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November 14, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-14

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The Editor

PrCe Tag


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
61 Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press. is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as
second class :mail matter.
Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.00: by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Barasohn .
Paul M. Chandler
arl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman .
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter .
Esther Osser .
Helen Corman

. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
* . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager .
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager

. Irving Guttman
. Robert Gilmour
. Helen Bohnsack
. . Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Colombia Going
The Way Of Mexico?
T HE OIL INDUSTRY is concerned,
and justifiably so, over a decision
handed down by the supreme court of the Re-
public of Colombia stating that 80% of the na-
tion's oil lands, hitherto considered private prop-
erty, must be returned to the government.
The verdict is a direct about-face from one
given by the same court last December, and
holds serious implications. Colombia is one of
the largest oil-producing countries of South
America, pumping annually more than 20 mil-
lion barrels of petroleum. It was in Colombia
a few years ago that American-owned companies
built the 283-mile pipeline through virtually un-
explored territory to open a vast new oil field.
British and American corporations control
most of the Colombian oil output, and thus the
game of freeze-out affects these two nations
most seriously. The Colombian action sounds
like an echo of the expropriation policy adopted
by Mexico, and if so is certain to lead the South
American nation into difficulties.
The record of expropriation in Mexico has no
been a happy one. Foreign money, organization,
and technical skill were necessary to develop the
oil industry there in the first place. Since the
expropriation, Mexico, despite its efforts to re-
tain foreign managerial and technological ex-
perts, has completely bogged down as far as
its oil industry goes.
By a recent move Mexico has in a way ad-
mitted failure in trying to run her own oil in-
dustry, and at the same time strengthened the
position of the Axis in this hemisphere at the
expense of the democracies. The government
granted 27,000 acres of oil land near Vera Cruz
to Japanese controlled countries. It is not fan-
tastic to imagine that the decision of the Colom-
bian court is a prelude to a similar act in that
country. If so, the position of the Axis in thi
hemisphere will have been strengthened mater-
tally ,at the expense of Great Britain and the
United States.
Even if the Colombian government does not
follow in the footsteps of Mexico in granting
oil lands to the dictator powers, there is every
reason for concern on the part of Great Britain
and the United States. In case this nation
should become involved in war, the Colombian
arrogation of oil properties might cause con-
siderable ermbarrassment. With American and
British capital owning the lands, the oil was
immediately available to their respective goverra-
ments. With the Colombian government owning
them, it may not be so easy to secure the neces-
sary fuel for military and defense operations.
Whether Colombia was justified in her actions
is a debatable point. Certainly the wages and
working conditions prevailing under foreign
managements have introduced a standard of
living among the working class there lower
than any existing in this country. However, it
should be noted that without American capital
there would have been absolutely no develop-
ment of the industry there. Colombia could
never have done it herself, as could none of the
other Latin American countries.
In view of this, and of Mexico's failure in
running her own oil -industry, Colombia seems
to have taken the wrong step out of her diffi-
culties. Social and wage legislation could have
been imposed on the oil industry, something the

