3- 3-. [V .l lr7iA N "iATT Va S. A itutT A W t TNX Xn . M & -AA itit jr. MT%.IIUCA 1r TL A 1LTXTA177: , fNOJVEMBER 16 I, 1940 T nLIE . UEl UM - AUU'WA"I A wt £. i - j'Uh. ICIGAN DAILY dited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also r'eserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00: by mail, $4.50. "RPRE'SENTEO FOR NATIONAL ADVERT183NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Pu~blishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editoral. Staff Hervie Haufler' Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman. , ---'#s& 5 1 && * .Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor .Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Busianss Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: A. P. BLAUSTEIN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the wrteru only. A War's Heroes... HERE ARE FEW HEROES in the 1 mechanized madness that is World War II, but the men who manned H. M. S. Jervis Bay can be called by no other name.. . Their ship, a lightly armed ex-passenger liner, was escorting a convoy of thirty-eight merchantmen n mid-Atlantic when it was attacked by a Ger- man pocket battleship. The heavy eleven-inch guns of the Germans wreaked havoc among the freighters, but twenty-nine escaped under cover pf a smoke-screen while the "Jervis Bay" kept Ahe raider occupied. The Australian craft kept siring until her decks were awash and finally sank with the loss of all but sixty-five of he rew The Rawalpindi also sank a fev months ago fighting an enemy that outclassed her in every way. A converted P. & O. liner, she was at the mercy of the heavily gunned Deutschland, but she sank with colors unstruck. At- Dunkirk, British sailors performed the impossible when a motley fleet of ferryboats and trawlers evac- uated some eight hundred thousand under with- ering enemy fire. BRITISH SAILORS are not supernen. Win- ston Churchill brought this home to his country last week when he told England that losses to U-boats were threatening "the very life of the state."' Mines, submarines, and the new menace of the raider have not eased the lot of Englishmen who go down to the sea in ships. But they know that the, future destiny of tleir country depends? upon kicking their rusty hulls into home ports with cargo intact. This war pas not been marked by the dash- ing-cavalier brand of heroics. It has been too critical a struggle for any such frivolities. Irwin Shaw's "gentle people" have cornered the mar- ket in courage. It is the "gentle people" who calmly stand by their desks in London or Berlin, while the cavaliers overhead attempt to bomb * hell out of them. They, just as the work-a-day bluejackets of the "Jervis Bay," are giving their lives to preserve some semblance of sanity in Europe. - Dan Behrmann Jordan Helps The Freshman. . T HE MUCH-PUBLICIZED SYSTEM of student assistants instituted in Jordanl Hall this fall has already indicated that it will achieve ultimate success, according, to reports from Esther Colton, House Director. The purpose of the plan, which is being tried out for the first time here, is to advise entering fresh- men on any problems which may confront them and to help them become well-balanced college women in a shorter time than would ordinarily be required. The 19 assistants, who were chosen from 80 applicants last spring, represent a cross-sectiohii of the feminine side of the campus. Of the 14 sophomores, two juniors and two seniors who make up the group, two hold scholarship five are affiliated with sororities and all are active in extra-curricular work. In order to acquaint the girls with their pros- pective duties, they were put through a six- week's training period last spring. At that time, thearcstn riaa~nof A ,'.f T'ffive t7y +x 4,d rn-,, sult of the continuance ofthe cheering and help- ful atmosphere, only one case of homesickness was discovered in the whole dorm. Surely this in itself constitutes a fine tribute to the success- ful innovation. That they have been diving into activities under the new regime can be shown by the fact that under the urgence and direction of the assistants one out of every three freshmen peti- tioned for dorm offices in their recent elections. There has also been a great rush of those who want toeenter inter-dorm contests and work on committees within the house. This enthusiasm now will inevitably result in the participation of a large proportion of Jordan girls in League ac- tivities in the future. They have learned how to petition as the League does, how to work orf committees of different types and have been helped considerably in deciding what particular activity on campus would interest them most b the help of their advisers, who, since they them- selves represent so many diverse groups ol campus, can show the girls just what kind of work each group covers. THE ASSISTANTS do not act as policemen. They answer questions, tutor to the best of their ability (which must be very fine if one considers their high academic averages) anyone who needs it, and make themselves useful in many advisory capacities. The