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November 14, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-11-14

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THURSDAY. NOVF F'R. 14t 14,10


ris: i .V V { L' : LISL' n 14, 1,

Howard Bjork
Will Address
Chemical Engineer Talks
At Engineering Building;
Lowell Moss Presides
Howard Biork, chief chemical en-
gineer with a solvent corporation,
will address members of the student
chapter of the American Institute of
Chemical Engineers at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in Room 1042, East Engineering
The meeting will be opened with
a questions contest, the winner of
which will receive a chemical engi-
neering handbook. A short btsiness
meeting will precede the talk, and
refreshments will be served later.
Lowell Mass, '41E, will preside. Fac-
ulty adviser is Prof. Donald L. Katz,
of the department of chemical engi-
Mr. Biork received his engineering
degree here in 1931, and spent some
time with the Leader Industries Inc.
before affiliating with the Sharples
Company. His topic is unannounced.
Read The Daily Classifieds!


New NROTC Department Termed

r ,

Don Cossack Conductor

Schleider Attends Conference

'Second Home'

To Its 120 Students

The University's newest depart-
nent, the Naval Reserve Officers'
Training Corps, has in the short
period of six weeks transformed it-
self from a mere classroom to a
"second home" for its 120 students.
Located in the basement of North
Hall, the department's headquarters
are divided into 10 rooms, each of
which has been carefully designed to
create a "navy atmosphere." Two of
these, the library and the "Ward
Room", have been set aside for the
use of students.
The latter is well known in navy
circles . as the officers' mess and
aboard ship is devoted to the various
leisure activities of the vessels' com-
manders. In North Hall it has be-
come the students' "play headquar-
ters"-a place where they are per-
mitted to smoke, play games and en-
ter into any sort of "bull session"
they choose to.
Room Furnished Modernistically
The "Ward Room", which has on
one of its walls several examples of
old cutlasses, has recently been fur-
nished in a modernistic manner by
an undisclosed donor. Capt. Lyal A.
Davidson, commander of the local'
unit, revealed,"however, that the fur-
niture had been received through Re-
gent Harry G. Kipke.
Although the library is newly es-
tablished the NROTC has already
been able to gather several hundred
books on the sea and offers many
magazines such as "The Log", "Our

Navy" and "The Army and Navy
Journal", to- its students. The li-
brary is also headquarters for the
newest publication on the campus,
The Michigan Polaris, which is de-
voted to all NROTC activities.
In keeping with the "naval atmos-
phere" each of the rooms are given a
name similar to that which they
would be called at sea. The one,
classroom, for example, is known as
the "Chart House" and is equipped
with special tables for map work.
Novel Relics On Walls
The offices of Captain Davidson,
Lieut. Commander Wells L. Field and
Lieut. Robie E. Palmer are all kept
nautical with relics of the navy and
:he ships on which they were former-
ly stationed. On Commander Field's
c fice wall is a diploma admitting
aim to the group of those who had
-rcsd Athe equator and in Lieutenant
Palmer's office is another signifying
hat he had been in a submarine
nat was 200 feet under water. Both

are signed by "Old Man Neptune."
Rifles, a Browning light machine
gun, fixed and separate ammunition,
an aircraft bomb and a Lewis ma-
chine gun are all stored in the Arm-
ory, which will soon contain in addi-
tion a four-inch -m and a mine. The
torpedo belonging to the unit is
housed in the hall.
Expect Uniforms Soon
Other rooms include the depart-
anent office where tet oot are
loaned to the students: the bos'n's
Locker where the signal flags are
kept: a locker room. and a special
oreroom for umiforms. Blue uni-
forms for the students are expected
n the near future and white ones
will be kept there for use during the
Next year when courses will be
3pen to two cl<es. instead of just
he freshmen. te locker room will
,u transformed into another lecture
room. A number of new officers are
lso expected next September.

Leonard Schleider, '41, left for Dles
Moines Ia..yesterday to attend as
the Michigan chapter's delegate the
twenty-fifth annual convention of
Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary
journalism fraterrjty.
Schieider will represent the local
chapter in the four-day convention
activities. The convention will bring
together college and professional
newsmen from all parts of the na-
Among the speakers at the conven-

tion will be JaesJP.a Youn, Inter-
national News Service, who wais im-
prisoned in Japan; Peter C. Rhodes,
United Press Correspondent in Fin-
ani and N' wa\ M'i I Jame
Crown of the New Orleans States, the
paper which destroyed the remains of
the Huey Long machine.