Reconstruction At Home
To the Editor:
THE GOAL of the American people is the de-
velopment of a society of economic abundance.
political democracy and equality of opportunity
in this country. It is in domestic reconstruction
that our eventual hope lies. Foreign problems
should be given only such consideration as is
demanded by America's needs because due to
historical and geographical factors much could
be done here without reconstructing the entire
world. With a world at war, however, the rela-
tionship between democracy in America and
democracy in the world has changed signifi-
In the first place, any major social upheaval
in Europe inevitably affects our political align-
ments and our economy. War in Europe in-
creases the importance of such international ties
as we do have. Questions of domestic policy
become involved with questions of foreign policy.
In the second place this particular war pre-
sents a specially compelling reason for our pay-
ing added attention to world events. We do not
mean to suggest that this is a war between De-
mocracy and Fascism, for it is still rather diffi-
cult to see the British Empire as the valiant
champion of democracy. More accurately stated,
we have a war between the possibility of world
democracy and the actual threat of world
Should the Axis powers master the world it
would be nonsensical to think about achieving
democracy here or elsewhere. Because we still
have a democratic America as our goal, we
therefore have a vital stake in the outcome of
the present war. DEMOCRATIC RECON-
IN SHAPING America's foreign policy there
are two goals to keep in mind. First, the
American people must take effective measures
to stop the Fascist powers. Secondly, in the
very process of stopping the Fascists, the demo-
cratic forces of America must be released, else
we may be tempted to stop the Axis powers by
ourselves becoming the Fascist rulers of a
Fascist world.
The first point of such a foreign policy is
adequate defense of the Western Hemisphere.
Such a program involves military defenses in-
cluding a two-ocean navy; economic and politi-
cal Hemispheric unity; and the delnocratic re-
lease of all the productive and creative forces
of this country.
The second point of this policy is a program
designed to stop the Axis powers in Europe and
Asia. Realistically, there is but one way for
America to help stop Fascism on the European
front and that is by continuing and even in-
creasing our aid to Great Britain. As the
war continues, America's aid will play more and
more of an important role. For the present
that is the only effective contribution we can
make to the anti-Axis forces in Europe and
that is a contribution which we must make if
we are determined to keep war away from
American and achieve the American goal of
democracy at home.
But the, Fascists are fighting in the East as
well. Japan is now openly allied with Hitler
and Mussolini and is not only determined to
subjugate the Chinese people, but is threatening
our own immediate security. There are two
important reasons why we must stop Japan.
To begin with, we are in immediate danger of
having Japan shut us off from vital raw mater-
ials which we now get from the East Indies. In
the second place, by aiding China and weaken-
ing Japan we are helping to thwart the Axis'
bid for world control.
A STRONG Far Eastern policy requires first
of all a complete embargo on all trade with
Japan. This would be an effective blow at the
very heart of Japan, for without our exports
and the cash she gets through our imports,
Japan would be in no position to supply herself
with necessary resources. Simultaneously with
such an embargo on Japan we should expand
our aid to China.
Should such. measures lead Japan to threaten
military action against us, we must make it
clear to her that we are prepared to defend our

supply lines to the Far East. Events have taught
us that a policy of appeasement does not avert
war. Rather there is a greater probability of
averting war by a determined affirmative policy.
We believe that this foreign policy will con-
tribute effectively to breaking the Axis. We are
all aware however that we are dealing with a
double-edged sword. Such a foreign policy can
very readily become the first step in a program
for British-American fascism. On the other
hand, the reluctance to carry through this
"strong" foreign policy now will increase the
possibility of an immediate Axis-controlled world.
In order to have this foreign policy make sense
in democratic terms, WE MUST HAVE DEMO-
Only if the people are in control of the policies
of the nation, and only if the ultimate .,aims of
a democratic world are kept constantly in mind
in carrying out a foreign policy, can we avert
either an Axis or English-speaking Fascist con-
In our foreign affairs as in our domestic af-
fairs it is apparent that the only way we can
hope to stop Fascism is by adopting a bold and
positive program of action. This can be done
only be carrying through democratic social re-
construction here and now. We dare not wait.

A Message From
The Band To The Team .
Last Saturday through all the muck and rain
that Minnesota could possibly call forth, we
marched on the field at Minneapolis with our
hearts set on a victory that we knew should be
ours. To us it was just like trying to make for-
mations on ice, and it was indeed easy to see
why certain unfortunate incidents occurred.
What happened at that game is history almost
too painful to repeat, so we are determined not
to repeat it but to look on it as a victory; for
although none of us were happy when we left
the stadium, we all were very proud and un-
ashamed about the whole thing. Furthermore,
instead of the usual joshing that the loser usu-
ally takes, we found that everyone, even those
rooting for Minnesota, had nothing but respect
for the Wolverines.
We want you to know, that to us who have
known you a little better, this respect \is in-
creased manyfold. After following you around
so much this season, we know that we have the
best team in the whole country, not as one All-
American star and ten other fellows, but as
eleven All-Americans who can not only dish it
out, but take it as well. All season we have dished
it out as a team, and now we have to take it, but
this time we all took it, maybe not physically,
but with the same mental jolt.
One of the things they tell us to do in march-
ing drills is, "keep your eyes straight front" and
we would like to pass that on to you. Saturday
is another day, and a chance to further prove
to the world what we already know: that Wch-
igan has the best team of all. You blow the
Northwestern team' off the field and we'll blow
their band off too. Together we'll make it a
"Great Beeg Meechegan day," not only for Coach
Yost, Fritz, Tom, Evy, and you all, but for all
of us who are sitting along the sidelines wishing
tha't we could help.
The Band
Part of democracy's attempt recently to justify
itself as a way of life has been a kind of mass-
culture movement. In the field of records
particularly, this widening of the cultural base
has taken the form of production and distri-
bution of relatively cheap symphonic recordings,
of abridged versions of popular operas, and even
of the latest classical release at huge price-sav-
ings. Last month Victor Records brouht out an-
other form of the music-for-all program. (Album
G-15, "The Heart of the Symphony," four 12-
inch records).
inch records, $3.50).
"The Heart of the Symphony," containing sep-
arate movenients from eight symphonic works
of eight composers, was released by Victor on
the premises that "the fundamental appeal of
music lies in its melody"; that "melody is the
substance (of a musical composition), and funda-
mentally, all of us prefer substance to form";
that "it is not the beauty of structure or form,
or the ingenuity of development, or the intellec-
tual processes or the technical skill of a com-
poser that interest us: it is the essential melodic
quality of his music."
Their conclusion is an album of melodies
"exactly as the composer wrote them but with
purely technical development and labyrinthine
elaborations eliminated." It includes abridged
versions of the first movements from Bee-
thoven's Fifth Symphony, and from Schubert's
Eighth "Unfinished" Symphony; of the second
movements, from Dvorak's "From the New
World" Symphony, from Cesar Franck's Sym-
phony ("Moon Love"); of the third movement-
pizzicato-from Tschaikowsky's Fourth; of the
final movement from Brahms' First; and of
"The Festival of Bagdad" section from Rimsky-
Korsakow's "Scheherazade" Suite. The versions
are all done by the Victor Symphony Orchestra
directed by Charles O'Connell.
Despite the abridgements-or perhaps, because

