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November 16, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-16

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Filipinos Hold
Banquet, Dance
Hayden Is Guest Speaker
At Fifth Anniversary
Philippine students dressed in their
native sarongs and butterfly dresses
of pineapple cloth celebrated the fifth
anniversary of the Philippine Com-
monwealth with a colorful dinner and
dance at the Union last night.
Special guest speaker was Prof.
Joseph Hayden of the political science
department who addressed the group
of more than 80 students and facul-]
ty guests on the significance of Amer-
ican and Philippine relations. He re-
placed Jose Yulo, speaker of the Phil-
ippine Assembly, who was retained
in'Washington on official business.
Governmental affairs of the Islands
have been well handled by the officers
of the Commonwealth, Professor Hay-
den declared. No other nation, he
pointed out, has a balanced budget,
but the economic situation of the
Commonwealth is still precariou4
If the United States gives up the
Philippines, the action must be final,
he maintained. America, in that in-
stance, must cease all aid and control.
TYPEWRITER for rent. Month or
semester. Cheap. 402 W. Liberty.
Phone 4619. 110
LOST-Black leather billfold on
Maynard near East Liberty. Re-
turn to A. Bobrowsky, 520 E. Wil-
liam. Reward. 111
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company. Phone
7112. 5c
selection. in town. All imprinted
with your name. From 50 for $1.00
up. Craft Press, 305 Maynard St.
ALTERATIONS and dressmaking -
Reasonable. Mrs. G. Sturgis, 1508
Geddes. Phone 2-4296. 109
GRACE POWERS' Nursery School-
Ages 1% to 4. 315 E. William St.
Phone,8293. 25
MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 So.
State. 19c
USED CLOTHING-bought and sold.
Caude H. Brown, 512 S. Main St.
Phone 2-2756.117c
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. 14c
VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
ANTIQUES in, a Colonial setting;

specializing in furniture, old jewel-
ry, prints and books. Colonial An-
tique Shop, 303 N. Division. Phone
2-3425. 120c
WANTED-Young men for business
office work with 60-year-old con-
cern. Applicants must have col-
lege education and not be over 26
years of age. These positions of-
fer steady employment and very
good chances for advancement.
321 E. Washington, Room No. 2.
BOY for substitute dishwasher or
waiter in return for meals. Answer
immediately to Box 1, Michigan
Daily. 108
LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. . 3e
dent rates. Moe Laundry, .226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c
pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin-
ished; 2 suits underwear, 2 bath
towels, 1 pajama suit fluffed - 99c.
Ace Hand Laundry, 1114 S. Uni-
versity. 15c
Price List
(All articles washed and ironed)
607 Hoover Phonp 5594
Free pickups and delivehes

Campus Shudders As Ghost

Doin Cossacks

Police Face Serious Traffic
Problems At Football Games,

Invasion Strikes Arboretum To Sing Here

- .

Most college students are too so-
phisticated to believe in ghosts.
That was the general belief in and
about Ann Arbor until very recently.
But lately there have been numerous
reports of apparitions seen in local
It was only last night that Milton
Charnowitz, Grad., reported via tele-
phone to the Daily office that he had
seen a banshee-mat's what hecall-
ed it-while walking in the Arbor-
etum with an acquaintance. He re-
ported that the ghost said nothing
-just pointed to a sign engraved on
an old sheet he happened to be wear-
ing, which read, "Coffin Capers."
Another report of supernatural do-
ings around town was evidenced when
Henry Bleege, '42E (Don't bother to
logk it up; his name was. withheld
from the directory), was confronted
by a lean, pale gentleman, upon leav-
ing the owl show at a local theater at
2 a.m. Tuesday. The lanky one tapped
Bleege squarely upon the shoulder
blade and whispered confidentially,
"Would you like to see my appari-
Bleege consented and was ushered
into an alley where he was intro-
duced to a rather short, transparent
skeleton. Bleege maintaining his pres-
ence of mind, asked the apparition to
state his business and be gone. The
skeleton, whose name was Sam, clank-
ed his tibia upon his fibula (perhaps)
and tapped out a message in inter-
national code, which, freely translat-
ed, reads: "I'm here for the great

ghosts' convention at Congress' an-
nual Congressional Fling. December
6-Friday night.''
Immediately the office of Congress,
Independent Men's Association, was
called to verify the facts. Yes, it's
true-Congress is holding a big creepy
dance in the Union on the sixth-

