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October 01, 1940 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-01

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Faculty Artists
Will Present
Concert Series
Musical Series Will Begin
Nov. 3; To Be Given
In Lydia Mendelssohn

Will These Frosh Kneel To'43?
History Shows Ups And Downs

Among the features planned by
the University School of Music for
the coming year is a series of Sun-
day afternoon Faculty Concerts in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre be-
ginning on Nov. 3.
All of these programs, which will
feature such noted campus artists
as Prof. Mabel Ross Rhead, Prof.
Wassily Besekirsky, Prof. Hanns
Pick, Prof. Joseph Brinkman, Prof.
Arthur Hackett and Prof. Percival
Price, will be presented at 4:15 p.m.
The dates on which the programs
will continue are Nov. 17, Dec. 15,
Jan. 19, March 2 and March 9.
The School of Music trio, compris-
ing Professors Besekirsky, Pick and
Brinkman, will also present several
!concerts in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre under the title of Chamber
Music programs. Nov. 5, Nov. 26,
pec. 17, Jan. 14, Jan. 26 and Feb. 2
have been set as the dates for these
Prof. Palmer Christian and various
guest artists will again offer Wednes-
day afternoon Organ Recitals in Hill
Auditorium this year. The first of
'these, scheduled for 4:15 p.m., Oct.
9, will be the first University musical
program of the semester.
Later announcements will be made
in The Daily concerning the dates of
Student Recitals, University Sym-
phony Orchestra Concerts under
Prof. Thor Johnson, University Band
Concerts under Prof. William Revelli
and appearances of the Glee Club
under Prof..David Mattern.

Frosh Pledges
Will Be Aided
By IFC Plan
University Will Furnish
Records Of Scholarships
To Assist Fraternities
Fraternity pledges will have to;
keep their noses to the academic
grindstone more than ever before if
they are to keep ahead of the new
system of cooperation between the
Interfraternity Council and the
University that is designed to enable
houses to watch scholastic progress
of neophytes, according to Council
President Blaz Lucas, '40.
Working with Prof. Arthur Van
Duren, chairman of academic coun-
selors, the Council has already begun
this work. Fraternities will find on
file in the Council offices all non-
confidential results of aptitude tests
taken by freshman rushees during
Orientation Week as well as records
of high school work.
* Progress To Be Noted
These records, Lucas said, should
be of great assistance to fraternities
in selecting material for pledge
classes. Potentialities of these men
can be learned through consulting
the data on file in the office, and
records of their progress through the
first months of pledgeship will also
be kept.
Reports of pledges' marks'at the
end of the five-weeks and ten-weeks
grading periods will be! obtained
through Professor Van Duren and
made available to the fraternities.
The Council will arrange conferences

Special Permission Needed
For Operation Of Cars
The University auto ban has been
in effect since 8 a.m. yesterday.
This means that students who wish
to drive cars must have special per-
mission from the office of the Dean
of Students. Such exemptions will
not be allowed unless the committee
deems the use of a car essential to
the securing of the applicant's edu-
Three classes of students are gen-
erally exempt from the auto ban.
These include students over 26 years
of age, part-time students receiving
creditfor six hours or less per semes-
ter, and those with a faculty rating
of instructor or higher. The Univer-
sity emphagizes that even such ex-
emptions are not automatic, but are
granted only upon individual re-
Penalties for infraction of the auto
ban usually mean loss of academic
credit for the first offense and sus-
pension for the second.
In the case of students who wish
to drive to Ann Arbor from a dis-
tance of more than 150 miles, such
transportation is allowed if any ap-
preciable saving in cost is realized.
IBring Your
For The Finest
Developing and Printing
14 Nickels Arcade

Varied Activities Of Union's Automobile Ban
Student Staff Are DescribedI Is Now b Effeet

Most of the new faces in Ann Arbor<
town have probably by now become
thoroughly acquainted with the build-
ing known as the Michigan Union.
But the Union is more than a club4
for Michigan men. It boasts a stu-
dent organization that is one of the
foremost service groups on the cam-i
The Union staff exists to serve thet
students. Its functions will be multi-<
farious from now till next June at3

THE PANTS WILL COME LATER: Freshmen and sophomores will
enact many such scenes as the above if "Black Friday" continues with
its customary fervor. Usually, however, pants are about''the only
m * *

