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November 17, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-17

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Sir igan


More Tolerane
Needed In Armiy

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication







Nazi Thinks GulfAttackerIs Former U.S. Ship


German Ships
Enter Mexican
Port To Escape
Pursuing Fleet
British Bombing Plane
Batter Invasion Ports
And Long Range Guns
Greeks Push Back
Entire Italian Front
(By The Associated Press)
A German skipper who made a vain
dash with three fellow captains for
the open sea from Tampico, Mexico,
declared last night that one of four
warships which demanded his sur-
render "very likely" was one of the
50 destroyers "transferred by the
United.States to Great Britain."
The captain, H. Fromke, of the
Idarwald, told his story after Cap-
tain J. Schurt reported he had scut-
tled and set on fire his ship, the
Phrygia, 4,137 tons off Tampico
when her capture seemed imminent.
The Idarwald's captain said all four
vessels lying off Tampico trained their
lights on her Friday night and called
for her surrender.
Idarwald Pursued
The Idarwald ran back to port pur-
sued by what Captain Fromke said
was a "destvyer of the obsolete type"
which, he added, chased him to with-
in two miles of the coast and violated
Mexican waters.
Another Nazi Captain reported see-
ing the lights of a battleship some
distance out.
In the Greek-Italian war, the Greek
High Command said Italian troops re-
treating before a general Greek offen-
sive on the entire front had set fire
to their base town of Koritza, in Al-
The presence of the officially un-
identified squadron spoiled the plan
of the four Nazi freighters to slip out
of Tampico for a dash through the
British blockade.
Confronted by the warships, the
Nazis fired and scuttled the Phrygia,
while the other three - the Idarwald,
5,033 tons, the Rhein, 6,031 tons, and
the Orinoco, 9,660 tons, - beat a re-
treat through a storm to the harbor
where they had been tied up since
the start of the war.
Similar To Graf Spee
The incident recalled to many the
scuttling of the German pocket bat-
tleship Admiral Graf Spee and the
liner Columbus almost a year ago.
Three thousand miles to the north-
east RAF bombing planes, braving a
strong Channel gale, battered Nazi
long range gun positions and invasion
ports on the French coast last night,
2 hours after attacks on Hamburg
and Kiel and on Germany's railway
terminals, public utilities plants and
oil refineries.
Coventry, English midlands indus-
trial- city, lay wreckage and King
George cheered the survivors with a
brief visit
winning JGP
Jumping Jupiter' Picked
From 18 Submitted
Winner of the JGP script contest

is Frances Patterson, '41, member of
Play Production, and also on the
staff of Perspectives.
Miss Patterson wrote her play,
"Jumping Jupiter!" especially for the
1940 Junior Girls Play, writing the
synopsis while she was a junior her-
self. The contest, which began last
spring, closed Friday. There were
about 18 scripts submitted in all,,

WJJolverine Guard Fritz Tames Wildcat Chambers . .t. But He's Still Playful

76,749 Fans See
I'nspired Squad
Make Comeback
Michigan Staves Off Northwestern Drive
In Closing Minutes As Westfall Halts
Hahnenstein At Line On Crucial Play;
Harmon Scores Thirtieth Touchdown
Hell hath no fury like a Michigan football team on' the comeback trail.
Building up a two touchdown lead in the first half, the whirling Wol-
verines staved off a determined Northwestern drive in the dying minutes of
yesterday's Stadium battle to score their sixth triumph of the year by a
20-13 score. The season's record crowd, 76,749 shivering spectators, saw a
- " weary but gallant Michigan team

... . . ...r __ _ _ _ _
rrir _..._... ...._.. _._. . .. r.r . - i .iri.w .

