THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. - ICHIGAN DAILY .u. XXJ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved: Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as tecond class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00: b ail, *4.50. REPRESENTED FOR, NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY Natinal Advertising Service, Inc. 4olege Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON e LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Servie Haufler . Alvin SarasohnN . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky . Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott taonald Wirtchafter asther Osser Helen Corman . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . .oCity Editor . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor S . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor * . . .Sports Editor . . Women's Editor . . Exchange Editor FIRE-ahtdWAE By MASCOTT Tonight at precisely 6:15, an extraordinary freedom is only relative. For The Daily, thougl banquet will be held. It will be a banquet in it is not censored, is especially in the writing of honor of the 50th anniversary of the Michigan its editorials, ever subject to its own horrible. Daily. integrity killing self-censorship. No purely free meal this. Some anniversary Specifically. The Daily's self-censorship is banquets are just that. But tomorrow's cele- well-evidenced on the editorial page which too bration banquet will be something more. That's consistently we feel is crammed with lengthy, why we plan to attend. insignificant, innocuous editorials. For the jun- The presence at the banquet of distinguished ior night editor (the most frequent editorial alumni will, indeed, contribute to the significance writer) feels that an appointment to the senior of the affair. But the major significance will staff of The Daily is worth more than his own not be the people, nor the food, nor the good- integrity and thus too often writes editorials fellow atmosphere that is bound to prevail. It that are meaningless, that are designed to please will be the realization that the ideals with which the Board in Control (in charge of appoint- The Daily was dedicated and founded have been ments) rather than express anything worth ex- maintained over a 50-year period. pressing. This type editorial writing is indicated Those ideals we would define as (1) the de- in firquent editorials ending with such statements sire to serve as a vital educational force on the as "developments in Japan should be watched Michigan campus; and (2) the attempt to make with interest," "we should do our utmost to. The Daily one of the few "free" papers in the strengthen Pan-American relations." The as- country while indicating the ability of students sumption upon which such editorials are writ- to manage such an enterprise with a minimum ten is that the Board in Control penalizes those of outside control. students who express their true feelings by fail- Confronted with a situation in which almost ure to appoint these same students to senior every paper in the United States finds its hands positions. This assumption, on the basis of past tied by its ownership or by its advertising to appointments, can be questioned, though it "color" the news, to present biased treatment cannot be completely denied. on such items as labor, the New Deal, and all What we feel then is most needed for the variations of liberalism, The Daily on the other improvement of The Daily is (1) a re-clarifica- hand because of its unique position has consis- tion of appointment policy by the Board in Con- tently presented all the news, freely, openly, trol; (2) the gradual democratization of the impartially. Such a Daily, when contrasted Board to include more student representation; with some of our more biased dailies, is (3) allowing the appointment of the new senior definitely a refreshing, educational experience. editors purely by the vote of the out-going sen. The Daily secondly has indicated the ability ior editors (the men who know the juniors best qff students to run successfully a modern news- and can best judge upon the juniors' abilities), paper in its entirety; in the handling of Asso- and (4) more adequate payment to the junior ciated Press news, the coverage of a tremendous night editors and sports night editors of Thy beat (the University of Michigan and the city Daily (for they are the men who do the brunt of Ann Arbor); in the handling of the technical of the work with the minimum of monetary details of night editing, (make-up and head- reward). line writing), and in the handling of the busi- So The Daily tonight celebrates its 50 years ness details (advertising, circulation, budgeting). of successful existence. We hope to attend the But despite The Daily's 50 years success in 100th anniversary of The Daily. We whole- the handling of its business and editorial af- heartedly hope that when we drop into The fairs, this column is intended to be no panegyric. Daily in 1990 the same good-fellow yet earnest For The Daily definitely has its faults. Even atmosphere will prevail among