dominate rhythm. No. 11, entitled "Knockout," executed a year laterI in 1929, is similar in style. In these, as in several others, is displayed the significant use of line to allow the real, not the actual, figure. Nos. 21 and 23, works of 1940, ex- hibit an interesting use of pencil and wash in a modern version of late Renaissance approach. In both of these and, perhaps, to a lesser degree in the "Figure and Wheel" and the "Kneeling Figure" is found a struc- tural sense that leaves little to be de- sired. Equally interesting in their way are the pencil drawings for illustra- tions of the Odyssey, and the bright costume designs for the American Ballet Company areanything but lacking in charm. Although quality may vary, the personal sensitivity of the artist is evident in all of the draw- ings. Nowhere does it give way to mere mechanical expression. The portrait heads are probably better than they seem, but with the Botanical Seminar will meet Wed- nesday, Nov. 20, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by Elzada U. Clover: "Floristic Studies in Havasu Canyon of the Colorado system and Life of the Supai Indians." Mechanical Engineering 35: Due date on problem scheduled for Mon- day, Nov. 18, is postponed to Wed- nesday, Nov. 20. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet in Ropm 319, West Medical Building, at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 20. Subject: 'Proteolytic En- zymes." All interested are invited. Concerts Choral Union Concert: The Don Cossack Russian Chorus, Serge Jar- :ff, Conductor, will give the third concert in the Choral Union Series, Monday, November 18, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The program will consist of folk songs, religious num- bers, and Cossack military songs. Faculty Concert: Arthur Hackett, Tenor, and John Kollen, Pianist, will present the second Faculty Concert of the semester at 4:15 p.m. today, Nov. 17, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Prof. Joseph Brinkman will accompany Professor Hackett. This concert will be open to the general public, free of charge. The University of Michigan Little Symphony, Thor Johnson, Conductor, will present a concert at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, in the Lydia Mend- elssohn Theatre. The general public is invited to attend. Exhibitions The Annual Exhibit of Photography by the Ann Arbor Camera Club will be held in the Mezzanine Galleries of the Rackham Building until November 18. The Exhibit is open daily from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Exhibition: Paintings by Ozenfant and drawings by William Littlefield are now showing in Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons 2:00-5:00 until Nov. 22. This is under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Members and students are admitted free. Lectures Actuarial Lecture at 8 p.m., on Mon- day, November 18, in the East Con- ference Room, Rackham Building. Mr. A. G. Gabriel of the Michigan Actuarial Soci ty will discuss "Mu- nicipal Pension Plans." The lecture is open to all students interested in the subject. Dorothy Thompson Lecture tickets will be placed on sale tomorrow morn- ing at 10 o'clock at the box office, Hill Auditorium. Miss Thompson will speak Tuesday evening as the third number on the Oratorical Associa- tion Lecture Series. Events Today International Center: This evening (Continued on Page 5) termission, but don't let him scare you. An unusual group-the Women's Symphony Orchestra of Chicago-is building up quite a reputation. They can be heard today from 5 to 5:30 p.m. over WJR, under the directio'i of Izler Solomon. Oscar Levant will be special guest. Their program will include Dvorak's Slavonic Dance No. 8, Beethoven's Turkish March from "The Ruins of Athens." Mr. Levant will play the Scherzo from Piano Con- certo in G Minor by SaintSaens. From noon to 1 p.m. over WXYZ you can hear the Radio City Music Hall Symphony Orchestra. Ditta Pas- ztory, pianist, who is, incidentally wife of composer Bela Bartok will be soloist with the Orchestra under the