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College girls and budding
careerists find The Barbizon
Mode of Living stimulates
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Home of college clubs. Daily
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Tariff: from $2.50 per day *
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With the coming of the "terrible
thirties" the traditional spirit which
accompanied the frosh-soph fights
of the twenties was lost in practically
every college in the country-and
Michigan was no exception.
In the roaring decade from 1920
to 1930 the incoming freshmen had
little to expect from those in the
class before them except beatings,
dunkings in the Huron River and
"depantsings" and, to make things
worse, they couldn't do anything
about it. Woe betide the poor neo-
phyte in those days who was found
without his "dink" or discovered
walking about the campus with an
Peace Was Wonderful
The years 1930 to 1935 were the
low years at Ann Arbor as far as
class warfare was concerned and
predictions were frequently published
declaring that even the traditional
day of "Black Friday" would soon
disappear from the campus. It has,
however, remained and today, as al-
ways, it symbolizes the culmination
of University interclass rivalry.
Activity between freshmen and
sophomores increased greatly in 1935
but this time the "shoe was on the
other foot" and it was the younger
group which was the aggressor. The
class of '39 stormed into George G.
Moe's sporting goods store on "B'lack
Friday" of that year in hundreds
and walked out with the city's entire
supply of "dinks." Later they rushed
into the streets looking for sopho-
mores but failed in their quest as the
latter were too well concealed.
Enter The President
The year 1936 was very much like;
the early thirties but in the following
year the sophomores once again
made the freshmen take orders. The+
climax of their struggle was an at-
tack on the Allen-Rumsey dorms
which did not subside until a per-
sonal plea was made by PresidentI
Two years ago the spirit was con-
tinued as the class of '42, emerging1
victorious from their "Black Friday"t
scrap, marched "pantless" through-
out the streets attempting in vain to1

'crash" the shows. Despite this they
managed to create a great deal of
havoc about the town by marching
noisily through several taverns and
restaurants and interrupting the
dances in the Union and League.
A group of sophomores formed a
Committee of Five in 1939 whose
duty was to organize its class into a
fighting unit but the only result was
failure. The Daily headline describ-
ing that year's struggle was quite
exact-"The Freshmen Were There
But There Weren't Any Sophs."
This semester the freshman class'
has been expecting some sort of war-
fare since the beginning of Orienta-
tion but, due to the lethargy of the
collegiate one-year-olds, none has
been forthcoming. The freshmen, of
course, have not been impressed by
this showing and a number of Orien-
tation advisers report hearing many
comments about "killing those
SRA Features
Varied Program
Will Emphasize Religious
Music Interpretations
(Continued from Page 1)

At the same time, Prof. Karl Lit-
zenberg, director of men's dormitor-
ies, is working with Lucas on a sys-
tem of cooperative reports to be ex-
changed by residence hall officers
and fraternities, for the purpose of
keeping track of academic and social,
problems of pledges.I
Co-ops Reach
New. Record
Of Applicants

between academic advisers and chap- which time, the Union Staff prays
ter officers relevant to pledges who (it's one of the services), that fresh-
are not doing satisfactory work. men won't be freshmen an more

Write for descriptive booklet
cJ aQ
'LEXINGTON AVE., at 63rd ST.
..~~~ \' ,

of meetings on social minorities deal-
ing with the causes and results of re-l
ligious and racial prejudice.
Freshman roundtables will be con-
ducted especially for all freshman
students at Lane Hall from 7:15 to
8:15 p.m. each Saturday and will be
led by upperclass students. Other
roundtable discussions will be held
each Saturday noon for the discus-
sions of the fundamentals and the
restatement of religious issues.
Continuing the series of University
religious lectures, a scientist, a theo-
logian, a rabbi and a philosopher
who are outstanding in their respec-
tive fields will speak on "The Nature
of Man."
Social service programs and field
trips to points of interest will be
directed by Prof. Arthur Dunham of
the sociology department, John Moore,
director of the Ann Arbor Commun-
ity Fund and, Mrs. Eleanor Crane-
field of the University Social Work
Curriculum. Trips of inspection will
be taken to the Catholic Workers
House and Farm, the Children's Vil-
lage, and Jewish charities.
A toy-lending library and spec1al
craft rooms for repair of toys are
special projects of members of the
Association. Work holidays are serv-
ice days donated to the assistance of
some organized social or relief agency.
All student organizations of the
various Protestant denominations are
united in the Inter-Guild Council
which sponsors the Interfaith study
group and luncheons. Delegates gath-