the members we will admit that occasionally the proofreading of the staff and that, above all, we will see a is shoddy, the make-up sloppy, the writing of completely free Daily, still serving as one of stories amateurish. But the Dailymen do their the most vital, refreshing educational institu- best to remedy these difficulties. tions in the whole University of Michigan, run- The Daily, too, though it has handled its ning its own affairs and appointments with business affairs successfully for the past 50 complete freedom yet responsibility. We know years, does have its troubles and its circulation the Daily boys of today and the Daily boys of problems. the future will be capable of such an under- And above all, though The Daily is free, that taking. They have proved it in the past 50 years. Washington Merry-Go-Round o ' ! II! 4 r.i 0 u 0 1 jet, l I, Q _ j I 0 0 0 0 S l V /" r U "\ a 0-0 O l Still Fizzing? r D7 vi Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: GERALD E. BURNS The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Daily's Heritage.*. IN 1890 a group of University stu- dents started the publication of the U. of M. Daily. It was only a small journal, four columns wide, and it ran four pages. The front page wasn't sensational, and the choice of news items ran to the conservative, but, apparently, it formed a solid journalistic basis for succes- sive Dailies, for, tonight, about 450 Daily men and women-past and present-will gather to feast and toast The Daily's fiftieth anniversary. For half a century, The Daily has kept on pub- lishing a successively better paper. It has grown from that little four-column four-pager to the large size publication of today. It has grown so that it is now the counterpart of the large metropolitan newspaper, carrying besides local coverage, wrld and international news, syn- dicated columns and, cartoon, pictures and a whole flock of other features. The Daily today has a fine big publications plant that would put to shame the equipment of most metropolitan newspapers. It's a big outfit now, and we like to think that it's been a big service to the University and to the stu- dents. What makes this a great day for us on the present Daily staff, however, is not being able to compare and see how much The Daily has improved from that day in September of 1890. It is rather that several hundred old Daily men felt that their stay on The Daily staff was such an important part of their lives that they left whatever they, were doing in all parts of the country to come back here and join with us in honoring The Daily's past, present and future. Many of these men are busy in pur- suing their careers and many have had to travel long distances to get here. Many of them have been away from Ann Arbor for such a long time that it might be thought that they had lost interest in the University. BUT THE BOYS HAVE COME BACK, and more than that, they are putting out a spe- cial edition of The Daily which will come out tomorrow morning. They have not lost touch with the University, with Ann Arbor, or with The Daily. Many of them have told us that they feel that The Daily was one of the best and most important parts of their lives. That is why the present Daily staff feels so honored at being able to play host to these men ard their wives tonight. For The Daily means a lot to us, and it flatters us to be the inheritors of the pride of so many who have already proven themselves in the world. As we see all these members of past staffs come back, we are en- couraged more than ever to maintain a good and a free newspaper, to yell long and loud when something doesn't seem right, to fight what we feel is wrong and to support what we feel is good, for they did it and then passed it on to us. We hope all you old Daily men have a good time while you're in Ann Arbor. The Daily's holding open house all day today and tomorrow, there's the banquet tonight, and the weekend will be complete when you see Michigan's foot- ball team wallop Northwestern tomorrow. --Alvin Sarasohn Jap Steel Ban If the president follows a confidential recom- mendation of the Defense Commission, the em- bargo on scrap to Japan wil] be extended to in- h oQ O p h ;' I E S i WASHINGTON - The Dies Committee will shortly touch off another bombshell about "Tro- jan Horse" operations. The committee has obtained documentary ev- idence of the existence of a secret "Intelligence Service of the Berlin-Rome Axis" that has been carrying on large scale activities in the U. S. and Canada. According to committee records, boss of the organization is Matthias Schmitz, director of the German Library of Information, top Nazi propaganda agency in this country. Schmitz is a former teacher of berman at an exclusive girls college. Committee sleuths obtained correspondence showing that Axis agents hold regular meetings in Schmitz'* New York home, attended also by members of German and Italian consulates in the East. Also, that the group is intensely in- terested in stirring up trouble between the U. S. and Japan, in order to "deflect American pub- lic opinion from Europe and thus hinder as- sistance