of them-the album should serve, with some
reservations, "as a pleasant introduction to the
whole world of symphonic music." For the lis-
tener who has already been introduced several
times, there will probably be difficulty in jump-
ing from the first movement of Beethoven's
Fifth to the first movement of Schubert's Eighth.
In the final analysis, the pleasure this album
affords will depend, in large part, upon whe-
ther or not you accept Victor's premises.
* *I *
It might well be hawked by Victor's re-
cent release of Big Ten college songs (Album
P-33, three 10-inch records) that "you can't
tell your school without one." For it con-
tains 15 of the best-known songs of the Big
Ten, including Chicago. Done by the all-male
All-American Glee Club, directed by Emile Cote
with piano accompaniment, the album preserves
a nice balance between the sentimental and the
stirring. If the alma maters tend to drip some-
what. thermarching and fight songs mop up
satisfactorily. The Michigan songs are, natur-
ally, "The Victors" and "Sing to the Colors."
--M. O.
Good Government Gains






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Play Production went far back into
the stack of old scripts last night
and emerged successfully with a real
suspense-studded, honest-to-goodness
thriller. The production was "The
Bat," a "4iree act mystery drama by
Mary Roberts Rinehart and Avery
Prime factor in the success of the
play, however, was not the acting,
which was inferior in spots though it
improved immeasurably as the action
proceeded, not even the script, which
of course was good enough to earn
for the play enough royalties to en-
able Avery Hopwood to inspire with
"folding money" ambitious University
of Michigan student writers, but
handling of the technical details -
the lighting, the scenery, the swift,
pointedamotion and sure direction of
all the action
"The Bat" was a riot of strange
noises, evasive flashlights and flick-
ering candles - a situation which
could have easily been farcial if
dealt with crudely. But the success
of the technical details was well evi-
denced by the nervous tension of the
audience, the almost breathless desire
revealed on the faces of the audience
to find out "who done it." It is this
criterion, the sitting-on-the-edge-of-
the-seat-biting-fingernails reaction,
that establishesa "thriller" as a pop-
ular success. And it is in that light
that last night's production of "The
Bat" can be termed successful.
In the play, Miss Cornelia Van Gor-
der, a 60 year old white-haired spins-
ter with a yen for amatuer detective
work, rents a house in the country
for the summer and immediately re-
ceives threatening letters demanding
that she move out. She had rented the
house from the nephew of a bank
president who had died a week prev-
iously. When the bank fails and a
million dollars in its deposits are mis-
sing together with Brooks, the bank
cashier and fiance of Dale Ogden,
Miss Van Gorder's niece, and the sus-
picion arises that the missing million
dollars are hidden somewhere in the
house, a galaxy of strange visitors
and rapid, gory action descend upon
the household.
Marguerite Mink, in the role of
Cornelia Van Gorder, turned in an ex-
cellent performance. Margaret Schil-
ler as Lizzy, the maid, emitted the
excellent "blood-curdling" screams
demanded by such a play seemed
somewhat forced. The majority of the
cast performed quite capably, espec-
ially during the final two acts, though
Ted Balgooyan as Broos and William
Altman as Anderson, the detective,
seemed rather mis-cast.
Tribute, however, is well due Neil
Smith as stage manager, Jac Bend-
er as electrician, and William Mills


