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November 15, 1940 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-15

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The Daily's

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
British Smash At Italian Naval Resist


Rift Develops In German-French Collaboration Plan

Daily Banquet
Today Honors
300 Alumni
Of Publication
Program Commemorates
50th Anniversary Year
Of Steady Publication;
Addresses Are Planned
Board Committee
To Sponsor Dinner
More than 150 former editors and
business managers have returned to
Ann Arbor for the Celebration Ban-
quet, 6:15 p.m. tonight in the Union
Ballroom, to commemorate 50 years of
continuous publication by The Daily.
The Banquet, sponsored by the
Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions, will feature speeches by Ralph
Stone, '92L, regent of the University
from 1923 to 1939, Charles Henry Far-
rell, '98, former member of the Michi-
gan legislature and ex-mayor of Kala-
mazoo, Judge Ira W. Jayne, '07L, of
the Circuit Court of Detroit, and
Junius B. Wood, '00, who served as
correspondent for the Chicago Daily
News during the war in Poland.
Parker To Speak
Other talks will be grven by Jola
Curtis Bundy Parker, '17, president
of the University of Michigan Club
of Chicago, 1939-40, and William D.
Roesser, '25, former business man-
ager. Harold Titus, who attended the
University from 1907 to 1911, will
act as toastmaster.
The University band will also ap-
pear at the baiquet, under the direc-
tion of Prof. William D. Revelli. Its
program will include "Michigan Fan-
tasy," a collection of famous Michi-
gan music as well as several new
selections not played before on cam-
Will Be Souvenir Edition
Completing the Celebration, the
present Daily staff, aided by the alum-
ni, will put out a special Anniversary
Souvenir Edition to appear Saturday
mnorning as a supplement. The six-
page paper will comprise articles con-
tributed by members of staffs from
1891 to 1939.
Saturday The Daily will have open
house and will show exhibits illus-
trating the history of the paper from
the time of its first publications when
it was called the "U of M Daily." At
that time the paper was a four-
column. four-page folio.
House Council
To Be Formed
Congress Reorganization
Will AidIndependents
The Rooming House Council of
Congress, Independent Men's Associa-
tion, will hold its first meeting at 4:30
p.m. today in Congress office, Room
306 in the Union, Dick Shuey, '42E
chairman of the organization com-
mittee, announced yesterday.
The meeting, Shuey explained, is
the first step in Congress' new re-
organization plan to become trul3
representative of all independent mer
on campus. Each rooming house
with five or more members has beer
asked to elect a president who wil
represent them on the council. Al
houses with a membership of less tha
five should choose a representativ

for'council membership.
November Gargoyle
Continues On Sale
In order to satisfy unprecedentec
demand for copies of the "Gargoyle,'
salesmen will have copies of the No
vember issue available from 9 a.m

Reich Move
In Lorraine
Is Protested
Nazis Warn Vichy Cabinet
To Aid African Colonies'
Against DeGaulle Troops
Navy Reported Sent
To Protect Africa
(By The Associated Press)
VICHY, France, Nov. 14.-A rift
in the newly formulated French pol-
icy of collaboration with Germany
developed today when the French
government announced it had pro-
tested vigorously over the mass expul-
sion of residents of the German-opcu-
pied province of Lorraine.
A communique announcing the pro-
test to the German Armistice Com-
mission was issued shortly after vice-
preiier Pierre Laval had returned
abruptly from his negotiations with
German authorities in Paris and re-
ported at a hurried summoned cabinet
(Diplomatic circles in Switzerland
reported the cabinet acted to stop the
spread of the De Gaullist "free French
forces northward from French equa-
torial Africa as the result of a Ger-
man-Italian Threat that if the Vichy
government does not defend the Afri-
can Empire the Axis will be forced to
do so.
(It was reported French naval units
had left their continental bases for
African ports. This report followed
recent indications that the Vichy gov-
ernment is uneasy over the attitude
of Gen. Maxime Weygand, its chief
in North Africa.)
The communique on the expulsion
of Lorraine residents said French-
speaking and pro-French people had
been given the choice of going to
Poland or France and that seven
trains daily had been arriving in
French territory with the refugees
since Nov. 11.
A government spokesman said some
of them had been given but a few
hours to collect 2,000 Francs and a
suitcase of clothing before starting.
Dog Meat Is Included
In Modern Nazi's Diet
BERLIN, Nov. 14.--WP)-The meat
of dogs was legalized for human con-
sumption today for greater Germany,
effective Jan. 1, 1941.
Horse meat is available in some
Unlicensed and unclaimed mongrels
presumably will furnish an additional
supply of low-cost meat, although
many better canines are trained for
military service with the armed forces.
Inspection of dog meat will be made
under a provision of the new law.