More than 300 students at the
University of Michigan now live co-
operatively, eat cooperatively and
work cooperatively in twelve stu-
dent-run cooperative houses.
That is the estimate of Harold
Osterweil, '41, chairman of the In-
ter-Cooperative Council Personnel
Committee. "This has been the co-
operatives' biggest year as far as
applications areconcerned," Oster-
weil maintained, stating that the
Personnel Committee had received
more than 100 applications for room-
ing and boarding this fall.
No Competition
Applicants for all eight men's co-
operative houses are interviewed by
the Inter-Cooperative Personnel
Committee. The students accepted,
are then assigned to individual
houses according to the needs of the
houses, preference of the students
and amount the student wishes to
pay for housing or board. Osterweil,
stressed the fact that the individual
houses do not compete with each
other for membership, but cooperate;
toward finding the most desirable
members for the entire campus coop-
erative movement.
The 12 houses include three newly-
formed cooperatives, the Muriel Les-
ter House, the Gabriel Richard
House and the Abraham Lincoln
House. The Lester House is the third
Women's Hotise on campus and is
founded upon an inter-faith, inter-
racial, international principle. When
three existing vacancies are filled it
will have 12 members. The Gabriel
Richard House is for Catholic stu-
New House Formed
The new Abraham Lincoln House,
reconditioned from an old restaurant
on the corner of Arch and Packard,
has 25 roomers and will have 25 addi-
tional boarding members.s The Cath-;
erine Pickerell Women's Cooperative1
House has also moved into larger
quarters at 438 East Huron.-
The Congress Cooperative House
has moved into larger quarters at
816 Tappan Street. The other coop-
erative houses are the Louis Dembitz1
Brandeis House, the Rochdale House,
Disciples Guild House, the Michigan1
House, the Stalker House and thel

Social Activities Listed
From the time the new MichiganI
man enters Orientation week-spon-h
sored jointly by the Michigan League
and the Union-till he gets his sheep-
skin, the new student is in contact
with the Union staff. After intro-
ducing the class of '44 and transfer1
students to Michigan life through
tours, rallies and mixers, the staff
swings into its regular program of
activity. The Social Committee be-
gins by sponsoring a series of tea
dances, first for new students ex-
clusively and later for the entire
The Organization Committee 'ol-
lows with the Student Book Ex-
change. The idea is medieval-they
used to barter nearly everything
back in the Middle Ages-but with a
little polishing it's saving students
many dollars they need for room and
board. The House Committee con.-
ducts Union registration, handing
out the little blue cards that certify
one's membership in one of the beat
men's clubs this side of the Hudson
River. The Publicity Committee keeps
the campus aware of the Union serv-
ices being offered throughout the
'Black Friday' Regulated
Frosh and Sophs alike are relieved
of their pants on "Black Friday"
under rules set up by the Union staff.
During the fall the staff tempers
Wolverine football fervor to red heat
by sponsoring pep rallies and con-
ducting the annual Michigan "Home-
coming" day.
Every weekend Michigan men
squire Michigan damsels to Union
dances and every fall they get their
formal duds out of the moth balls to
go sparking at the first formal dance
of the social season, the "Union For-
mal." Other Union social activities
include weekly bridge tournaments,
a weekly hour devoted to classical
recordings, special "Coffee Hours,"
the Union "Open House," hobby
groups and debates. On Sunday af-
ternoons members of the faculty are
invited to lead discussion groups on

current topics. The well-known Ice
Carnival and the annual Activities
Smoker are also sponsored by the
Ballots Are Counted
The Union Staff counts the bollots
in all class elections and the staff
is the brains and brawn behind those
card displays everyone admires at
the football games. When the time
comes to go home the nUion helps
you to get there by operating a travel
agency. High school seniors through-
out the state get a preview of Michi-
gan on "University Day" when the
Union Staff conducts them on tours
about the campus.
In addition the Staff helps polish
off the rough edges with occasional
etiquette arid occupational meetings.
Finally, not only does the Union
help you to ,get home by sponsor-
ing a travel agency, but if you're
one of those unfortunates unable to
go home the Union will helpyou feel
cheery with its annual Christr )as
- --



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No matter who your chef is he
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Students Helped
By Fellowships
And Loan Funds
Scholarships, fellowships and loan
funds of many types and amounts
provide a means of support for many
students who would not otherwise be
able to gain an education at this
Scholarships are generally award-
ed to students who show superior
scholarship abilities, and usually to
those students who need financial
assistance to continue their studies
Six memorial funds established for
the assistance of students in all col-
leges of the University include the
Horace H. Rackham Fund for Under-
graduate Students which is awarded
preferably to Michigan students with
high qualifications, the Stephen
Spaulding Scholarship for members
of Beta Theta Pi fraternity, the Sam-
uel J. Platt fund for aspiring lawyers,
the John Blake Scholarship for stu-
dents from Grand Rapids Junior Col-
lege, Charles Francis Adams Scholar-
ship for Detroit Central High School
students, and the Seth Harrison
Fund, intended for descendants of
Seth Harrison.
Alumni Scholarships estaplished by
Munmnri nhs for estudents from their

er at their retreat twice a year toI

discuss religious problems and organ- Robert Owen House for men, and
ization. Alice Palmer House for women.


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