VOL. LI. No. 40
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Freshmen from high schools in the
following cities are reminded of the
conferences with their former prin-
cipals in the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies this
Adrian, Albion, Ann Arbor, Battle
Creek, Bay City, Benton Harbor, Bir-
mingham, Bloomfield Hills, Caro,
Chelsea, Coldwater, Culver, Dearborn,
Detroit, Dexter, Dowagiac, East
Grand Rapids, East Lansing, Ecorse,
Farmington, Fenton, Ferndale, Flint,
Grand Blanc, Grosse Ile, Grosse
Pointe, Hamtramck, Hanover, Hast-
ings, Highland Park, Howard City,
Howe, Howell, Jackson, Kalamazoo,
Lansing, Lapeer, Lincoln Park, Man-
chester, Marine City, Marshall, Mel-
vindale, Milan, Milford, Monroe, Mt.
Clemens, Mt. Pleasant, Niles, Owosso,
Plymouth, Pontiac, Pt. Huron, River
Rouge, Rochester, Royal Oak, Sagi-
naw, St. Clair, St. Johns, St. Joseph,
South Lyon, Standish, Tecumseh,
Three Rivers, Toledo, Trenton, Walled
Lake, Wayne, Winnetka, Wyandotte,
Ira M. Smith, Registrar
Upperclassmen: Former students of
the junior colleges at Bay City, Flint,
Grand Rapids, Highland Park, Jack-
son, Muskegon and Port Huron are
reminded of the conferences with?'
their former deans in the Main Lec-
ture Room of the Horace H. Rackham'
School of Graduate Studies this
morning. Students from these col-
leges who may not have been noti-
fied by mail are also invited.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar
..Members of the Faculty and Cler-
ical Staff of the College of Literature,

Science, and the Arts: A representa-
tive of the Michigan Health Service
will be in Ann Arbor again today
to explain the group plan for surgical
care. The meeting will be held in
room 1025 Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m.
Edward H. Kraus
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Fores-
try and Conservation at 10:00 a.m.
Friday, November 15, in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building,
at which Mr. Jay H. Price, Regional
Forester in charge of U.S. Forest
Service activities in the Lake States
and Central States regions, will speak.
All students in the School of Forestry
and Conservation are expected to at-
tend, and all others interested are
cordially invited.
Women Students Wishing to At-
tend the Ohio State-Michigan foot-
all game are required to register
in the Office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be in this office not later than
Wednesday, November 20. If the
student does not go by train, special
permission for another mode of travel
must be included in the parent's let-
ter. Graduate women are invited to
register in this office.
Byrl Fox Bacher.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion has received notice of the fol
lowing Civil Service Examinations.
Last date for filing application is
noted in each case.
United States Civil Service
Principal Translator, salary $2,600,
December 9, 1940.
Chief Laboratory Mechanic, sal-
ary $2,600, December 9, 1940.
Inspector of Miscellaneous Sup-
plies, salary $1,800-$2,000, until fur-
ther notice."
Michigan Civil Service
Vocational Counselor I, salary
(pontinued on Page 6)

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 EC- NBC Blue
Wednesday Evening
Thursday Evening
6:00 News Ty Tyson Rollin' Home Bud Shaver
6:15 Musical Newscast oT Evening Serenade
6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Conga Time Day in Review
6:45 to be announced Lowell Thomas Texas Rangers
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross Passing Parade Education week Mr.Keen-Tracer
7:30 Vox Pop Caravan Shall Not Pass Green Hornet
7:45 Vox Pop
8:00 Ask-it Basket Good News To Be Announced Pot of Gold
8:15 Ask-it Basket " Football Forecast "
8:30 Strange as Seems Aldrich Family Child Welfare Tom Dorsey Orch.
8:45 Strange as Seems Evening Serenade i
9:00 Major Bowes Kraft Music Hall Baptist Hour Gabriel Heatter
9:15 Major Bowes " To Be Announced

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