Novadoc Crew Rescued From Ship Grounded By Freezing Gales

(Condensed- From Associated Press)
Seventeen members of the crew of the freighter Novadoc were rescued from the grounded ship off Pentwater, Mich., as prospects of relief yes-
terday presaged the end of a four day cold wave in the frigid Midwest. Sailors from the stricken vessel are shown being taken aboard the fishing tug,
"The Three Brothers" which reached the ship after earlier attempts in the stormy waters had failed. Two members of the Novadoc crew were reported
lost. The weather bureau at Chicago predicted an upward trend in temperatures for most of the states in the central region but added that the rise
would be slow. Searchers patrolled the Lake Michigian shore near Ludington, for additional bodies of sailors who lost their lives in gales which
swept over the shipping lanes Monday and Tuesday. Listed as lost were two big freighters and two fishing tugs and 67 men who were aboard the
four boats when the storm struck. Two other boat hands also perished during the blow. The 69 deaths on Lake Michigan, plus 90 fatalities attrib-
uted to the cold and destructive winds in the inland sectors of the Nprthern states increased the toll to 159.

Head Selected
James Harrison, '41, member of
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, last
night was elected president of the
41 general fraternities at the Uni- ,
Running against Harrison in the
election to fill the position vacated
by the resignation of Blaz Lucas, '41,
last month, were William Ash of Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon and Frank Savage of
Phi Kappa Psi, both '41. They were
nominated by the Council's Execu-
tive Committee.
Harrison has served two years on
the lower staff of the Council and
resigned an Executive Committee
post to run for the presidency. He
participated in the Union Opera last
year and is a member of Druids, lit-
erary college honorary society.
Ash, who had resigned from the
Executive Committee to run for the
president's position, was reelected to
the Committee, heading the represen-
tatives of District II. J. Paul Smith,
also '41, a member of Sigma Phi, was
elected to the Executive Committee.

illolotoff, Hitler Define

675 Freshmen

'Spheres O1
BERLIN, Nov. 14-W)-Vyacheslaff
Molotoff and Adolf Hitler have fixed o
Soviet Russia's sphere of interest in f
he authoritarian new order for Eur-
ope, Africa and Asia, sources usually E
in the know asserted tonight after the
Russian's departure for home. i
Offically, the Hitler-Molotoff talks s
led to "mutual accord on all impor- r
tant questions of interest to Germanyc
and the U.S.S.R." but neither the
questions nor the decisions were list-r
Unofficial but reliable sources lefts
no doubt they were firmly convinced t
Rusia is ranging herself on the sidet
of the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis. C
In general terms, they added, the
~ ~~-' 1

Russian "Grossraum" - or vast area
of domination - lies between Japan's
ar-eastern zone of dominance and
Europe and Africa, which the Rome-
Berlin Axis has allotted to itself.
Two days of talks in Berlin, includ-
ng long hours with Fuehrer Hitler,
sufficed to bring agreement on what
reliable informants said was a basis
of "strictly business give-and-take."
Meanwhile, a speech by the Fuehrer
himself pictured Germany in the
post-war role of a model "socialistic
state." It is this "socialistic state," he
told munitions workers and army la-
bor groups, which is fighting "a pluto-
cratic, capitalistic England."
A communique issued soon after the
Soviet Premier-Foreign Commissar's
departure today said:
"During his visit to Berlin on Nov.
12-13, 1940, chairman of the people's
council and Foreign Minister Molo-
toff had talks with the Fuehrer and
Reich's Foreign Minister Von Ribben-
"An exchange of views was carried
out in an atmosphere of mutual trust
and led to mutual accord on all im-
portant questions of interest to Ger-
many and the U.S.S.R.