Take a Number




Serge Jaroff
Leads Chorus
Here Mondcay


Sophomore Class To old First
'Black Friday'_ eeting Today

As a prelude to the annual frosh-
soph "Black Friday" struggle on Nov.
22. members of the Class of '43 will
hcid their first organization meeting
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Natu'al
Science Auditorium.
At the meeting, which will be sim-
ilar to the one held last night by
the freshman class, a sophomore cap-
tain will be elected and battle plans
will be discussed. Jack Stover, '42,
assisted by Gerald Hewitt, '42, will
be in charge of the arrangements.
"Black Friday," according to Uni-
versity tradition, marks the end of
all class rivalry and consists usu-
ally of a large battle in which mem-
bers of both groups .of underclassmen
try to "de-pants" and "duck" one
another. In the past most of the
"duckings" have been in the Union
pool and the Huron River.
Last year laurels were awarded to

'he Class of '43 which roamed the
mpu, :n Iarge numhers looking
for sophomores. The latter group,
whih had ben or anized hurriedly
by a Committee of iive." proved
o be too small in numbers to put up
a wood fight.
Comments have been recived thus
far fron both classes predicting an
"unpre'ed:ntcd ory." Both the
neophytes and the cilege-one-year-
olds are intent on building up strong
organizations with the assistance of
the Union, Congress and the Inter-
fraternity Council and are expected
to come out in full force.
Warnings were given yesterday to
various class leaders by Stover and
Bob Samuels, '42, not to paint any
sort of signs on walks and buildings
and not to paste notices on either
public or private property. They al-
so asserted that the dorms were to
be considered "neutral ground" at
all times and that any fighting in
the East or West Quadrangle or in
Fletcher Hall would be prohibited.

fX.rod.by UOYP BACON A WARNER $ROS-net NoswoWo w.
Original Screen Play by Robert Buckner . Based nupon the private papers
of Mrs. Rockne, and the repci t o oknes inimate aciates and friends
Mats. 25c-Eves. 40c incl. tax
'Third Finger, Left Hand"

The DoD Cossack Chorus, under the
direction of Serge Jaroff. has sung
more than 2300 concerts since 1920
with few changes in the original 34->
i-ian group formed during the World
They will be presented here at
8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill auditorium
as the third feature in the Choral
Union Concert Series under the aus-
pices of the University Musical So-
The only changes in personnel have
been the death of three; the com-
mittment to a rest sanitorium of a
fourth; the loss during 1926 of a
chorister who settled down as a farm-
er in Austria: the loss of one to Hol-
lywood: and the resignation of one
singer who was offered the director-
ship of the Brooklyn School of Music.
Conductor Jaroff selected Cossack
singers, as replacements, from the come
Don River Valley in Russia, singers aoete o
famous for their "reckless horseman- -hou.ahere"
ship and wild songs and frenzied Who urchases the thstemua.
dances." Whodby te
daneededp by eBell System'
Jaroff, formerly an officer in the 2. productsn de-
Imperial Russian Army, found him- akei tutor can oa9
self expatriated at the time of the What distric aval
most f 3. hone supplies quiky avlae
revolution. Gathering a group of sing-. p
ing soldiers about him, most of them almost anywhere
encountered in a military prison * lep necentralf
camp, they sustained themselves sing- 4. Whoinstallstelepo
ing in a masque, later widening their Western Electric, Western
audience range. They are famous at The answers are' WesteElect
the present for their rendition of mil- - Western but the
itary songs, religious music, and Cos- 9 ..the answers, perhap,
sack chants. jontafOU
job, never! aso h eehone
Ehrm nn o T lk illng he day to day needs of the telephobe
EcrpannsToTalkg elpin them to meet and has
To Hillel Group emergencies caused by ir5e st
never lost its kick"in58yeas
"The United States and the War So Western Elec telephone service the
in Europe" will be the subject of an toward making your telphon
address to be given by Prof. Howard twrgecnmalorld s best and mast -cal.
M. Ehrmann of the history depart-
ment to Avukah, student Zionist or-
ganization, at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the Hillel Foundation. President Eve-
lyn Sislin, '41, announced yesterday.
Discussion will follow the talk
which is to be preceded by the con-
servative Sabbath services beginning
at 7:30 p.m.

Hurray, Hurray, oh happy day
The little children all are gay
The B.M.'s all laugh and play
GARGOYLE'S coming oni TODAY!


11 II l

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