success of the system in Jordan may fore- tell its further development; but for the present., we know only that it is succeeding in one dormi- tory, and the essence of it as stated by Shirley Risberg, '42Ed, "Nothing is too unimportant to ask us," is probably the main reason for its present happy state. - Gloria Nishon The Real Patriotism . THOUGH it was undoubtedly con- scientious and sincere, M. David Protetch's "disagreeable surprise" letter which appeared on this page last Wednesday, is sigi- nificant of a dangerous and hysterical patriotism. Mr. Protetch deplores the University's casual observance of Armistice Day, and the fact that students don't stand up when the national an- them is played. What is the "tradition of Armistice Day"? Nov. 11, 1918, marking the end of an interna- tional blood-bath, a concentrated slaughter which enriched a few and impoverished mil- lions. American finance helped stage the show, American lives guaranteed the investment, but the American people gained nothing. Armistice Day has long since become an excuse for mili- tary display and for empty political glorifica- tions of the betrayed thousands who died. This is the tradition of Nov. 11. No protest, no plea for understanding, only flag-waving, parading, and oratory mark the occasion. It would be far better in these years to forget this tradi- tion, to keep only the sharp memory of blasted bodies and mute, deceived corpses. Military usage, Mr. Protetch, reserves the cus- tom of standing to the national anthem at strict- ly ceremonial occasions. To stand "in the pri- vacy of rooms or in public establishments" is unnecessary. Mr. Protetch's letter is only one manifestatiop of the recent, carefully nurtured wave of pa- triotism which has engulfed the country. Flag pins, songs like "God Bless America" and star- spangled bathing suits are other, equally harm- less symptoms. But witch-hunts, alien-baiting, persecution of minorities and lynchings are not so harmless. The growing mob-wofship of the flag, the blind conception of America as a noble abstract are leading straight to orthodox na- tionalism and fascism. FLAG-WAVING and symbol-saluting will never strengthen democracy in this country. Be- fore the pledge of allegiance is reduced to some sort of "heil," Americans must find real pa- triotism, the kind Paul Robeson sings in "Ballad, for Americans." Patriotism must be re-defined, must cast off the static nationalistic concept. It must arise not from the superficial mag- netism of flags and bands, but from a love of the people of America. It must not be a par- tial, restricted emotion, but an enduring com- passion and pride, based on a constructive un- derstanding of the shortcomings and infinite potentialities of 130 million people. -Robed Chapman Ii .1 The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE Because Bill Newton read a book, and because by nature and by inclination I -am a lazy person. I turn over today's column'to aeview of the work of a guy some people call heel and some hero. Rene de Chambrun's politicsmay be questionable. but his family and military conections are of the best, but the best. If anybody wants me I will be downtown with beer and ex-Dily men. And so, in the inimitable prose style of Mr. Newton- BOOKS which are a pleasure to review are mighty few and far between, especially books which are up-to-date and which have legitimate claims to importance as chronicles or explan- ations of world events. Captain Rene de Cham- brun of the late French army, however, man- aged to turn out one of these rare literary works when he penned "I Saw France Fall." Chief beauty of the book is that it is not a weighty tome containing a detailed analysis of the causes of the French defeat. It is primarily an account of what happened to an influential officer in the French army-Captain de Cham- brun in the European War, serving in a Maginot Line fort, working with the British as a liaison of- ficer in the Battle of France and carrying vital dispatches to the Paris government after his evacuation to England via Dunkerque. The book seems to have caught the spirit of a cool-headed, thinking, intelligent Frenchman looking back on his nation's defeat, as well as the spirit of the French people and their sol- diers while stalemated during the early months of the war and in the midst of heart-rending defeat. Captain de Chambrun admits that at first he saw no reason to fear defeat, that he felt the Maginot was impregnable. Farther along in the book he admits that he had confidence in his country's forces despite their apparent rout in the Low Countries. Finally, however, he says that he eventually wondered how France could have hoped ever to win any war against Germany. Blame for the rout of France's armies is placed by this observant officer on the weakness of French leaders who ran the country during the years preceding the war. They were afraid, he contends-afraid of losing office if they ad- mitted to the voters that work, and a great deal of work, was necessary to keep France on an even footing with prospective