Monday Night
Favorite Songs To Mark
Twentieth Anniversary
Of Russian Choristers

"Coffin Capers" - featuring scary The Don Cossack Chorus, 34 sing-
music by Bill Sawyer's orchestra. ing giants from Russia, will make
There was a real gnost at Con- their fifth appearance here under
gress office, too. All he did was con- the baton of Serge Jaroff when they
stantly mutter-"Coffin Capers costs offer the third Choral Union Con-
only a buck and a quarter-Coffin cert 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Audi-
Capers costs only a buck and a quart- torium.
Ar." fMarking their 20th anniversary as
As we left him muttering, it seem- a famous chorus, the group will be
ed to prove just one thing-that a singing a. "round-up" of all the songs
ghost's best friend is his mutter. for which they have been most ac-
claimed in the past, including Rus-
sian folk and Cossack songs, religious
rfee Sh w Plan e numbers and several classical airs.
For Cinema PatThe diminutive Serge Jaroff or-
aP rons ganized the choristers in a prison
camp during the World War. Most

To the average University student,
football games may be synonymous
with long, thrilling runs, voices hoarse
from cheering, pretty girls in fur coats
adorned by giant chrysanthemums-
that may be the student's idea. but
members of Ann Arbor's police force
find that a game day brings them
only a great deal of extra work.
When crowds whose numbers reach
the fifty and sixty thousands pour
into the city, the police force must
focus its attention on the problem
of traffic direction.
Twenty-eight local policemen are
on traffic detail on football game
days, 26 directing the flow of cars
on foot, two in a squad car and one
on a motorcycle leading the bands.
Even this force, however, is insuffi-
cient when Ann Arbor's population
doubles or triples. The local officers
are reinforced by nearly 30 State
Tropers, six Pontiac policemen and
four from Flint, all of whom work
on foot unsnarling traffic tangles and
preventing them wherever possible.
Airplanes, often used to spot bottle-
necks and traffic jams near city
limits, then to radio directions for
rerouting to ground officers, have
been unnecessary during the current
home season.
The man in charge of the traffic
work by the Ann Arbor police force
is Sgt. Sherman Mortenson. He is
well satisfied with the way his men
have handled their work this year,
feeling that this has been the best
football season in many years, from
a traffic director's standpoint.
"I haven't had any serious head-

aches resulting from game day wor-
ries," he commented recently. "The
boys are all doing their jobs well and
are finding that motorists, realizing
that the officer knows the quickest
route through town, seem very will-
ing to cooperate with the men whoI
are in charge of keeping the streams
One reward for the officers' extra
work comes during the actual play-
ing time, when they are permitted
to watch the game. Early in the
first quarter, when traffic has thinned
as easy as
measuring a
Safeguard your family's eyesight:
MEASURE the lighting in your
home with a Light Meter. Find
out exactly how much light is
needed for safe seeing. No charge
- phone your Detroit Edison

out, each officer enters the Stadium,
where he has been assigned an aisle.
ie keeps one eye on the play and
the other on the spectators, watchful
for obnoxious "drunks" in the crowd.
These self-appointed cheer leaders
-and sometimes recruits for one of
the teams-are removed from the
Stadium by the officers and refused
readmittance. Until today, none of
the "drunks" have been in a con-
dition that necessitated taking them
to the police station.
'Knute Rockine,
Pat O'Brien
Faaaiathan"Ilove Youain"a
" 411yD 1fI&GER,
eft flAND
On the Stage

Holders of series tickets to the Art
Cinema League's Douglas Fairbanks,
Sr., pictures will be admitted free of
charge to either of two performances
of "The Cobbler Captain of Kope-
nick," a German film to be shown
Sunday Nov. 24 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The picture will be shown both at
3:30 and 8:30 p.m. Admission will bej

of them had come from the crack
cavalry regiments of the Czar, and
at first sang simply for pleasure
around a camp-fire. Jaroff, however,
utilizing his training as a former
choirmaster, made the men into a
chorus of professional calibre, and
their world tours started immediately
after the war's end.
Most renown of the songs in their
repertoire is the popular "Vol cra

granted with the presentation of the Boat Song," which, although it is
Fairbanks series ticket at the door, or not included in their program, will
for 35 cents to non-ticket holders. probably be a "must" as an encore.
Students attending the Fairbanks Having sung it more than 4,000 times
picture "Robin Hood" tomorrow are during the last 20 years, the Cos-
urged not to throw away their tick- sacks popularized the folk-song from
ets. Singapore to Sioux City.