Group Attacks
Ruthven Stand
On Dismissals
NEW YORK, Nov. 16. -(R)- The
American Committee for Democracy
and Intellectual Freedom released to-
day an open letter to President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven of the University
of Michigan, protesting what it said
was dismissal of several students last
summer without specific charges and
open hearings.
Dean Ned H. Dearborn of New York
University,.national chairman of the
Committee, said the protest was
signed by 250 educators, churchmen,
and writers and was made public
after two letters to Ruthven request-
ing information had brought no re-
"Dismissal without charges, un-
supported allegations of being a 'dis-
turbing influence,' denial of an open
hearing-these are not the methods
by which a democratic society can
long endure to exist," the letter said.
The Committee said that /state-
ments that the students were "dis-
turbing influences" and "your (Presi-
dent Ruthven's) refusal to grant
them an open hearing have served to
lend credence to the allegation that
their social and political views con-
stituted the real basis for dismissal."
Wildcat Game Pictures
To Be Shown At Union
Moving pictures of yesterday's grid-
iron battle with the Wildcats from
across Lake Michigan have been ten-
tatively scheduled for 7:30 p.m. today
at the Michigan Union's Football
Newsreel, it was announced late yes-
terday by James Rossman, '42, of the
Union executive staff.
It all depends what the weather
conditions did to shots taken by Matt
Mann, swimming coach, Rossman

Daily Awarded 3 Of 4 First Places
By National Journalism Fraternity
' --- --

Nine Students

(Special To The Daily)
DES MOINES, Ia., Nov. 16.-The
Michigan Daily tonight won first
places in three of the four college
newspaper awards sponsored by Sig-
ma Delta Chi, national professional
journalism fraternity, now holding
its annual convention here with 100
delegates in attendance from college
and professional chapters. .
The fraternity, which this year is
initiating national awards covering
all phases of journalism, made the
awards on the basis of excellence in
news stories, feature stories, sports
stories and editorials. The Daily
took first place in the editorial, news
and sports classifications and placed
-'cnd in the feature writing de-

partment, thus placing The Daily far
ahead of all other college newspapers
in the rankings.
The Temple University News took
the other first place, ranking ahead
of The Daily in features. The
Southern California Trojan received
two awards-both second places.
Other papers receiving second and
third awards were The Daily Kan-
san, The Minnesota Daily, The Syra-
cuse Daily Orange and The Indiana
Daily Student.
Judges of the intercollegiate con-
test were Ralph Coghlan, member of
the editorial board of the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch; W. S. Gilmore, editor
of the Detroit News; H. Allen Smith,
feature writer for the New York
World Telegram; and Francis J.

Powers, of the Chicago Daily News
and sports writer for the Associated
The awards were made by the fra-
ternity, which has undergraduate
chapters in colleges throughout the
country and many professional chap-
ters, as part of a program for re-
warding journalistic excellence in
several different fields. The an-
nouncement of The Daily's triple win
in the contest came only one day
after The Daily's birthday banquet in
Ann Arbor celebrating its fiftieth
year of publication.
The convention ended tonight after
three days of discussion of the prob-
lems and methods of professional

Escape Blaze
Early Morning Fire Razes
DiVision Street Dwelling
An early morning fire yesterday
razed a three-story apartment Build-
ing at 555 S. Division, sending 23
persons, including nine University
students, scurrying for safety in their
night clothing.
The spectacular blaze, which lasted
for more than two hours, caused dam-
ages estimated at between $8,000 and
The cause of the fire was undeter-
mined, but Fire Chief Benjamin Zahn
said that it started in the basement,
probably from spontaneous combus-
tion in old papers or defective wiring.
The entire basement was in flames
when the alarm was turned in at
about 5:20 a.m.