enemies. This, Captain de Chambrun contends, was true of nearly every leader in the goevrnment, espe- cially the bigwigs of the Coimunist Party in France. No condemnation of any group could be much more bitter than Captain deChambrun's attack on the Communist politicians who ran France under the Front Populaire. Blum-Leon Blum who was once hailed as the salvation of his country-he calls incompetent and insincere. Thorez, leader of the Communist Party for a long time, is labeled as 100 percent Moscow Com- munist-a man who would get in touch with the Soviet government before making an im- portant decision in the French Chamber of Deputies. But more gripping than his analysis of France before the war and today-a great deal of his material was gained from his father-in-law,, Pierre Laval-is Captain de Chambrun's descrip- tion of his own experiences in the combat part of the war. As war was declared, he was detailed to head evacuation and flooding of an old Lorraine vil- lage before reporting to, a Maginot Line fort as a machine gun officer. His accounts of the daily happenings in the Line, his descriptions of the fort, his record of entirely personal feel- ings-all combine to give the reader a human picture. Then Captain de Chambrun was attached to brigade after brigade of British troops as they moved into the front lines, serving as a liaison officer and observing a great deal of minor action at first hand. He was with Lord Gort on his first inspection of a Maginot Line fort, and he served as interpreter for King George when His Majesty visited the front. Promoted to a captaincy, he was sent to Flanders for liaison duty only a few days before the blitzkrieg got under way. He witnessed at first hand one of the greatest air attacks in history, acting as a questioner of captured German pilots whose ships were brought down. Then Captain de Chambrun moved into Bel- giumwith the British, assigned to find billets for the advancing troops. He fought his way through hordes of refugees, talking with beaten Belgian officers who in their excitement re- vealed truths about betrayals and treacherous surrenders. Trying to get out of Belgium, he apprehended a fifth columnist in action and shot him when he fled. Captain de Chambrun was in Arras as it was surrounded by Nazi troops and managed to es- cape by mingling with refugees. He sat through the historic meeting at which Ironside, Gort, Blanchard and Billotte tried .vainly to plan an effective counter-attack. Fiially he was given important dispatches and told to deliver them to Paris. His only way out was through Dunkerque. He dodged infantry, air and tank forces, half running and half walking to the coast. He reached England eventually .and luckily-"eenie- meenie-minie-mo" helped him pick a launch which crossed the channel safely. Soon he was seated in a hedgehopping light plane that dodged German ships in a desperate trip to Paris. That concluded his experience under fire. That was enough. Captain de Chambrun was certainly the right man to undergo the experiences he went through. A great-great-great-grandson of Lafayette, he is the son of a Cincinnati Longworth. He has spent By CHESTER BRADLEY Magda had fled from a small pro- vincial town in southwestern Poland late in November. 1939. Her father, an instructor in a Polish school, had been almost immediately incarcerated by the Nazi invaders. He was of a minority race. Magda and her young brother, Stanislaus, had received orders to leave their country without delay. Their trek across Western Europe was a torturous journey. One of incredible hardship and despair. No promise of a better life in Wes- tern Europe-a region so wracked with its own war-time sufferings, so overwhelmed by the gigantic prob- lems of its own decadent society that it could do little or nothing for the new influx of refugees. Quite by chance Magda was able to secure passage on a boat to Amer- ica for herself and Stanislaus. Magda arrived in New York with a feeling of anticipation. Here in America surely, she and her brother could attempt to construct a new pattern of living to replace the old one, so suddenly and so completely shattered. But the refugee centers were over- crowded. They were handicapped by a serious lack of funds. They were swamped with requests for assistance. In desperation Magda picked up1 occasional piece-work in a garmentj factory. But she became acutely con-1 scious of a prevalent anti-alien pre- judice, and she knew that her em- ployer was taking advantage of her position by paying her considerably less than her fellow workers. Her academic, slightly pedantic English was curiously out of tune with the idiom of the factory. Magda became desperately unhap- py. Her new environment meant to her nothing more than a melange of confused impressions: the 'strident pace of metropolitan life in New York City was so different from the mellow, old-world atmosphere of her provincial Polish town. Her job, she knew, offered no opportunities for the adequate expression of her universi- ty-trained talents. She was baffled, repressed, maladjusted. Magda's plight is but a single instance of the epic tragedy of the twentieth century: the aimless wanderings of a host of homeless exiles, hapless victims of a mon- strous political tyranny. Across the world's surface trudges the pathetic, ahnost totally inept refugee-some- times in mass hegira, again in in pitifully small family units. At all times he is a tremendous indict- ment of modern civilization. But the sequel of Magda's story is less unhappy, less grim, less dis- heartening. She was finally able to gain admit- tance to the Scattergood Hostel, Iowa, a refugee settlement managed by Quakers. There she learned new skills, be- There she learned new skills, be- World of 1940. ae Dm Pe= RobetS.Anes WASHINGTON.