VOL. LI No. 42


Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin isconstructive notice to all
members of the University.
Women Students Wishifig to At-
tend the Ohio State-Michigan foot-
ball game are required to register
in the Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be in this office not later than
Wednesday, November 20. If the
student does not go by train, special
permission for another mode of travel
must be included in the parent's let-
ter. Graduate women are invited to
register in this office.
Byrl Fox Bacher.
Choral Union Members: Pass tickets
will be given out for the Don Cossack
Concert to all members of the chorus
whose records pare clear, and who call
in person at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society, Burton Memorial
Tower, on the day of the concert, be-
tween the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and
4. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be
given out.
Academic Notices
History 11, 'Lecture II: Examina-
tion at 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, Novem-
ber 19. Mr. Slosson's and Mr. Bjork's
sections will meet in 231 A.H. All
others in Natural Science Auditorium.
Preston W. Slosson
Actuarial Lecture at 8 p.m., on Mon-
day, November 18, in the East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Mr. A. G. Gabriel of the Michigan
Actuarial Society will discuss "Mu-
nicipal Pension Plans." The lecture
is open to all students interested in
the subject.
Choral Union Concert: The Don

Cossack Russian Chorus, Serge Jar-
off, Conductor, will give the third
concert inthe Choral Union Series,
Monday, November 18, at 8:30 o'clock,
in Hill Auditorium. The program will
consist of folk songs, religious num-
bers, and Cossack military songs.
Faculty Concert: Arthur Hackett,'
Tenor, and John Kollen, Pianist, will
present the second Faculty Concert
of the semester at 4:15 p.m. Sunday,
Nov. 17, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Prof. Joseph Brinkman will
accompany Professor Hackett. This
concert will be open to the general
public, free of charge.
The University of Michigan Little
Symphony, Thor Johnson, Conductor,
will present its first 1940-41 concert
at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, November 19,
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The general public is invited to at-
The Annual Exhibit of Photography
by the Ann Arbor Camera Club will be
held in the Mezzanine Galleries of the
Rackham Building until November
18. The Exhibit is open daily from
10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.
Exhibition: Paintings by Ozenfant
and drawings by William Littlefield
are now showing in Alumni Memorial
Hall, afternoons 2:00-5:00 until Nov.
22. This is under the auspices of the
Ann Arbor Art Association. Members

and students are admitted free.
Events Today
Saturday Luncheon Group meets
today at Lane Hall.
Open house will be held at the
Hillel Foundation this afternoon fol-
lowing the football game and tonight
from 9:00 to 12:00. All Hillel mem-
bers and their guests are cordially in-
"The Bat," a mystery melodrama
by Mary Roberts Rinehart and Avery
Hopwood, will be presented at the
Mendelssohn Theatre tonight. Seats
may be reserved by calling 6300 be-
tween 10:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Union Opera: Short meeting of
entire cast and dance lines Sunday,
Nov. 17, at 5:00 p.m. Important
changes of cast and dance schedules
worked out.
Fraternity Presidents: The annual
Interfraternity Pledge Formal Ban-
quet will be held in the main ball-
room of the Michigan Union on Tues-
day, Nov. 19, at 6:15 p.m. The presi-
dent, pledgemaster, and pledges of
each house are invited to attend. Any
house which has not yet made its
reservations must do so immediately
through the I.F.C. office.
Phi Eta Sigma will meet Sunday at
5:00 p.m. in Room 302 of the Mich-

igan Union. All active members (pres-
ent sophomores) are invited.
German Club will meet Tuesday,
Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 304 of
the Michigan Union. Professor Walter
A. Reichart of the German Depart-
ment will talk on "Im Hause Ger-
hart Hauptmanns". Pictures and
papers from Professor Reichart's col-
lection will be shown.
(Continued on Page 4)

I .,.....

Abuse o
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with theI
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oung eyes is often due to
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ve your lighting measured
ht Meter No charge. Phone
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f yo



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I JUST want to remind you that we are
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taking our
With that
college at-

mosphere, we'll make it a perfect day. Remember ...
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