to Great Britain." Documents in possession of the committee show that working closely with Schmitz was Dr. Manfred Zapp, head of the Nazi Transocean News Service. One document is a lengthy cable recently sent to Berlin urging a campaign to em- broil the U. S: and Japan. Guarantee of Neutrality "The only and at the same time the strongest, guarantee of American neutrality," Zapp cabled, "appears to be the continued ruffling of Amer- ican relations with Japan. Such a course for the present and for an indefinite period will not per- mit' a European involvement of the United States." Another function of the Axis Intelligence Ser- vice is the "winning over" of important American business leaders to an appeasement policy. Com- mittee evidence discloses much effort to a prom- inent motor official who has publicly advocated appeasement. In one communication Zapp de- clared it essential to court favor with this and other big industrialists "who can prove very use- ful to us." The evidence also shows that the Intelligence Service is being financed by the Nazi govern- ment through the German Library headed by Schmitz. No records were found of any funds coming from Italy, but the Library received $189,394 in the last five months from Berlin. One item of expenditure was a monthly salary to George Sylvester Viereck, German lecturer and writer, who was on close terms with the late Senator Ernest Lundeen of Minnesota. The committee has a photostat of a contract show- ing that Viereck is paid $500 a month by the Library. Note - The Dies Committee also has evidence that Axis agents haxe been at work obtaining information about armament prodIction and ing to town when they passed a turtle sunning himself along the roadside. Remarked the farm- er, "That turtle reminds me of those WPA peo- ple you Democrats foisted on us taxpayers." A mile down the highway a rabbit suddenly leaped out and in a couple of soaring jumps was out of sight. Observed the Democrat; "That rab- bit reminds me of you farmers heading for town to collect your government crop benefit checks." Gen. Johnson's Bet J. David Stern, crusading publisher of the New Deal Philadelphia Record, bet General Hugh Johnson $50 that Roosevelt would win. The day after election, Johnson wired Stern inquir- ing whether their wager was $50 or $100. Telegraphed back Stern, "Unfortunately it was $50. Please pay by check so I can endorse it over to the Anti-Defamation League." . The City Editor's .510c1 atch pad ART] By JOHN MAXON THE NOTED FRENCH PAINTER, Amedee Ozenfant, whose pic-, tures are receiving an exhibition in Alumni Memorial Hall, delivered a University Lecture yesterday in the Rackham Building. Mr. Ozenfant proved to be as stimulating as a speaker as he is as a painter. He remains ever the theorist, and his theories proved to be delightfully simple. Mr. Ozenfant emphasized the im- portance of seeing the fundamental principles underneath the surface forms of art, which are subject to change and whim.He declared what has been repeated over and over in1 discussions of art but cannot be em- phasized too often, that art is or- ganization. He reiterated that art begins where organization begins, and art evolves from chaos as man applies the power of selection. To illustrate his point, he showed photo- graphs from nature which displayed only primeval chaos, and then he contrasted these with the earliest efforts of man towards art, tho cave; drawings. This drawing-out of the specific from the general is always the first step in the way of art. THE IMPORTANCE of the Gestalt theory in psychology is great in understanding the motive behind art, Mr. Ozenfant feels. He avers that the desire to see shapes and forms manifested is essential, and one is" inclined to find his thesis most per- suasive. But when he reduces the types of shapes to two basic varieties, one feels that he rather oversimpli- fies things. One will readily agree to his notion of the shape of basic satisfaction, but one is not so easily taken in by the 'sour gherkin shape, the shape of romance.' The history of art would seem to indicate that the purely formal use he would as- sign to this 'shape of romance' is in- adequate. It is well enough to show the Venus of Willendorf as a speci- men of this use of forms, but one cannot forget the ritualistic signifi- cance of such a work of art. True enough, Mr. Ozenfant was unable to take enough time to go into his adaptation of the Gestalt theory to present it in its entirety. In his one hour discourse henwas only able to give a rough outline and to hint at the rest. PERHAPS the most invigorating" part of the speech was that part which dealt with more familiar works of art. Mr. Ozenfant proposed the shape of the clam or pebble as found in nature as one of the great basic shapes to which the human organ- ism responds. Using this as a basic type he pointed out its use in Mi- chaelangelo, the Flemish primitives, and its non-appearance in such a painter as Rosa Bonheur in the nine- teenth century or in the ordinary commercial illustration. He holdsI (Continued from Page 2) Exhibitions DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -1 