-To the boys on the Democyatic side of the House of Representatives, many of them still nervously mopping their brows over narrow escapes, the hero of the hair- raising campaign was no big-shot party figure. The big names got all the public- ity, but in the House all the praise is for a youngster whose name was scarcely mentioned. But he left his mark on the battle-as GOP cam- paign managers will ruefully attest. Their Nemesis and the Democrats' unknown hero was Representative Lyndon Baines Johnson, a rangy 32- year-old, black-haired, handsome Texan, who has been in Congress only three years but who has poli- tical magic at his finger tips, and a way with him that is irresistible in action. How Johnson took over the Demo- cratic congressional campaign, when it looked as if the party was sure to lose the House, and without fanfare turned a rout into a cocky triumph, is one of the untold epics of the elec- tion. Three weeks before Nov. 5 you could have put the gloom around Democratic congressional headquar- ters with a knife. The campaign committee, headed by Representative Pat Drewry, a charming and dawd- ling Virginian, had collapsed like.,the minister's one-hoss shay. Activity had so bogged down that hard- pressed candidates had quit even asking for help. It was just a waste of time. For the Republicans it looked like a lead-pipe cinch at long last to re- gain control of the House. They needed only 48 new seats, and strong- ly supported GOP candidates were storming the ramparts against frantic Democratic incumbents in more than 100 districts. This was the situation When Speaker Sam Rayburn and Flor Leader John McCormack went to the President and told him something had to be done and done quick. He said, "What do you suggest?" "Put Lyndon Johnson in charge and give him a free hand." "Sold," replied Roosevelt. "That was my idea, too. That boy has got what's needed. Tell Lyndon to see me tomorrow." Johnson saw the President at breakfast the next morning. Three hours later he had an office (tucked away in a downtown business build- ing) and a staff rolling in high gear. And it continued rolling fifteen and eighteen hours a day for the re- mainder of the campaign. The response to Johnson's dynamic drive was electric. Imperiled can- didates, who had given up hope of any outside help, fell on his neck with piteous cries. Overnight SOS calls began to pour in from coast to coast. None went unheeded. In all, Johnson aided more than 150 Democratic congressional can- didates. The results speak for them- DAILY OFFICIALBULLETIN The CaseOf Magda _ __ - __ gan an intensive study of "practical" English, and attended frequent lec- tures on American customs and insti- tutions. Stanislaus. too, was able to continue his elementary education. After several months at Scatter- good Hostel, Magda secured a teach- ing position at a private school in near-by Nebraska. Gradually her life took on new meaning. The rustic folkways of the Middle West were strangely pleasing to her, for they reminded her in a hundred disarming ways of her native country. Her work was interesting. She was self-sufficient. And she was experiencing the gratifying feeling of "belonging," of becoming an im- portant part of a compact social unit. Her life had new verve, new charm. Yes, she was almost happy again. The case of Magda represents an important trend in solving the re- fugee problem. Economic rehabili- tation and environmental assimila- tion is, and must continue to be, the keystone of an effective refugee policy. But such a policy requires not only intelligent planning but alsoefficientdexecution as well as atdequate funds. The various refu- gee services have made an enor- mously successful contribution. But their admirable efforts deserve even wider and more consistent public support. Let it be said that Ameri- can Democracy is still capable of constructive achievement in the World °of 1940. (Continued from Page 2) 7:00 p.m. Dr. Elzada Clover will show her movies in color of her expedition into the unexplored regions of the Southwest, "The Indian Country." This follows the regular Sunday sup- per. Because of the unusual interest in Dr. Clover's talk, the pictures will be shown in the Small Ball Room of the Michigan Union. Figure Skating: Men students in- terested in instruction in figure skat- ing are invited to enroll in either of the two classes offered