halt the Wildcats' desperate final
72-yard marc'h on the six yard line.
It was the bulleting bomber, full-
back Bob Westfall, who charged in
from his position in the Wolverine
secondary to ground Ollie Hahnen-
stein's fourth down smash on the
scrimmage line when only a yard of
the brisk Stadium turf was needed
to give Northwestern a first down
deep in the shadows of the Michi-
gan goal.
Hahnenstein Scores
Just four minutes before that, the
same red-headed Hahnenstein had
roared through the entire Wolverine
team on an 80-yad touchdown gallop
to throw the Wildcats back into a-
ball game which seemed hopelessly
Until then, however, it wasMi chi-
gan all the way. The Wolverines
struck twice in the first period.
matched the Wildcats touchdown for
touchdown in the second, and then
settled down to protect their margin
against a team whose vastly- superior
reserve strength told the tale of the
last 11 minutes.
With Northwestern dropping the
encounter, Minnesota's thundering
herd cinched the Western Conference
crown by drubbing the Boilermakers
of Purdue. Michigan can gain undis-
puted possession of second place by
beating Ohio State in Columbus next
Westfal Sparks Attack
It was Westfall, Michigan's 178-
pound line-smasher, who sparked the
Wolverine attack yesterday. He but-
ted, drove and blasted his way through
the Purple line for 92 yards in 23 at-
tempts. He scored two of the Michigan
touchdowns on plunges from within
the five yard stripe.
The, other Wolverine score was
made by Tom Harmon. It was the
30th of his college career which ends
in Columbus Saturday, and brought
him within one of tying the scoring
record of Harold "Red" Grange, who
saw the Hoosier Hammer in action
for the first time yesterday.
In his Stadium farewell, the great
Harmon played 60 minutes of all-
American football. He handled the
pigskin 23 times for 95 yards and
kept the Wildcats deep in their own
territory most of the afternoon with
his 36-yard punting average.
The Wolverines didn't take long to
begin rolling. Bouncing back from
their heart-breaking defeat at the
hands of the Goldel Gophers last
week, Fritz Crisler's fighting forces
had a touchdown in three minutes
and 50 seconds yesterday.
Frutig's Final Game
It came on a break engineered by
Michigan's outstanding end, Ed Fru-
tig, whose final game on the Stadium
turf was one of his best. The River
Rouge flanker broke though the Pur-
ple defense to block Hahnenstein's
punt after Wildcat halfback Floyd
Chambers had recovered Westfall's
fumble on the seven.
The ball bounced off Frutig's out-
stretched hands and twisted out of
bounds on the Wildcat one-foot line.
On the first play, Harmon drove
over center for the touchdown. His
conversion was good and Michigan
led 7-0.
(Continued on Page 3)

Mimes Opera
Title Revealed
As Fans Watch
Take A Number and get what?
That's a question the campus has
been asking the last few days, but
without avail.
Bill Hynes (number 2164), Leo
Cunningham (663) and Fred Cady
(2208) didn't know either. But they
took a number anyway. And at the
qalf ofhthe Michigan-Northwestern
game they cashed in. For Hynes,
Cunningham and Cady have each
I3en drafted to appear at the open-
*ng performance of the 1941 Mimes
Union Opera. "Take a Number," as
guests of Mimes.
Those innumerable little red "Take
A Number" cards you've seen all
over the campus the last few days
were publicity chairman Bill Slo-.
cum's '41, introduction to the new
1941 Opera.

Picking The Number

Don Cossack Chorus
Will Sing Tomorrow

'Robin Hood' To End
Movie Series Today
Art Cinema Ticket-Holders Will Attend
Extra Film NoV. 24. Without Charge


Of White Russian Commander
Hear Performance Of Group

The widow of the Russian general
under whom many of the Don Cos-
°ack choristers served will be present
at their Choral Union Concert at
3:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
Baroness O. M. Wrangel, now a res-
ident of Michigan, has been invited
to attend the recital which is being
conducted by Serge Jaroff. She will
arrive tomorow with members of her
Tickets for the concert may be ob-
tained at the University Musical So-
ciety offices in Burton Tower, or af-
ter 7 p.m. tomorrow at the Hill Aud-
itorium box office.
The 34 singing Cossacks are cele-
brating their 20th anniversary this

"Robin Hood," the last of the films
in the Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., series
will be shown at 8:15 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre un-
der the auspices of the Art Cinema
Holders of the series tickets, how-
ever, are being urged to hold on to
their stubs since they will be invited
to attend the showing of a German
film, "Cobbler Captain of Kepenick"
free of charge Sunday Nov. 24. Other
persons wishing to attend will be
charged 35c for admission.
The picture tonight is the story of
the famous English knight who was
outlawed for his charity to the poor
whom he benefacted at the expense
of the tyrant rich. Produced in the
1920's. the film was the first of Hol-
lvwood's picturizations of the life of

me Ie



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