The Annual Exhibit of Photography by the Ann Arbor Camera Club will be held in the Mezzanine Galleries of the Rackham Building until November 18. The Exhibit is open daily from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Exhibition: Paintings by Ozenfant and drawings by William Littlefield are now showing in Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons 2:00-5:00 until Nov. 22. This is under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Members and students are admitted free. Events Today A staff meeting for all Union Sophomores and freshmen will be held today at 4:30 in room 302 of the Michigan Union. All staff mem- bers are requested to attend. Graduate Tea Dance- (Informal) will be held today from 4:00 to 5:45 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. Graduate stu- dents and faculty only. Rifle--Women Students: There will be a meeting for all women stu- dents interested in rifle activities in the main lounge of the Women's Ath- letic Building today at 4:30 p.m. No previous experience is necessary. Zeta Phi Eta will meet today in room 4208 Angell Hall. Attendance is compulsory. Wesley Foundation: Bible Class in Room 214 with Dr. Brashares at 7:30 tonight. A "Know Your Campus" Scavenger Hunt at 9:00 p.m. tonight. Westminster Student Guild of the Presbyterian Church will hold a dress rehearsal for the pageant, "The Bread of Life," tonight at 8:30. Westminster Student Guild, Bible Class: "The Oldest Life of Jesus as Reflected in the Letters of Paul" will be the subject of Dr. Lemon's Bible Class tonight at 7:30. The class is open to all and is held in the Vance Parlor. Harris Hall Students: There will be a tea this afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30. All students are welcome. is holding an Amateur Night tonight at 8:30. There will be a variety of vocal and instrumental numbers. Games and refreshments. All stu- dents are welcome. Hillel Institute of Jewish Studies: The class entitled "The Jew in the World Scene will meet at the Foun- dation today at 4:15. Conservative Services will be held at the Hillel Foundation tonight at 7:30. They will be followed by a Fireside Discussion, entitled "This Changing World," tobe led by Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann. The public is welcome. "The Bat," a mystery melodrama by Mary Roberts Rinehart and Avery Hopwood, will be presented at the Mendelssohn Theatre through Sat- urday night of this week. Seats may be reserved by calling 6300 between 10:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Coming Events The Research Club will meet Wed- nesday, November 20, at 8:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. The following papers will be read: "Guesses at the Meaning of Some Greek Words," by Professor Camp- bell Bonner. "The Spectroscopy of the Far In- fra-red and its Significance," by Professor H. M. Randall. German Table for Faculty Members will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. Faculty members interested in Ger- man conversation are cordially in- vited, There will be a brief talk on "Das Choral Union Program (Fort- setzung)" by Mr. Hanns Pick. Alpha Phi Omega installation and initiation banquet on Sunday, Nov. 17, at 5:30 p.m. at the Union. H. Roe Bartle,tNational President, will be the guest speaker. The Married Couples' Co-operative Group will meet at 8:00 p.m. Sun- day in room 304, Michigan Union. International Center: Dr. Elzada Clover 'will present her moving pic- tures-in color of the "Indian Coun- try" in the regular Sunday evening series of the International Center Sunday evening, NovembeZ 17, at 7 o'clock, in the small ball room of the Michigan Union. The public is invited. Saturday Luncheon Group will meet Saturday at 12:15 pin. at Lane Hall. Ice Skating Classes for Women Stu- dents will meet at the Coliseum be- ginning the week of November 18. Bring skates and be prepared to pur- -Awl) iAiw> Between 2,000,000 and 4,000,000 turkeys per- ished in this week's storms, a news item says. Feathers in the breeze don't make for meat on the Thanksgiving table. Small red reflectors are being attached to the tails of female coons released this fall by the Huntington, Ind. hunters' association. Then when a red glare is sighted in the beam of a flashlight the gunmen know not to shoot. Next year come the license plates. Just to keep the record straight: those glowing war dispatches are being written in Athens. *i * * This newly-kindled affection of Republicans for Democrats would have to come at the same moment Adolf and Vyacheslav are murmuring sweet nothings in each other's ears. "I didn't raise my daughter to be fiddled with," said the pussy cat as she rescued her offspring from the violin factory. And as one girl put it: "Everything I want to do is either illegal, immoral, or fattening." * *T*o The Amer'ican Association for the Advan 'e- Coffee Hour will be held Hall today, 4:00-5:30 p.m. dents are welcome. at Lane' All stu- The Gamma Delta Students' Club of St. Paul's Lutheran Church pre- sents Keystone, The Magician, at the social Room of St. Paul's Lutheran Church tonight at 8:00 p.m. Admis- sion fee.