by the De- partment of Physical Education for Women. Students must register in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium by Monday, November 18. Lutheran Student Association will meet Sunday evening in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. Supper will be served, and afterward Loyal Gryting will lead'a panel dis- cussion on topics of importance to the club. Bethlehem Evangelical-Reformed Student Guild will have supper at 6:00 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 17 at the church. Prof. L. Raleigh Nelson will tell of his work and experiences at the University of Michigan Interna- tional Center. Churches Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. "Hu- man Hunger and Divine Food." A Thanksgiving Sermon by Rev. Mar- ley. 7:30 p.m. "The Idealist's Dilemma" by Prof. A. K. Stevens. Round Table discussion. 9:00 p.m. Coffee Hour. The Ann Arbor Society of Friends meets in Lane Hall Sunday afternoon. Meeting for worship, 5:00-6:00 p.m. Discussion of Quaker "articles of be- lief," 6:00-7:00 p.m. First Presbyterian Church: 9:45 a.m. Bible Class for University stu- dents in the Choir Room. Prof. R. D. Brackett, teacher. 10.45 a.m. "The Responsibility of God" will be the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon. 5:00 p.m. A Thanksgiving Pageant, "The Bread of Life," will be presented by the Westminster Student Guild and the Board of Deacons at a Vesper candlelight service for the benefit of the World Student Service Fund. The public is invited. Disciples Guild (Christian Church): 10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday evening Hour. Mr. Kenneth Morgan, director of the Student Religious As- 3ociation, will introduce a new series 3f discussions on "Personal Religious Living." Social Hour and refresh- ments. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sunday services at 10:30 a.m., sub- ject, "Mortals and Immortals." Sun- day school at 11:45 a.m. First Methodist Church: Morning Worship Service at 10: 40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "American Jonahs." Wesley Foundation. Student Class at 9:45 a.m. with Prof. George Car= rothers. Wesleyan Guild Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Our discussion groups on "Religious Beliefs," "Christian Wor- ship," and "Social Action," will be re- sumed. Fellowship hour and supper at 7:15. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. 11:00 a.m. Junior Church Barn Ser- clothing for the poor will be present- ed at the altar. 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall. 7:00 p.m. College Work Program, Harris Hall. "The Church in Action," general topic. The Rev. Frederick W. Leech will speak on "Social Conscious- ness, 60-300 A.D." Games and refresh- ments. Zion Lutheran Church services Sunday morning at 10:30. Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will deliver thb sermon on "Sanctifying God's Gifts." Trinity Lutheran Church services Sunday morning at 10:30. Rev. H. 0. Yoder will deliver the sermon on "Re- sponsibilities Require Vigilance." First Baptist Church: 10:30 a.m. The Church at Worship.- Reverend S. D. Bawden of India will speak on "The Challenge of India." 11:30 a.m. Professor LeRoy Water- man's Class for graduate students, and Mr. Loucks' class for undergrad- uates meet in the Guild House. 6:30 p.m. Roger Williams Guild meets in the Guild House. Dr. Bawden will speak on "Curing Criminals in India." i CC 1 N Jaw> The City Editor's paw THOSE campus publicity men asking you to "take a number" don't have anything new. The government thought of that a long-time ago. * *, * Maybe you can win something more pleasant than a job in the army, though. Maybe .... * * * A wind tunnel with air speeds up to 100 miles an hour is being built at the University of Santa Clara. For faculty speeches, no doubt. Dr. Anna Augusta von Helmholtz Phelan of the University of Minnesrfta English department,, is an expert on cats. With a name like that we could be an expert on antidisestablishmentarian- ism. A VASSAR college - expert announces that cracked ice will emit glows and flashes of light if cold enough. We announce that it emits, RADIO_'SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Saturday Evening 6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Sons of the Saddle Day In Review 6:15 Musical M. D. vanWagoner Sports News Sandlotters 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Jim Parsons Dancing Party 6:45 World Today S. L. A. Marshall Red Grange 7:00 People's Platf'rm Pastor's Study News-val Clare Record Review 7:15 People's Platf'rm Passing Parade The Charioteers T T 7:30 News To Life I Want A Job Evening Serenade Town Talk 7:45 News to Life 0 "o 8:00 Marriage Club Knickerbocker Play Concert Orchestra The Green Hornet 8:15 Marriage Club " Football Roundup 8:30 W. King Orch. , Truth, C'nsequence News Ace Jenkins' Orch. 8:45 King Orch; News " Contact Man & the World 9:00 Your Hit Parade Nat'l Barn Dance Hope Tabernacle Hollyw'd Tomorrow 9:15 Your Hit Parade oT r$. r ,t 9:30 Your Hit Parade Don Turner Orch. Gabriel Heatter