English Seek
Sea Control
In Campaign
[aranto Claimed Bombed
By RAF In Hard Blows
At Docks And Harbors
Fascists Retaliate
With. Aerial Raids
(By The Associated Press)
ROME, Nov. 14-With bomb, tor-
edo and naval gun Britain and Italy
ppeared tonight finally to have come
o grips for the Mediterranean show-
own. Each is seeking to deliver dev-
stating blows at the other's bases.
The Italian High Command said
he British Air Force struck again
Vednesday night at Taranto, key
naval base on the Gulf that forms
n "instep" to the Italian boot, where
he British said they disabled or prob-
,bly damaged half of the Italian
attleship strength two nights before.
Fascists Give Chase
Fascist fighter planes gave chase in
he moonlight, Italians said, and
robably shot down two of the raiders.
Fifteen persons, including soldiers,
'ere killed and injured, the High
;ommand said, but it declared the
nly damage was to dwellings. Bombs
ropped in a supplementary raid on
he Port of Crotone, across the gulf
rom Taranto, fell in the sea, it add-
(The British said Taranto's docks
nd harbors works were bombed.)
[n return, a communique said, the
talians made another thrust at Bri-
ain's Alexandria base in Egypt and
,e formation succeded a cruiser.
Using the same weapons, Aerial
orpedoes, which the British were re-
orted to have used in their first at-
ack on Taranto, the Italians sunk
one steamer and damaged another in
Sconvoyin the Eastern Mediterran-
an, the communique added
British Claims 'Fantastic'
Britain's claims of three battleships
tnd four other warships crippled or
>robably damaged in the Taranto
'aid were called "fantastic" and "ten-
entious alterations of the truth" by
he High Command, which promised
L communique soon "on the whole
Laval warfare and air and naval sit-
ation in the Mediterranean."
With the Italians claiming to hold
heir positions near the coast and in
he Koritza sector on the Greek front,
1iovanni Ansaldo, an authoritative
ditorial writer, broadcast that a big
>ffensive could be expected as soon
is the new Italian commander there,
en. Ubaldo Soddu, makes a survey
>f the fighting zones.
Student Senate
Makes Changes
In Committees
The Student Senate devoted its
meeting last night to preparations for
the work of the coming year.
At the request of several Senators,
John J. McCune, president, made
changes in the standing committees.
Robert Warner, '43, was put on the
parley committee, Edward Tann, '42,
was given a position on the student
government committee. Ruth Bayse,
'42, received places on both the ser-
vice and functions committees. George
Shepard, '41, will serve as a member
of both the parley committee and ser-
vice committees.
William Rockwell, '41, has positions

on both the student government and
student rights committees.
McCune announced that Prof. Ar-
thur Van Duren will appear at the
next meeting and explain the schol-
arship problem that is being studied
by a group of faculty men and the
Congress Will Begin
Discount Card Sale
Congress, Independent Men's As-
sociation, will put its discount cards
on sale next _ week, David Margold,
'42E, chairman of the student wel-

Administrators Interview
Former Students Here
Approximately 675 University fresh-
men made their way through the por-
tals of the Rackham Building yester-
day morning as the 14th annual
Principal-Freshmen Conference got
under way in high gear.
Students were even excused from
classes so that they could be inter-
viewed by their former high school
principals. And the siiles on their
faces as they trudged up to the second
floor of the Rackham Building showed
that the were far from disappointed
at the prospect of being absent from
one day's work.
The fine cooperation of the high
schools asked to send representatives
was a big factor in the ultimate suc-
cess of the. conference. Ninety-seven
high schools from four states - In-
diana, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan --'
responded to the call by sending 150
principals and teachers.
At noon, a luncheon was given in
the League ballroom for all secondary
school representatives and for those
members of the University faculty
who have come into contact with
freshmen this semester.

Democracy A World Mission,
Fakhri Maluf Tells Reporter

"I would like to see American youth
view their democracy as a world mis-
sion, rather than a privilege for lo-
cal consumption," Fakhri Maluf,
Grad., 27 year old University student
from Syria, said yesterday in an in-
Maluf recently received new infor-1
mation concerning the 15 year pri-
son sentence which was passed
against him by the Petain Regime.
The sentence charged that he did not
recognize in his writings the in-
ternal divisions imposed by the man-
datory powers in Syria. "There is am-
ple evidence in my writings," Maluf
said, "to support these charges. I
take no trouble to deny them."
"I never attacked the government.
My writings were of a very detached
and even metaphysical nature. Yet
these writing have captured the imag-
i",oiei ofth gvrn n nithand

These feudal lords are remnants
of the Ottoman regime which pre-
vented Syria's development with the
coming Industrial Revolution," hb
said. "After the War was over the
Ottoman empire was abolished; but
instead of getting their 'independence
as they had hoped to realize by fight-
ing on the side of the Allies," Maluf
added, "the Syrians were placed un-
der the mandatory power of the
"The movement aims at the reali.-
zation of a modern state in Syria. My
writings have been and are guided
by a vision of this new life, and have
helped to establish some basic princi-
ples for the Syrian youth movement,"
stated Taluf.
"I have complete faith that the fu-
ture is with us," Maluf said, "and this
naesPention ill only heln to ronno-

'cobin Hood'
Closes Series
On Fairbanks
The last of the Art Cinema League'sl
Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., films will be
shown 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The picture will be the original pic-
turization of the famous English
knight of literature "Robin Hood,"
which was made in the 1920's, and
remade three times since.
Although the film is silent, a musi-
cal score has been arranged to ac-
company it, and selected short sub-
jects also will be shown. According
to Albert Stutz, Grad., manager of
the Art Cinema League, the group
will sponsor another French and a
German movie in the near future.
Plans are also being made to bring
"The Baker's Wife," a foreign movie
which has been hailed as the best
of the year, to Ann Arbor soon.
La Sociedad Hispanica
Holds Initiation Meeting
"The Three Bears," erstwhile bed-
time story, took on an international
flavor in the initiation ceremonies for
55 new members of La Sociedad His-
nonir hai t ni-ht in Room 116

Ozenfant Visualizes America
As World's Future Art Center

(Editor's note: For a report of Mr.f
Ozenfant's lecture see the editorial
page under "Art.")
America has the greatest oppor-
tunity of its history to become the
world's art center, Amedee Ozenfant,
prominent French painter of ab-
stracts and originator of Purism,
declared in an interview here yes-
"All artists able to leave Nazi-con-t
trolled nations will attempt to come+
to America," Ozenfant said. "They
should have a great influence on+
American art and artists.
Incensed at what he called the
"Occupation of France by Laval,
Petain and Weygand," the noted pur-
ist explained how it would be intol-
-rhl f.r h +m to vein a country

Everyone has social duties, he noted,
but after these duties are performed
the state has no right to interfere
in private lives.
M. Ozenfant observed that the
United States could easily become
fascist without realizing it through
concerted suppression of the ortho-
dox. Referring to the recent elec-
tion, he suggested that either can-
didate might be pushed toward fas-
cism by the proper pressure.
Commenting on American art stu-
dents, the famed abstractionist de-
clared that the greatest hindrance to
progress is impatience. "Young peo-
ple in America are too much in a
hurry," he said, "they do not realize
that efficiency is not speed." In no
line of endeavor does high quality

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